I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 850: Tai Cang's long-planned follow-up [big

Chapter 850

Two years have passed by once again.

In these two years.

Chengyigui did not rush to leave Tai Cang.

She is in Tai Cang, and she walks in Tai Cang's many cities with different scenery and mountains.

Carefully feel the magnificence and softness of this vast human kingdom.

at the same time.

Chengyigui also silently guarded Ji Xia.

Because Ji Xia was hurt by that unparalleled sword aura.

Not only the body, but also the Three Realms Secrets in the body.

Even with those three extremely holy spirit pills.

Ji Xia's recovery rate was also very slow.

After Ji Xia returned to Taixian to go to court, she declared her retreat.

And Chengyigui stayed in Taicang silently.

Also silently guarding Tai Xian to go to court.

Ji Xia guarding it.

In fact, even though Ji Xia stepped into the Tai Xian Yugan Palace.

But in these two wild years.

Ji Xia has already entered the Secret Realm of Choking, devoting himself to healing.

Ji Xia was seriously injured by that sword aura.

But Ji Xia was also considered a blessing in disguise, so his understanding of this sword aura became more profound.

He could even perceive the galaxy's mighty force in that forbidden sword intent.

It's like in the beginning.

In the taboo sword intent, he was refined into a vast galaxy.

When Ji Xia closed her eyes, she was able to see this strange scene.


With Ji Xia's injury, she gradually recovered.

His understanding of Galaxy is also integrated into the Three Realms Secret Store.

Let the Three Realms Secret Treasure become sharper, deeper and more solid, and wider.

In this situation.

The 18-day condensing time of the middle world of Ji Xia's Three Realms Secret Collection was also greatly shortened.

When he first condensed the Eighteen Heavens Phantom of the Middle Realm, he was still speculating that it might take hundreds of wild years before he could possess the power that rivaled Shangjie.

But because of this opportunity.

Ji Xia's strength is growing rapidly.

His eighteen-day phantom in the middle world is also constantly being materialized.

Let Ji Xia's combat power increase rapidly.

"A blessing in disguise, under such an opportunity, I am afraid that I will soon be able to gain the power to defeat."

Ji Xia, who was in the Shanggan Palace, opened her eyes.

There was a little more rosy on his pale face.

He thought secretly in his heart.

The recognition of his own strength has also become deeper.

The upper dome is stronger than the other, but the power is limited.

Presumably, Ji Xia will be able to possess the strength of Shangqiong Peak in a few barren years.

Then, after a period of accumulation.

Ji Xia possesses many great powers in the terrifying Three Realms.

He will be able to truly rival Shang Jie.

Become Tai Cang's power to dominate.

Ji Xia pondered for a while and stood up slowly.

In the two wild years, twenty years have actually been spent in the Secret Realm of Choking.

Over the past twenty years.

Ji Xia didn't hear anything outside the window, and only focused on healing her injuries and digesting her understanding of sword intent.

And today, two years later.

That is Yuanding 428 years.

Ji Xia's injuries have recovered 70%.

And most importantly.

Ji Xia, who had only recovered 70%, had already surpassed his heyday when he suppressed Saint Wu Ling.

This is Ji Xia's biggest gain this time.

"Now, the sword intent still lingers in my body, and the sky in the world has not been completely repaired.

It seems...only to wait until the Shennong Cauldron's healing pill is released. "

Ji Xia is not impatient.

Because of the existence of Shennongding, the refining cycle of Shennong Pill has been greatly shortened.

Although still had to consume extremely terrifying amount of herbs.

But because of Ji Lin's West Mountain Spiritual Body, and the peculiar Holy Body of the Profound Master He Shengu.

Tai Cang's medicinal materials can still withstand consumption.

Another year or two will pass.

After Qi Mingtian, he completely fell into Tai Cang's hands.

Tai Cang's herb products will become extremely rich.

There is no need to worry about the quantity of medicinal materials.

At least.

In hundreds of thousands of years, it should be enough to use too much.

"Girl Yigui is interested..."

In Ji Xia's eyes, the stars and gods were moving, communicating the rules of the choking secret realm.

In an instant, his gaze penetrated the Secret Realm of Choking.

Far away in Tai Cang.

She saw it with her own eyes, standing in the clouds in Chengyi, looking down at this beautiful river with clear blue light.

It seems to be intoxicated by the flowers blooming in the beautiful river.

Ji Xia thought for a while.

In an instant, the body had disappeared from the upper dry palace in the Choking Secret Realm.

In a blink of an eye.

Appears in the void where Chengyigui is.

Chengyigui sensed the sudden arrival of Ji Xia.

Between the eyebrows, a bit of surprise was revealed.

Immediately after seeing Ji Xia's expression, he was a little surprised.

"I thought that in the short period of time, the Emperor's injury might not be healed.

Unexpectedly, after only two years, the emperor's spirit and spirit have returned to the original peak period. "

Cheng Yigui's face was covered by a veil.

But the smile between the eyebrows was clearly captured by Ji Xia.

Ji Xia thought for a while, and said to Cheng Yigui: "Girl Yigui, although I am the King of the Great Cang, but you and me don't need to be equal to the emperor.

You... just call my name. "

The smile between Cheng Yi Gui Yu's eyebrows remains unchanged.

She did not refuse.

Instead, he shook his head slightly.

"In the past two years, Ji Xia and Tai Cang have to thank the girl Yigui for her protection."

Ji Xia spoke softly.

Chengyigui smiled and shook his head and said, "I hope you can also see that I also have some missions on my back, which are also related to the human race.

And Tai Cang will surely play a vital role for the entire boundless wilderness.

It is even possible to become the next country in general.

Become the spiritual direction of the boundless wild people.

Therefore, it is not a big deal for me to protect it. "

Ji Xia heard the name of Zhang Huang Shangguo again.

I immediately thought of the Liuli Yutian controlled by Emperor Jingshizun of Mingjing Dynasty.

According to legend, in the glazed jade field, there is the secret of the upper kingdom of Huang Huang.

Make Ji Xia more curious.

"When Lei Shenxiao, Bai Qi, and they return, they can completely suppress the Omoyue Clan... At least the emperor must be rescued first.

At that time, I will probably be able to see the legendary Liuli Yutian. "

Ji Xia planned in her heart.

The smile in his eyebrows returning from the clothes, slowly disappeared.

Looking at the sky from afar, she said: "I want to come to a difficult period of difficulty after this battle.

Xixuan Saint Court powerhouses and elite soldiers will come at any time.

To Tai Cang, this is tantamount to a magic sword hanging high in the sky.

Cut down at any time, it will bring a huge threat to Tai Cang..."

There was not much tension on Ji Xia Junyi's face.

He smiled and said to Cheng Yigui: "Girl Yigui, you don't need to be nervous for a short period of time.

Because it is too Cang...In this boundless wilderness, there are also several allies..."

Cheng Yi Gui was slightly startled, not understanding what Ji Xia meant.


A vast and empty empty space.

That magnificent and profoundly majestic palace still stood in the void.

This palace, I don't know how magnificent, magnificent, or mysterious.

in the past.

This Xixuan Saint Court is always flooded with golden light.

The courage seems to be noble, the mighty power to the extreme.

but now.

The entire Xixuan Saint Court.

It was shrouded in a mist of blood.

The reason was that the originally quiet Xixuan Saint Court was not long ago.

The mysterious ruler of Xixuan, who was at the top of Xixuan Saint Court, suddenly became angry.

The millions of servants who had been captured again not long ago.

It burst out in an instant and completely turned into blood mist.

So many creatures.

In such a cruel way, he lost his life.

It also made this West Profound Saint Court linger with the long-lasting **** mist.

Originally, there were strong people in the West Profound Saint Court, who wanted to mobilize the divine method and reduce the **** mist.

Let Xixuan Shengting burst into mysterious light again.


The will of the mysterious Xixuan ruler did not allow him to do so.

And then.

Just two years have passed.

There were four powerful Xixuan experts who suppressed other secret realms of heaven and earth and outer heavens, and were recalled to the Xixuan Saint Court.

The anger of Xixuan dominating the sky turned into thunderclouds lingering over the holy court of Xixuan.

The terrifying power of these Xixuan powerhouses was also revealed.

Let this vast and empty space open up cracks from time to time.

Such as this moment.

In a magnificent and luxurious palace.

The four tyrannical Xixuan powerhouses saluted the vague figure above.

Their faces are solemn.

The spirit of his body continued to bloom, and various visions lingered behind him, appearing.

It looks spectacular.

The four powerful men bowed their heads respectfully.

Do not dare to look directly at the boss Xixuan Lord.

But in their eyes, there are also monstrous killing intent blooming, and even countless auras in this vast emptiness of chaos.

The fierce light gleaming constantly in the eyes.

Probably it was also made clear that they were about to go on an expedition, and they were about to fight the majesty of Xixuan, spreading over that great land of nine states!

"This time, I will surely flatten Taicang Jiuzhou, please rest assured, the master."

There was a strong man whose body was wrapped in a thick black mist, and he spoke gloomily...

Immediately after.

The miraculous coercion from the ruler of Xixuan makes the heaven and the earth white and the void blooms.

There seems to be countless anger, all over a space.

At this moment.

Suddenly outside of the ancient and mysterious mysterious hall of the Xixuan Saint Court.

A wonderful inscription slowly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, this wonderful inscription slowly turned into a figure of a giant standing upright.

This giant is extremely tall.

Behind him there was another Dharma image, exuding absolute majesty.

He stood in the void, watching this magnificent West Xuan Saint Court Palace.

"Heavy God Emperor Chao Tiankui, General, came to see Lord Xixuan."

A horrible divine consciousness stood out.

The vast divine consciousness Hong Yin resounded through this mysterious void, and completely enveloped the Xixuan Saint Court.

Xixuan Saint Court, still standing in the void.

It seemed that he hadn't heard the vast sound of this general Tiankui.

And standing in the void, general Tiankui standing upright.

There was a trace of dissatisfaction on the ferocious and fierce face.


He ignored that no one from Xixuan Shengting came to receive him.

This great general phantom, poked out his palm to himself.

A jade slip exuding a noble atmosphere immediately appeared on the palm.

Following the jade slip, it was slowly opened by General Tiankui.

All of a sudden.

A line of words full of noble breath, just hang high in the sky of nothingness!


A terrifying shock came from the Xixuan Saint Court.

Lines of eyes and lines of consciousness.

They all burst out from the Xixuan Saint Court, reflecting on this line of text on the jade slip from General Tiankui's hand!

"There is a heavy **** emperor in the reign of the ruling prince Si heavy lord, and the heavy **** emperor is sent to the sky.

The strong Xixuan must not break into the kingdom protected by the Great God Emperor again for no reason.

Please also Xixuan Shengting, consider it more, and be more solemn..."

This line of text, although it seems euphemistic.

But the anger and warning contained in it.

But it's clear, and it can be easily sensed without even guessing.

This angered many Xixuan Saint Court experts.

The Great God Emperor Dynasty is very powerful.

But Xixuan Saint Court was not letting go.


The Great God Emperor dared to send a strong man to Xixuan Saint Court to give such a warning.

All the powerhouses in Xixuan Saint Court felt the provocation.

After a short time.

Inside the magnificent palace of Xixuan Shengting, a blue-shirted scribe slowly walked out.

This green shirt scribe does not appear elegant.

But it was very burly, with a face full of beard and murderous intent in his eyes, which looked extremely terrifying.

The scribe's blue shirt on his body is also tightly bound to his majestic body.

It looks very weird.

Now this existence came out of the Xixuan Saint Court.

Suddenly there was a strong sense of oppression.

Suppressed the incarnation of General Tiankui, a great god.

The incarnation of General Tiankui was looming, and seemed to be completely dissipated because of the courage of this majestic scribe.

But the incarnation of General Tian Kui, his hideous face and ferocious look, did not change at all.

He stared at the majestic scribe Xixuan, and said: "Chongxuan Chen, that tower is too blue, it is the area of ​​the Emperor of God, and when it comes to the protection of the Emperor of God.

Your unprovoked intrusion has aroused the anger of His Royal Highness, and hope that Xixuan Saint Court will not be so unreasonable! "

Chong Xuanchen laughed, the expression on his face suddenly became violent.

"Tiankui! Does the heavy **** emperor want to protect the human race?"

General Tian Kui didn't change his face and said, "Protect the human race? The Great God Emperor suppressed Tai Cang, let Tai Cang surrender, and then paid tribute to the Great God Emperor.

Has become a sheltered race?

For countless years, Xixuan Saint Court has suppressed how many Terran secret places and killed how many Terran creatures.

Could it be that these killings made the brains of the strong Xixuan,

Are they completely broken? "

On the ugly face of General Tiankui, a joking smile appeared.

"Fuck your mother shit!"

Xixuan Chong Xuanchen suddenly cursed: "This one is too pale, I don't know how long it has been in secret.

The imperial court has never revealed any clues, and now I Xixuan wants to attack Tai Cang.

The Great God Emperor suddenly appeared, sheltering in Tai Cang.

Is there something tricky in this, can't I understand it? "

Chong Xuanchen spoke vulgarly.

But General Tian Kui didn't seem to care, still staring at Chong Xuanchen.

Chong Xuanchen refused to give up and said, "The Lord Si Zhong has been as the prince in just a few months.

As soon as the domestic situation stabilized, he even dared to reach out to the Xixuan Saint Court.

Chong Xuanchen was very curious, why this kind of existence can also win in the battle of conquering the grandiose and become the regent prince of the Great God Emperor? "

General Tiankui's eyes fell cold, and he said, "Chong Xuanchen, be careful of the misfortune from your mouth! Can you question my Highness the Emperor's Royal Highness?"

Chong Xuanchen did not bother on this topic.

He snorted coldly, with a warning in his tone: "This is too blue, but Xixuan Saint Court must contend for, and must be destroyed!

If the prince of the Great God really wants to compete with me in the West Xuan Saint Court, then I, the strong man in the West Xuan Saint Court, will wait for the army of the heavy **** on the ruins of the Great God!

I want to take a look, even if the Emperor God Emperor is extremely powerful.

But as soon as the regent prince came to the throne, he forged such great enemies as Xixuan Shengting, how would the heavy **** emperor react to many courtiers and many powerful people! "

When Chong Xuanchen said this, the confident smile on his face became clearer.

The expression is full of certainty.


The new regent prince Si Zhongzhu.

Although he controls the power of the Great God.

However, for the sake of such a human nation, he and Xixuan Sage Court had fought and even went to war.

I am afraid it is not a great choice.

However, General Tian Kui sneered at the words of Xixuan Chong Xuanchen.

He raised his head, then his expression moved slightly.

A shop of spiritual knowledge is on display.

Collision with Chongxuanchen's consciousness.

Chong Xuanchen immediately changed his expression, and the look of anger in his eyes almost lost control.

He stared at General Tian Kui, almost wanting to swallow General Tian Kui!

General Tian Kui didn't panic, and said slowly:

"The six secret realms reflected in my divine consciousness, an outer sky, are the core sites of the Xixuan Saint Court.

If Xixuan Saint Court dared to use troops against Tai Cang~www.ltnovel.com~ then the Great God Emperor Dynasty would not send troops to protect Tai Cang, but these mysterious realms..."

"Xixuan has gone through a long time."

"Your enemy is not limited to the human race. My heavy **** has enough qualifications to negotiate with the forces that are hidden in the dark."

"Presumably they must be interested in these secrets..."

 Fortunately, I said yesterday that I had a rest day, no change, and finally updated it, otherwise I can’t deal with my brothers today.

   Four of the farmer’s sheep died inexplicably. The insurance company came over and failed to make an agreement. It was another day of reconciliation and threw up.

   Of course, if I said yes, it still counts. Let’s put it till tomorrow. I spent a long time in the sheep pen, and I was full of sheep smelt. If I disrupted my plan, even if my liver broke tomorrow, I will give you two chapters!



(End of this chapter)

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