I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 853: Reentry Yunyuan【Large

Ji Xia didn't guess wrong.

Xixuan Saint Court indeed temporarily stopped looking at Tai Cang.

In the next three years.

There was no response from Xixuan Saint Court from beginning to end.

Of course Ji Xia knew that this did not mean that Tai Cang could sit back and relax.

Perhaps Xixuan Saint Court is arranging various matters for the six secret realms, or is constantly deploying defenses to increase the background.

Wait until the time is right.

This vast sacred power will come!

At that time.

Tai Cang will inevitably be hit harder.

Pay attention to the public account: book friends base camp, pay attention to send cash and coins!


Ji Xia also understood that as long as she held the taboo sword intent that could kill the gods in her hand.

Master Xixuan will always be jealous, and will not act personally.

Because that day, Ji Xia showed the terrible sword intent.

Master Xixuan could easily see it.

Just make it yourself.

Ji Xiayu's dead net broke.

Then what was waiting for Xi Xuan's rule was that terrifying Galaxy Taboo Sword Intent.

As long as the taboo sword will flourish.

Even if the ruler of Xi Xuan was far away from the sky, even if his body was outside the sky.

Waiting for him.

It must be Jianguang cut off, his head is in a different place!

At that time.

Even if Yi Xixuan's power could grow his head again, it would be of no avail.

after all.

The power that can be called taboo is definitely not something that can be easily resisted.

The development of Tai Cang also continued to proceed step by step.

Three years is actually very short for the boundless wilderness.

For the new outer space.

The construction of Qiming is just beginning.

The troops sent by Bai Qi, and the mysterious pavilion.

Still in Qimingtian, looking for the fourth secret door.

Just find the cheat gate.

Qi Mingtian has abundant resources and vast land.

It can be better used by Tai Cang.

Ji Xia is not in a hurry for the time being.

Qi Mingtian has fallen into the bag.

Marshal Xin and Bi Tianjun rely on their tyrannical strength.

In a relatively short period of time, taking advantage of the opportunity of escorting Tai Cang Ling Master, he can come and go to meet the fate.

With the vastness of their secrets, they can also bring back a large amount of spiritual gold, spiritual medicine, spiritual plants...

As well as something that is too much needed.

and so.

The current Ji Xia does not need to worry.

It's just in the continuous development of Tai Cang Kyushu.

After the battle of Wuling Shengzi.

Ji Xia knew deeply.

How important is Tai Cang's incomplete defense system.

So he began to continuously improve the various sheltered spiritual bans and hidden spiritual bans covering the Tai Cang native.

In addition.

Ji Xia is still studying.

I hope to use the Taicang Jiuzhou artifact to build a stronger and more mysterious artifact restriction.

But for now, there is no progress.

These three years.

Ji Xia also took the time to visit Cangqing Mountain.

Entered the peculiar place where Fengsu was held.

Delve into the divine prohibition that imprisoned Su.

Although the stay is not long.

But it still gave Ji Xia a huge inspiration.

Ji Xia also remembered many spiritual forbidden avenues worth studying.

After Ji Xia can return to Tai Cang, he can continue to study.

all in all.

The gods of Cangqing Mountain.

It was the same as the prohibition slab that Pei Heng gave him.

Played a huge role in increasing Ji Xia's ban on manufacturing.

Tai Cang's construction is still ongoing.

But it becomes faster.

Heaven Tool Mansion is still continuously developing various psychic weapons.

Improve the construction speed and facilitate civilian use.

All kinds of sheds were quickly manufactured by the folk magic factory.

There are even a few cities that were selected by the Heavenly Tool Mansion.

It was transformed into a huge psychic machine.

They can fly and can be transformed into huge flying cities.

It looks strange.

Under the joint suggestion of Yuliuji and Tiangongfu.

Tai Cang also has many new looks in the huge city.

Like this moment.

Xu Ce, the director of Yuliu Division, and Lu case of Tiangongfu.

Is standing on the rooftop with a bow.

Report respectfully to Ji Xia who is reading the classics.

"So, Taidu, Shangcang and other big cities.

The flying raid has been put into operation, and the underground Xuanyuan experimental section has also been put into observation? "

Ji Xia's eyes still fell on the classics in her hands.

Asked softly.

Lu An respectfully nodded.

The head of the Yuliu Division, Xu Ce, bowed to Ji Xia.

Then waved his sleeves.

Suddenly, a light curtain appeared in the sky.

I saw it on this light curtain.

It is divided into hundreds of thousands of tiny scenes.

Every scene is part of the vast Taidu.

In these sights.

A huge flying shelter that can hold thousands of people.

At a very fast speed, flying in the void.

This huge flying dwelling looks like a primitive house suspended.

But it is more portable.

In the sky, many elevated and high platforms have been built.

Those high stands.

It is used for the docking of the flight shelter.

And the Tai Cangzi people fly up and down the house.

It seems very convenient.

There are also some light curtains.

What appeared was the scene of Tai Cang Underground Profound Rail.

Although Taidu is suspended in the sky.

But under the Taidu City, there is still a huge, thick soil like a cone.

It is also very heavy, enough to support the construction of the mysterious track.

In some areas of Taidu, the Tai Cang underground mysterious track has already been tested.

The model is exactly the same as the subway.

It is also point to point, straight line to straight line.

Then add a lot of sites in between.

A complete transportation network has gradually formed.

Let the vast Taidu no longer discourage the Taizang people.

Ji Xia nodded in satisfaction.

"The efficiency of Yuliuji and Tiangongfu this time is really good.

Tai Cang's underground mysterious track still needs to be observed for a while.

Many rune spirit masters in Tianfu Pavilion, as well as many craftsmen in Tiangong Mansion, are also invited to use construction techniques to lay out rune spells to strengthen the earth.

Otherwise, there may be potential safety hazards. "

Ji Xia ordered seriously.

Tiangong Mansion and Yuliu Division both respected their orders.


The Lu case and Xu Ce put forward many ideas to Ji Xia.

After Ji Xia answered one by one.

This made them retreat.

After the two great ministers left.

Many ministers came to meet Tai Cang one by one.

Report Tai Cang's current development progress to Ji Xia.

There are also many state herdsmen who reported to Ji Xia about the population growth rate.

The growth rate of Tai Cang's population has slowed down greatly because of the concepts of Tai Cang people.

But because of the huge base.

The autumn of Yuanding 431 years.

The population of Tai Cang's human race has exceeded the 60 billion mark.

A full population of 60 billion.

The symbolic Tai Cang is indeed becoming huge.

Such a terrifying number.

Let Tai Cang Jiuzhou land, that is, the number of creatures in the land of a hundred regions.

Restored to 60% to 70% before the catastrophe of the dead country.

of course.

Before the death of the country, there were countless races in the Hundred Regions.

But now.

The Land of Hundred Regions has become Tai Cang Jiuzhou.

The many creatures above have also changed from a hundred flowers to the dominance of the human race.


There is no suspense about the proportion of human races in the current Taicang Jiuzhou.

Almost ninety-nine percent.

Everything is too blue.

They are all developing according to Ji Xia's vision.

The reason is of course very simple.

Tai Cang is now rich in resources, and there are many capable people and strangers.

And because of the Secret Realm of Choking.

Accumulated a large number of strange spells.

Tianji, Tiangong, Tiandan...

Many Tai Cang Mansion Pavilions have also experienced rapid development.

Tai Cang's many crafts have been continuously improved.

After all, these Tai Cang Mansion Pavilions were in the Choking secret realm, under the increase of the Shen Xia Xuan monument.

I have studied thousands of years of choking.

Under all this.

Tai Cang was able to develop so smoothly, in fact, it did not surprise Ji Xia.

After many ministers, state shepherds, and even generals came to play alone.

Ji Xia slowly got up.

His consciousness flashed.

The figure of Lei Shenxiao appeared silently.

During this period of time, Thunder God Xiao had been hidden in the Tai Cang Xue Palace.

Study and perfect the laws of the Great.

Silently preparing for the establishment of Tai Cang Lei Lu Tian Palace.

He was in the Tai Cang Academy, like a teenager next door.

Clean and sunny.

Those young classmates of Lei Shen Xiao.

Never thought of it.

Usually sit in a teaching house with them, immersed in the existence of books.

Turned out to be a terrifying emperor.

Except for the arrival of Thunder God.

Choking the sky somewhere in the secret realm.

Suddenly there was a flash of thunder and a golden light.

In the golden light, a magnificent palace appeared slowly.

Immediately after.

A vigorous dragon chant came around.

A true blue dragon with thunder light on its body flew out of that magnificent palace.

Landed on the rooftop.

In an instant, he turned into an extraordinary **** with the head of a dragon.

He saluted Ji Xia and Thunder God Xiao.

Ji Xia nodded slightly and said, "Great Lord Shenxiao, Lord Long Lei.

You follow me. "

Ji Xia's figure choked and disappeared.

Too first went to court.

A huge palace driven by eighteen cloud dragons.

Already waiting before Tai Xian went to the court to view the rooftop.

The eighteen cloud dragons are mighty and huge.

They can be big or small.

What can be pulled is naturally not restricted to the imperial court.


The palace is pulled by the eighteen cloud dragons.

It is Ji Xia's palace.

This palace is not so vast.

It looks very beautiful, but it does not lose its solemnity.

Ji Xia took Lei Shen Xiao and Long Lei Jun into the Heavenly Dragon Palace.

Ji Xia topped the list.

The two Lei Bu strong men sat down.

Long Leijun is still the same as before.

There was no expression on the dragon's head.

There is no lack of perseverance and seriousness in his eyes.

It seems to be an unsmiling existence.

It's Thunder God.

Curiously tasting the latest delicacies presented by Tai Xian Shang Ting Yu Shan.

It was like a curious teenager.

Ji Xia still has many puzzles about Thunder God Xiao.

Although Thunder God Xiao is powerful.

It also inherited the Great Avenue of Gods of the Nine Heavens Leizu.

But his performance is like a silent young man who has not been involved in the world and is curious about many things.

Like to play alone too Cang.

I like to read many classics.

I like all the novelties.

Even now he shows off his strength.

Let many too strong, respect for it.

But Thunder God Xiao was still like a young man.

To and from Tai Cang Xue Gong.

To and from Cangdian Pavilion.

To and from the major cities of Tai Cang.


Ji Xia couldn't understand this mentality.

Like now.

When Lei Shen Xiao had a gentle smile, carefully tasting various delicacies.

A trace of regret suddenly appeared in Ji Xia's mind.

"Jiutian Yingyuan Tianzun once said that Thunder God Xiao is his incarnation.

It's him and not him.

One day, after waiting for nine days, Ying Yuan Tianzun can get out of Leizu Amber.

He will completely merge with Thunder God Xiao.

I don't know at that time... whether such Thunder God Xiao will still exist. "

When Ji Xia thought about it.

Eighteen cloud heavenly dragons were trembling under the pressure of Long Leijun's huge real dragon.

Although the cloud Tianlong pretended to be Tianlong.

But they are not real dragons, let alone heavenly dragons.

It was just some monster beasts with a trace of real dragon blood in their bodies.


Long Leijun descended.

Intrepid power, coupled with blood pressure.

Even let these cloud dragons crawl on the ground, unable to move.

However, this situation did not last long.

Long Leijun was around his body soon.

A transparent barrier was revealed.

Isolated from their own coercion.

Then the eighteen cloud dragons just flew.

Fly away to the east of Taidu.

The three nobles exist, chatting and drinking banquets.

in fact……

From beginning to end, Ji Xia and Lei Shen Xiao were chatting at random.

Long Leijun was listening respectfully.


His eyes also fell outside the Heavenly Dragon Palace.

I am probably curious about the vast and magnificent scenery and novel things.


Eighteen cloud heaven dragons have already pulled the heavenly dragon palace.

Came to the east rim.

Arrived here, the cloud heaven dragon of the eighteen polar world gods realm.

There was already a little fright.

With the circulation of Ji Xia's spiritual knowledge.

These cloud dragons dared to continue to the east.

Fly into Yunyuan Daze.

Yun Yuan Daze is still full of wonder.

There are many other monsters, as well as extraordinary visions, bred here.

Ji Xia builds spiritual forbidden.

Let the cloud Tianlong and Tianlong Palace hide as much as possible.

Don't disturb those monsters passing by.

Of course, these peculiar Daze monsters could not threaten Ji Xia, Thunder God Xiao and Long Leijun at all.

But Yun Yuanze was full of various secrets.

It is even possible to fall asleep for fearful existence.

It is not a good thing to be alarmed by such existence.

that's it.

Flying all the way to Tianlong Palace.

Before coming to a huge island.

This island is the destination of Ji Xia's trip.

That is where Mr. Lei Shiyuan was sleeping.

Ji Xia took Lei Shen Xiao and Long Lei Jun out of the Heavenly Dragon Palace.

Gaze at the vast island below.

He thought about it.

In his eyes, the stars and gods revolved, shining on the vast island.

Among them, there seems to be a series of terrible thunder rules ~www.ltnovel.com~ are constantly being bred.

It looks amazing.

Lei Shen Xiao and Long Lei Jun, as Thunder Gods.

All at the same time feel the extraordinary of this island.

Lei Shenxiao looked at Ji Xia curiously.

Ji Xia said softly: "In this island, there is an unparalleled existence sleeping.

It is the incarnation of Thunder, a tyrannical god..."

When Ji Xia said this, she paused.

Look at Lei Shen Xiao and Long Lei Jun again.

"The reason why I called two strong men to come here.

I want to use the two Thunder Avenues to manifest extraordinary Thunder.

Repair the remnant of this extant existence.

Let him no longer fall asleep, let him completely...wake up! "

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