I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 864: Star Youth [Big

The fd chapter will be replaced after twenty minutes. Many envoys of the Mu Dynasty left soon.

Ji Xia had already started to order troops, and began to completely gather Tai Cang's existing power.

Prepare to suppress the two dynasties of Qimingtian in one fell swoop!

But before that, we need to make full preparations.

For example, the Emperor Mu Dynasty has left a method of communication.

After the Muchao imperial court has sorted out the information in detail, it will hand over all the information that Muchao has about the two kingdoms of Emperor Ming and Heiwu to Tai Cang.

Even Ji Xia now has a very clear understanding of Tai Cang's power.

Understand that Tai Cang is almost invincible in the imperial kingdom.

Understand that even a prosperous dynasty like Mu Chao can't match Tai Cang.

But nevertheless.

Ji Xia also knows the truth of knowing oneself and the enemy and winning in all battles.

What's more, this time Ji Xia's plan was to defeat the two alien dynasties with overwhelming force in one fell swoop.

Use extremely fast speed to solve the battle in a very short time.

and so.

under such a circumstance.

If Ji Xia relies on force, he will not make the slightest plan.

Even if Tai Cang was able to win by then, Tai Cang soldiers would have more casualties.

Now for Tai Cang, even the valuable treasures are not as important as these Tai Cang soldiers.

Whether it's the Dageng Destroying Jin Divine Army, Qingding Spirit Army, or Tai Cang Yin Guard.

They don't know how many Lingmi Lingquans have been taken, and how many elixir have been taken.

In addition, they have spent a long time practicing in the Secret Realm of Choking, as well as the cultivation and blessing of many gods...

Like this...

The resources required to train a qualified Tai Cang powerful army **** are extremely terrifying.

And more importantly.

These Taicang soldiers are all native Taicang people.

They are attached to this land and look forward to the rise of the human race.

When they fight for the human race, they must have the idea of ​​going to death in their hearts.

But they are also flesh and blood, and there may be relatives waiting at home.

Even if you want the long-lost race to rise, sacrifice is indispensable.

But if you can sacrifice less, it is naturally the best.

Ji Xia had this idea in her mind.

Suddenly, I felt that Muchao, the powerhouses of the upper country, and the army would join in the battle to destroy the Emperor Ming and the Black Centipede.

Probably also an excellent choice.

"Even if the gods are finally harvested, there will be less.

But I am too arrogant, and I can sacrifice less. "

This is the end of Ji Xia's thoughts.

At this moment, with his hands on his back, standing in the void, his eyes still glowed with calm light.

At his feet is the majestic capital.

Some strange changes are taking place in Taidu!

Ji Xia's spiritual eyes are moving.

It can be clearly seen that the ground below Taidu is constantly trembling.

Below the capital, it is no longer an unusually massive land.

It is the cornerstone of the city built by Tiangong Mansion, Tianfu Pavilion, and Tianxie Mansion.

The light of the stars and gods revolved.

I can clearly see that there are countless runes engraved on that vast foundation stone, and there are many exquisite and exquisite psychic components in continuous operation...

And the most impressive thing is.

This cornerstone of the city is still a peculiar spiritual tool smelted from a mysterious furnace in Tiangong Mansion.

Ji Xia is not the only one standing in the sky now.

In the void, colorful clouds lingered one after another, and there were brilliant rays of light.

There is even a thunder bridge floating above the void.

On the Thunder Bridge, Lei Shenxiao, Marshal Xin and Bi Tianjun stood side by side.

Lei Shen Xiao's face was calm, staring at the capital in the distance.

Marshal Xin and Bi Tianjun looked at Thunder God Xiao's eyes full of reverence.

The reason is that in the eyes of Thunder God Xiao at this time, a Thunder Realm is reflected.

Within the Thunder Realm, there is another Shenxiao Yuqing Palace standing.

There are countless mysterious auras in it, continuously condensing, and then disappearing in a flash.

It was as if there was an ancient existence, sitting in Shenxiao Yuqing Palace, looking at Taidu in the distance.

In addition to these Leibu gods.

Bai Qi, Zhang Jiao, Yu Zaoqian, and Yang Ren stood quietly in the void.

In the distant sky, there is another Xuanji treasure ship, constantly emitting violent Lingyuan fluctuations.

On these Xuanji treasure ships, there is a high-ranking minister of the Great Supreme.

Today, their eyes reveal emotion, excitement, and glory.

They looked at Ji Xia's back from a distance, and then at the capital below, all kinds of emotions in their eyes kept surging.


It seems that something extremely important is about to happen.

However, the people in this majestic city are still unaware. They still live in Taidu and carry out daily routines.

Ji Xia was dressed in a black suit, with her hands on her back, she nodded towards Gu Xuan in the distance.

Palace Master Gu Xuan of Heavenly Tool Mansion took a deep breath, his eyes also extremely excited.

Then he raised his right hand, and then dropped!

All of a sudden.

In the sky, a terrifying roar suddenly passed.

At the bottom of Taidu, the vast and powerful city cornerstone exudes terrible power.

The runes flickered, and millions of psychic components began to run continuously, and then connected to each other, and then burst out more powerful horizontal force.

The cornerstone of the city has extraordinary energy that belongs to the spirit instrument, surging in it.

In a flash!

As the astonishing spirit element does not move, it continues to condense.

The entire vastness of Taidu slowly floats up under everyone's attention!

Countless runes have begun to work.

The flying dust was easily covered by rune magic.

Countless buildings are firmly fixed on the ground by more mysterious runes.

It seems that even the shaking has been eliminated.

The many creatures in the center of Taidu have never even sensed the changes in Taidu!

"A floating capital."

Countless ministers showed reverence in their eyes, watching this suspended city.

once Upon a time.

They just saw this vast and wonderful city in the classics.

And now with the growth of Taicang's national power.

The capital of Taicang Kingdom has also become a floating city!

Ji Xia's eyes were as calm as ever.

Under his watch.

Around the Taidu floating high in the sky, there are 3,600 spiritual gold roads, paved and connected to the ground.

These spiritual gold roads are constantly shining with bright brilliance, extraordinary to the extreme.

It also made Taidu more mysterious and majestic.

All the high-ranking people present witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

There is a strong sense of pride in their eyes.

Although having a floating capital, it does not bring much to the Taicang human race, and even in a short period of time, it will bring a little trouble to the Taidu creatures.


A country like Tai Cang needs a city that stands tall in the sky.

Wait until Tai Cang stands on the top of many emperors.

This suspended city will completely become the sustenance and yearning of all the creatures in the boundless wild race!

In other words.

The fundamental purpose of this suspended city is to nurture the hope in the hearts of countless savage human races in the boundless wilderness, and to cultivate infinite confidence in the hearts of the Taicang race!

When the human race is above the sky.

When the human race has great power, the city, which is inhabited by hundreds of millions of people, is suspended in the void.

When all the races that come to Taicang can only be on the ground below, looking up at Taidu...

Then, in the hearts of those human beings who are already self-willed to be weak, they will also think to themselves, "It turns out that humans such as me can be so strong."

This is Tai Cang's intention.

This is also what Ji Xia expects the Hanging City to play.

The Taidu was suspended in the air, which deeply shocked countless Zhujiang Plains.

They learned of this through various channels, and Tai Cang did not seem to intend to hide it.

They can no longer understand the power of Tai Cang.

On the vast Zhujiang Plain, Tai Cang has become a complete overlord.

Among them, there are many powerful dynasties who hate Tai Cang.

They are all full of anger, unwillingness, and shame because of such a humble human nation.

So these dynasties even planned to inform the powerful dynasties outside the Zhujiang Plain, and even the emperors.

In their cognition.

Human race cannot be so powerful!

Once the human race becomes stronger, it will naturally face destruction.


Those dynasties that informed the news, for some reason, the upper strata were wiped out overnight.

Many imperial courts were completely broken, and the dynasty completely disappeared!

It is as if between the heaven and the earth, there is a mysterious power that hides in the shadows and surrenders to the heaven.

They know everything, know everything...

Their eyes and ears are all over the Zhujiang Plain.

Once there is a country and race, he will try to get rid of Tai Cang.

Then the darkness will completely devour them...

Under such terrible power.

In just a few years, the Zhujiang Plain has completely become the back garden of the great.

Those ancient dynasties, in a trance, suddenly discovered that they had become a vassal country...

And this does not seem to be something to be ashamed of.

Because except for the Zi Yao Heavenly Dynasty, all other dynasties in Zhujiang Plain became such roles.

As for the dynasty on the Zhujiang Plain, or a weaker country...

They don't seem to be qualified to be Tai Cang's vassals.

Although the imperial court did not issue an edict to allow these dynasties to pay tribute.

But when the endless mighty power began to bloom.

Many dynasties, all have completely surrendered to the great kingdom of Great Blue!

They dispatched extremely distinguished envoys in the country, scrambling to go to Tai Cang, bringing with them the tribute they believed to be heavy to the extreme, hoping to have a little more relationship with Tai Cang, the absolute hegemon of the Plains of Zhujiang River.

all in all.

Countless creatures in the Zhujiang Plain.

The status of the Taicang race has completely become the first!

The Taicang race is the most noble race...

under such a circumstance.

Tai Cang began to completely open the ban.

At the beginning, the Taicang people were allowed to study and travel abroad.

It is predictable.

In the near future, the Zhujiang Plain will become a strange place on this vast land of the world.


Terran is the real master!

And all of this is still going on quietly now.

The great army at this time is already ready to go.

Countless too strong men are full of warfare in their eyes, eager to try.

The surging spirit hits the boundless sky of Choking secret realm.

The sky is cloudless.

"This battle was handed over to the general."

On the palace, Ji Xiazheng and Bai Qi sat opposite each other.

Bai Qi was dressed in black armor, with a hideous helmet on his face.

The bitter killing intent continued to spread, flooding the entire Shanggan Palace.

"In this battle, all the profound things are revealed.

Coupled with the strength of many Tai Cang strong people, they have reached a higher level, and Mu Chao Shang Guo helped, even the ancient Ming Emperor and Black Centipede were not enough to resist Tai Cang. "

Bai Qi said in a deep voice, "Please rest assured that the emperor, in ten years, I can wait for the great army to return to Taidu from Qimingtian."

Ji Xia nodded slightly.

Bai Qi's strength became stronger than when he suppressed the strong Xi Xuan.

There is constant flow of regular power in him, just like the same born and slaughter god!

Ji Xia looked at Bai Qi with confidence and nodded in satisfaction.

At this time.

Bai Qi's tone appeared a little puzzled, and he turned his head and asked: "The emperor... why don't you go out with me?

It would be dangerous for you to stay in Taidu alone. "

Ji Xia was a little startled when she heard Bai Qi's words.

After a short while, he reacted.

Just as Bai Qi said.

Now for Ji Xia, staying in Tai Cang is somewhat unsafe.

After all, all the powerful forces are coming out of the nest.

On the contrary, Tai Cang looked like an empty shell.

Ji Xia goes to war with the army, and is much safer than being in this empty shell.

But this time, it was different.

Ji Xia shook her head gently.

When he shook his head, a magical light and weird black smoke condensed and turned into a cat-sized gluttonous shadow, lying beside Ji Xia.

Ji Xia stroked the back of the gluttonous phantom, feeling the surging power surging in the gluttonous phantom.

In a blink of an eye, the stars and gods in his eyes revolved.

Through the Choking Secret Realm, he looked at the vast Tai Cang.

As far as the stars and gods could see, he could clearly see that the whole Tai Cang was shrouded in countless spiritual paths.

In these crevices, there were flame dragons wandering continuously.

Exudes extraordinary power!

The next moment.

The scorching sun hanging in the sky of the Choking Secret Realm, there were fire tongues gushing out.

It was as if there was a tyrannical presence among them, breathing out.


All kinds of mysteries appeared in Ji Xia's eyes.

After a long time, Ji Xia turned to a slightly puzzled white face, smiled slightly, and said: "You are all gone, Tai Cang always needs someone to guard it."

Bai Qi hesitated slightly.

Although he knows that Ji Xia is strategizing ~www.ltnovel.com~, she will never put herself in danger.

But in his mind, he was still very worried.

"Since you want to protect Tai Cang... why don't you let the Great Lord Shenxiao stay?" Bai Qi asked tentatively.

But Ji Xia's expression remained the same, still gentle and confident.

I saw him waving.

A Taicang map appeared in the void.

Ji Xia looked at the land of Kyushu, the capital, 108 regions, and more than 100,000 cities.

A look of pride suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He stood up, with a bright smile on his calm face.

"General, you don't know anything."

"Tai Cang is the fertile soil that I created. Within this fertile soil, maybe...I am stronger than the Great Lord God!"

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