I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 866: ? 莼 STOP? Ninja 烀盱搿敬笳隆? /a>

This endless abyss is magnificent and infinite.

In the darkness, countless lands are floating, all slowly moving.

And the top of the endless abyss.

It is a hot day.

The land above the endless abyss is scorched by the blazing sun.

Looks barren.

But among them, there are also races that are not afraid of the heat, who have established Guozuo and evolved civilization.

The land beneath the endless abyss.

There is no sun's rays at all.

The earth is full of ice, filled with indescribable cold and darkness.

There is only land that is not in the middle of the endless abyss.

The climate is only pleasant, so there are many powerful races on the countless middle-level land.

Only these powerful races can probably occupy this fertile land.

And the whole endless abyss.

The most mammoth piece of land, looks vast.

Even under the shadow of the Dongshi Profound Altar, it is impossible to see the end at all.

Many of them are prosperous cities with hundreds of millions, even hundreds of millions of billions of people.

There are countless powerful armies marching in the void.

There are many miraculous beasts in the wilderness.

But these fierce beasts surrendered to these human cities.

In Ji Xia's mind.

Countless pictures bloomed.

The human race on that land is powerful and extraordinary.

Infinite power surges from them all the time.

Let the world tremble.

Among them, the strongest and prosperous ones live high above the land sky.

There are luxurious palaces there to support their stalwart bodies.

These existences seem extremely tyrannical.

There are even bright stars around the body of some powerful people, constantly rotating.

There are also strong people carrying secrets on their shoulders.

These stars and secret realms continuously provide indescribable power to these extraordinary powerhouses!

"Such a powerful human race... such an extraordinary strong..."

In Ji Xia's mood, she was a little shocked.

These human races can be big or small.

Some human beings transformed into ten thousand-foot bodies, carrying mountains.

Some human beings are as small as mustard seeds and absorb the essence of elixir.

The strong among them are even more extraordinary.

Even Yi Ji Xia is now a terrifying combat power.

It is impossible to guess what power they control!

"This is Zhuhuang Shangguo..."

Ji Xia sighed silently in her heart.

The next moment.

The scene of the light curtain in his heart has changed again.

I saw the sky over countless cities.

A larger glazed jade field also appeared.

Then, in the huge glazed jade field, a tree broke out of the ground.

There are other creatures climbing along that tree.

Enter the Kingdom of Huanghuang!

Ji Xia thoughtfully.

The information reflected in the Cave World Xuan Tan will not be wrong.

Just from these sights.

Ji Xia can roughly guess the role of Liuli Yutian.

"The Liuli Jade Field needs to grow such a sacred tree, and this sacred tree can connect to the upper kingdom of Huanghuang."

Between Ji Xia's thoughts.

Attention still remains on the light curtain in my mind.

At this moment!

Zhang Huang Shangguo is in the void.

A mysterious figure suddenly appeared.

The vastness immediately swept the world!

The stars in the sky trembled slightly because of this vast figure.

Countless kings on the land in the endless abyss also showed their bodies, kneeling down toward the mysterious figure.

Some kings even shivered when facing this mysterious figure.

This shows the unparalleled power of this mysterious figure.

But what surprised Ji Xia was that.


That vast figure manifested in the void

It turned into the void.

His eyes seemed to be enlightened.

It actually touched Ji Xia's eyes.

In between.

The scenes on the light curtains suddenly shattered.

The light above the cave world mysterious altar.

It also turned into dim in an instant.

Ji Xia took a deep breath.

Whether it is the current Dongshi Profound Altar, or the previous tracing spiritual altar.

Even the original Xuan Jian Bao Mirror.

Ji Xia used these gods to identify many treasures and traced many hidden sources.

But this is the first time this has happened.

A mysterious figure in the upper house of Zhang Huang was separated by the void.

Perceived Ji Xia's peeping!

This is the case.

Ji Xia was at a loss for a while.

"What is the origin of these supreme powerhouses who manifest in the void?

He was able to detect the peep of the Dongshi Xuantan. "

Ji Xia thought in her heart: "Could it be the **** emperor who rules the upper kingdom of Huanghuang?"

He frowned, thinking for a long time.

In the end, he came up with a few messages to soften his expression.

There was even a touch of joy in his eyes.

"This time, the peep of the Dongshi Profound Altar can be detected by this supreme existence.

That proves that this time the Dongshi Xuan Tan is not tracing the source of the Liuli Jade Field.

The scene reflected in the Profound Altar of the Cave World is the scene of Huang Huang’s Kingdom at this moment.


Approximately, it can be concluded that the upper kingdom of Huanghuang still exists.

That vast, deep and boundless abyss is about the legendary Tianyuan. "

Thoughts flew in Ji Xia's mind.

"Just like the rumors, Shangguo Zhuhuang really ruled Tianyuan.

The countless kingdoms in Tianyuan are all located under the upper kingdom of Huanghuang.

That mysterious figure appeared, countless tyrannical kings.

They must kneel down respectfully, and even tremble all over, with awe to the extreme. "

"This is always good news..."

Ji Xia's spirit could not help being lifted a little.

For the human race, the Shangguo of Zhang Huang is a legend from beginning to end.

But invisible, this legend has also inspired the minds of many weak human races.

Let these weak human races always feel that there is hope and dawn between heaven and earth.

All the time.

Ji Xia didn't dare to be sure whether the upper kingdom of Zhang Huang existed.

But this time.

Because of the arrival of Emperor Mingjing, because of the Liuli Yutian.

Ji Xia finally answered her doubts through the Cave World Profound Altar.

"It's just a pity... that mysterious powerhouse stared.

The scene reflected by the Cave World Profound Altar was shattered.

After that, no other information was passed to my mind.

This time, I have never found out how to use Liuli Yutian. "

Before Ji Xia shook her head, something suddenly came to mind.

Immediately he remembered the huge sacred tree in the scene just now.

"No... the colored glaze jade field is in my hands. I didn't use the colored glaze jade field. Why are there other sacred trees that broke out of the Yuhuang Shangguo jade field?

Why are there other creatures walking along the sacred tree to the upper kingdom of Huanghuang? "

Ji Xia reacted immediately.

"It seems that this glazed jade field is not the only one.

Maybe there are other human kingdoms in the whole boundless wilderness, with the same glazed jade fields. "

All in all, for Ji Xia.

This traceability indeed gave Ji Xia a lot of information.

Ji Xia pondered for one or two.

Did not use the Dongshi Xuantan to trace the origin of the glazed jade field again.

"The mysterious figure just now can detect the prying eyes of the Profound Altar of the Cave World through an infinite distance.

Then I can't act rashly again.

Otherwise...in the case of not communicating with each other, it is very likely that you will incur disaster for yourself. "

Ji Xia has no doubt that these horrors exist.

Can travel through endless distances and obliterate him in the boundless wilderness.

"These people at the level of the emperor must possess the power of the gods, even beyond the level of ordinary gods.

If they want to obliterate a creature.

Maybe just need to move a thought. "

Ji Xia thought for a while.

Before turning over his hands, he collected the glazed jade field and the cave world profound altar into his own heavenly sky.

He looked at Emperor Mingjing and the three powerhouses present.

He thought for a while, and said softly: "Tianyuan and Zhuhuang Shangguo do exist."

Ji Xia's words were very abrupt.

But among the four people present, except for Tianfu Longleijun, his expressionless face.

The six scourges Canglong and Bai Qi both showed unexpected expressions.

After Ming Jing Zun Huang was slightly startled, he was even more delighted.

"Mingjing Dynasty has a glazed jade field for years.

Did not discover the secrets in it.

Unexpectedly, Liuli Yutian would fall into the hands of the Supreme Emperor, but in a short time.

The emperor was able to get such information in the early days. "

Emperor Mingjing was extremely excited.

In a daze, she thought of the Mingjing Terran creatures who had lost their lives because of the glazed jade field.

Only then did I feel a little relief in my heart.


Emperor Mingjing is indeed a benevolent monarch.

If she is allowed to choose, it will be safe and sound in the Liuli Yutian.

I am afraid that she would be willing to fall on her own, and did not want the Mingjing Dynasty to completely perish.

Seeing the look of Emperor Mingjing, Ji Xia said, "What has passed is gone.

Today, Tai Cang is also a human nation, and the emperor will stay in Tai Cang in the future.

If there is any need, just ask it. "

Ji Xia's complexion was soft.

A figure like Emperor Mingjing Zun, although his cultivation is only God, is very weak.

But her courage, her dedication to race, made Ji Xia a heart-to-heart admiration.

Emperor Mingjing respectfully thanked him, and said: "In the beginning, the emperor, now Mingjing has been subjugated.

I am in Tai Cang, no longer the emperor of the dynasty...

When the emperor called me a mirror. "

Ji Xia nodded, not polite with Jing Shi.

For the current Jingshi, calling her the emperor was a kind of torture.

After the feast.

Ji Xia called the Secretary of Internal Affairs again.

The Secretary of the Interior had already arranged a place for the mirror.

Jing Shi left Tai Xian and went to court.

When she walked out of court.

Gazing at the wide and clean Tai Cang streets.

Watching the prosperous Taidu city.

From a distance, this floating city is now too vast.

Suddenly an indescribable hope reappeared in the heart of Ling Jingshi.

Let her feel like a dead gray, with a slight recovery.


For the future of the wild human race, it is in the hands of the primordial emperor...

Think like this when mirroring.


At this moment, Tai Xian went to court, leaving Ji Xia alone.

The stars and gods in Ji Xia's eyes revolved.

Looking far beyond Taicang Jiuzhou, that huge Mingjing cemetery.

The bones of many human beings are buried there.

"Ozuki Emperor Dynasty..."

Ji Xia groaned slightly.

Then there was a little light in the eyes.

"For Tai Cang, blindly immersing himself in development may also be a safe choice.

But... if there is enough power to suppress these unbearable countries.

Then, the last sky of the fourth God Treasure will descend on the boundless wilderness faster. "

The light in Ji Xia's eyes became much firmer.

The last artifact of the Fourth God Treasure is Chi You Tianqiong, which is full of fierce and terrifying aura.

"If you can redeem Great Venerable Chi You as soon as possible, then Tai Cang may no longer need such fear of Xixuan Saint Court.

Even the ruler of the Xixuan Saint Court is no longer a superior existence. "

Thinking of this, Ji Xia seemed to finally make some kind of decision.

Between his hands.

A golden scroll immediately appeared in his hand.

It is Fengshen Bang.

As early as after Wu Ling Shengzi was suppressed by Tai Cang.

Ji Xia has already exchanged out the Conferred God List.

But in the past twenty years, Tai Cang has not experienced a huge war.

Fengshenbang has never been used.

"With such a fetish, it is natural to use it, otherwise, even if it is as strong as a list of gods, it has no meaning."

When Ji Xia thought of this, a cold smile appeared on her lips.

at the same time.

Ji Xia's consciousness sank.

Come to the fourth **** store.

There are also these six gods in the fourth gods.

Ji Xia has already redeemed four of them, namely Cast Magic Gold, Enlightenment God Lotus, Shennong Ding, and Conferred God List.

The current fourth God Tibetan.

There are two other artifacts that have not been exchanged.

One of them is naturally the vast sky that contains the great statue of Chi You.

And the other one is the fourth divine object under the list of conferred gods.

This fetish.

The name is "Xiantian Temple Sacrifice".

The kind of gods required by the congenital temples is slightly inferior to the list of gods.

But it is much higher than Shennongding.

This can be seen.

The wonderful power contained in this fetish.

"If you struggle again, you will be able to redeem the Xiantian Temple.

When the innate temples were completely exchanged, the temples dedicated to the ancestors were established in Tai Cang.

Tai Cang was able to send troops to conquer the Omoyue Empire. "

Ji Xia thought secretly in her heart.

In fact, through the Zuoshen Tower, Ji Xia had a good understanding of the Obi Moon Emperor Dynasty.

Relying solely on the power of Tai Cang today, can suppress the Omoyue Emperor Dynasty.

After all, compared to the three imperial dynasties, compared to those tyrannical holy courts.

The strength is much weaker.

But Ji Xia's current strength still has room for growth.

Moreover, the last time he burst into taboo sword intent, the injuries he suffered had not yet fully recovered.

Shennong Ding's healing pill ~www.ltnovel.com~ can be refined immediately.

Tai Cang also has many strong men on the verge of breaking through.

Such as Zhang Jiao, Yang Ren, Yu Zaoqian...

Under such various circumstances.

Ji Xia decided to postpone the expedition against the Omoyue Empire to ensure nothing is lost.

Moreover, even though the Xixuan Saint Court was temporarily silent, this did not mean that a Saint Court power like Xi Xuan would completely divert the fierce gaze from above the sky.

The current Tai Cang is actually still trapped in many secret disasters.

"Tai Cang's suppression of the Omoyue Emperor's dynasty means that he is completely facing those tyrannical dynasties and gods.

Announce the existence of Tai Cang. "

Ji Xia's face was solemn: "It seems...when Lei Shiyuan is about to wake up, it is the time when Tai Cang is about to annihilate Hazy Moon."

"At that time...Tai Cang will also communicate with the world and become an emperor!"

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