I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 875: Misty Moon 【7000 words】

Almost suspended on a high platform in the void.

Eight Zhou Li secret realm powerhouses and heirs all knelt down on it.

The world seemed to be enveloped by a gloomy atmosphere.

Below the high platform are fine wines and delicacies, luxurious banquets, and the high priests of Ozuki wearing Lingbao.

But above the high platform, there are eight Zhou Li secret realm powerhouses whose whole body Ling Yuan secrets are completely sealed off.

Among them is a young boy.

His eyes were clear, without a trace of impurities.

But there was also clear despair in the clear eyes.


Yuewu was completely desperate.

When he looked at these obscure moon nobles below, only indifference remained in the young man's mind.

It's like the banquet below, the cruelty of the superiors of the Hazy Moon below, and his face has nothing to do with him.

He was originally just a small person in the Zhouli Secret Realm. Even after awakening Wushuang Eucharist, all Yuewu thought was that he could make his parents and younger brother live a better life.

After all, Zhou Li's secret realm was born barren, and most of them were poor.

And things are just as Yuewu thought, when he gradually became able to control his own unparalleled Eucharist, he also gradually gained magnificent authority when he was young.

Everything seemed to develop according to his wishes.

Until one day suddenly...

Suddenly a hazy moon hung over Zhou Li's secret realm.

Then from that beautiful moon, many powerful and extremely powerful men and many elite and beautiful soldiers were walked down.

The strong on the moon is as beautiful as the moonlight.

But at the same time, they are as cruel as the moon, unable to tolerate life.

The entire Zhouli Secret Realm, many vast human kingdoms, was bloodbathed.

Countless remnants of souls have been used to refine forbidden spirit weapons.

Yuewu still remembers that the spiritual weapon looked like a **** moon.

And Yuewu's goal, his relatives, all turned into a touch of red on that **** moon.

So until now.

One thing Yuewu regrets most is that there is a word "月" in his name.


When he knelt down on the beheading platform.

Looking down at the obscure moon nobleman and the envoys of many other races.

For a while, his mind also felt a little trance.

"People are inherently dead."

Yuewu looked down at these enemies while shaking his head.

Apart from the numbness in his heart, there was only a burst of powerlessness and despair.

"Ozuki will die!"

"The Great Emperor Wuyue is bound to die!"


There are several Zhou Li secret realm powerhouses around, still rushing into the crown and screaming.

Yuewu didn't know these powerhouses.

There are dozens of human kingdoms in Zhouli's secret realm.

These powerhouses are said to be hidden world powerhouses in certain countries in the Zhouli Secret Realm.

But now, they have also become Omoyue Liwei's targets, kneeling on the high platform and beheaded.

The words of the seven strong human races also bore Yuewu a bit.

"Emperor Omoyue destroyed countless human kingdoms, destroyed countless human secret places, and killed countless human creatures.

This is true for tens of thousands of years. "

Yuewu recalled what a strong Ozuki said in front of him when he was escorted.

My heart is even more irritable.

"Ozyyue deserves to die, but what ability does the Human Race have to make Ozyyue annihilate? Let the Great Emperor Wuyue die?"

"The human race is too weak, and the creepy Hazy Moon is indeed an out-and-out imperial kingdom.

This boundless wilderness is so vast, but how many human dynasties can there be? "

There was no expression on Yuewu's delicate face.

He also wanted to witness the destruction of the obscure moon all the time, and wanted to see the heads of all those who were present at the obscure moon.

He also hopes to witness the strength of the human race, to witness the power of human race other than the unyielding backbone.

However, in Yuewu's memory, Human Race could not do it.

"So, my fellow clan, I have to hide it in the future."

Yuewu sighed silently.

The covetousness intertwined, and the wanton laughter reached Yuewu's ears.

Let Yuewu compare his eyes tightly.

Standing on the high platform, the powerful female man wearing a moonlight armor with extremely deep eyes was also looking around at this time.

Many powerhouses probably sensed her eyes.

They also fell silent.

The same goes for the deserted island that sits in the forefront with Princess Ozura.

Yuhuang's eyes were cold and thoughtful.

The princess Ozy Spirit looked at the island in doubt, and talked to the island in a low voice.

After getting a reply from Yuhuang with a smile, Princess Ozura also turned to look at the high platform.

And the moonlight powerhouse on the high platform didn't have any nonsense, his eyes turned to the first powerhouse on the high platform.

With a flash of moonlight behind her head.

The first strong man on the high platform immediately fell to his head, and the various secrets in his body collapsed in an instant!

All the Hazy Moon masters under the high platform, envoys from various countries, seemed to be commonplace, without any obvious expressions.

"Zhou Li Secret Realm, Qinghe Dynasty Southern Night, execution."

The strong moonlight spoke softly.

Immediately his eyes fell on other Zhou Li secret realm powerhouses...

Yuewu's heart is like ashes.

And many of the strong Ozuki in the audience were also absent-minded. It seemed that such execution banquets were not hard to see.

Only Yuhuang has turned his gaze away and looked around at other places.

"Husband, what are you looking at?"

Princess Obi asked in a low voice.

Yuhuang shook his head and said casually: "There are some buildings in the Wuyue Emperor's Palace of the Omoyue Emperor, which are not very beautiful. Maybe they can be demolished and rebuilt.

Princess Obi Ling naturally did not hear the deep meaning of Yu Huang's words. She also nodded and said: "The Imperial Court does have such a desire.

In the past few hundred years, many imperial nobles have been violently killed one after another. The murderer cannot be detected or the cause can be found. Many palaces have been left idle. By. "

Having said this, Princess Obi Ling turned her gaze on General Moonlight on the high platform again, and looked at the two figures sitting not far from them.

"General Moonlight, Old Man Ou Ning, and Chu Ming Dayin are all unparalleled existences of the sun and the moon above their heads. Presumably, all the palaces after repair are to be given to them.

Yu Huang remained silent, but the scenes of the sudden death of Osaki Yuegui flashed through his mind.

In a short period of tea time, General Moonlight had killed five Zhouli Secret Realm powerhouses.

There are now only three remaining on the high platform.

It also includes Yuewu, who possesses the Wushuang Eucharist.

Yuewu's face was pale.

Although he has prepared in his heart.

But when death came, the young Wushuang Eucharist was still full of fear in his mind.

General Moonlight looked at Yuewu.

Suddenly, his fingers flicked slightly.

A strange force leaped from his fingers.

Gradually flocked to Yuewu's body.

The faces of many Hazy Moon masters below finally showed joy. "The bones and spirit blood of this Unparalleled Saint Body, once removed, transplanted to other geniuses.

Even that genius cannot inherit the complete unparalleled Eucharist.

You can also have an extraordinary Tianzi!

I don't know which of Ozuki's heirs had such luck. "


Many of Obiyue's masters are whispering.

Even some people have greedy rays of light in their eyes.

In Yuewu's eyes, the expression was dark, but there was still a lot of humiliation in his eyes.


He is the unparalleled Eucharist, but his body now does not belong to him at all.

In this situation.

Yuewu had no way to resist, and there was no possibility of survival.

The marvelous power of General Moonlight is about to wrap Yuewu.

The eyes of many Hazuki masters also became more cruel.

At this moment.

Suddenly, a huge crack opened in the sky.

From the cracks, immense power surged out.

It was like a great river of Lingyuan pouring from this, turning into a mountain torrent, and rushing towards the Wuyue Emperor's Palace!

In this vast power.

There is also a huge palace faintly visible.

The palace flies up, the light is blazing, and the mysterious is everywhere.

All kinds of rules and power linger around this huge palace that is so towering.

And on the high platform of the palace.

Absolutely stood an unparalleled powerhouse.

These strong men are all dressed in black robes and capes.

Their faces were concealed by the peculiar power of the cloak and the spirit weapon, and they looked hazy, and they couldn't see it really.

But the power that bloomed from them was undoubtedly tyrannical to the extreme.

These existences emerge from the cracks in space.

Their power can almost collapse the sky.

Lots of extremely heavy secrets are arranged in the void.

Let this vast void be crushed and cracked!

It is like an apocalyptic scene.

"Nine Abandoned Lord."

General Moonlight's expression on the high platform remained unchanged.

Suddenly behind her there was a secret store hanging high.

In this secret, the sun and the moon hang high at the same time.

There is another sky dome standing horizontally.

Gods, gods, spiritual houses... everything is available.

General Moonlight took one step forward.

Has come above the void.

And the many Hazy Moon masters under the high platform remained unmoved.

Many of the strong moon moons also bloomed with terrifying power.

A heavy sky...

The illusory world and earth...

Immediately covered the entire Wuyue Emperor Palace.

The extremely surging power also poured out from this, leaving your world in a blank space.

The huge Nine Abandoned Palace is in the middle.

Except for the terrifying existence of the nine powerful and powerful, the sky is brewing behind them.

There are dozens of celestial poles, looking down at the Wuyue Imperial Palace.

At this moment.

The turbulent human blood breath filled the world.

All kinds of indescribable powers of rules are also full of void and earth.

But in a flash.

Inside the huge Nine Abandoned Palace.

The tall and stalwart being standing at the forefront took a step forward.

This means that existence is surrounded by mysterious light.

The sun and the moon hung high in the secret behind.

Above the sun and the moon, all kinds of catastrophes roared, seeming to collapse this terrible secret.

But Wushuang's Secret Vault surging out of extraordinary power all the time.

It is easy to wipe out these disasters.

It is clear……

This is a powerful man who is about to cross the sun and the moon and step into the catastrophe of the divine bridge.

Such a terrible lineup...

Let the three Zhou Li Secret Realm powerhouses kneeling on the high platform below look like they were in a dream.

They raised their heads high.

With a daze in astonishment, he looked at the Jiu abandoned palace above.

They never thought.

There are so many powerful men with human blood aura, breaking through the void, wanting to suppress Ozy Moon.


There was a terrifying voice.

The most powerful Lord Shangjie Nine Abandoned Lord, leaned his palm downward.


The endless spiritual essence condenses.

Since it is built by the power of rules, it has turned into a ruler.

This big hand seems to contain indescribable magic.

The moment the big hand appeared, it seemed as if time traveled, distance traveled.

Falling in the Wuyue Emperor Palace below.

Grab towards that high platform!

Wushuang Eucharist boy Yuewu felt a kind of gentle power in shock, and seemed to want to rescue him.

"These strong human races want to rescue us..."

The immature Yuewu's eyes showed joy, and the despair in his eyes finally turned into hope.

at the same time!

The many Shangqiang existences in the Nine Abandoned Palace's ques are also outrageously blooming.

That being the Nine Abandoned Palace, also shined with a lot of light.

Below, the grandeur is graceful and luxurious, with the exception of a snow-white hair, the old man with a face like a twenty-eight girl snorted.

In an instant.

The moonlight shines on her body.

In her eyes, two hazy moons were floating.

Where the moon blooms, Da Clan Lao Qingjian incarnates as another giant moon!

Towards the Nine Abandoned Palace in the void crashed!

The terrifying momentum is like falling stars.

There was another Chu Ming who wore a long robe, his face was old, and his beard was gray, his eyes still gloomy.

However, his body was transformed into a tengu.

This tengu was as big as a city, with blood in his eyes.

He opened his big mouth, and under one bite, he bit out a piece of void and chewed wanton.

There are twelve upper domes that rise from below the high platform.

Their bodies all become infinitely tall.

There are even some powerful men holding huge mountains in their hands.

There are pieces of Xuan Jin Extreme Soldiers floating beside some strong men!

The majesty of these spirit weapons even overwhelmed the power of the powers of heaven and earth.

The heaven and the earth seem to be unable to carry their power.

all in all.

The reason why the Omoyue Dynasty was able to hunt for the hidden places of the human race for a long time.

One of the important reasons is that the Omoyue Empire does indeed possess extremely terrifying power.

One of these Shangqiong experts walked out at will.

Can suppress the peak-level dynasty.

Even with a wave of hands, the vast territory of the dynasty can be completely destroyed.

But now.

In the sky over the Omoyue Emperor's Capital, so many powerful men bloomed.

Let the heaven and the earth change their colors.

And Jiuqizhu, under such a terrifying power of the Omoyue Emperor Dynasty powerhouse, obviously fell into a disadvantage.

But dozens of nine-abandoned powerhouses.

But it seemed that he didn't feel the fear at all.

The reason is probably the huge Jiu abandoned palace under their feet.

The huge palace fault, with many fluctuations, can make almost all the spirit instruments present tremble.

Even if it is a Xuanjin extremely weapon that is one level higher than the ordinary Xuanjin spirit weapon.

In front of the Nine Abandoned Palace.

It can only reflect the weak light!

Nine Abandoned Palace!

Xuan Holy Spirit Tool!

Even in the imperial dynasty that is prospering oneself, it is difficult to own.

Even some of the Guozuo artifacts are far less powerful than the Profound Holy Spirit artifacts.

The desert is standing on the ground.

Looking up at the Nine Abandoned Palace.

He finally knew the first ruler of Jiu Qizhu-Qi Yinzhu.

Why did you dare to attack the Omoyue Emperor empire while taking advantage of Wuyue Great Emperor's retreat?

The reason is precisely because the Lord Nine Abandoned owns the Nine Abandoned Palace!

The palace exudes vast majesty.

Even the shadow of an unparalleled giant was reflected in the sky.

This giant held the heaven and earth in his hands, and was angry.

The aging clan of Oo Ning turned into an imaginary shadow of the Moon Moon, and slammed into the Nine Abandoned Palace.

The Nine Abandoned Giant was naked, and his knotted muscles were like ridges of mountains.

Between his big hands waved.

The void shattered, and an indescribable storm swept across, covering the hazy moon phantom.

Pang Ran's hazy moon phantom also turned into heavy fragments in an instant.

The big clan Yu Ning always stepped on the void, looking down at the Jiu abandoned palace below.

There was also Chuming Dayin, spitting out the crumbly void from his mouth.

All these emptiness turned into blades.

Dozens of powerful people who are heading towards the Nine Abandoned Lord have been repressed brazenly.

General Moonlight drew his sword and cut it down!

With a sword, Yuehua flickered.

The big hand that had already grasped Xiang Yuewu also disappeared.

Among the nine abandoned masters.

A strong man in the sky finally stepped into the void.

If Ji Xia is here.

Maybe you can recognize the sixth master among them.

That is, Lord Yuanwu, as well as the two celestial powers Qi Shang and Lu Xian under Lord Yuanwu.


The war broke out.

Above this hazy moon star, unparalleled mighty power is constantly reflected.

A huge city that covers the entire star.

This obscure moon, but only the capital of the obscure moon dynasty.

But there are countless cities among them.

Countless creatures live.

Now, the hazy moon shines brightly, reflecting the earth.

Let this entire sky be filled with amazing power and protect the earth above it.

But so many strong men are fighting.

The void is shattered.

This entire huge star is also constantly trembling.

Abandoned Lord stood high in the void.

There are countless cracks in the void, filling out.

The Nine Abandoned Palace at his feet is also haunting countless rules at all times.

Under such power.

He alone was able to stop the two Sun and Moon Tribulation, that is, the terrifying conquest of General Moonlight and Chu Ming Dayin.

The elder of the Obi Ning clan was once again incarnate as Omoyue, constantly bombarding the Jiu abandoned giant.

And this time.

It was only more than ten breaths of time since the Lord Nine Abandoned appeared.

The Obi Moon Kingdom is like going through a great battle.

The sky shattered, and countless rules permeated the celestial pole.

The stars in the void are all covered.

Looks terrified.

The land below frowned slightly.

"Obuki is too powerful, even if the Great Emperor Wuyue retreats, the Nine Abandoned Lord is not an opponent, and many of the powerhouses of Obuki are not in the capital of Obuki at this moment."

His thoughts just fell.

The next moment.

However, Yuhuang saw a crystal suspended above the main head of Qiyin.

In this crystal, there are wilderness, abyss, and endless earth.

There are many monsters in it, and they have built up kingdoms and civilizations belonging to monsters.

The monsters in these monster kingdoms are different, and they are roughly divided into races.

But there is also something in common, that is, a huge statue is faintly visible in Judu.

It is the statue of Lord Abandoned.

Following Qiyin's main consciousness lightly moved.

Countless monsters seemed to be inspired by some kind, and they all bowed down to the huge statue of abandoned master.

A burst of sacrificial power suddenly diffused out of the crystal and poured into the body of the Lord Abandoned.

I saw the main body of Qiyin instantly turned into a height of tens of thousands of feet.

He was devilish.

The evil breath and the weird spirit are intertwined, terrifying.

He stuck a palm out of his black robe.

Grab it down.

The flesh and blood on this palm has withered, only the white bones are exposed.

But its power is frightening.

The palm fell, and the countless rules intertwined in the void all retreated.

General Moonlight is full of sword spirit.

But it couldn't stop the bone palm.

The palm fell.

Before long, he held the stunned Yuewu and the other two strong human races in his hands.

next moment.

A powerful man of Jiuqiu who was still unrivaled in his unparalleled power, withdrew before a short while, and returned to the Jiuqiang Palace again.

The body of Lord Abandoned Yin also kept becoming hazy.

Many strong people in the Omoyue Dynasty suddenly changed their colors.

General Moonlight snorted: "Do you want to leave?"

A fierce light flashed in her eyes: "The Nine Abandoned Lords of the Terrible and Savage Human Race, if they die in this way, it is probably a great event that shakes the wilds."

With the words of General Moonlight falling.

The Princess Ozy Spirit beside Yuhuang suddenly frowned, and whispered softly, "I seem to...feel the breath of the Great Emperor."

The face of Yuhuang changed drastically.

He immediately turned his head to look at the central palace of Ozy Moon Emperor Palace!

But I saw the sky above the luxury palace, but there were waves of marvelous moonlight.

Under the moonlight.

A huge door opened.

The gate bloomed.


A girl dressed in Chinese clothes, with long hair reaching her waist, and a delicate face, but her eyes revealed unparalleled majesty.

Slowly walked out of the palace gate court.

"The Great Emperor Wuyue..."

Anxiety flashed in Yu Huang's eyes.

But the princess Hazy Ling next to him had a clear color of joy in his eyes.

"The Great Emperor's exit means that the Great Emperor has taken a step closer in the Great Tribulation of the Divine Bridge, and maybe she will be able to step into the Great Tribulation on the other shore if she takes another step!"

God bridge?

Even if Yu Huang had reduced his expression, there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

The instant Wuyue Great Emperor appeared.

Moonlight flickered in the sky.

The entire hazy moon and stars were completely surrounded by these moonlights in an instant.

Nine Abandoned Lord's many powerful existences gradually turned gloomy.

The palm of the bones fell again.

The next space crack under the influence of many rules will appear between heaven and earth.


Many powerful people in Nine Abandoned Master were also surprised to find out.

Among these cracks, there are also moonlight...

All of a sudden.

The atmosphere gradually became rigid.

The Jiuqi Palace still exudes a heavy power, but it can only hang high in the void, unable to leave this world.

Master Qi Yin stood on the Jiuqi Palace, watching from a distance the Great Emperor Wuyue who walked out of the central palace.

The cloak concealed his eyes.

"Since it's here... don't leave."

Emperor Wuyue spoke softly.

Her words fell, and an endless huge **** moon rose slowly.

This blood moon seems to be adhering to the power of the obscure moon.

But it is not a pure Guozuo artifact.

Because it is still filled with a strong smell of flesh and blood.

It's like this blood moon is constructed from infinite flesh and blood.

The moment the blood moon appeared.

Nine Abandoned Palace Que ray masterpiece.

It is about perceiving this round of blood moon...It is also an extremely holy artifact!

In a blink of an eye, Jiuqizhu fell into an absolute disadvantage.

Under the shining of the blood moon, many extremely strong people are under unimaginable heavy pressure.


Wushuang Eucharist Yuewu, also standing on the Jiu abandoned palace.

When he saw Emperor Wuyue appear.

The hope in his eyes suddenly extinguished.

"These seniors are involved..."

Yuewu suddenly felt very sorry.

In order to rescue their unborn human races.

These extremely powerful human race predecessors seemed to have fallen into some sort of death.

But this moment.

The fear in Yuewu's heart receded.

"Even if you can't get out of Hazy Moon, you can't lose the face of the descendants of the human race in front of these ancestors."

Yuewu's eyes were firm.

Watching the countless Ozuki strong from far.

And many Hazy Moon powerhouses, now condescendingly staring at the Nine Abandoned Palace.

Watching the many powerhouses above it.

As if looking at a corpse.

Nine Abandoned Masters and nine masters, all dressed in black robes, stood at the forefront.

Lord Yuanwu is in it.

Behind him, Qi Shang and Lu Xian were injured in the big formation.

At this moment, their eyes were filled with determination.

It is clear……

These two celestial powers also knew that this time they would definitely not be good.

Emperor Wuyue had his feet bare, and his posture was as gentle as moonlight.


When she gets closer...

Moonlight is also covering the world.

At this moment...

Lord Yuanwu was silent.

The nine abandoned master was silent.

The island is silent...

The situation seems to have developed to a certain degree that is difficult to control.

"Wait a minute, the moonlight in the cracks in the space disappears, and you all go back..."

The Lord Qiyin suddenly spoke.

The crystal floating above his head gradually became pitch black.

Many nine abandoned masters are silent.

Lord Yuanwu suddenly saluted Lord Qiyin respectfully~www.ltnovel.com~ and said, "Brother, the footsteps of Lord Jiuqiyin will not stop."

The same is true for many other powerhouses.

They didn't want to go to death together with Lord Shiyin.

But Qiyin's voice was full of guilt.

"If you are wronged, under the tribulation of the human race, death is an escape.

I have to do it today, and the burden falls on you. Please forgive me. "

The atmosphere gradually became solemn.

The eyes of many Nine Abandoned Masters were full of grief.

At this moment.

A gentle voice circulated gently from beyond the many moonflowers.

"It doesn't have to be."

"Today...none of you can die."

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