I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 878: Suppress the 9 emperors of Ozuki and Youlingtian【large

The war is still going on.

Da Geng destroys the Jin Divine Army, almost condensed into a sharp sword.

Sword Qi spreads across the world.

The void trembles.

Even this whole obscure moon star trembled because of the powerful power of the 400,000 Great Geng Annihilating Divine Army.

Emperor Wuyue controls the blood moon and fought against Thunder God Xiao and Long Leijun.

Lei Shen Xiao and Tianfu Long Lei Jun's combat power broke out completely.

They are obviously in the realm of the sun and the moon, but they have almost unimaginable terrifying power.

Countless roads of magical and wonderful road thunder, constantly roaring.

Everything in the world was completely shrouded by thunder.

Endless thunder pulp.

It seemed to swallow the Great Emperor Wuyue, and swallow the Blood Moon.

Nine Abandoned Lord first dominates Abandoned Lord, who controls the palace of Nine Abandoned Lord, with a transparent crystal suspended above his head.

Join the blood moon battlefield too!

The power of Nine Abandoned Lords was much different than that of Lei Shen Xiao and Long Lei Jun.

But the Lord Jiuqi possessed a mysterious holy spirit tool and a strange treasure like transparent crystal!

His combat power is also extremely terrifying.

From this moment on, Emperor Wuyue was under unparalleled pressure.

In addition to the blood moon battlefield.

Other battlefields are crushing!

In the sky, countless thunders spread all over.

Countless space cracks continue to spread, and then they are constantly repaired by space rules.

The twelve Heavenly Thunder Lords, controlling the phantom of Tianfu Thunder Division, burst out with unparalleled power.

They each surging with different thunders.

Then these thunders were intertwined again, and they actually increased each other, turning into a terrifying vast force.

Then suppress the **** dog that swallows the sky!

Chuming Dayin was a **** dog who gained the Tao.

Now that he is on the sun and the moon, he can swallow the void with one bite.

It's just that such a powerful tribulation exists, after the twelve Heavenly Thunder Lords merged with Thunder Avenue.

It can only be equal to the twelve Tian Lei.

Jiazi Tai Sui Yang Ren is holding a purple electric gun, and Yunxia Beast is beside him!

The supernatural power he called Jiazi Tai Sui finally broke out.

Around Yang Ren, phantoms of stars constantly surround him.

He is like a hot day.

Exudes a terrible light.

He alone played against the elder Oz Ning.

The purple stun gun turned into a flying stun gun, and turned into a streamer, constantly hitting the old Ou Ning clan.

The intense fluctuations caused the surrounding stars to constantly shake.

Endless mysterious rules linger around this sharp gun!

prior to.

The stars in the capital of the Omoyue Emperor were also shrouded in the blood moon of the Emperor Wuyue.

Blocked a lot of aftermath of the battle.

But now.

Emperor Wuyue faced the conquest of three terrifying powerhouses.

She can only fully use her power, and the blood moon, a profound holy spirit tool, can only shine with full light.

So for a while.

The moon and stars seemed to have suffered a huge catastrophe.

Countless cities were destroyed by the aftermath of the battles of many strong men.

Terrible power is constantly impacting the land of Ozuki.

Hazy Moon originally emitted a faint light.

At this moment, it became dimmed.

This is the reason why the strong in the Omoyue Empire deliberately pulled the battlefield to the sky.

Otherwise, in the aftermath of such a battle, the Omoyue Emperor Dynasty would have already turned into nothingness!

The countless Omoyue Emperor Clan, as well as the creatures of other races who have been a tiger for many years, were completely suppressed and destroyed by the aftermath of these battles.

This piece of world has suffered a huge catastrophe!

The many surviving creatures of the Obiyue emperor clan have no way of knowing what Obiyue has encountered.

At this moment.

Suddenly there were rays of light blooming in the sky of the moon and stars.

Countless rays of light create countless light curtains.

On the light curtain was a strong human race, suppressing the scene of the strong Osmo Moon Emperor.

Yang Ren relied on the mysterious purple electric gun and the Yunxia beast to fight against the elders of the Ou Ning clan.

Behind Bai Qi, an army of white bones kept coming out of the sea of ​​blood, suppressing a strong man in the Omoyue Empire.

The six evils, the blue dragon and the six heavenly gates, stand across the sky and the earth, the gale is permeating, the monsters are violent, the flood is spreading, and the flames are sweeping...

Even if it is the strong upper Qiong who has created seven or eight layers of the sky.

In the face of the six evil dragons, only endless fear can rise.

Yuzaoqian turned into a nine-tailed sacred fox, covering the sky and the sun.

She can suppress a city by protruding the claws of the **** fox.

The phantom of General Zhansi behind Shi Yang continued to laugh wildly, constantly swinging his long sword.

Relying on such a terrifying power, Shi Yang could easily cut a strong man at the celestial peak into powder with a single cut!

At this moment, Zhang Jiao became a fierce **** of killing.

The ancient books next to him were flipped, and the eerie secrets of Taiping rose.

The endless black fog, each turned into cruel monsters, rushed into the millions of emperor palm moon army!

Another nine abandoned masters brazenly joined the battlefield, each blooming the supreme rule mystery that can easily crush the earth and easily make the void bloom.

Under the vast power of so many powerful people.

More than a dozen hazy moons on the top of the sky, like the bereaved dog, were repeatedly suppressed!

Even if they have already put out their accumulation for tens of thousands of years.

Take out a lot of their own background.

Consumption of infinite value of Lingbao!

But they cannot escape the fate of being suppressed after all.

The same is true of Emperor Obi's Moon Army.

The army of five million obscure moons, all of which are a unique spirit body.

Probably born out of the blood of the human race Yuehua.

When the moonlight falls.

Their power can become stronger.


Under the sharp sword energy of Dageng Miejin God Army!

Under the physical suppression of Qingding Lingjun Baizhang!

Under the Great Blue Silver Guardian Spear raging!

Under the constant assassinations of a powerful mysterious pavilion and the master of the sage!

After the Thousand Profound Wind Qiongqi Army burst into surging combat power.

Five million emperors hold the moon army, and they can only retreat steadily.

Their generals kept dying.

Their formation is constantly being broken.

The emperor is in charge of the Moon Army, this one that once crossed the world and made countless peak dynasties frightened.

The obscure moon army that kept trembling in the secret place of countless human races.

at this moment……

Failure without warning!


All kinds of sights.

They were all seen by countless Omoyue Emperor Clan.

The loftyness and dignity in their eyes has completely changed into fear.

They never thought.

One day, the Omoyue Emperor Dynasty will be angered by the humble people.

Then completely burned the Omoyue Emperor Dynasty!

The world is wailing.

The earth is roaring.

Many Shangqiang existences were all beheaded by the too strong.

Then it turned into light spots and blended into the golden scroll in Ji Xia's hands.

Those celestial beings are the remnant souls, and they will be ruthlessly annihilated by the too strong!

There is also a cage in the capital of Obiyue Emperor that holds countless strong men in the hidden place of the human race.


This cage was opened by Yu Huang and several nine abandoned masters.

The strong man in the hidden place of the human race is no longer a man.

Spirit needles were injected into their bodies, and the endless spirit essence in their bodies turned into crystals for the cultivation of the Omoyue Emperor.

Their faces are withered.

The flesh has been devastated.


When Ozuki's cage was opened, their faces also showed joy.

And when they got out of the cage.

When I saw everything in this world.

Countless strong men have lost their voice.

Silently watched the scene before him.

The capital of Omoyue Emperor is already full of ruined walls.

Countless corpses of the Omoyue Emperor clan were on the spot.

Many strong human races easily suppressed those who once suppressed them.

The supreme existence of the celestial peak.

In front of these tyrannical human races, a finger fell and was extinguished.

Even if it is the Ozy Moon Emperor Realm that has achieved Shangqiong...

In this battlefield, you can only fall, and there is no room for struggle!

And the void.

There is also a piece of pure land.

There sits a phantom of the human race great!

Formidable power and noble breath filled his body.

It's like a **** in the sky.

He sat on the throne.

Watching coldly at the fall of the Omoyue Emperor Dynasty.

His eyes were calm, as if the Omoyue Emperor Dynasty was destroyed, unable to bring him any mood swings.


Many strong human races escaped from the cage.

They all knelt down inexplicably towards the human emperor.

The desert on the side whispered to them: "That is the Emperor Taicang Dynasty, the Great Emperor Taichu!"

Countless prisoners burst into tears!

In the eight thousand years after the Great Geng Dynasty.

The Human Race never gave birth to an emperor.

The countless human races no longer have the title of great emperor.

Even if there are some ancient Human Race secrets, they have the strength of the Emperor.

But he didn't dare to enter the imperial dynasty at all, because he was afraid that it would arouse the rules of heaven and earth, expose oneself, and then lead to destruction.

But now!

In the long years, the Omoyue Emperor Dynasty, which slaughtered and oppressed the human race, was about to perish.

And the one that perished an emperor was exactly a human emperor!

The desert at this moment.

I have completely ignored the fact that Tai Cang did not achieve the imperial dynasty.

In his mind.

Tai Cang Tai Chu, who possessed the Saint Body of the Ancient Star and slashed down General Moonlight with a single sword, was a mighty great emperor.

Tai Cang is an endless and powerful imperial kingdom!

"There is no need to kill those Omoyue emperors."

At this moment.

The Great Emperor of the Beginning whispered softly: "During this long period of time, the crimes committed by the Omoyue emperor on the human race need to be repaid.

From then on, they will become slaves of the Taicang race!

Millions of years to come.

They will repay the human kindness and accept the punishment of the human race! "

Ji Xia Leiyin roared.

Many prisoners from the hidden places of the human race that have been destroyed.

The mood has been excited to the extreme.

once Upon a time.

They have also thought about it, wanting to make the Omoyue Emperor pay the price, wanting to have the same blood, but treating the human race as the grassy Omoyue Emperor.


Such long years passed.

Terran is constantly dying.

The countless hidden places of the human race have also been wiped out.


The Omoyue Emperor Dynasty has always stood in the boundless wilderness.

Bear the worship of countless other races!

Now they finally got their wish.

Emperor Wuyue's expression remained silent.

She waved her sleeves, and there were countless moonlights.

These Yuehua, or turned into tyrannical rules, attempted to suppress Thunder God Xiao, Long Lei Jun, and Abandoned Lord.

Or it may turn into countless moonlight troops and join the frontal battlefield in an attempt to suppress Tai Cang Rui Shi.

But it is irrefutable.

Her face was already very pale.

If it is the three ordinary sun and moon powerhouses.

With the strength of the peak of Wuyue Great Emperor's Divine Bridge, and the **** moon, a mysterious holy spirit tool.

Emperor Wuyue could easily suppress it.

but now.

The Great Emperor Wuyue was already very powerful.

At this moment.

The two obscure moons, the sun, and the moon, who guarded the Omoyue Emperor's other important places, finally arrived!

Many Hazy Moon powerhouses seem to have finally ushered in the dawn.

But the next moment...

The void suddenly became dark.

One has six heads, and the body is probably tens of thousands of feet tall and weird.

Suddenly appeared in the void.

On the third head, the blood-colored eyes covering the entire face of the seat are staring coldly at these two Shangji!

The danger, which had not been seen from the beginning to the end, finally revealed its deeds.

"What the **** is this?"

After the battle, the powerful man from the nine abandoned masters muttered to himself while looking at the extremely terrifying Wei.

"Strange, obviously ugly, with a weird, dark, cruel, and terrifying atmosphere all over his body.

But watch it carefully.

There is a certain divinity in this terrifying monster! "

These nine abandoned masters probably never thought of it.

Before the fall of Emperor Tianqi Qishou, the biggest beneficiary turned out to be Peril.

And now.

Wei Chang manifested himself as an incarnation of the evil god.

Blocked before the two sun and moon robbery.

There are also Tai Cang Ling Yuan Great God Chi Jing Shang Shen Chi Yu, Tai Cang Wen Sheng Xian Shen, ninety-nine Tai Cang ancestors, and Tai Cang Shang Yuan Great God Heng Yuan each appeared.

The Bi Tianjun, Marshal Xin, the Six Sorrows Canglong, and Bai Qi who have suppressed the existence of many Shangqiang come together!

The seven celestial beings are on the firmament, and they have the divine light.

Against the two sun and the moon.

This battle was fought without light, and the sky was dark.

There was also Dageng destroying the Jin Divine Army, separated two hundred thousand soldiers, and constructed a sharp sword, which trapped many upper vaults and two tribulations.

The two sun and the moon were on the verge of falling!

At this moment.

Emperor Wuyue controls the blood moon, covering the world.

She turned to look at Ji Xia's incarnation, the silence in her eyes gradually turned into irresistible anger.

Go on like this.

Ozuki couldn't even hold on for a few days.

Will be completely destroyed.

The powerful and creatures of the Omoyue Empire will also become servants of the Taicang race.

Forever enslaved by the Taicang people.

So in this case.

Emperor Obiyue suddenly reached out his palm.

Then, on her slender palm, a wound suddenly opened.

A puff of blood came out of her wound.

Then a magnificent gate was constructed in the void.

Go to the door, unprecedented majestic.

It is engraved with countless infinite powers.

Terrible power spread in it.

All sorts of peculiar visions also haunted this gate.

These visions reveal a lot of ancient history.

-There is a vast outer sky, in which the human race is called the wandering race, consciously detached from the human race.

You Lingtian controls many powerful races.


After the great cauldron collapsed, You Lingtian also encountered a terrifying enemy.

You Lingtian collapsed.

The remnants of the Wandering Heavenly Human Race, fused with the blood of other races, have since been transformed into an obscure moon.

And now...

The long-lost You Lingtian is about to open again.

Ji Xiayuan looked at that door courtyard.

The stars and gods in his eyes revolved.

I was shocked to see the outer sky of the wandering spirit world in the gate, which had been completely destroyed.

Countless wrecks of heaven and earth, wantonly floating in the void.

Everything has withered.

Even the dust is gone.


The many white bones of the powerful wandering heavens scattered in the void, but with a certain peculiar power, condense again.


These bones were born with flesh and blood, and they became nine unparalleled powerhouses!

Their faces are withered and their eyes are red~www.ltnovel.com~ their complexions are crazy, and they are indescribable.

"I, the Nine Emperors of Lingtian, have helped Wuzhou suppress many powerful human races!"

"Why is Wuzhou still unwilling to let You Lingtian go?"

While shouting loudly.

These nine unparalleled powerhouses also slowly walked out of the Tianmen courtyard.

The violent power almost swept the world.

Ji Xia's face was extremely gloomy.

You Lingtian...

In the history of the collapse of the Great Ding, it played a shameful role.


The same goes for the Omoyue Emperor clan who inherited the blood of Youlingtian.

And now.

Even if the nine emperors of Youlingtian are dead, they must step out of the collapsed Youlingtian and fight against the human race!

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