I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 880: Ozy Moon Finale, Yigui Letters【Large

Ji Xia spent close to sixty thousand **** species, and exchanged for the innate temple rites, after worshipping the Great Ding God Emperor Yuan Yun, Da Xi God Emperor Gao, and Da Geng Emperor Qin He Emperor.

Soon, it was able to show its mighty power.

The unpredictable breath of the Great Ding God Emperor Yuan Yan scattered between heaven and earth.

All are enshrined by the Xiantian Temple with a mysterious rule, condensed to bless the Xiantian Temple.

Then it can appear in this battle.

With tyrannical and inexplicable power, annihilate the nine emperors of Youlingtian!

This is the role of Xiantian Temples!

This prosperous divine object can condense the remnants of the sacrificial aura.

If the existence being sacrificed, it is those unparalleled powerhouses.

Then their remaining breath will inevitably be mixed with tyrannical power.

The Xiantian Temples can also control these terrifying and vast powers under the control of Ji Xia.

For example, in the breath of Yuanyan God Emperor Wushuang, there was a terrifying power that almost caused the world to collapse.

Easily turn the nine emperors of You Lingtian into nothingness.

This shows how powerful the Xiantian temples are.


Xiantian temple worship also has many restrictions.

For example, the objects of sacrifices must be human sages who have made a significant contribution to the human race in the world.

And no matter how powerful the existence is, the amount of aura escaping into the void of heaven and earth will inevitably not be many.

and so.

When the phantom of the **** emperor Yuan Yan descended, blessing Yu Ji Xia's incarnation, burst out of almost incalculable power.

Xiantian temple worship can only play a role in supplying incense for the Emperor Yuan Yan.

The remaining power in the many breaths has also been completely exhausted.

It would be impossible for Ji Xia to use the Yuanyan God Emperor Wushuang Divine Technique that had just destroyed the world again.

But anyway.

The role of Xiantian temple worship is beyond doubt.

Even today's Xiantian Temple, only gathered the breath of three human sages.

But it also made Ji Xia's background soaring.

If there is no Xiantian temple worship.

Perhaps Ji Xia has other backgrounds that can resist these nine tribulation emperors.

But Tai Cang's loss must be so severe that it cannot be measured.

Maybe there will be a man who is too dark.

Perhaps those elite, powerful, and persevering elite troops will also be destroyed!

Therefore, Ji Xia resolutely used the magical power of the Xiantian Temple to worship the Emperor Zhongyuanyan.

With lightning speed, the remaining power of the nine emperors of You Lingtian was suppressed.

The nine emperors of You Lingtian completely disappeared.

All the voices between the heaven and the earth on this side seemed to have been deprived.

Whether it is the strong one on the side of the Nine Abandoned Lord.

It was also the existence of many heaven and earth poles in the Omoyue Emperor Dynasty.

Even General Yu Tai Cang, the strong Tai Cang, and the God Tai Cang were all staring at Ji Xia in a daze.

There are only those elite soldiers from Tai Cang who are caught in a big melee, are still fighting, and are still killing the elite of the Omoyue Emperor!

The violent killing intent in Wuyue Great Emperor's eyes has completely dissipated.

Just like the nine Youlingtian emperors.

At this moment, Emperor Wuyue's body was still trembling.

It was as if the incarnation of the **** emperor Yuan Yan descended, bringing great fear to the Great Emperor Wuyue.

In fact, it is true.

After You Lingtian ruled the conspiracy, it was the Emperor Yuan Yan who sent an army and captured him to the Dading Shendu.

Then on that high platform splattered with noble blood, he slashed.

Presumably that battle.

Let You Lingtian deeply understand the power of the Great Ding God Dynasty.

Now, after 100,000 years, these Omoyue emperors, who have inherited the blood of You Lingtian, have an uncontrollable fear when they see the phantom of God Emperor Yuan Yan.

As for those hazy moons on the sky.

At this moment, they are all lost in confusion.

At this moment, these powerhouses did not even dare to look directly at Ji Xia...

As for the many nine abandoned masters.

Then he fell completely into silence...

At this time, Ji Xia was no longer willing to continue.

His incarnation figure slowly dissipated in the void.

at the same time.

The imperial emperor's emperor in the early days has also come.

"Obuki, there is no need to survive..."

As Ji Xia's voice sounded.

In this side of the world, there is once again a bright light, with infinite divine rules manifesting.

There was also an uncontrollable violent aura, permeating everywhere.

The war is coming again!

From the beginning to the end, I was in the Wuyue Emperor's Palace, watching this scene of the desert, his eyes flushed and tears filled his eyes.

Between his mind.

At this moment, the scene of nine great emperors disappearing in ashes between Ji Xia's waving hands.

His respect for Ji Xia has reached an unspeakable level.

The same goes for Yuewu, who is hiding in the Nine Abandoned Palace.

The unparalleled Saint Body human blood flowing above his body.

In front of Ji Xia, he seemed to lose his vitality, as if a courtier saw the emperor.

Yuewu could even perceive the blood in his body, constantly surging out a breath of submission.

this moment.

Yuewu finally realized that even if he possessed the Unparalleled Eucharist, he was extremely noble.

But compared to the human emperor just now, he was just a lucky junior.

It's not worth mentioning at all.

Between heaven and earth.

The war started again.

Thunder God Xiao, Tianfu Dragon Thunder Lord, Bi Tianjun, Marshal Xin, Twelve Heavens Thunder Lord.

A total of sixteen unparalleled gods who control the divine power of Thunder, at this moment, all urge their unparalleled Thunder Avenue.

Completely open the void of You Lingtian.

And at this moment.

Because on the main battlefield, many Hazy Moon powerhouses above the two poles of heaven and earth all retreated to You Lingtian.

The front battlefield of the Omoyue Emperor Dynasty had been completely defeated.

Under the terrifying power of many too strong, and the nine abandoned masters.

The elite army of five million Hazy Moon has been killed and injured more than half.

On the other hand, Tai Cang's casualties are hardly worth mentioning.

Many middle-level generals in the Hazy Moon were silently obliterated by the mysterious pavilion too strong.

At this time, the mysterious temple war spirit formation that the Omo Emperor Zhang Yue army condensed into one began to disintegrate.

In addition, many strong people in the sky poured in.

Five million Obi Emperors held the Moon Army, and tens of millions of Obi Moon Army troops, only persisted for dozens of days.

Was completely wiped out.

Their blood almost stained the sky and the earth.

Their corpses were snatched away by Danger and Chang.

Their remnants were also swallowed by the biggest monster in Zhangjiao Taiping's Secret Fog painting.


These soldiers, who once killed countless human races in the long years, are now under the majesty of the great power... have finally been liquidated and finally paid the price.

The battle in the sky continues.

But it has become no suspense.

When Yang Renfei's stun gun flew past, it penetrated the elder's sun-moon catastrophe secret of the Oz Ning family.

At that time, the Twelve Days Lei Gong was assisted by the six scourges Canglong and Bai Qi.

Thoroughly use a kind of Thunder Avenue to ban Chuming Dayin.

When the Omoyue Emperor dynasty has counted more than twenty tribulations to exist, or fall, they will be suppressed.

The Hazy Moon emperor clan, who used to be aloof, finally realized that the Moon...

The moon is about to perish.

Since then, they have ceased to be the emperor, but as the human emperor said, they have become the slaves of the great!

After killing the elders in the town.

Yang Ren controls the Yunxia Beast, holding a purple electric gun, and joins the blood moon battlefield.

The blood moon controlled by Emperor Wuyue kept dripping blood.

Everything in the world is dyed red.

And this battle is still going on.


Ji Xia, who was in Tai Cang, slowly stood up after dissipating the incarnation of Haoyue.

Between his eyebrows, there was also a little more joy.

After all, Omoyue is an imperial dynasty, and we don't know how rich the products are, and what wealth does Omoyue Kingdom Zuo possess.

Tai Cang's suppression of Osaki's benefits, even if it was compared with the vast Qi Mingtian, would not be too much.

And beyond that.

The Tai Cang Conferred God List has also captured many true spirits that can complement the gods.

of course……

the most important is.

When this battle is completely over.

Tai Cang will surely be able to obtain a considerable number of **** seeds.

"I just don't know whether the **** seed obtained from this suppression of Osaki Yue can be exchanged for Chi You."

Ji Xia was a little uncertain.

The reason is that Chi You Dazun is too expensive.

Even if Omoyue was wiped out, and several tribulation powerhouses were killed, dozens of powerhouse powerhouses were killed...

Ji Xia was not sure whether he could obtain so many **** seeds.

Between Ji Xia's thinking.

Suddenly, Ji Xia seemed to feel something.

He stood in the hall, the stars and gods eyes moving, looking out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

But he saw a burst of white light, with a very familiar breath of Ji Xia, slowly descending from the void to Tai Cang.

Maybe it was because this white light didn't have any malice, because this white light was not threatening to Tai Cang and Ji Xia.

Tai Cang's defense system never worked.

Ji Xia also showed a sincere smile on her face.

He gently waved away from the rooftop.

That ray of light immediately noticed Ji Xia's call.

Turn around in the void and fly towards Ji Xia.

The white light fell into Ji Xia's palm.

Ji Xia's divine consciousness flowed, and the white light flew up in an instant, creating a humanoid image in the void.

The person in the image is also very familiar to Ji Xia.

It is the return home.

"This white light is a white light for sending messages, and the power of returning to the girl with clothes needs this white light to send messages.

Then there is no doubt that the girl Yigui must have gone to a very distant place. "

Ji Xia speculated that there was still some inexplicable worry in her heart.

After a few breaths.

About Ji Xia reacted and shook her head and chuckled to herself: "The strength of the girl in Yigui is very extraordinary, and she is also a powerhouse in the Divine Bridge realm at the lowest level, and she is stronger than I am now.

Moreover, the origin of the girl Yigui is also mysterious and unpredictable, there must be nothing that will trouble the girl Yigui. "

While Ji Xia was thinking about it.

The image of Returning in Chengyi saluted Ji Xia, and then there was no sound, staring into the distance.

Ji Xia's body stood still.

But the look was a little curious.

"The letter from the girl Yigui only shows a phantom, she doesn't speak or convey any information. What is the reason?"

Ji Xia thought about it.

Suddenly, Tianhe lingered in his eyes, looking in the direction facing the girl Yigui.

"In this direction...what is the strange thing, or something strange?"

Just an instant.

Ji Xia immediately thought of a place.

That is the old site of Sanshan!

"The direction the girl in the closet faces, the nearest is the old site of Sanshan."

Ji Xia whispered silently in her heart: "And in the former site of the Three Mountains, what strange things are there?"

"Well... about that holy embryo."

As early as many years ago.

Yang Ren mentioned to Ji Xia that there seemed to be a sense of holiness under the old site of the Three Mountains.

For many years.

Yang Ren would also mention from time to time that this holy breath became stronger and stronger.

Later, Ji Xia also learned that the four powerhouses, Chengyigui, Emperor Shenjue, Princess Luoyu, and Dong Jingxuan, had made a gambling agreement.

Wait until the Sanshan site under the land of the Sanshan site matures.

They will compete with each other without the intervention of other powerful players.

Unexpectedly, time is in a hurry, hundreds of years have passed since this matter.

"If my guess is correct, the girl Yigui probably wants me to explore the old site of Sanshan, probably because I hope I will find the holy body during the exploration."

"It's just that the girl in Yigui doesn't know. In fact, I have known their agreement a long time ago, and I have already known that under the old Sanshan site, something extraordinary is conceived."

As for Chengyigui, why didn't you dare to say it?

Ji Xia also remembered very clearly.

The girl Yigui had already made an appointment with the other three Tianjiao with Father Lu.

It is not easy to reveal this matter to others.

But now...

Chengyigui did not hesitate to risk violating Lu's father's covenant, so he had to come for interrogation to hint Ji Xia.

——Although this suggestion is vague to a degree.

But it can be seen that this divine embryo and holy body must be very important.

"The girl Yigui meant that she probably wanted me to make a move. When the holy body was mature, she would seize this thing from the hands of the three Tianjiao."

After Ji Xia analyzed it step by step, she finally got the result.

At this moment, Ji Xia, also looking at the old Sanshan site, slowly closed back.

"When I think about it carefully, when the girl Yigui left, she told me that she was going to rescue God Emperor Yuan Yan.

Now there is another message...maybe, this holy body has a little connection with whether God Emperor Yuan Yan can get out of trouble. "

When Ji Xia thought of this, she suddenly became interested.

He remembered the emperor God Jue and Princess Luo who once showed unparalleled aura in front of him.

Suddenly there was some expectation in my heart.

"Whether it is the emperor of Shenjue, or the princess Luohui, they are all powerful juniors at the level of Shenqiao.

If I can learn from and fight with such a Tianjiao, it will probably be a positive help for me to build the Three Realms Secret.

Ji Xia's eyes were clear, and she looked quite expectant.

He had a good impression of Emperor Shenjue and Princess Luoyu.

The reason is that the Son of Wuling came that day.

The emperor Shenjue and Princess Luoyu also came to Tai Cang, wanting to help Tai Cang get out of trouble.

In the final analysis, this matter ~www.ltnovel.com~ is about the favor of the person in Chengyigui.

It also made Wu Ling Shengzi live for a while.

However, Ji Xia's affection for others can't be forgotten at will.

"But, in any case, this holy body is still to be contested."

Ji Xia smiled slightly.

The Eighteen Days of the Middle Realm in the Three Realms Secrets in his body has almost turned into substance.

Formidable power is constantly permeating from it.

Presumably it won't take hundreds of years.

Eighteen days in the middle world, it can be completely transformed into a real sky.

By then, Ji Xia's power will definitely be extremely tyrannical!

"I don't know if this holy body will give me a chance to mature slowly."

Ji Xia thought in her heart.

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