I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 891: Heavenly Lady, Profound Mountain God?, Migrating Stars, Profound Holy Spirit Tool [...

Chapter 891-The Heavenly Goddess of the Profound Mountain Migrates the Star Profound Spiritual Artifact【Large Chapter】

For the mirror time.

It seems that the days that are too dark have finally allowed her to walk out of the previous shadow a little.

After Jingshi experienced the catastrophe, he had already become reticent, and his face rarely showed a smile.

However, after living in Tai Cang for decades, the haze in Jing Shi's heart began to gradually dissipate.

Because everything in Tai Cang seems to be full of a peculiar healing power.


Because of her unique spirit body, Jing Shi gradually fell in love with Jing Ying in addition to daily practice in the choking secret realm that was extremely mysterious to her.

of course.

She doesn't simply like watching mirror images.

Most of them like to record mirror images.

In fact, Jingying has long been open to all the creatures in Tai Cang.

All creatures in Tai Cang have the right to freely make mirror images.

If you want a large-scale release, you only need to send the filmed mirror image to the Mirror Film Division for review after the filming is completed.

Once approved.

It can be distributed through various channels.

For example, the Garden of Heaven, or it has gradually emerged over the years, and has become an important entertainment venue in Tai Cang.

Mirror time has also become one of the directors who like to make mirror images very much.

Her works are always heavy at the beginning, but in the follow-ups, they will always be able to see the light of the day and suddenly become clear.

Under the heavy surface, buried another positive core.

Some are in keeping with Tai Cang Guofeng.

In addition to recording mirror images, Mirror Shi's favorite thing is to go to the prison of the gods and open the eighth floor of the gate to see Emperor Omoyue Chao Wuyue who was imprisoned in it.

Every time he opened the gate of the Heavenly God Prison, Jing Shi just stood in front of the gate, relying on the mighty power of the God Prison, and looked at the Emperor Wuyue who was imprisoned in the God Prison.

She never sneered.

Never asked Ji Xia to increase the torture of Emperor Wuyue.

Even Jing Shi did not understand why Ji Xia kept the life of Emperor Wuyue.


After experiencing many ordeals, after witnessing Tai Cang destroying the Yin Demon Dynasty and suppressing the Ozy Moon Dynasty.

Jing Shi had an unspeakable trust in Ji Xia in his subconscious mind.

She always felt that everything she had done by Emperor Ji Xia in the early days was reasonable and reasonable, and now that she couldn't understand everything, it must be because Ji Xia had planned.

after all.

Her own divine sense once went to the Omoyue Emperor Dynasty with the Taicang army.

In a state of absolute security, witnessed the battle.

It also witnessed Ji Xia's sword qi slaying the mighty force of the sun and the moon, and witnessed the unparalleled scene where Ji Xia waved his hands and let the nine emperors of You Lingtian disappear.

In this situation.

Apart from excitement, happiness, and tears in the mirror.

The only emotion left in my heart is the respect for Ji Xia and the gratitude to Tai Cang.

Therefore, even in the mansion where he lived, Jing Shi quietly hung a portrait of Ji Xia.

This is the most common thing for Tai Cang girls.

However, Jing Shi has always been reserved, and has been in a high position for many years.

She was able to do this, probably because she buried something quietly sprouting in her heart.

In addition to mirror time.

Tai Cang also has several existences that Tai Cang people call heavenly women.

For example, Yuzao who often holds a white cat in his arms.

Tamazou seems to have no fixed personality at all.

She can be charming, soft, dignified, and extremely solemn.

And in Tai Cang.

She was extremely honorable from beginning to end.

On weekdays, Yu Zaoqian always wears a big red-sleeved robe with loose hair.

It looks graceful and beautiful.

Coupled with her tyrannical strength.

In many Taicang lives, many fans of Yuzao have emerged.

Yuzao's life was relatively boring.

In addition to daily walks and cat walks, it is also to go to Tai Cang streets and alleys to eat Tai Cang’s unique delicacies and take a look at Tai Cang’s unique crafts.

of course.

Over the past few decades, Yuzaoqian has been continuously refining the nine-tailed puppets of the Shangqiang realm.

The nine-tailed puppet in front of Yuzao can greatly enhance Tai Cang's strength.

Nine-tailed Kui can fight alone, or it can greatly increase Yu Zaoqian's strength.

Therefore, although Yuzao Qian's cultivation speed is not as good as the other Tai Cang Shenren.

But once she reaches a new realm, she will be able to push her strength to the pinnacle in a short time by refining the nine-tailed puppet.

Almost everyone who came out of the sacred tree possessed extraordinary power.

In a sense.

The development prospects of these gods are not only measured by the number of gods needed.

Perhaps because of the vast power of the sacred tree, these gods became more extraordinary.

For example, Bai Qi has a magical technique like the Life Killing Code.

With the continuous improvement of Bai Qi's strength, the Life Killing Code has also been continuously improved, and Bai Qi's strength has also grown rapidly through continuous wars.

After the last Obscure Moon War, Bai Qi's cultivation base entered the territory and ushered in another outbreak.

For example, the Six Sorrows Canglong, he himself is a martial arts wizard.

After fusing multiple rules from the original world and the boundless wilderness, whether it is the Creation Art or the Six Calamity Pass, there has been considerable progress.

Among the many powerhouses in Tai Cang, if you want to talk about the subtlety of martial arts, the six evils Canglong is naturally second to none.

There is also Uncle Chaolong. In addition to practicing to increase his strength, he only needs to grow taller to make his strength stronger.

these years.

Uncle Chao Long was always trapped by Ji Xia on the mountain that belonged to him, earnestly practicing.

His character was not originally bad.

It was just because he was messing around with the Secret Dragon Lord and was taken away by the Secret Dragon Lord.

Now forced to return to the right path, the growth of strength is gradually very pleasant.

From time to time, Uncle Chao Long would also communicate with Fang Lu, the lord of Tiandan Mansion, and entrust him to refine some strange elixirs that "pull the seedlings and promote growth".

In addition, the blood of Uncle Chaolong himself is very precious.

Dahuang Longbo people are born with the power to master the universe and capture the sun and the moon.

When Uncle Chaolong descended into the boundless wilderness, he was only a young age, and now as the years within the Choking Secret Realm continue to advance, Uncle Chaolong's height continues to grow.

The cultivation base of Uncle Chao Long became more and more obvious.

If it were to be born from the sacred tree, but the speed of cultivation seems a bit slow, it may only be the abyss giant.

The Abyss Behemoth was born without thinking, just like a puppet, under the control of Ji Xia.

Its cultivation base can only grow through years of accumulation.

So over the years, the strength of the Abyssal Behemoth, even with the blessing of the Choking Secret Realm, was only in the Divine Ze Realm.


For today's Tai Cang, it is really a little humble.

Ji Xia also once asked Tiandan Mansion to refine the pill that unlocked spiritual wisdom, and let the abyss beast take it.

But there is no significant effect, so I can only do it.

Except for these people who have grown rapidly in strength.

Gradually become more powerful.

There are three great gods who are too blue.

Chi Yu, Hengyuan, and Xian Shen have different authority.

Chi Yu is in charge of all the rivers, lakes, and oceans in Taicang Kyushu.

Countless gods, River God and He Bo, who were later canonized, must obey Chi Yu's orders.

Coupled with Tai Cang's gradually growing population.

As the supreme **** of rivers and seas, Chi Yu gathered countless worships and incense power on Chi Yu's body.

So Chi Yu relied on this kind of power, and the unique power bestowed by Tai Cang Guo Zuo to complete the rapid leap of cultivation.

Xian Shen is in charge of Tai Cang Wen Yun, and Tai Cang Wen Yun becomes more profound, and his strength becomes more diligent.

Hengyuan is the chief financial officer. Tai Cang has become more fertile, and the power of Tai Cang Guo Zuo under the rules of heaven and earth will be more terrifying.

Tai Cang, whether it is cultural movement or finance, has explosive growth.

The strength of Xian Shen and Hengyuan became more and more unpredictable.

There were even faint signs of catching up with a few Tai Cang gods.

of course.

Just talk about talent, just talk about qualification.

There is a huge gap between the three Taicang gods and the Taicang gods.

However, this is the rule of the boundless wild world.

The stronger the Guozuo, the faster the deity that controls the main authority, the cultivation base and the promotion speed.

Because there are such rules of heaven and earth.

Ji Xia also thought of a way to increase the power of Uncle Chaolong faster.

That is the canonization of Uncle Chaolong, let him become the deity in charge of all mountains in Tai Cang, and dominate all mountain gods!

The details are not listed for the time being.

But after the royal bell roared.

Uncle Chaolong was named the fourth deity of Tai Cang by Ji Xia.

Call it "Great God of Tai Cang Xuan Mountain!"

Therefore, there was another way for Uncle Chao Long to increase his cultivation.

That is to condense the power of incense!

The three ways to improve the cultivation base could probably make Uncle Chao Long catch up.

Everything is too great.

Such a step-by-step development.

But Ji Xia also has a worry.

In Tai Xian's court, the sacred tree of stars grew faster and faster.

In the past.

Ji Xia is deliberately curbing the growth of the sacred tree of stars.

Let the sacred tree emit spiritual essence while limiting the sturdiness of the torso and the broadness of the crown of the sacred tree as much as possible.

But now.

The sacred tree of stars seems to have also been blessed by the triple growth rule of the **** Xia Xuan monument.

The speed of growth is getting faster and faster.

Even if Tai Xian went to court in Ji Xia's control, he was alive.

Can expand at will and change the architectural pattern at will.

However, the overall size of Tai Xian court is still limited.

Now because of making room for the Star God Tree, Tai Xian's court has already invaded part of the palace front area.

It has even advanced to the position of the statue of Tai Cang Protecting Kingdom.

If the sacred tree of stars continues to grow, it will be a bad thing for Taidu.

According to the growth rate of the sacred tree.

Give the sacred tree more than a thousand years, and the star sacred tree may grow to the same size as the entire Tai...

"So, I want to move the Star God Tree away from Taidu."

Ji Xia sat on the throne, staring at the ministers below, and said in a somewhat unwilling tone: "The sacred tree of stars, perhaps should be moved to the central area of ​​Taicang Kyushu.

Let it continue to grow, and continue to provide Tai Cang with more pure spirits. "

Shang Yin Luyu stepped out of the queue and saluted: "According to the growth rate of the sacred tree of stars, if the sacred tree is allowed to grow for thousands of years in such a strong Guozuo power and spiritual essence.

Maybe on the Stars and Gods Tree, many cities can be built...

It was born to be equal to a secret realm, and even an outer sky.

This is approximately also excellent. "

Ji Xia's eyes lit up slightly, and the reluctance in her tone disappeared instantly.

He nodded and said, "I didn't expect that the Star God Tree could be used in this way. Now that Shang Yin Dao came, I was quite moved.

If this is the case, let Chaolong Bo manifest his true body and move the sacred tree of stars to the center of Taicang Jiuzhou. "

Shang Yin Luyu shook his head and said, "I just looked at the infinitely huge ancient tree, and felt in my heart."

Ji Xia thought about it carefully, and continued: "Be careful to stay away from the city and give space for the star tree to grow.

The Heavenly Tool Mansion is under planning, and don't build new cities around the stars and gods trees. "

Gu Xuan, the lord of the Heavenly Armor Palace, took the order, and there was also a messenger, with Ji Xia's edict, went to meet the Tai Cangxuan Mountain Great God Chao Long.

Ji Xia turned to look at the Lu case in the palace again, and asked: "I saw the jade zhe you handed over, the profound holy spirit artifact of the Great Cang, do you have eyebrows?"

Lu Yan was beaming and nodded deeply: "The emperor, in the furnace of refining the profound spirit, three pieces of the profound holy spirit have been refined!

A treasure knife.

A mountain.

A big river. "

Ji Xia nodded in satisfaction and said casually: "The treasured sword was given to the Great Master of Shiyang, the mountain was given to Uncle Chaolong, and the river was controlled by Chi Yu.

Let them first try the profound holy spirit weapon that Tai Cang has refined on his own. "

Lu An raised his head and said confidently: "Although the Profound Holy Spirit Artifact is far away from the blood moon of Emperor Wuyue, from Lord Abandoned’s Nine Abandoned Palace, and even from Master Yang Ren’s Purple Lightning Gun, these Profound Sage’s extreme soldiers are far behind. , But it’s not much weaker than the Emperor’s Dragonbone Sword. [Note 1]"

Ji Xia also showed a smile on her face and said: "If this is the case, then continue to refine.

If I were to be too strong in the sky, with a mysterious holy spirit weapon in hand, the strength of the sky could also increase rapidly. "

Lu An's face is confident and respectful.

Ji Xia asked again: "Then, how far is Tiangong Palace from refining the Profound Saint Extreme Soldier?"

Lu An hesitated, and then said: "Aether Cang's current casting method and skills, I am afraid it will take hundreds of wild years before he can refine a Profound Saint Extreme Soldier..."

Ji Xia did not blame Tiangongfu.

Profound Saint Extreme Soldiers are too rare and precious

At the beginning, Ji Xia suppressed the fourth son of Xixuan Shengting, and three generals of Shengting came.

They reflected a phantom of the Palace of the West Xuan Saint Court.

This kind of phantom is the projection of the Profound Saint Extreme Soldier in a certain sense, but only the power of the real Profound Saint Extreme Soldier’s blow has also exploded with terrifying power.

As for the blood moon of Emperor Wuyue...

I don't even know how much human flesh and blood was used to refine the Yuehua bloodline before it could be refined.

"There is one more thing, that is, the refining of the profound holy spirit tools requires extremely terrifying spiritual gold."

The Lu case continued: "Now, Qi Mingtian has begun to provide spiritual gold to Tai Cang on a large scale.

However, the current consumption speed of Ether Cang still stretched the spirit gold.

Refining a few more profound holy spirit artifacts, I am afraid that too Cang's spiritual gold supply can no longer keep up.

And the spiritual gold consumed by refining the Profound Saint Extreme Soldier is even more terrifying..."

Ji Xia is not worried until now: "Then increase the mining and development of Qiming.

Qimingtian is vast, and I don't know how much magical spiritual gold is contained in Qimingtian's barrenness.

In the next thousand years, Tai Cang will not lack the spiritual gold needed for refining spiritual weapons. "

The Lu case took the order.

"Then, I asked Tiangong Mansion to refine a mysterious holy spirit weapon level flying spirit weapon, how is the progress?"

Having experienced the last battle of the Omoyue Emperor ~www.ltnovel.com~, Taichu went to court to realize that the Xuanji treasure ship could no longer meet Tai Cang's needs.

In this situation.

Tai Cang refining was like Xixuan Shengting's subordinate Wuling Shengzi, at that moment Xixuan's star-like flying spirit weapon was very necessary.

Note: There was a bug during the Battle of Ozyue before, that is, the Blood Moon in the hands of Emperor Ozyue, the Jiuqi Gongque in the hands of Lord Qiyin, and the purple electric gun in Yang Ren's hands were mistakenly written as Profound Holy Spirit Tool It should be the Profound Saint Extreme Soldier. I have already told the editor and changed it after giving the authority.

   The Dragon Bone Divine Sword that Ji Xia exchanged from Zuoshenlou's hand was the Profound Spirit Tool, one level lower than the Profound Saint Extreme Soldier.

The levels of the boundless wild spirit weapons are as follows: ordinary, magical weapons, supreme mysterious weapons, heavenly weapons, Xuanjin (subdivided into two levels: Xuanjin spiritual weapons and Xuanjin imperial weapons.), mysterious holy weapons (subdivided into mysterious Holy Spirit Weapon, and Xuansheng Extreme Soldier two levels).......



(End of this chapter)

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