I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 900: Human bones, altars, primordial wrath【large

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Chapter fd, readers who don't understand, look at the single chapter on October 28, and everyone can understand.

Yuanding was 416 years old, and the sun was dead.

Ji Xia finally returned to Tai Cang with eight other Tai Cang gods.

Many ministers in the court are naturally eagerly awaiting their return.

After all, this time Ji Xia's shot against the Fourth Saint Child of the Xixuan Saint Court was also known to many great ministers.

Although they were excited about Tai Cang's strength, they were excited about Ji Xia's determination.

But more, when the Supreme Beings face enemies of the Saint Court level, the hearts of these Supreme Officials are also full of worries.

But this worry did not last long.

Tai Cang Nine Sovereigns existed extraordinary, after beheading the Fourth Saint Child and suppressing fifteen Xixuan powerhouses.

Yang Ren's Yunxia Beast had already brought this good news back to Tai Cang.

Tai Cang went up and down in the hall, and it was natural to celebrate.

And many Taicang people didn't even know that such a grand battle had taken place, let alone the vast barren place like the land of the Taicang Nine States, were completely destroyed by the tyrannical Taicang beings!

Everything in Tai Cang is still running and running as usual.

Nine artifacts are embedded in the sky.

The stalwart powers of the nine great artifacts are connected to each other, covering and covering the entire Tai Cang Jiuzhou land.

The supreme power permeates the vast land.

This...is also Ji Xia's support for bringing so many Taicang strong men out of Taicang to kill Saint Xixuan.

On the day when Ji Xia returned, she was still in the Shang Palace, and hosted many great ministers and powerful men.

On this day, the joy and joy in the hearts of all the Supreme Beings is beyond description.

For Ji Xia and the other eight gods.

Killing a sage son of Xixuan and suppressing the existence of three Shangqiongs is probably not an ancient record.


For these great ministers, it was a brand new situation.

...It turns out that in these hundreds of years, Tai Cang has become so strong!

The peak of the dynasty is no longer enough to describe too Cang.

Tai Cang's current strength, in the true sense, has surpassed the dynasty at all, maybe...compared to the weakest dynasty on the boundless wild land, even stronger!

The boundless wilderness is vast...

However, the number of imperial dynasties is pitifully small.

Even in the vast Zhujiang Plain, Tongtian Ancient River, and Jiezu Mountain.

There are only a few imperial dynasties.

Among them, the most powerful ones should be the well-known Tianqi, Zhongshen, and Daxian.

Today's too Cang.

Compared with these powerful imperial dynasties, there may be a lot of distance.

But if compared with an imperial dynasty like Ozuki, the gap is probably not that exaggerated.

After a banquet.

Many ministers are already drunk.

Tai Cang's products now look more and more like a prosperous country.

There are already tens of thousands of spirit wine types.

As for the other types of exotic animals, spiritual plants, various spiritual fruits and vegetables, spiritual rice...

It is countless.

These are just the epitome of being too strong.

Tai Cang is more powerful, but it is still the combat power of the upper-class powerhouses and elite soldiers, as well as the attainments of alchemy and casting.

In the Upper Dry Palace, it is very lively.

Even if it was a composing song that rarely drank, his face flushed at the moment.

And Ji Xia quietly walked out of the Shanggan Palace and came to the Yunxuan Bamboo Forest after the Shanggan Palace.

Inside the bamboo forest, there is still tranquility.

Ji Xia sat in the small pavilion, her spiritual consciousness moved lightly.

Fang Lu walked out of the Shanggan Palace.

He also looked extremely happy, but his eyes still kept clear.

Tai Cang's spirit wine is not enough to make such a pill everyone drunk.

Fang Lu came to the pavilion and saluted Ji Xia respectfully.

Ji Xia watched the fog in the bamboo forest, and asked straightforwardly: "Now, how many alchemists are I who are on the books?"

Fang Lu Gongsheng replied: "Return to the emperor, the number of alchemists registered by Tai Cang has reached 326,000, and this number is still growing rapidly.

As for the number of pharmacists, it has exceeded six million.

Among thousands of people, there is a pharmacist, even if compared to the three imperial dynasties, it is not inferior. "

"As for the ranks of alchemists, besides I have upgraded my alchemy spirit flame to the **** rank, there are thirty-two extremely holy rank alchemists.

There are more than two thousand alchemists at the upper Luo level. "

Ji Xia seemed very satisfied with this number.

God-level alchemists, even for the emperor, are extremely rare.

Even if it is as strong as the three emperor dynasties, the god-level alchemists possessed are only a handful.

Even though there are many powerful imperial realms in the vast expanse of the imperial dynasty, alchemists above the extremely holy level are still very rare.

So now it is no exaggeration to say.

Tai Cang's alchemy attainments are no longer inferior to the emperor.

After using the Cloud Heaven Dragon Battle, countless medicinal materials obtained from the Luchen Secret Realm, Ninggong Kingdom, and Cloud Heaven Dragon Kingdom, plus medicinal materials obtained from the trade of Tianyi Chamber of Commerce.

In the Supreme Heaven Pill Palace, a total of thirty-two types have been refined in these two hundred years, with 1,788 Extreme Holy Spirit Pills.

Among these elixirs, there are extremely precious healing sacred medicines, as well as many extraordinary medicines for enhancing cultivation, and many strange medicines for enhancing talents.

This kind of pill stock is completely enough to support another terrible battle.

And more importantly.

There are two kinds of divine pills that Tai Cang can refine now.

One of them, naturally, is to fill the sky and cast the spirit.

Si Zhongzhu was reborn because of this magic medicine.

Ji Xia has now decided to use Tian Bu Tian Zhu Ling Fang to heal Qi Ming Tian Mu Dynasty imperial power Ji Lou.

And the other one is the divine pill that was self-studied by many prosperous alchemists in Tiandan Mansion over a hundred years ago, using the peculiar methods recorded on the secret axis of the Great Desolate Alchemy Master.

The naming right of Shen Dan was bestowed by Ji Xia to Tian Dan Mansion.

After meditation, Tiandan Mansion named this pill that can greatly enhance the bloodline talent, which is to awaken the hidden bloodline, and named Minggetian

God pill.

Take the meaning of improving bloodline and building fate.

There is such a **** pill, plus the exchanged **** fetish Wu Xuan Shen Lian.

Even if the Mingge Shendan is diluted, it will give the emperor the smart and outstanding younger generation.

Tai Cang still has many spirit bodies emerging.

These spirit bodies have extraordinary talents, great aptitudes, and peculiar bloodline power, and their combat power is very powerful.

After they succeeded in cultivation, most of them joined the Taicang government or the Taicang army and became the backbone.

After diluting the life grid **** pill.

It also made the Dageng Miejin Divine Army pawns of many spirit palace peak realms, and the blood of Dageng spirit body in their bodies became more dense.

Let Da Geng exterminate the Jin Divine Army's combat power to a higher level.

Thinking of Da Geng's destruction of the Jin Divine Army, Ji Xia's mouth showed a smile.

"Wu Xuan **** lotus plus the life pattern **** pill, plus a lot of elixir, the power that Dageng Anjin's Divine Army now possesses is quite exciting."

Two hundred years.

Not only did Tai Cang's many powerhouses take their strength to the next level.

It also allowed Da Geng to destroy the Jin Divine Army, Qing Ding Ling Army, and Tai Cang Silver Guard, the number has increased sharply, and the combat power is also more powerful.

During the Battle of the Heavenly Dragon in the Clouds, the Dageng Anjin Divine Army, with the power of one hundred thousand soldiers, can suppress several poles of the earth.

Now Da Geng Destroying Jin Divine Army, both in number and in individual strength, have already had a terrifying improvement.

Under such circumstances, what level can the Taicang army's combat power reach?

At this moment, even Ji Xia, who was the Emperor of the Great Cang, was a little uncertain.

"In short... Palace Master Fang Lu's contribution to the Great Cang Dan Dao is beyond doubt."

Regardless of Ji Xia's face, she stared at Fang Lu.

Fang Lu was a little surprised. After the accident, his expression became quite surprised.

He leaned over to Ji Xia and said, "Without the many treasures bestowed by the emperor, it would be impossible for me to develop such a rapid development."

at the same time.

He thought to himself: "The emperor rarely praises his subordinates. I must show off in front of Lu An's children when I go back."

Ji Xia nodded slightly, took a closer look at Fang Lu, and then said: "There is a mysterious alchemy method recorded by the Great Desolate Alchemy Master's Secret Axis, I am too old now to refine a **** pill, or refine an extremely holy pill. How long does it take to take medicine?"

Fang Lu replied: "In the past, I was too old for a year, and I could produce a full ten or so extremely holy spirit pills.

If it were changed to other peak dynasties, even if they had a few extremely holy level alchemists, refining an extremely holy spirit pill, it would take the first half of the year, or even hundreds of years. "

"As for refining a **** pill..."

Fang Lu hesitated, and said, "Even with the great alchemy level of today, it needs to be refined for fifty or sixty years."

When he said this, he thought of the mysterious furnace cast by Tiangong Mansion: "If you use the furnace of Tiangong Mansion, maybe it can shorten the time by ten or twenty years.


His expression became a little indignant: "Palace Master Lu An is too stingy. I have spoken to him many times, but he refused to lend me the Profound God Furnace to my Tiandan Mansion."

When Ji Xia heard Fang Lu's complaint, a smile appeared on her lips.

"It’s no wonder that Palace Master Lu An didn’t lend you the sacred furnace. Tiangong Mansion is now busy refining Xuanjin imperial soldiers in large quantities, and is busy studying the mysterious spirit artifacts. The sacred furnace is always operating at full capacity. I can lend you the furnace."

Fang Lu nodded first, then gritted his teeth and said: "After a few years, Tian Dan Mansion is accumulating some family property, so I will exchange some precious spiritual gold, and beg for Lu's case to refine a better medicine for my Tian Dan Mansion. tripod."

"Don't wait any longer."

As Ji Xia spoke, she stuck out Ruyu's right hand.


His body shines brightly.

Above the palm of his right hand, a strange brilliance flowed in, reflecting on the void, making the entire Yunxuan bamboo forest look extremely bright.

It is also at this moment.

The whole choking secret realm suddenly dimmed!

Between heaven and earth, all the brilliance seemed to be taken away by Ji Xia's right palm.

Fang Lu also felt the miraculous power flowing from Ji Xia's right palm at this time.

These wonderful powers... seem to be their own rules, containing unspeakable mysteries!

"This...this seems to be the Great Alchemy Avenue!"

Fang Lu murmured to himself, his eyes trance, with deep respect.

This is a tribute to Dan Dao.

His eyes always fell on Ji Xia's right palm.

The next moment.

The light in Ji Xia's hand slowly faded away.

In the light, a bronze treasure tripod was revealed!

This treasure tripod, with four legs and two ears, is surrounded by indescribable strange power.

On the Baoding, there is another peculiar inscription.

These inscriptions exude magical power, causing waves of waves in the world of Choking.

Many people who are too strong, also felt the breath of Shennongding at this moment.

One after another divine consciousness fell into the Yunxuan bamboo forest, clearly seeing the Shennongding in Ji Xia's hands.

Whether it is Bai Qi or Zhang Jiao, or even the noble Thunder God Xiao, seeing this Shennong Ding, the eyes show sincere respect.

Their spiritual consciousness manifested and transformed into human form, all of them slowly bowed to Shennongding!

In a bow!

Heaven and earth paled.

Almost everyone, at this moment, clearly saw a scene of wonder!

They saw above the boundless wilderness.

An ancient, powerful, and extremely honorable man of the gods in China has traveled through the vast wilderness.

He witnessed countless miraculous spiritual plants, witnessed countless strange pill avenues.

The dignity of this god-man almost reached a certain extreme.

Between the opening and closing of his eyes, various rules emerged and disappeared.

When he waved his sleeves, he could refine the supreme Heavenly Pill in nothingness.

Countless human beings worship and worship him!

He is the living **** of the human race, allowing the human race to touch and control the Tao Miao Tao.

Scenes of bizarre to extreme scenes bloom in the eyes of many people.

Countless people are grateful for the dignity and extraordinaryness of that god-man.

Fang Lu's eyes became more and more dazed, and he said to himself in his heart: "When the eyes are opened and closed, you can refine the supreme pill from the void...

Such existence is actually a creature of my human race! "

He slowly raised his head: "I know the name of this man of God. I once was on the Shennong Lingqiu and felt his pill breath.

He is Shennong...a human sage! "

Ji Xia's right palm lightly probed, and Shennongding flew before Fanglu.

"This treasured tripod was named Shennongding tripod. It was engraved with countless spiritual pill methods, which gave birth to countless alchemy spirit flames, and recorded countless divine pill and even heavenly pill!"

"The refining of the pill in this Shennong cauldron can not only greatly shorten the refining time of the pill, but also greatly increase the power of the pill..."

A strange light flashed in Ji Xia's eyes.

He thought of the god-level pill and life-ge **** pill that could enhance the natural blood of living beings.

If the effect of the life grid **** pill can be improved again, then for Tai Cang, the unparalleled spirit body and even the saint body will no longer be too scarce physique.

Maybe thousands of years later.

Tai Cang was even able to build an army cast from Wushuang spirit body!

"Unparalleled spirit body army?"

Ji Xia couldn't help but yearn for: "Or... the Army of the Eucharist!

If we can forge an army of Eucharist, coupled with an extremely powerful war spirit formation, perhaps the gods... are not invincible! "

At this moment, Fang Lu's eyes on Shennongding are still very pious~www.ltnovel.com~ He can clearly perceive that there is a peculiar power in Shennongding that is binding with his divine sense, making him more intuitive Perceived the magical power of Shennongding.

"Too much developed!"

Fang Lu suddenly turned his head and said: "The emperor! With the Shennong Cauldron, even with the peculiar power of Master Ji Lin and Master He Shengu...

Tai Cang's existing medicinal materials may not last long. "

"It's okay."

Ji Xia spoke calmly. He looked into the distance, looking through the Choking Secret Realm, falling on Li Yun and Jilou who were coming to the court towards Tai Xian.

"An outer sky... probably long enough for too long."

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