I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 903: Lixuan Star Master【Large

Qin Wushen retained his consciousness between heaven and earth.

Under the mighty power of the innate temple worship, the incarnation was achieved and came.

Everything in the world is shaken!

Countless Xixuan experts, at this moment, in addition to horror, only the color of fear was left in their eyes!

In and not too long ago.

Qin Wushen established the Great Geng Dynasty.

Holding a giant axe and a long knife, he wanted to cut a smooth path for the human race in the vast world.

In that era, many alien powerhouses blocked the way.

Qin Wushen was completely smashed, completely smashed!


Qin Wushen descended into the world.

Even if it's just an incarnation.

Even the power fluctuations emitted by this incarnation.

Compared with Qin Wushen in his heyday, there is a huge gap.

However, in the eyes of many Xixuan experts, it was still terrifying.

Qin Wushen seemed to be born with a certain coercion, bringing heavy to extreme pressure.

Let the many powerhouses present who can smash the stars and the secret realm.

The breath became gloomy.

The spirit is sluggish.

And Qin Wushen stepped into the void.

The surging and vast power is completely revealed at this moment.

His face is blurred.

But there is endless golden light lingering around the body.

The same golden spirit element fluctuates like a wave, violently fluctuating.

It seems to shatter the world.

"Between heaven and earth, before the human race, there is no **** and no holy!"

A divine consciousness swept past.

Qin Wushen stepped on the void and walked towards the West Wind and Nanyang.

His body became extremely mammoth.

It seems to open up the space.

The great axe and the long sword pass by, as if the sun shines brightly.

The light is blazing, making it hard to look straight at!

The light and the shadow of the sword burst out with amazing energy.

These infinite energy, like a storm space.

Thoroughly shrouded the two **** bridge powerhouses.

The Nanyang and the West Winds showed fear and wanted to run away.

But how powerful Qin Wushen is!

He once spied on the realm of gods.

Only one step away, you can become an unparalleled god!

Even if he fell because of the killing of many powerful aliens.

But his body has never completely died, never completely extinguished.

Can only be divided by many strong people.

Separately suppressed in different places.

Prevent another opportunity to make Qin Wushen recover again.

It made him once again a nightmare for many imperial dynasties and many holy courts.

present day!

Qin Wushen's anger storm swept across the entire Xixuan First Secret Realm.

Enveloping two strong robbers on the **** bridge who can easily smash the stars and fiddle with the universe.

In the storm.

Vaguely visible the power of rules soaring to the sky, as well as the splendid light.

A grand atmosphere permeated.

The emptiness is so brilliant that it seems to be shrouded by infinite rules.

The central governor watched Qin Wushen descend.

The storm enveloped the two **** bridge powerhouses!

A layer of haze suddenly shrouded in his mind.

Through the magical secret method, Xixuan Master, Ming Si, and Pan Yan who were watching this battle also fell into silence.

The face of the Central Executive Officer became gloomy.

The phantom of the palace behind him suddenly turned into substance.

Severely suppressed the few Tai Cang gods who blocked his way.

I am instantly.

Before that infinite storm.


The central governor made a palm with his left hand and slapped at the storm constructed by Qin Wushen.

The power moved the sky, bursting out with boundless bright light.

It even connects the sky and the earth.

The chains around Lei Shen Xiao's body quickly pulled out.

Shattered the palace phantom, able to break free.

But in a very short moment!

The almost violent power of the Central Chief Executive fell on the storm.

Qin Wushen's storm...

In the blink of an eye, he was smashed by the palm of the Central Executive!


The countless powerhouses present saw an amazing scene.

From the birth of Qin Wushen's storm to its dissipation, only a moment passed.

But the place was originally covered by the storm.

A vast God Slashing Platform was built by Qin Wushen's spirit essence like a Shenhai.

In the blink of an eye, Nanyang Hou and West Wind Hou, with terrible power, had completely lost their resistance.

The two Xixuan powerhouses knelt on the stage of God Slayer.

The secret in the body has been completely wiped out.

The divine consciousness in my mind was mutilated.

Even the originally powerful body was attacked by some terrifying force!

Become riddled with holes.

At this moment.

The two Xixuan nobles who had survived for so many years looked blank.

After being at a loss, there was endless fear.

And behind these two respects.

Qin Wushen's body stood upright and turned to look at Ji Xia in the void.

Ji Xia salutes Qin Wushen!

After probing her hands, Ji Xia faintly revealed a golden scroll behind her head.

Then he nodded to Qin Wushen again.

The incarnation of Qin Wushen born in the innate temple rituals, the extremely heavy power flowed from the body.

In full view.

With an axe and a knife in his hand, he cut it down!

Inside the body is burning the raging Nanyanghou.

A kamikaze lingers in the westerly wind.

The body was chopped up.

The true spirit was beheaded.

Divine consciousness is thus obliterated!

The two **** bridge powerhouses have completely fallen!

The two sacred bridges in the first secret realm of Xixuan also turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared.

Five hundred thousand Xixuan Town Xuanjun, countless powerhouses of heaven and earth!

Dozens of tribulations...

At this moment, the eyes are full of panic!

Even in the eyes of the Central Chief Executive, a trace of panic flashed in an instant!

And the three phantoms of Xixuan ruler, the previous inch of space also burst away in the blink of an eye.

At the moment the space bursts, the killing intent buried deep in their eyes is also obvious!

These three exist.

I don't know how powerful it is.

A very long distance apart.

It was able to shatter the void before the phantom.

Many strong people can't understand, and can only awe inexplicably.

But Ji Xia...

But obviously not in awe.

Holding a long sword with a keel, he looked at the looming shadow of Qin Wushen from a distance, and then solemnly said: "Please wait for the emperor.

Xixuan's demise was only a matter of time.

The Emperor's recovery is only a matter of time! "

Qin Wushen was silent.

But Ji Xia could clearly feel it.

Qin Wushen Xuying became more solid again because of Ji Xia's short words.

"Emperor Taichu, your sword is not enough to kill the Central Executive!"

After a few breaths, Qin Wushen's heroic voice came.

Driven by the remaining power.

Qin Wushen walked towards Ji Xia...

One step, one step... Qin Wushen's majestic body continued to shrink.

Then it disintegrates, turns into rays of light, and shoots out!

In between.

A lot of light has been integrated into Ji Xia's Dragonbone Excalibur!

A sound of dragon roar came from the dragon bone long sword.

Then the remaining Xianglong in the Longbone Longsword emerged.

It is attached to the sword body like a relief!

The strength of the Dragonbone Longsword skyrocketed.

The long sword that was originally snow-white became extremely black and extremely murderous.

"...Xuansheng Extreme Soldier."

Ji Xia's face was calm.

But for Qin Wushen's actions, I am especially grateful!

Even before it dissipated, Qin Wushen would have to hold on to this battle and contribute a lot of strength.

This is the obsession that the real human emperor should have.

Therefore, Ji Xia did not intend to disappoint Qin Wushen.

He took a step forward.

One step has come in front of the Central Executive.

Behind him, the twenty-four heavenly domes bloomed!

The Shura army formed a battle spirit formation, trapped the central governor.

Hell evil spirits swallowed.

There are also terrifying fierce beasts whose bodies are hundreds of thousands of feet tall, running rampant.

Want to crush the Central Executive!

There are also eighteen days in the middle world, and in the eighteen different heavens, the rules of power and unparalleled magic are constantly being calculated!

In order to get a more mysterious rule of the gods.

And when the eighteen sky domes open!

The vast and infinitely powerful rules and divine laws are constantly falling.

The stars in the void are constantly trembling because of such powerful rules and magic.

In the vast sky, there were cracks with no end in sight.

"Lei Shenxiao, Bai Qi, Yang Ren... behead the Central Executive!"

Ji Xia Leiyin haunts the sky!

But almost all Xixuan powerhouses.

But I dare not look down upon it!

The Central Chief Executive turned his back to Thunder God Xiao, Bai Qi and Yang Ren!

A divine thought flashed.

The altar that had been embedded in the void in the distance began to operate.

at the same time.

Behind him is a sacred bridge standing across the sky.

At the end of the bridge is an endless vast ocean, looming.

The deep ocean has no end in sight.

However, many tribulation powerhouses can easily perceive that there is a bright light on the other side.

On the other shore.

Countless enlightenment is constantly emanating.

At this moment.

The central governor glowed all over, a crystal clear color.

The soaring murderous aura and domineering majesty radiated from him, which can be described as shocking.

He flashed past.

Welcome to Ji Xia, Bai Qi, Lei Shen Xiao, Yang Ren!


Ji Xia whispered, holding Qin Wushen’s remaining consciousness blessing in her hand. On the Dragonbone Divine Sword that turned into the Profound Saint Extreme Soldier, there was sword energy surging, and various rules and magical techniques continued to dance, making a space open and broken crack.

Bai Qi held the blood moon in his hands, and the moonlight was shining. A majestic king, transformed into a giant of white bones, exuding a hostile spirit, bit towards the central governor.

The strength of Lei Shen Xiao's sun and moon's calamity was suppressed and distorted.

The infinite thunder has turned into a fairyland, bringing out the infinite thunder glow!

The Yunxia Beast was transformed into a Caixia, and Yang Ren stood on top of the Caixia, holding a purple electric gun, constantly evolving the magic method.

Above the sharp spear, sharp and sharp aura came to the sky, he shot out one by one! The stars are dimmed by the strong spirit.

Tai Cang's four most prosperous powerhouses shot.

Even Yang Ren and Bai Qi are just the existence of the peak of Shangqiong.

But because of their tyrannical combat power and the Profound Saint Extreme Soldier in their hands, the combat power broke out to the extreme.

Ji Xia and Thunder God Xiao are even more extraordinary.

Every move has been extraordinary.

Enough to easily suppress the existence of the sun and the moon.

The four powerhouses joined hands.

In a flash.

Even at the peak of the bridge of God, the central governor who stepped into the tribulation on the other shore was instantly suppressed.

The sky shattered and the earth disappeared.

The stars in the void are constantly falling, falling to the ground, falling into the void.

Extinction does not exist!

In the entire secret battlefield.

Wei Chang turned into an evil god, with six heads exuding a dark and strange aura, and 18 pairs of Bone Wings could not tell the horror.

Countless tentacles protruded from him, contending with the two sun and moon robbers!

The danger at this time and the divine brilliance on his body made his power unprecedentedly powerful.

The six evils Canglong carries six heavens on his shoulders.

Amidst these heavenly gates, the roaring wind, the trembling of the void, the wailing of giant beasts, the shouting of the army, the raging fire, and the bursts of bones, the mystery is hard to elaborate, the only person resisting the three powerful sun and moon!

Shi Yang was holding a mysterious holy spirit knife, his combat power was unparalleled, and General Zhansi was so powerful and angry.

Yuzao once again blessed the power of six nine-tailed puppets, becoming unprecedentedly tyrannical.

Chi Yu, Xian Shen, Heng Yuan, Chao Long Bo!

The magical powers of these four Tai Cang gods continued to spread, and their combat power seemed endless.

Under the leadership of General Feng Qi, a thousand troops of Xuanfeng Qiongqi, full of power, roaring behemoths, a thousand-person battle spirit formation condensed, and the strength is unprecedented!

Ninety-nine Tai Cang ancestors, holding three feet of Qingfeng in their hands, reciting the Tai Cang classics, awe-inspiring and extraordinary combat power.

The phantom of Zi Yao Tian Dynasty finally appeared in the sky.

The grammar secretary Bing Meixian, Shenyingyanqi, General Bajinman, Wuming, Sima Wuhui, Jianshidi, Niqiankun, Ji Guqong came together.

There are also many Zi Yaotian dynasty descending, the strong, showing their powerful strength and joining the battlefield.

Since the Zi Yao Dynasty came to the world.

This is the first time that the celestial dynasty has come out of the strongest and joined the battlefield of Taicang!

And this time.

It is also the first time Tai Cang has exhausted all his strength to deal with a terrible battle!

Among the nine weak human races.

Countless human race powerhouses can't see the struggle of the powerhouses at all.

I can only look at the scene that seems to be annihilated...

Occasionally, the strong fell.

The corpse fell to the ground.

Break the earth!

With the three million Great Cang Yin Guards exerting their best efforts, the Xuan Army of Xixuan Town, even as the main force of Xi Xuan, could only equalize with the Great Cang Yin Guards!

Because the spirit tool in Tai Cang Yinwei's hand was too sophisticated.

There are too many panacea to carry around.

The individual strength of the Xuanjun in Xixuan Town is much stronger than that of Yin Guard.

But Tai Cang Yinwei didn't want his life to swallow the pill.

Various extremely precious spiritual weapons were dropped.

It also made Xuanjun of Xixuan Town complain.

Xixuan Saint Court has accumulated countless treasures in the long years.

However, the Xixuan Saint Court lacked a powerful caster and alchemist.

So on a certain level.

Tai Cang has completely surpassed the holy court, and even surpassed certain dynasties!

This is also the limitation of the holy court.

Without the rules of Guozuo, the talents of various fields that can be born cannot be the same as the emperor!


There was a throbbing noise.

But I saw Ji Xia stepping on a star in the void.

The tyrannical power caused the stars to bloom, and he slashed a sword towards the central governor!

The chains of Lei Shenxiao's Shenxiao Avenue blocked all the way of the Central Chief Executive.

The blood moon shrouded the void, leaving the central governor invisible.

The purple stun gun turned into a flying stun gun, accurately capturing the phantom of the central executive, making it impossible for him to escape.


Ji Xia's sword light falls!

It is like bursting a dazzling golden light ball, covering the sky and the earth.

The sky is falling apart!

A beam of light fell from the sword light.

Falling on the body of the central executive who has nowhere to go.

In an instant.

The central governor bleeds on the spot.


This sword is like breaking the sky, causing the sky to burst, and the infinite sword light is scattered, and there is no bound to it.

Under the power of this sword, the Central Chief Executive quickly retreated.

But Ji Xia, who traveled through time and space.

Cut the head with a fierce sword!

The dense sword light intruded into the body of the central governor.

Shattered all his vitality!

The Central Executive...

A terrifying strong man who is very likely to step into the disaster on the other side.

Ji Xia's death was in the hands of Ji Xia!

Let the countless Xixuan powerhouses feel the panic clearly.

There is another golden scroll covering Ji Xia's head.

In the body of the central monarch, there seemed to be a flash of spiritual light, falling into the golden scroll.

In the end, the remaining trace of the gods of the Central Executive Court still roared: "The power of the altar can finally come to heaven and earth!

The Taicang human race is about to die in the hands of the human race! "

In an instant!

The black soul altar embedded in the void in the distance.

Suddenly a unique light shines.

From the light, an unimaginable fierce aura deterred all existence between heaven and earth.

The three supreme masters of Xixuan looked at the black soul altar from a distance.

The killing intent in his eyes became more obvious.

"Too Cang, it should be gone." Great Master Ming Si said.

Ji Xia is holding a keel long sword.

The light lingers on the body.

The breath is endless and deep, yet endlessly noble.

He looked at the Black Soul Altar from a distance, and in an instant, countless figures appeared on the altar.

After the dazzling light dissipated.

A hundred and eight strong men appeared before his eyes.

These strong men are hazy and not real.

Their eyes are blood-red, exuding a powerful force!

Behind these powerhouses, there are more flying flags, hunting for glory.

Ji Xia, Bai Qi, Lei Shen Xiao and many other powerful men saw this scene.

The pupils suddenly shrank...

"Li Xuan..."

The two words on the flag seem to be born a long time ago.

Make Ji Xia a little strange.


Ji Xia still recognized these two words.

"One hundred and eight star masters from Li Xuan!"

Ming Si's voice calmly said to Lord Xixuan: "Even if it's just the incarnation summoned by the Black Soul Altar...

It is also enough to make all the too strong here... to completely die! "

And Ji Xia at this moment. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

I finally understood what it meant by the "human race must die in the hands of the human race" that the central ruling king said.

Li Xuan Shen Chao...

Two million years ago...

It is an extremely prosperous Human Race God Dynasty!

The Thunder Lord once said that during the heyday of Li Xuan Shen Dynasty, he even tried to create another great world.

Let the people, from now on free from the boundless wild bog!

But now, under the power of the Black Soul Altar, these sages of the human race descended here with a killing intent to the sky...

Want to help Xi Xuan, to destroy too much!

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