I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 906: After the war【big

The army that had been halfway to the Xixuan Saint Court actually retreated under the command of the Xixuan Lord.

Many ministers in Tai Cang were quite puzzled.

After all, the battle between Xixuan and Tai Cang was already on the line.

Even Xixuan Saint Court's divine arrow had already shot out more than half in a sense.

In this situation.

Not only did Xixuan Saint Court descend into the secret realm to attack Tai Cang without the momentum of thunder.

Instead, they retreated.

It is really confusing.

"Thinking about it is very simple."

Bai Qizhan has been completely turned into nothingness, and even the vast space is constantly collapsing above the first secret realm of Xixuan, standing beside Ji Xia: "Shengting Xixuan thinks that he has used monstrous power every time. , Enough to suppress Tai Cang.

Every time, I think that Tai Cang will be undoubtedly destroyed.

But Tai Cang has been able to turn the danger into a bargain every time, and even constantly cannibalize Xi Xuan's power..."

The Six Scourges Canglong on the side also said softly: "It's probably because of this reason.

The Xixuan ruler who has been able to hold the position of ruler for such a long time will not be a stupid one, nor a timid one.

The reason why he retired was probably because Tai Cang still had a hole card, and the Xixuan Saint Court army still had no certainty of victory.

Therefore, this time he retreats, there must be some forces that can be gathered.

In the end, I want to completely separate the winner from Tai Cang! "

With a slight smile on Ji Xia's face, she said, "How could it be possible that the holy court that has survived for so long in the boundless wilderness does not have any cards?

Or...Among the countless races in the boundless wilds, the holy court that didn't want to see the rise of the human race was not the only one in Xixuan, and even a giant like the Tianmu, which stirred the situation in the dark.

Therefore, the current Xixuan Saint Court must have gone back to gather the ultimate strength. "

Shi Yang's eyes were a little bit happy, and he laughed: "Presumably Lord Xi Xuan already has experience.

Every time they think that they are worthy enough, from the son of Wuling, the great saint of Mu Xing to the great master of Panyan, and even the master of Xixuan, the incarnation of Xixuan came in person...

after that.

Even to the entire boundless wilderness, exposing the existence of the strongest too...

In their eyes, almost every time these kinds of methods have been exhausted.

But Tai Cang's resilience... Tai Cang's background also deeply shocked and... unexpectedly.

This is why Xixuan Master wants to retreat! "

When Shi Yang said this, his tone was also the same as You Rongyan: "Even if Tai Cang is showing the power now, it seems that he can't resist the Xixuan army.

But Master Xixuan is too shrewd and doesn't want to take risks anymore...

In this way, the Xixuan ruler is indeed a hero who has been standing forever. "

Bai Qi looked at Ji Xia's back, thought about it, and suddenly said, "Maybe Xixuan's idea is right.

If they come forward rashly, there may be only one way to destroy them. "

Six Disasters Canglong and Shi Yang looked at each other.

Although they don't know if Ji Xia still has a hole card.

But seeing Ji Xia so calm and calm, I guessed that Ji Xia was already confident.


Six Disasters Canglong and Shi Yang also admired Xixuan's ruler a little more.

Ji Xia's words also confirmed Bai Qi's guess: "Perhaps Tai Cang could not completely resist the attack by the Xixuan army before the six great secret realms fell.

But now.

Ruler Xixuan really wanted to fully reveal his knowledge, or he might gather other powers.

The army alone, Tai Cang is already not afraid. "

The several gods present looked at Ji Xia with admiration.

When everyone is talking.

Among the nine human kingdoms, there are eight monarchs and one prince please see you.

At this time.

Many Tiangongfu foundry spirit masters stand on the void.

There is the magic of the gods and fires running out of the hands.

The vast clouds and mists in the void suddenly gathered, and in an instant, a cloud palace was built.

Ji Xia enters the Palace of Clouds and Fog.

Eight monarchs and one prince interviewed.

The excitement in their eyes was very obvious, and they were still a little dazed in the depths of their eyes.

I haven't figured out why there is such a powerful human nation.

Even in the eyes of these ordinary dynasty powerhouses.

It's not just these that they can't figure out.


The battle just now, in the eyes of these human experts, seemed to be a myth reenactment, like a **** coming to the world... so that they could not understand the power and mystery.

Ji Xia had nothing to do, and met with these small monarchs and princes.

After a few random sentences.

Arranged them to Qimingtian.

Since then, they have become the people of Tai Cangqi.

For the present Tai Cang.

The 60 million human beings are actually not a burden at all.

Moreover, Qimingtian needs to open up wasteland, just when it needs population.

These nine human kingdoms, the entire land, were even carried by those Xixuan Shangqiang powerhouses.

After the war, there was no strength to carry the land, and the land had fallen into the void and completely disappeared.

Tai Cang was able to accept them, and most people were naturally very surprised.

There are also many strong people who are delighted to be such a citizen of Shang Dynasty...

of course.

There is also a very small part of the ruling class.

Like many imperial dynasties ruling Guozhong dynasties, I want to establish an independent dynasty Guozuo in Qimingtian and accept Taicang's control.

Before Yuzao, all human beings who had such thoughts were handed over to the mysterious pavilion for disposal.

The specific disposal method is determined by Xuan Mi Pavilion on its own.

If Ji Xia were to be troubled by this kind of thing, the entire population of hundreds of billions of people would probably make him vomit blood and die.

After the rulers of these nine kingdoms left.

Ji Xia looked at the many too strong people in the Yunwu Palace, and said, "Although Xixuan Saint Court will retreat for the time being, too much can't be careless.?

For example, the Tai Cang country is still empty now, although I have some spares, but I can't guarantee everything.

Therefore, Tai Cang's current urgent task is to harvest all the wealth in the remaining five secret realms and return to Tai Cang. "

Everyone respectfully took orders.

The Lu case of Tiangong Mansion and Fanglu of Tiandan Mansion were embarrassed.

The Lu case replied: "The emperor, Xixuan Saint Court is prepared for the rain. Most of the wealth accumulated over the years in these six secret realms have been moved away, and many secret realm treasury are empty..."

Fang Lu also said: "In the remaining five secret realms, the number of remaining treasures is actually quite substantial.

However, most elixir, spiritual gold and even spiritual veins, are actually immature.

Although it is of great value, it still takes many years to conceive. "

Ji Xia was not surprised by the news: "Xixuan Shengting powerhouse is not stupid.

Now that these six secret realms have been exposed, even the strong gods have come personally.

How could they not respond accordingly?

But for Tai Cang, the real treasures of these five secret realms have actually fallen into our hands. "??

Fang Lu and Lu An looked at each other, then nodded and said, "The real treasures of these five secret realms are actually the five secret realms.

When we control the gate, we control these five rich places that are different from ordinary secret realms. The secret realms that Xixuan fancy most are naturally not comparable to ordinary secret realms. "

Ji Xia nodded slowly.

Bai Qi on the side took a step forward and said: "I have to trouble the great gods of the gods, the empress of jade, and the great mentor to use secret methods to cover the traces of the five gates.

Xixuan Saint Court currently has no idea of ​​recovering these five secret realms in a short period of several hundred years before the Tai Cang has been resolved.

But to plan ahead, we still have to cover up. "

Ji Xia looked at the void carefully, and said, "These secret realm gates have been embedded in the boundless wild emptiness, and are integrated with the rules of heaven and earth.

Maybe... if there is a strong person at the level of God, who can break away the constraints of the rules of heaven and earth on the door court, refine these secret door courts, and move the door court to the Taicang territory...

These mysteries will also be more useful. "

A glimpse of the powerhouse?

Many too strong shook their heads gently.

Even the strongest person in Tai Cang today is still far away from the realm of Peeping God.

Within a short period of time, Tai Cang simply couldn't give birth to an existence that could shortly open the rules of heaven and earth.

But Ji Xia was thoughtful.

After a short temporary meeting...

All the strong in Tai Cang were dispatched.

Go to the other five secret realms through Shenkong Xixuandao and collect the remnants of heaven, material and earth treasures in the five secret realms.

Many Lingshan Lingtian Ling mines were detained by the Qing Ding Ling Army, wanting to bring them back to Tai Cang.

Under the leadership of Ji Xia, Lei Shen Xiao, Zhang Jiao, and Yu Zao Qian also showed their magical powers.

Temporarily conceal the location of the five secret realm gates.

The Xixuan Saint Court powerhouse was completely annihilated.

The most delighted was the Xixuan alien slaves in the five secret realms.

Although they were extremely afraid of these mysterious races that were more powerful than the Xixuan Clan.

But anyway.

They finally escaped from the claws of Xixuan Saint Court for a short time.

Especially after three months.

The great army and many powerful men left the secret realm with countless spirit fields and mines on their backs, making them overjoyed.

Even knelt down and sent Tai Cang.

Just three months.

These Xixuan alien slaves actually already knew that the race that had destroyed countless Xixuan army in these towns turned out to be a human race.

After a long unbelievable period.

They also discovered that although these human races are indifferent, they never do cruel things.

Even let them live freely on the secret land.

Originally, several great ministers wanted to release them from the secret realm.

However, these foreign slaves were unwilling to walk out of these five secret realms.

Because their country Zuo had already collapsed.

Their territories may be occupied by other powerful races, or they may have been reduced to nothingness.

They walked out of the secret realm, homeless, where can they go?

Wandering on the boundless wild land?

This is too dangerous.

Moreover, there are many races in these slave teams, and there is no racial bond between them, and they cannot be twisted into a powerful force...

For various reasons.

They are still willing to stay in the secret realm.

Even they elected many leaders and came to meet many great ministers...

I hope that the Taicang people can allow them to stay in the secret realm.

In return, they will continue to work for Tai Cang.

After the efforts of many foreign leaders, after many great ministers' discussions.

Three months later, things that made countless alien creatures worried.

In the end, it became a small sentence on Yuzhe before Ji Xia's case.

Ji Xia wrote a word at will: "Yes."

This big event that made countless alien leaders awake at night, so the dust settled.

The reason why Ji Xia agrees with this matter is also very simple.

There is nothing wrong with more labor.

As for these aliens staying in the secret realm, will there be any turmoil...

Ji Xia has not actually considered these.

Because in Ji Xia's heart.

Xixuan can easily suppress these alien races. Isn't it possible to change to being too pale?

Tai Cang's current power is comparable to gods for these alien races.

A race that can be wiped out with a single finger.

Of course Ji Xia would not be afraid.

in this way……

The Tai Cang army set off on the road to return to Tai Cang.

Ji Xia stood on the shoulders of Uncle Chao Long.

Looking at the kingdoms below, the mountains and the seas, just like that, fleeting.

"This trip is a long journey, but what you should do can't be delayed."

Ji Xia ordered Shi Yang on the side, and said: "Immediately draw up Tai Cang's edict and attach the mirror image of Tai Cang's suppression of Xixuan's army.

There are countless dynasties and imperial dynasties in Guangfa Jie Zushan. "

When he said this, a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Within the bounds of Jiezu Mountain, Tai Cang has been silent for too long, and has been silent for a long time.

Now... Tai Cang has no room for silence again.

So now, Tai Cang needs to let them know how powerful Tai Cang is. "

"It makes them scared, and it reminds them of the Great Geng Dynasty eight thousand years ago, the Great Respiratory God Dynasty fifty thousand years ago, and the Great Ding God Dynasty one hundred thousand years ago!

It reminds them that the human race gave birth to two dynasties in just one hundred thousand years! "

Shi Yang's face flushed, and he looked extremely excited.

He nodded his head and walked away.

Ji Xia watched him leave, then looked towards the void.

A bright light flickered in the void.

Stars and phantoms appeared.

Tai Cang Qixing Zhengshen walked out of the seven stars to bow to Ji Xia.

Ji Xia moved slightly.

There are also many Zi Yao Tian Dynasty powerhouses, as well as the Twelve Heavenly Thunder Lords of the Tianfu Thunder Division, the Thousand Profound Wind Qiongqi Army, and the five hundred dragon scales and twilight demon wolves, appearing in the void.

Respectfully salute to Ji Xia!

"Tai Cang must not only show off his strength, but also make the kingdoms that once slaughtered the human race because of the edict of the Xixuan Sacred Court, to pay the price."

Ji Xia looked at Zi Yao Heavenly Dynasty and Lonely Hou, who sacrificed the same name to Mr. Bing Mei, who was the same name as the Heavenly Devil Dragon: "Sir, the Xuan Mi Pavilion has already checked the list.

Just let the husband lead a lot of strong people into one encounter. "

Mr. Bingmei was arrogant and arrogant, and had a strong temperament, leading him to leave.

Ji Xia once again looked at the seven righteous gods in the void, and issued orders: "You go first to search for the strong Xixuan remaining in the ancestral mountain of the world!

Kill them completely.

If there are two powerful imperial dynasties, Chiyun and Wuri, they will kill them all, their heads hanging in the void.

A warning to the number of the strongest! "

Each of the seven righteous gods of the Great Cang has the power of the **** bridge ~ www.ltnovel.com~ the powerhouse of the **** bridge level, even within the scope of Jie Zu Mountain, is a god-like existence!

There are also several holy courts in the seven imperial kingdoms of Jiezu Mountain.

As for the dynasty, there are simply countless countries.

The number of creatures cannot be estimated at all.

Contains the vast land of Jiezu Mountain, countless stars in the void, many secret realms, and many creatures in the outer sky.


How rare is the number of strong **** bridges?

The seven **** bridge powerhouses, even in the eyes of the three emperors, are powers that are worthy of extreme fear.

Ji Xia's move was just to fully reveal his great power!

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