I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 914: I won’t destroy my dynasty, so naturally I should thank [big

It's another year hurried away.

For Ji Xia and Gong Xingzhao, it is not a good thing that Yuanding’s 531 autumn passed away so quietly.

After Gong Xingzhao entered the Secret Realm of Choking, his cultivation improved extremely quickly.

There is also life style **** liquid to improve his physique.

Let his extraordinary qualifications become more and more tyrannical.

Just a few decades have passed.

Gong Xingzhao has become a powerhouse in the extreme world.

Under the mysterious avenue contained in the sacred tree.

Gong Xingzhao belonged to Tai Cang, and was naturally judged as Tai Cang Zimin by the incomprehensible Dao rules.

The gain of the Shenxia Xuanbei also worked on Gong Xingzhao.

The first Gong Xingzhao has been immersed in surprise and astonishment for several months.

The reason lies in everything that Tai Cang buried under the Choking Secret Realm.

It was too mysterious and too mysterious, so that Gong Xingzhao, who had a firm mind, was unavoidably shrouded in shock, unable to get out for a long time.

Until later.

Ji Xia invited Gong Xingzhao and Zhu Si to a banquet, after a conversation.

These two former alien kings have completely devoted themselves to diligent practice.

A short time passed.

Their strength has been improved qualitatively.

"I guess there should be no error in the time when the Phoenix Secret Realm suffered disaster."

Shi Yang sits in front of the jade case, his burly body is like a hill, but his firm face in the past is full of doubts today.

"It will soon be Yuanding's 531 year silence.

However, from the beginning to the end, the Xixuan Saint Court had never made a shot at the Phoenix Secret Realm. I am afraid that there have been several changes in this. "

Gong Xingzhao said: "Through the power of the Black Sky Compass, I have intercepted scenes in the long river of time. The possibility of error is extremely small, or in a few days, the battle in the Phoenix Secret Realm will break out."

Ji Xia looked calm and said, "The eyes of the Tianyi Chamber of Commerce are all over the Jiezu Mountain. When the Xingzhao clan brother was intercepting the long period of time, he also saw the invisible prison shattered, and saw countless blood spilled and turned into one The fierce demon ran towards an ancient sacred tree.

But now, this matter has not yet revealed its clues.

It is enough to prove that Xi Xuan has not started yet, and that battle may be not long after. "

When he said this, he turned his head and thought for a while, and continued: "Even if Xi Xuan doesn't attack the Huangwu Mystery Realm and the Seven Vein Ancestral Land, it is still possible.

Because what Xingzhao brother saw was only a fragment of the future.

But in the long river, there are countless waves raging.

Perhaps Tai Cang's unprovoked rise has also unintentionally affected a certain key factor, causing Xixuan Shengting's decision to change in the dark. "

Gong Xingzhao still frowned and said nothing.

I probably felt that there was an error in my calculation avenue.

"What I see is the scene of the future. Unless we deliberately make a certain measure against the future, the future will not change easily.

But... Ever since he knew that the Secret Realm of Huangwu would be captured by Xi Xuan, Tai Cang didn't seem to have made any plans for this matter. "

"As for the destruction of the six secret realms... and even the killing of many Xixuan experts, these things have nothing to do with the fall of the Huangwu secret realm.

Even if Too Cang didn't know the future of Huangwu Mysterious Realm, Tai Cang had to carry out these battles... Those battles were actually a constant future.

Under this circumstance, things in the future did not happen... It was probably my calculation avenue, and there was indeed an error. "

Gong Xingzhao thought carefully in his heart.

But what Gong Xingzhao didn't know was.

Tai Cang and Ji Xia were an anomaly to the boundless wilderness.

Ji Xia descended on the boundless wilderness and brought many road rules that were not part of the boundless wilderness.

This has caused fluctuations over time.

It's probably not a strange thing.

"Regardless of whether this catastrophe will happen or not, for Tai Cang, it actually has no effect."

Ji Xia interrupted Gong Xingzhao's thoughts: "The many powerhouses in the Heavenly Palace of Thunder Law have reached the mysterious realm of Huangwu.

Unless the Xixuan Saint Court condenses most of its forces to invade Huang Wu, there is nothing but annihilation awaiting the Xixuan powerhouse.

There is no need to worry too much. "

Of course there is a reason why Ji Xia is so confident.

Now Leibu has the Great Lord of Gods, two Marshals Xin and Bi Tianjun, and three Lords of Ries. All of these existences possess the power of ascending calamity.

And it's not just a general robbery.

There are thirty-six powerful thunderbolts on the sky, and 108 thunder clerks.

Leibu's strength is fully revealed.

It is more than enough to suppress an imperial dynasty like "No Sun" and "Chiyun".

Even in the imperial dynasty, there are still many elite soldiers who can form a battle spirit formation and be able to contend against the calamity.

But Tai Cang Lei Lu Tian Palace's 108 staff members of the Lei Department, at the same time blooming the rules of thunder, the power is unimaginable.

With such confidence.

Ji Xia certainly wouldn't worry too much.

not to mention……

There is also the Taicang Seven-Star Righteous God, who is on the list of conferred gods, who is wandering around Jiezu Mountain.

Ji Xia has ordered.

Let them move closer to where the Phoenix Wu Secret Realm is.

Once the Xixuan Saint Court really can break through the plan of the great plan, they can also rush to help quickly.

Seven gods on the bridge join the battlefield... it can completely reverse the situation in an instant.

When Ji Xia, Shi Yang, and Gong Xingzhao were talking about the Secret Realm of Huangwu.

Zhu Si was still curiously touching Xian Mu who was sleeping on the side.

On top of Xian Mu's head, there was a giant ice-cold beast with five heads lying on his stomach, it was the giant beast of the abyss.

In the past, the abyss behemoths had no intelligence, just like a puppet, and their strength has not grown much.

Even if it were to take some of the awakening spiritual pill refined by Tiandan Palace, it would not have any effect.

Later in an accident, Wei Chang poured him some kind of alien blood that looked very disgusting.

The behemoth of the abyss awakened its mind.

Xian Mu seemed to have found the little brother, so he shrank his body and pressed it on his head every day.

The behemoth of the abyss at this moment looks only the size of a palm, very cute.

He was sleeping on the slightly larger Xian Mu's head in the middle.

Zhu Si looked curiously.

Without making Xian Mu feel uncomfortable, he lazily opened one eye, glanced at Zhu Si, and continued to lie on the ground.

"He is at odds with Milongjun, so ignore him."

Ji Xia said to Zhu Si: "The Nine-Star Secret Realm has been completely branded into the sky in the sky by Tiangong Mansion.

This secret realm was obtained from the trading of the Obscure Moon Territory between Tai Cang and Xutong Holy Court.

Nine stars can accommodate many people. Zhu Si was a former country lord and has management experience. I intend to give you one of them for the time being. "

Zhu Si's cat's ears moved and said in a daze, "My lord, I am not a human race..."

Ji Xia shook her head slightly: "It's just the lord of a star, not a big position.

Tai Cang's current territory is getting wider and wider. In addition to Tai Cang Nine Stars, there are also the Mysterious Territory of the Obscure Moon, and the vast Qi Ming Tian.

In the future, there may be Xixuantian and several vast secret realms in Xixuan.

These stars and secret realms all need suitable people to control them.

You are now a subject of Tai Cang.

The country of Mao's ears has also become more and more prosperous by you, and you can get a glimpse of it, and you are more than enough to be the one-star master with your strength. "

Zhu Si heard Ji Xia praise him.

His face was reddish, and the cat's ears trembled. After hesitating, he respectfully saluted and said: "Since the emperor arranged this, Zhu Si takes the command."

"Tai Cang Nine Stars Secret Realm, Ling Jian is in charge. In addition to Zhu Si, eight masters of the stars are needed. These eight masters will be contested by Tai Cang's new generation of Tianjiao experts.

Over the past five hundred years, although Tai Cang has accumulated a lot of geniuses, there are still very few that can truly control a star and control the existence of tens of billions of people. "

Ji Xia gave the order softly, but in the many mountains in the Choking Secret Realm in the distance, there were rays of light shining.

Many related palaces in Tai Cang have already received edicts.

Several powerful men had a conversation, and after the banquet, Ji Xia was about to get up.

Suddenly a guard came to report.

"Mu Dynasty, the respected emperor, Mu has no way to come to meet the emperor."

Ji Xia's expression was calm, and there was no surprise in her eyes.

He stood up.

The figure disappeared in the Shanggan Palace.

Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Qi ordered the heaven and the human race to respect the emperor and shepherd without a channel, sitting on the lower head, respectfully looking at Ji Xia sitting on the throne.

once Upon a time.

Mu Wuqu once phantom came to Tai Cang, discussed with Ji Xia, and opened Qi Ming Tianmen Court, allowing Tai Cang to enter it.

At that time, Mu Wuqu still treated Ji Xia as equals.

But now, Mu Wuqu looked respectful, his eyes cautious, and he was sure to be the emperor.

Because Tai Cang destroyed the six core secret realms in Xixuan.

Even in the entire Jiezu Mountain, even if Tai Cang is a human kingdom, Tai Cang's status has become superior.

to date.

The too strong also set off a **** storm in the Jiezu Mountain.

Many kings of foreign nations were killed by many too strong men because they responded to the slaughter of the human race by the Xixuan Saint Court.

In order to frighten the countless alien races in the Jiezu Mountain, Tai Cang made the light and shadow jade slips of the destruction of the country and the fall of the strong, scattered throughout the countless places of the Jiezu Mountain.

In this situation……

Suddenly, the human race turned out to be the most special existence in the countless kingdoms of Jiezu Mountain.

The weak and small country even wished to confess the human race.

It should be provided, even more exaggerated than the royal family.

The more powerful royal family sent a letter to Tai Cang, proposing to be willing to migrate to the human race.

Such changes.

Mu Chao, who was in Qi Mingtian, already knew about it.

Coupled with the human beings in Qimingtian, they intentionally or unintentionally showed the power of Tai Cang in the eyes of Mu Chao's creatures.

In the eyes of many animal husbandry.

Tai Cang is a well-deserved Human Race, a legend and hope.

"So, the emperor Mu Chao wants to merge the Mu Chao into Tai Cang?"

Shang Yin Luyu asked Mu Wuqu.

Still wearing a white robe, Mu Wuqu said with a wry smile: "Shang Yin, with the power of Taicang, can Muchao and Taicang share the same fate?"

Lu Yu didn't change his face and said, "Now, doesn't Tai Cang share his fate with Mu Chao?"

Mu Wuqu sighed, and said: "In just a few decades, the local accent of the tens of billions of people in the Mu Dynasty has become the voice of Tai Cang, and the costumes have become Tai Cang costumes. Food, customs, and habits are all different. Move closer to Tai Cang...

Many Muchao's erlangs read Taicang's historical records, recite Taicang's classics, and practice Taicang supernatural powers.

Every household watched the mirror and countless people of the Mu dynasty migrated to the city of Tai Cang.

Tai Cang's many great generals and strong men have become the beliefs of the people of the pastoral dynasty.

The emperor has become the emperor of the pastoral dynasty, and many ministers of the pastoral dynasty have begun to put forward an order to emulate the Tai Cang government...

So another hundred years.

The Mu dynasty ceased to be the Mu dynasty, and Qi Ming no longer had a place for the Mu dynasty royal family. "

Shang Yin Luyu heard some complaints hidden in Mu Wuqu's tone.

His face was a little reddish.

All this is actually the proposition of Shengwen Mansion.

Coupled with being too strong, Mu Chao didn't have any sense of guard.

So this "peaceful evolution" of the alien version went on so quietly, and made great achievements.

In this matter, Tai Cang is indeed a little ashamed of the people in power of the Mu Dynasty.


Ji Xia sat on the throne, but her eyes were still calm.

He had spoken to Bai Qi hundreds of years ago.

He will never tolerate countless nations standing side by side under the territory he controls. (Chapter 413)

He is also not interested in dominating other kingdoms.

If you want people to rise up, even if you don't take all the human forces under your command.

You must also ensure that your territory has a canopy without any flaws.

and so.

Qimingtian is the place where the greatness must compete.

Even if the process seemed a little gloomy, the imperial court at the beginning did not hesitate.

Of course... the reason for the cultural shroud was that she didn't want the Mu Chao who once helped Tai Cang to bleed.

"Because many creatures in Mu Chao gradually moved closer to Tai Cang, so the emperor Mu Chao wanted to merge Mu Chao into Tai Cang?"

Ji Xia suddenly asked: "With this approach, those high-ranking pastoralists...are they..."

Mu Wuqu's expression passed a hint of helplessness: "The person in power is naturally unwilling. In fact, if you don't hide what the emperor said, it is no way and extremely unwilling.

After all, the Mu dynasty has existed for a long time, and the ancestors of the Mu dynasty passed on the ancestors of the country, blood, and civilization.

And now in my hands, Guo Zuo dissipated... I became the sinner of Mu Chao, and there was no face to speak of. "

When Mu Wuqu said this, he took a deep breath and continued: "But knowing that En Dang's report, although Mu Chao opened the door, let Tai Cang enter the fate.

But Tai Cang also perished those two powerful dynasties, allowing the Mu dynasty that had been struggling to regain a new life.

Let countless creatures of Muchao break free from the inevitable destruction.

Under such circumstances, Tai Cang's kindness to Mu Chao was far greater than Mu Chao's contribution to welcoming Tai Cang. "

"Furthermore... the loss of life in the Mu dynasty has become inevitable. Tai Cang is the supreme human kingdom, even with thousands of Mu dynasties, it is no match for a Tai Cang.

Even if it is too dark to raise the butcher knife~www.ltnovel.com~ It is only a matter of time to rely on civilization to completely rule Qi Ming.

It was the high-level Muchao who realized such a situation that I came to Tai Cang to meet the emperor. "

Ji Xia immediately understood what Mu Wuqu meant, and asked, "In that case, what does the senior Mu Chao want?"

Mu Wuqu's expression became a little weird, and he said, "I hope that the emperor can grant us a secret realm.

We...will vote in the middle of the country. There are tens of billions of pastoral creatures. If anyone is willing to follow us, I hope that the emperor can transport pastoral ministers and these pastoral creatures to that secret realm.

In addition... other conditions are up to the emperor. "

Shang Yin Luyu sighed and said in his heart: "It is possible to push the upper echelons of a country to such a situation... the cultural invasion under the background of extremely strong strength is indeed extraordinary."

At this moment.

Mu Wuqu said again: "In addition to the original outer Tianmen Court, the Mu Chao also accidentally found the fourth outer Tianmen Court.

Under the decision of the upper level of Muchao, these two Qimingmen courts paid tribute to Taicang and thanked Taicang. "

Ji Xia puzzled: "Thank you?"

The Emperor Mu Chao said: "Thanks to Tai Cang's thoughts and compatriots. Before Tai Cang, he did not directly drive the Mu dynasty, and did not kill the upper-level powerhouse of the Mu dynasty. Naturally, I should thank him."

"With these two gates, plus the two originally owned by Tai Cang.

The emperor can recast the gates and brand the void passages.

Set the entrance of Qimingtian within the territory of Taicang Kyushu. "

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