I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 921: The Dawn of Human Race【Large

Under this sword.

The void began to surge.

Between the sky and the earth, there is a bright white.

In Ji Xia's body, the many great avenues conceived all burst out at this moment.

Tiangong Avenue, Tianhe Avenue, Tianqiong Avenue, Sanjie Avenue...

All kinds of mysterious Dao rules are condensed on the sword formed by the Tianhe Secret.

In an instant.

In a short period of time, the entire Sacrifice Heaven Palace experienced violent vibrations.

In the shock, many magical powers were condensed.

These powers seem to come from the rules brewed in the Temple of Heaven.

The mysterious energy that comes from many secret realms and outside the realm.

It comes from the supreme **** emperor who once worshipped the avenue here and wanted to let the boundless wilderness once again establish the name of "Da Duan Luojie".

all in all……

Ji Xia this sword.

The bursting power far exceeded his own power.

He walked all the way along Qicai Avenue.

Witnessing the vast and mighty power contained in the Secret Realm of Shangji and the Temple of Heaven, and perceiving the true meaning of countless rules.

Under such circumstances, the Eighteen Days of the Middle Realm, which originally took a while to be fully transformed into substance, has been completely condensed into substance.

He has the power to fully walk across the other side, and soon be able to peek into the divine way.

Originally, Ji Xia's strength was already unparalleled.

Coupled with the surging of various avenue rules in the body.

In addition, there are many rules and many background blessings in the temple of worship.

Ji Xia this sword.

Almost bright to the extreme, brilliant to the extreme.

After a dazzling white light...

This piece of void is like a huge white wave born out of thin air.

The wave swept away.


Jingyu, Tantan, and Huaishhuang were three completely different creatures, they were stunned to see...

The earth is rolling, the void is shaking!

Outside the gate in the distance, countless illusory monsters instantly turned into smoke and dust, completely disappearing.

And the gate of heaven and earth, where illusory monsters constantly rushed out, also disappeared!

And this is not the end.

The waves of white light are coming turbulently.

Almost all of the temple temple was cleared.

Even the illusory monsters in front of Jing Yu's trio were completely strangled!

Another monster gate in Jing Yu's distance also dissipated in the world!

After the white light surged.

The world is clear and bright.

Ji Xia was still standing on Qicai Avenue, step by step towards the mysterious high platform in the distance.

The three Jing Yu walked silently and looked at each other.

The color in their eyes is a little more shocking.

"There must be something wrong with Ji Xia, the lord of the Great Blue Kingdom."

Huaishuang muttered to herself: "A small country with a population of hundreds of thousands has already had such a lucky talent as Jing Yu, how could such a king be born again?"

Tan Tan swallowed again.

His huge body became the size of an ordinary person in the blink of an eye.

He turned his head to look at Jing Yu, who was staring in his eyes, and asked, "What should we do now?

Do you wait here, or go up to the high platform and take a look at the chessboard? "

Huaishuang's deep god-shaped incarnation of willow brows raised, and said: "Since the Lord of the Great Kingdom has gone to explore the magic of the chessboard, we naturally don't need to go up again.

In case we encounter any dangerous situation again, there is no guarantee that we will be able to escape safely..."

"I'm going to take a look."

Jing Yu suddenly said, "You can wait here. The monster gate has been wiped out by the Lord. It should be safe here."

Huaishuang and Tan Tan nodded again and again.

They really don't want to face that wonderful existence who uses the world and galaxy as the chessboard.

Before, I was worried about Jingyu's safety.

But now, there is suddenly such a "common king" in the Temple of Heaven, and the power displayed can only make them look up.

With Ji Xia here.

Huaishuang and Tan Tan were relieved a lot about Jingyu's safety.

Jing Yu took a deep breath.

She probed her hand slightly.

The Longyin sledgehammer in his hand immediately turned into a dragon soul, slowly winding around her ring finger, like a flowing ring, extraordinary and extraordinary.

Jing Yu took two steps forward.

Suddenly his complexion was reddish.

Turning his head, spread his arms, and said to Huaishuang and Tan Tan, "Is my clothes... dirty?"

Tan Tan shook his head.

Huaishuang touched her chin, and said, "I'm a little bit plain in white clothes."

Jing Yu stared at Huaishuang.

Huaishuang said: "When you go to see the person in your dream, you have to dress brighter...Red may be better."

Jing Yu nodded, and the white shirt on her body instantly turned bright red.

Huaishuang agrees with the general nod.

Tan Dan said helplessly: "The big red is really not plain, but it's a bit more vulgar, and the light red is probably better."

Huaishuang snorted coldly and said, "What do you know about girls?"

Tan Tan said, "I have eyes."

At this moment.

The clothes on Jing Yu's body changed from bright red to light red again.

Sure enough, the impression is much clearer and more beautiful.

Huaishuang was silent immediately.

Tan Tan raised his head towards Huaishhuang.

Huaishuang turned around, ignoring Tan Shan.

Jing Yu took care of her hair again, walked a few steps forward again, stopped again, and probably remembered something again.

Jing Yu stopped in place, and the clothes on her body suddenly changed slowly and became more refined.

"The lord of the country once gave me a few pieces of clothes in this style."

Jing Yu turned around and explained a few words to the puzzled Huaishuang and Tan Tan.

Only then did he turn his head again and walked towards the mysterious high platform step by step.


Huaishuang and Tan Tan, who stayed in place, suddenly became happy in their hearts.

Huaishuang said with emotion: "For many years, Jing Yu has been obsessed with this Taicang Country Lord from beginning to end.

We previously thought that this was just Jing Yu's obsession, and when she saw the Lord of Great Cangguo and realized the gap between them, this obsession would dissipate.

But I didn't expect... Jing Yu's vision was indeed long-term enough that Ji Xia, the master of the Great Blue Kingdom, had such a terrifying talent. "

Tan Tan also nodded and said, "This is the best way. The two human races may have a racial mission and support each other so that they can go further."

"No matter what, the sudden arrival of Ji Xia today is the most surprising thing for Jing Yu."

Tan Tan said, "I can feel the joy and excitement suppressed in Jing Yu's silence."

Huaishuang said softly to Jing Yu's back: "It is a very good thing to be able to witness this scene."

That's it for Jing Yu.

Step by step, set foot on the sky.

She looked very serious when she walked, as if she was rushing to where she was in her dream.

And Ji Xia at this moment.

Has walked down the colorful avenue.

Came to the mysterious platform suspended in the void.

Ji Xia walked step by step, staring at the mysterious existence in front of her.

This mysterious being has a deep breath and a courage like Universe, and he can't perceive the end of this courage at all.

He sat in front of a chess board.

It's like sitting high above nine days away, looking down at all the creatures on the earth, looking down at the growth and death of all things, looking down at the alternation of the four seasons, the cycle of sun and moon...

In Ji Xia's mind, many rules from the Temple of Heaven are constantly being intertwined.

So he walked to the opposite side of the mysterious existence, and after saluting, sat opposite the mysterious existence.

The mysterious existence seemed to perceive his coming.

Raising his head slightly, his right index finger lightly tapped out, and he tapped it on this chessboard.

Ji Xia looked in the direction pointed by the mysterious existence.

I saw a haziness, not real.

But the world, galaxy, and cosmos are lifelike, as if this is not an illusory image, nor the manifestation of powerful rules, but a real world, a real galaxy, and a real cosmos!

Ji Xia's eyes gradually became serious.

He was not very confused about his sudden arrival at the Temple of Heaven.

The vast palace in Shangyu Tian, ​​and the countless altars in it, are probably some kind of sacrificial rituals that communicate the Dao Tian Gong.

He entered the Shangyu Heavenly Sacrifice Palace, and the blood of the ancient star Eucharist within his body inspired many sacrificial formations.

As a result, I don't know how far apart the Secret Realm Sacrificial Taoist Temple is, and with various rules, he has taken in his consciousness, divine knowledge, and the various avenues that have been bred, and the incarnation has descended here.

So in an accurate sense.

His real body is still in the Shangyu Heavenly Sacrificial Palace.

For such a weird thing, since it has happened, Ji Xia can only accept it.

And... for his cultivation base, this is obviously not a bad thing.

As for the chess and cards in front of me.

Even with his current power, he can only see the outline, and can't see the true meaning of it at all.

Just when Ji Xia was staring at the chessboard carefully.

In the distance in the void, Jing Yu walked step by step, and also landed on the supernatural platform.

Ji Xia had noticed Jing Yu before.

But his mind at the moment is all on the chessboard.

Seeing Jing Yu coming, he was still sitting on the spot, beckoning to Jing Yu, while continuing to watch the chessboard full of Dao Miao.

Jing Yu was nervous to the extreme, and didn't know how to talk to Ji Xia.

But now.

She saw Ji Xia beckoning to her, there seemed to be no strangeness in her face and eyes.

Only then did Jing Yu jump for joy in his heart.

Her original heavy footsteps became much lighter, and she walked in front of Ji Xia.

"Do you know the origin of this chessboard?"

Ji Xia asked Jing Yu: "The many worlds on this chessboard, as well as countless galaxies, seem to be real."

After Jing Yu heard Ji Xia's question, he nodded quickly... and then he shook his head quickly when he remembered something.

Ji Xia smiled helplessly, and said: "You have been away from Tai Cang for so many years, and your personality remains the same as before. There is not much change."

Ji Xia is not a stupid person.

He walked on the colorful road, the moment he descended to the Taoist Temple.

I have already seen Jingyu, Huaishhuang, and Tanshan.

Of course, the power surging out of Jing Yu's body has been fully insightful by him.

Although Ji Xia was amazed by the terrifying power that Jing Yu possessed.

But at that time, Ji Xia was too late to be shocked, because there were more important things waiting for him to do.

And now.

The shock in Ji Xia's heart disappeared slightly.

It is also generally understood that after leaving Tai Cang, Jing Yu will inevitably encounter a monstrous opportunity.

The boundless wild, boundless and mysterious.

He can have some adventures, and of course other people with great luck can also get extraordinary opportunities.

"It's just... Jing Yu's improvement in strength is really terrifying."

Ji Xia was secretly in her heart.

What he didn't know was that after Jing Yu entered the Temple of Heaven.

In the Taoist Temple, a certain mysterious power turned into the whispers of countless human sages and many gods, explaining the avenue to Jingyu.

There is even a statue of Ji Su who can stand on the side of God Emperor Hou Gao, giving her a mysterious inheritance.

In addition, Jing Yu's original practice was the Celestial Phenomenon Swallowing Spiritual Sutra.

There is spiritual essence perfusion in the body from the old woman in the village, and the surging spiritual essence is stored in the body and slowly digested by mysterious techniques.

Under all sorts of opportunities.

Only then can we have such a vast power.

But now, Jing Yu's heart was beating a drum, and his eyes were a little more confused.

After a brief period of confusion, Jing Yu reacted, and then said: "The Lord...The Temple of Sacrifice Dao is the place where God Emperor Gao, the Emperor Gao, of the Daxi Emperor, is offering sacrifices."

Ji Xia nodded: "I know."

Jing Yu said: "The God Emperor Hou Gao created the Secret Realm of Shangji and built the Temple of Sacrifice. He wanted to integrate the countless fragments of the Wild Wilds into one, so that the Wild Wilds could once again have their original Taoist name."

"Countless fragments of the boundless wilderness...re-integration?"

Hear this sentence.

Ji Xia couldn't help but respect the Emperor Hou Gao of the Great Breath God Dynasty a little more.

Before a short tens of thousands of years.

Terran is still surrounded by powerful enemies.

There are many behind-the-scenes presences that are fueling the flames, wiping out the luck and chance of the human race.

However, at that time, the God of Great Breath, God Emperor Gao, had never stopped his eyes on the many enemies in the boundless wilderness.

But to go one step further, wanting to repeat the glory of the boundless wilderness and once again obtain the original name!

Only with such grand ambitions can existences like Shangyu Tianlongan God be able to surrender.

Only then can countless human races go to the secret place with the Great Breath God Dynasty to go through disasters together.


Such a human dynasty fell apart in a short time.

Such a human **** emperor fell.

Tens of thousands of years have passed.

Between heaven and earth, many ancient books and many memories about the Great Breath God Dynasty have completely disappeared...

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For the mortal race now.

The human race is so humble and weak from beginning to end.

The Terran has never given birth to a powerful kingdom from beginning to end.

They have forgotten the glory of the ancient human race.

They have even forgotten the majesty that the Great Breathing God overwhelmed the world just tens of thousands of years ago and prevented the demons from crossing the border!

Ji Xia said silently in her heart: "This is not the fault of the ordinary people."

At this time, Jing Yu, with a unique brilliance in his eyes, said to Ji Xia: "Since I entered the Temple of Heaven, there have been many voices in my mind guiding me."

"These voices **** to this sacred platform, come to stare at this chessboard."

"When I perceive the secrets in the chessboard, when the next year comes, the human race will have the dawn of no longer humble!"

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