I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 928: Easy [big

As early as more than five hundred years ago.

In the former site of the Three Mountains in the Land of Hundred Regions, these tianjiaos existed, and they had come to visit.

At that time, Yang Ren had just descended into a wilderness.

Under Yang Ren's golden core eyes.

Ji Xia had seen three young noblemen from the Dazhen Emperor Dynasty, the Extinction Demon Township, and the Dark Lord's Saint Court, as well as the three young nobles who came back to the frontier of the hundred domains in clothing.

They mentioned a body buried under the site of Sanshan.

Before that, Yang Ren controlled Dikongxing and felt an extraordinary breath in the old site of Sanshan.

The origin of this body is mysterious.

Perhaps it was the bones of the three ancient gods that were conceived.

When they made an agreement.

Ji Xia still heard clearly.

At that time, this holy body with many divine natures had not yet been fully conceived.

And now... five hundred years have passed.

The holy body seems to be about to move.

It seems to break open the earth, and this is the world.

So the sky over the old site of Sanshan at this moment.

These three young Tianjiao were hiding in a big formation.

Watching the Sanshan ruins.

"That mysterious girl has never been here."

The Great Sage of Dark Lord, Dong Jingxuan, suddenly said: "Although we had an agreement, she has not come now, so there is no need to worry about her in this battle."

This time, Princess Luo's silver-white hair was not tied into a ponytail.

But casually draped on his shoulders.

The face that seemed to be only fourteen or five years old was very immature.

However, the terrifying power revealed from her made the void twists and turns.

The emperor Shenjue felt the breath emanating from Princess Luoyu.

He frowned slightly and said, "Today, the old site of the Three Mountains, although it has not been included by Tai Cang.

But here is close to the border of Tai Cang, Princess Luo Yu still has to converge.

Otherwise, it will startle the powerful, and things will change unexpectedly. "

Princess Luoluo was silent.

But the icy breath exuding from her body has obviously abated a lot.

There were no pupils in Dong Jingxuan's eyes, only a piece of paleness, and he appeared extremely indifferent.

The golden armor on his body is still shining.

At this moment, Dong Jingxuan turned his head to look at Princess Luo Yu, and his sense of consciousness surged: "The Land of Extinguishing Life is welcoming the arrival of Lord Yin.

Didn’t an ancient **** like Lord Yin give any treasure to the Devil Land of Extinction?

This mere body bred from heaven and earth, why not let me and the son of God Jue? "

Princess Luo Jing glanced at Dong Jingxuan.

There was no response.

She also knew Dong Jingxuan, but only expressed her dissatisfaction with this matter.

"The holy body buried in the Sanshan site is of unimaginable value.

But now, the holy body is about to be conceived and completed in a short time. In this case, we should also determine the belonging of the holy body. "

Emperor Shenjue's blue-gray hair slowly fluttered in the wind.

But his words are full of some worries.

"It's just here, it's not a good place to fight.

Once the divine magic and profound arts are used here, and the power of the rules is introduced, the Taicang Taichu Imperial Court will definitely be aware of it. "

Dong Jingxuan looked a little disapproving when he heard the words of Emperor Shen Jue's son.

He shook his head and said: "Tai Cang is indeed powerful, but now Tai Cang and Xixuan Saint Court are immortal.

In the early days, the emperor was a great emperor, not a fool who made enemies everywhere.

Whether it's the Dazhen Emperor Dynasty, the Dark Lord's Holy Court, or the Devil Land of Extinction.

The strength he possesses is stronger than that of Xixuan Saint Court.

I am not surnamed the Emperor of the Beginning, because of a body of unknown origin, I would dare to fight against the three powers. "

Princess Luo Jing tilted her head, thinking for a few breaths of time.

Then he said slowly: "We used to help Tai Cang when the Son of Wuling came to Tai Cang..."

Jin Jiadong Jingxuan sneered at this moment, and said: "First of all, you go to Tai Cang, just to prevent Xixuan Saint Court from completely occupying Tai Cang and discovering the secrets in the old site of Sanshan.

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Secondly, Tai Cang has obviously hidden his strength during these many years.

What kind of stuff is Wuling Shengzi? I also need your help, to be able to solve it? "

When he said this, there was a slight smile in his eyes, and he casually said: "Maybe you went to help Tai Cang, and also blocked the good deeds of the emperor from the beginning."

Princess Luo Luo and the son of God Jue did not refute.

After Emperor Shenjue slowly shook his head, the light in his eyes suddenly shot into the distance.

There is exactly where the Dark Lord's holy court is.

"The dark monarch holy court is now adjacent to Tai Cang, where the dragon is sleeping, how can you allow others to sleep soundly?

Maybe at some point, the dark king's holy court disappeared without a trace. "

Dong Jingxuan heard the ridicule of Emperor Shen Jue's son, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Slowly shook his head, but did not refute.

Seeing Dong Jingxuan’s reaction, the emperor Shenjue also smiled at Dong Jingxuan and said in a weird tone: "From now on, do you think that a country like Tai Cang and the existence of the emperor Taichu show it Is it the true power they possess?"

Dong Jingxuan's eyes flashed a little impatiently: "Shenjue emperor son, whether it is the three dynasties of Jiezu Mountain, or the two holy courts we are waiting for.

It's not that Tai Cang can handle it at will, doesn't the Emperor Dazheng even have such a little confidence? "

Emperor Shenjue heard Dong Jingxuan's questioning, and suddenly thought of Lonely Hou, who had once supported Emperor Shengjing, and then disappeared.

In my heart, the emperor became more and more jealous.

At this moment, he didn't want to say much, saying: "In this case, we will go away from the desolate place of the sky and set the holy body.

As evidenced by Lu's father's contract, before this, apart from the three of us, this matter must not be disclosed to any existence. "

The Dark Lord Sacred Court slowly nodded, and then said to Princess Luo Jing: "Princess, the secret prohibition of concealing fluctuations needs you to arrange it properly."

Princess Luo Yu nodded.

She ran the secrets in her body and began to quietly strengthen the magic circle.

Three months passed.

After the three Tianjiao had completely ensured the secret spiritual forbidden, they were safe.

Then he glanced at each other and flew away quietly.

Wait until they leave completely.

There was a wave of fluctuations in the void, and a **** bridge stood across the sky.

Above the divine bridge, three powerful men, Ji Xia, Bai Qi, and Six Disasters Canglong, walked slowly.

Bai Qi also glanced at the direction where the three Tianjiao had left with interest.

On the Six Scourges Canglong, a lifelike purple dragon is constantly swimming around his stalwart body.

The white breath has completely converged.

It's like an ordinary person.

no doubt.

Decades have passed.

These two powerhouses have completely landed on the robbery, constructing the sun and the moon in the body secret.

Become a tyrannical emperor.

They were also the two who were the first to become the powerhouses of Shangqiong among the many gods of Shangqiong.

"Tai Cang's current strength is enough to make these ancient forces jealous."

Six Disasters Canglong said slowly: "I once saw the image of Saint Wu Ling when he came to Tai Cang.

At that time, Princess Luo Jing and the son of Emperor God Jue came to Tai Cang.

Although they have never been hostile to Tai Cang, they have never regarded Tai Cang in their eyes.

And now they talk about Tai Cang, talk about the emperor's words, there is respect and fear. "

Bai Qi smiled slightly: "Luo Yu, Dong Jingxuan, and Shen Jue, these three possess extraordinary powers.

All have achieved the bridge of gods.

But now they are far from the emperor, I am afraid there are still many gaps. "

At this moment, Ji Xia, dressed in mysterious clothes, had very calm eyes.

The stars and gods in his eyes revolved, and his eyes fell on the old site of Sanshan.

There were twenty-four layers of heaven in Ji Xia's body, and the vast power poured into his eyes like this.

The restraint that Princess Luo Yu carefully prepared, being so watched by him, gradually became useless.

Ji Xia at the moment.

Under the former site of Sanshan, I saw a divine body in a blank white light, which was constantly exuding a certain spirit that Ji Xia felt familiar.

This familiar spirit...

Not only Ji Xia, but many too strong people are also very familiar.

The once forbidden strong man walked through the void and drew his sword to kill the Qishou Great, causing the blood of the Qishou Great to spill on Tai Cang.

Those divine blood contained the same spirit as in the holy body.

The only difference is...

"It seems that the good fortune left by the three tyrannical gods is very extraordinary."

Bai Qi said, "Even the divinity in the blood of Emperor Qishou, compared with the divinity contained in this body, is far from being extremely terrifying."

The Six Scourges Canglong also nodded and said, "No wonder the three strong men are so cautious.

He even did not hesitate to make an agreement with Lu's father. "

"It's almost complete."

Ji Xia smiled and stared at the old site of Sanshan: "At most one day, this holy body can be fully conceived and completed.

But the strong fight, I'm afraid I can't walk back and forth in one day. "

Bai Qi and Liu Mi Canglong looked at each other, and suddenly felt that the three saints were a bit pitiful.

At this moment, they may be up to the nine heavens, fighting for life and death.

And this peerless treasure in front of me.

But it fell into Ji Xia's hands so easily.


One day turned and passed away.

The holy body, which was still exuding the boundless spirit, suddenly, the light shining from the body turned into darkness.

The infinitely rich divinity was also completely restrained at this moment.

It is as if the treasure buried under the Sanshan site is the corpse of an ordinary person, but it just contains a lot of vitality.

"He fell asleep."

Ji Xia just glanced quickly and knew the current state of this holy body.

"He never had a true spirit, and he had no consciousness.

All the changes nowadays are just the most reasonable choices made by the strong divinity. "

Ji Xia thoughtfully: "Maybe, this body can be given to Thunder God Xiao.

Allowing him to be free is free from the fate of melting. "

Thinking of this, he hesitated in his expression: "It's just that the holy body itself contains some kind of wonderful divinity, and it is not conceived from the thunder.

I don't know if Lei Shen Xiao fits the body. "

He thought to himself.

But his eyes fell on the six evil blue dragon.

Six evils Canglong immediately saluted Ji Xia respectfully.

Then take a step forward.

His stalwart body has become taller.

The vast blue dragon on his body also roared out carrying bursts of purple energy.

The originally powerful Canglong became even more behemoth at this moment.

As long as Canglong opened his big mouth, toward the old site of Sanshan, he bit down fiercely.


The land with a radius of hundreds of miles where the holy body was buried was immediately swallowed by the Canglong, suspended in the mouth of the Canglong.

Everything was nothing more than a breath of incident, and the dust was completely settled.

Ji Xia is also very simple.

"Okay, don't waste any more time, go back."

He downplayed it, and left with Bai Qi and the Six Sorrows Canglong.

On the other hand, a huge deserted valley in Jiezu Mountain, with three dead stars floating in the depths of the valley.

The three dead stars are devastated.

Two of them have been broken by most.

And hundreds of thousands of miles away from three stars

The fierce fighting that was originally still made the sky tremble, and the divine magic and profound arts used by the three saints of the galaxy dimmed, and the rules of heaven and earth permeating the deep valley, suddenly stopped.

The entire valley, which is huge enough to contain the stars, has sunk too much.

The three of them stayed in the void, standing in the aftermath of supernatural powers, looking at each other.

Dong Jingxuan took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the monstrous anger in his heart.

But after just a few breaths.

The surging anger almost turned into a storm that swallowed the world and swept all over!

"who is it?"

His voice was low and turned to look at Princess Luo Yu.

A trace of worry flashed in the eyes of Emperor Shenjue, and he also looked at Princess Luo Yu.

Princess Luo Jing closed her eyes and felt it, and she said coldly while looking up: "When the holy body is swallowed, there is a strong purple aura that fluctuates, and there are waves of sacred dragons hanging in the air..."

"Purple Qi... Canglong?"

The emperor Shenjue's voice was low and said: "It is the emperor of evil under the command of the emperor in the early days!"

"Six Curses Canglong?"

Dong Jingxuan also snorted coldly: "Unexpectedly, we planned for a hundred years, but in the end we were first ascended by Tai Cang...

It's just... once this holy body is fully recovered, it will be able to nurture a god, and it is still an extremely powerful god.

Tai Cang, as a human nation, even if it is strong? Don’t they fear the Dark Lord~www.ltnovel.com~ the Great Sacred Court, and are not afraid of the extinction of the Devil Land? "

"Especially Miesheng Demon Township." Dong Jingxuan continued: "Miesheng Demon Township offers sacrifices to the world and welcomes the arrival of Lord Yin, and its power is in full swing.

Even the Great Sealed Saint Court, even the Emperor Mingluo, Emperor Zhenxuan...you must treat each other with courtesy.

It is not a wise move to be too bold to **** food from the mouth of the three evil tigers. "

Princess Luo Zhi had a tender face and was dressed in black, but at the moment she also looked extremely cold.

Only the emperor Shenjue was silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Dong Jingxuan took a deep breath: "In any case, we discovered this treasure first, and we also placed a hidden spiritual forbidden, waiting for him to mature.

Tai Cang... is not the master of this divine body. "

Emperor Shenjue's face was a little stiff, and he asked, "Do you want to ask too much sin? It's not the one who discovered the treasures first.

If Tai Cang can develop to such a point, Guo Zuo must have surging human luck. Under such luck, our emperor's pilgrimage to the holy court, even if he does not go to Tai Cang, should temporarily avoid his harsh edge. "

"And... once the matter of a holy body is spread.

Even if Tai Cang is willing to return it, I am afraid it will not be in the hands of our three forces. "

Princess Luo Luo has no expression on her face.

Even if Dong Jingxuan was extremely angry, he still had to admit that the words of the Emperor God Jue had some truth.

Suddenly, this battlefield fell into a brief silence.

After a long time.

Princess Luo said suddenly: "Once Tai Cang intervenes, things are out of our control."

"Up to now, the body has fallen into the hands of others, and the appointment with Father Lu has ended.

Then, I will go to exterminate the demonic land, and it will be determined by the holy lord. "

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