I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 935: Upgrade Choking Secret Realm [Large

  Chapter 935 Upgrade the Secret Realm of Choking【Large Chapter】

  Jiang Mingxuan, Young City Lord, is nothing but a short-lived goddess to many too strong.

  Except for a few core gods from the upper layers of the heavens.

Few people know that after Jiang Mingxuan came to Tai Cang, he was beheaded by Ji Xia.

  Just a few months later.

  In front of the palace in front of the guardian **** statue, there is a statue with a vague face and kneeling down.

  Tiangongfu did not deliberately vilify this goddess.

in contrast.

  Jiang Mingxuan's statue, except for his blurred face, is still magnificent and majestic.

   But now, such a statue can only kneel on the ground, burying its head at the protector of the country.

  The guardian **** statue has never been resuscitated for many years.

  The reason is that there are very few strong people who have broken into Tai Cang for a long time.

  Occasionally, there are such existences, and the early-stage gods like the Protector of the Country are not much help.

  But the guardian **** is made by the true spirit of Tai Cang, the first king, Ji Shang.

  The face of the statue is no different from Ji Shang.

  In the minds of Tai Cang people, Ji Shang is the biological father of Emperor Ji Xia in the early days, and the ancestor of Tai Cang.

   "Taicang Shi Ji" and many other Tai Cang classics also clearly record the contribution of this Tai Cang ancestor.

  So the statue of the Protector of the Country has been respected by the people from beginning to end.

  I don’t know how many Taicang people from all over the country each year. When they come to visit Taidu, they will spontaneously worship this statue of the ancestor.

  Those ministers who have been in the too weak since the age of too weak, will also look at the statue of the protector of the country from time to time.

  Now there is such a statue of atonement, which makes many people quite puzzled.

  Shang Yin Luyu also asked Ji Xia.

   Ji Xia never concealed: "This statue of atonement is the chief culprit of the previous meteorite catastrophe.

  The former king died because of this catastrophe, and the perpetrator of the catastrophe knelt in front of the former king, which can be regarded as atonement for his sins. "

  Suddenly, this news was passed on to the ruling and opposition parties.

   was then passed on to the private sector.

  Even the new Tai Cang classics clearly record this incident.

  Have many great ministers, and the people of Tai Cang, admire Ji Xia even more in their hearts.

  After many years.

  The emperor cut off the chief culprit of the meteorite catastrophe, which is more than just a gratitude.

   is a baptism for Guozuo and civilization.

   Let countless Tai Cang people clearly understand that today's Tai Cang has become completely strong.

   makes their hearts more confident.

  In this stall, Ji Xia did not waste time.

  At this moment, he was standing on the rooftop of the Palace of Heaven on the Choking Secret Realm, looking at the Choking Secret Realm from a distance.

  The area that can be used before the Secret Realm, although only a radius of six hundred miles.

   But six hundred miles away, there is also a place covered by dense fog and surrounded by mountains and rivers that cannot be crossed.

  Six hundred miles in radius is actually not too small.

  Even if it accommodates six million practitioners on weekdays, it looks extremely spacious.

  But as Tai Cang's strength continued to improve.

  Taicang’s population has increased rapidly, and the number of geniuses has also increased rapidly.

   Coupled with the situation that Tai Cang is facing now, it is becoming more vast and dangerous.

   Therefore, the subsequent Choking Secret Realm, even if it can still control ten times the flow of time, is already somewhat stretched for Tai Cang.

  The Great Blue Fury Flame Army except for the strong officers at the officer level.

  Ordinary soldiers are no longer qualified to enter the Choking Secret Realm to practice cultivation.

  Even too Cang Silver Guard, can only be divided into dozens of teams, taking turns to enter the secret realm to practice.

  Many great ministers and great heaven arrogant, not everyone can enter the Choking secret realm to practice.

  Unless you are in your jurisdiction, your institution has achieved extraordinary results.

   can get the honor of entering the Secret Realm of Choking and listening to the Taoist Altar of Great Blue.

  And this kind of award generally has a time limit.

  This also directly led to the extraordinary strength of the upper-level powerhouses in the Great Blue.

   But the strong in the lower tier of the Great Cang, compared with the strong in the upper and middle tiers, there is almost a gap in the general fault.

  Even if there are strange gods like Shen Lian Wu Xuan, it can't make up the gap.

   "In fact, Tai Cang was able to have such an unprecedented development in more than six hundred years, and the eight successful labors must be counted above the Choking Secret Realm."

   Ji Xia understood this truth very well in her heart.

  So quietly waiting for the opening of the fifth god.

  He decided to upgrade the Choking Secret Realm.

  Yuanding five hundred and ninety-five years.

Two years have passed since Ji Xia upgraded the Choking Secret Realm.

  The upgrade of the Secret Realm of Choming is not the same as the previous one. It has been completely upgraded in just a few days.

  This time, when Ji Xia spent millions of gods.

  In the void, the vast and boundless phantom of choking once again appeared.

  Almost everything in this secret realm has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  Ling Yuan has not only become stronger.

  The power of rules contained in the void is getting stronger.

  At the same time, this secret realm is slowly expanding outward.

  Chaoming has not fully awakened, but it has exploded with extremely surging power.

  These surging gods and mighty powers are constantly transforming in the choking secret realm.

  But just two years have passed.

  In the silence, the Secret Realm of Choking has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  The most significant change.

  Stool is the ever-increasing usable area of ​​the secret environment.

  The original six-hundred-mile radius has expanded to a thousand-mile radius... and it is still expanding.

  In addition, the upper limit of the number of people that can be accommodated in the Choking Secret Realm is increasing every day.

  From the initial 6 million people, gradually increased to 10 million people...

   And such a significant improvement is obviously not the upper limit of this upgrade of the Choking Rift.

   "The Choking Secret Realm will continue to grow wider due to the mighty power of the Choking Great God, and the number of lives that can be accommodated will continue to increase."

  "Within two hundred years, the Choking Secret Realm will become a land capable of accommodating hundreds of millions of living beings and a radius of 100,000 miles.

  The time flow rate will also slowly increase to twenty times..."

   Ji Xia stood on the rooftop.

   There is a satisfied smile on his face.

  This level of improvement is really amazing.

  From six million to hundreds of millions of creatures.

  From a radius of six hundred miles to a radius of 100,000 miles, such an exaggerated area is about four times the size of the earth.

  Time flow rate can be increased to twenty times.

  This means that after two hundred years, Tai Cang will usher in a period of rapid development.

   "Two hundred years, for today's Tai Cang, it is actually not a long time."

   Ji Xia thought in her heart.

  In his conception, Tai Cang's promotion to the imperial dynasty would take as short as three hundred years and as long as five hundred years.

of course.

  If Ji Xia chooses to sacrifice a holy court or an imperial dynasty, he will become the Taicang dynasty.

  So Tai Cang was actually able to become an emperor when he defeated Obi Moon many years ago.

   But Ji Xia's ambition does not stop there.

   "After this banquet, Xixuan Shengting's plan may be almost ready.

  At that time, Tai Cang will still have a big battle.

  After the war, the fifth sacred storehouse should have been opened up, and then Tai Cang will do what the world's imperial dynasty can't do...

  To make Tai Cang once become an emperor, he has the power to surpass countless emperors.

  Even if it is too old to be able to compare with the gods, he must be able to stop the catastrophes of the gods that may come at any time! "

   Ji Xia thought in her heart.

  Bai Qi and Six Scourges Canglong on the side were also watching from a distance the ever-expanding Choking Secret Realm.

  Bai Qi sighed and said, “This time the expansion of the Choking Secret Realm is extremely fortunate for Tai Cang.

  Under such expansion, if Tai Cang can develop steadily for one to two thousand years.

   Tai Cang's overall strength will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes. "

  Six Sorrows Canglong uttered purple clothes and silver hair, his body was majestic and majestic, and he nodded in agreement.

   frowned again and said, “I just don’t know whether the many powerful forces in the boundless wilderness will give Tai Cang Anran a chance to develop.”

Bai Qi's black clothes fluttered, and said: "When Jiang Mingxuan entered the illusion, he once said that for the Tianmu God Dynasty, these growing human kingdoms are just like the Great Breath God Dynasty. They are the nutrients of the Tianmu God Dynasty and the Tianmu God. Chao made the spiritual gold of Guozuo.

  Taicang rises on the Zhujiang Plain and rises on the Jiezu Mountain. There is no response from the beginning to the end of the Tianmu God Dynasty. Is this the reason? "

  Six Scourges Canglong pondered for a while, and solemnly said: "The Tianmu Shenchao stole the legacy of the Great Breath Divine Empire, and even stole the luck of the human race.

  This may give the Tianmu Protoss a taste of the sweetness, plus this long-term development.

  Tianmu Protoss is self-sustaining and powerful, and it is not afraid of Humans. It may not be surprising that there is such a plan. "

   Ji Xia carried her hands on her back and looked into the distance: "I went to the bronze tomb last time and asked Emperor Qin He.

  The Great Emperor Qinhe once told me that when the Great Geng Dynasty was destroyed, he did not notice that it was the Heaven's Eye God's dynasty that was behind it. "

  Speaking of this, Ji Xia remembered the terrible power of the kingdom of Huang Huang that he had seen before.

   He shook his head slightly and chuckled: "When I think about it carefully, the Tianmu Goddess wants to destroy an emperor, so why do you need to help it?"

  Six Sorrows Canglong and Bai Qi looked at each other.

  Born in the boundless wilderness for hundreds of years, they also clearly understand in their hearts how terrifying the three terrifying dynasties of the boundless wilderness are, and how terrifying they are.

  Compared with the arrogant ocean like Shenchao, the dynasty is nothing more than drops of water, and the dynasty is nothing more than gurgling brooks.

   "For Tai Cang, Tianmu Shenzhao wants to raise gu, wants to gather human luck, so as to devour human luck to strengthen the country..."

   Bai Qi said, "This may not be a bad thing."

   Ji Xia said calmly: "It is true, but at this stage, what I am waiting to discuss is just speculation.

  Before that, Tai Cang has to plan ahead and pave the way.

  Otherwise, we will respond with the idea. Once the catastrophe comes suddenly, I am afraid that Tai Cang will have no power to parry. "

Ji Xia is not exaggerating.

  Although Tai Cang's power is already very strong now, it is far from enough to face the gods.

  Of course this does not mean too weak.

  After repeated battles before, Jiulitian has a powerful force to recover.

  The Secret Realm of Choming continues to expand, and the Tai Sui gods in the sun are also blooming terrible power.

  Maybe until the day when the Choking Secret Realm is fully expanded.

  The Twelve Tai Sui gods in the Secret Realm of Choking will also be completely out of the Secret Realm of Choking!

  At that time, Tai Cang will also add twelve powerhouses who see the peak of God!

  What Ji Xia is looking forward to.

  These powerhouses of the God-seeking level have already stood at the top of their current realm.

Soon after.

  It is very likely that he was promoted to a more powerful **** because he came into contact with the boundless wild world outside the Choking Secret Realm, and the brand-new rules of the world...

  The twelve deities of the palace of fate?

  For the current imperial dynasty, the gods of the palace of life are definitely the peak combat power of the imperial dynasty!

  Even for the gods, the gods of the palace of life are also the existence of the city lord level.

  God under the jurisdiction, vast and boundless.

  Three **** courts, set up state capitals in the gods, under the jurisdiction of many races.

  In addition to the state capital, there are many multiple cities.

  Most of these important cities are directly controlled by the Tianmu Protoss.

  There are also some who have achieved the peak of the imperial dynasty in the past, and incorporated the Tianmu Divine dynasty as a country directly under the race, canonized the emperor, and have since become a major city!

of course.

  The so-called great city of God.

  Different from ordinary cities.

  These heavy cities are just like the imperial dynasty, often controlling many outer heavens, many secret realms, and even many stars.

  It is no exaggeration to say.

  For the entire boundless wilderness, the kingdom under the gods is too insignificant compared to the gods.

  Even the vast Jiezu Mountain, even the broader Shenchendao Mountain and the ancient roads of all stars add up.

  For Shenchao, it may not be as vast as the land of Shenchao.

  This is also in countless times.

  The reason why the Tianwu God Dynasty can even reset the rules of the alchemy.

  The reason why Shen Xuan Shen Ting can surrender countless monster races between heaven and earth willingly.

In just tens of thousands of years, the Tianmu God Dynasty completely erased the reason for the imprint of the Great Breath God Dynasty.

all in all……

  Too Cang now wants to be comparable to the gods, it is tantamount to idiotic dreams.

  Perhaps there is only Jiulitian's full bloom power.

  Or in the Yuqing Mansion of Shenxiao, those older than Leimian Shentu, Longlei Lord, and Chizhi Dafa are revealed in the world.

   can compete with the gods.

  Before this...

  Jixia wants to make another high profile before achieving the imperial dynasty, so as to reap the boundless wild and endless opportunities for the country!

  "If the Tianmu Shenchao is really raising guts, then the stronger Tai Cang's performance in the imperial stage is, the better it will be for the Tianmu Shenchao.

  Even if there will be many eyes on the sky.

  Tianmu Shenchao will also give Taicang a broader development prospect~www.ltnovel.com~ a longer development time. "

   "This is a big bet that must be made."

   Ji Xia understood this truth very well in her heart.

  So at this moment, he is also willing to take a bet.

  If the bet is lost, there will naturally be many back paths he planned before.

   "If the bet wins..."

   Ji Xia is groaning.

   Palace Master Gu Xuan of the Heavenly Tool Mansion hurriedly came.

  After he respectfully saluted Ji Xia, Bai Qi, and the Six Sorrows Canglong.

  'S face was solemn, and the report said: "The emperor, just now, the Slaughter Armor that was taken away by the Great Saint Mu Xing has been completely destroyed.

  The Great Saint of Muxing...must have arrived at the destination! "

A cold light flashed in Ji Xia's eyes.

   Above his head, a gloomy and dark sky suddenly appeared!

   Endless killing spirit, just swept out!

  (End of this chapter)

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