I have a paradise

Chapter 208 Director

Duan Ping said, "I'll go talk to him first and call you later."

"Okay, it will be troublesome for the paragraph guide."

"What is the trouble? No trouble, no trouble." Duan Ping said with a smile. When he knew that Wang Yi had acquired a film and television company and was preparing to set foot in the film and television industry, he decided to have a good relationship with Wang Yi.After all, Wang Yi is a billionaire, and he can invest in him when he makes movies by himself.

Putting down the phone, Wang Yi drove home and returned to the community. Before entering the house, a black shadow fell on Wang Yi’s shoulder. He turned to see that it was the little oriole. Compared to yesterday, it is now small. The eyes of the oriole are smart, and the feathers on the body are more glamorous, which makes people like it at first sight.

"Little guy, are you satisfied with the mansion I arranged for you?" Wang Yi spread his hand and let it stand.

"Tweet, twee~" Little Oriole screamed crisply.

"Satisfaction is fine, you know where your home will be in the future?" Wang Yi pointed upstairs and said.Tweeted the little oriole called.

"Do you want to find a girlfriend? I can't help you, but I think you are so beautiful and you can definitely find it." Wang Yi teased the little oriole and said, this little guy just got free yesterday, and today he is anxious to find a girl friend.

The little oriole patted its wings, then flew up, and called to Wang Yi twice, saying that I was going to find my girlfriend and then flew into the sky.


Huairou Film and Television City in the capital.

"The field affairs, the field affairs, and the speed will clear everyone out, and it is time to film the scene." A deputy director directed the field affairs to clear away the miscellaneous personnel and tourists on the scene.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The office nodded and agreed, and immediately ran out to invite out the dragons and tourists who were going to watch the show, and clear the area.A few people were also arranged to stand guard here. If one person is admitted, then just get out.

After clearing the field, the field clerk ran over flatteringly and said: "Assistant director, everyone is cleaned up."

"Notify the actors to start the play!" said the deputy director.

The field affairs trot all the way to inform the actors to start the show. When the filming was officially filmed, the field affairs took time to take a break.

Just when he picked up the water glass to drink, he suddenly felt a vibration in his pocket, and took out his phone to see that it was Duan Ping calling.

I took a look at the scene being filmed, and then took my mobile phone to the next corner to answer the call.

"Hey, old man, have you come back after filming?"

"No, it's still a month away. By the way, Xue Lei, are you in the capital now."

"Yes, what's the matter?" Xue Lei asked with some confusion.

"Do you want to make a movie?" Duan Ping said.

"Nonsense, I want to dream." Xue Lei said without hesitation.

"This time I have an opportunity. I know a rich man who just bought a film and television company and wanted to make a movie. Just now I called to ask if any director I knew recommended him. I suddenly thought of you, how? Interesting enough!"

"Too interesting, thank you, old man, I will treat you when you come back!" Xue Lei promised, patting his chest.

"That's what you said. After we go back, we will always walk away." Duan Ping said with a smile.

"No problem! Lao Zhengxing, I will definitely let you eat well."

"By the way, I will send you the phone number of the boss, wait for me to speak to him, and then you call him to talk. Also, his company should be a web drama Wang Da, you have to have Prepare mentally."

"It's okay to have a big online drama, it's better than not now." Xue Lei said nonchalantly.

"That's OK, I'll hang up first, and I'll call you later." After that, Duan Ping hung up, and Xue Lei put away the phone. His excitement is still hard to calm down. You must know that he is over 40 years old this year. He graduated in the same year as Duan Ping. Many other classmates have become directors in filming, and some have given up directing to engage in other jobs. He is the only one who persists until now.

It’s not that he didn’t direct the tube, but who made that movie hit the street at the time. He was dreaming of winning awards at the three major film festivals, catering to the tastes of the judges, and thinking of adding his own things. I also wanted to get a good box office, but in the end all the pants were lost. The film festival didn't get any awards. As a result, no one was willing to invest money to make him film.

He has no money, and his relationship is not strong enough. For more than ten years, he has been working with other directors on the scene or as an assistant director. He is proficient in various businesses, but he wants others to invest in his filming, but he has no one. A few shots, now I finally have the opportunity to direct again, although it is a web drama network, but they all come to this field, what more bicycles!

The next step was an arduous wait. These few minutes made him feel even more arduous than a year. Finally, the phone vibrated again, and Xue Lei couldn't wait to answer the call.

"Hey, old man, what's going on." Xue Lei asked urgently.

"It's natural to have me go out!" Duan Ping's proud voice sounded.

"Thank you, thank you for the old man."

"Don't be too happy, I told the boss about your situation, he agreed to let you try, I will call you, you can contact him," Duan Ping said.

"Okay, no problem, I'll go in the afternoon." Xue Lei calmed down and said.

Next, Duan Ping handed Xue Lei the phone number, and Xue Lei stabilized his emotions and then picked up the phone to call.

Wang Yi returned home to go to the gym in the community to exercise. It is said that there are many high-profile girls in the gym in this high-end community, and he is going to see him.

As soon as he was about to go out, Duan Ping called. After listening to the candidates introduced by Duan Ping, Wang Yi was going to let him try. Although he said that he lacked directing experience, he had worked as an assistant director for more than ten years. Basically, I have done it before, and I can’t miss it anymore.

If you want to come to Zhang Xiaofei, Hu Ge, they should also know little directors, and it should be no problem to find a few to come and film.After agreeing to the candidates, Wang Yi's gym hunting plan could only be stopped for the time being.

After a while, the phone rang to think of it and took it out to see that it was an unfamiliar phone number.

"Hey, hello, is this Mr. Wang?" a somewhat hasty voice came.

"Yes, I am, you are Director Xue introduced by Duan Ping." Wang Yi said.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm Xue Lei. The old section introduced me. I heard that Mr. Wang is looking for a director. I want to go and try it." Xue Lei said excitedly.

"Of course you can, but Director Xue, I'm going to shoot a web drama this time." Wang Yi said.

"No problem, it doesn't matter whether it is a web drama or a TV drama movie, I don't pick it." Xue Lei said.

"That's all right, you see when you have time, let's meet up."

"Mr. Wang, I have time in the afternoon, and I will meet you at the place you gave."

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