I have a paradise

Chapter 285 Repairing Ancient Paintings

That night, Yang Mi drank too much. She was the only one living in her villa. Wang Yi had to stay to take care of her. Wang Yi had no experience in taking care of drunk people, so she was a little messy. .

The clothes of the two were soiled, so they had to take off their clothes. They were both drunk and uncomfortable to sleep. Wang Yi took a bath for her again. The drunk people were also restless in the bath. Wang Yi wasted for a while It took her time to wash her, and her tired waist was sore and her legs were soft.Worried about the cold in winter, but fortunately there was heating, Wang Yi put her on the bed. Wang Yi checked the time. It was too early in the morning, and he was too lazy to go home and stayed here for one night.

I got used to the bed at home, and it was a little uncomfortable to sleep in another place. The main reason was that the bed was sore and the bed was too soft to sleep comfortably without the hard bed at home.

The weather on the next day was very good. When Wang Yi woke up, Yang Mi was still resting. Maybe it was because she drank too much wine yesterday. Now she hasn’t woken up yet. Nie Wei has already made breakfast. She simply ate breakfast. Yang Mi’s copy was put in an incubator, and a note was left for her, and Wang Yi left the villa.

Yesterday I made an appointment with Mr. Xu from the Forbidden City. Today I will repair his badly defaced painting. It is not close to the Forbidden City. I have to go earlier to avoid being late.

Asking the bodyguards to drive to the Forbidden City, Wang Yi put his head on Nie Wei's lap to rest. Last night, he was too tired to take care of others. He woke up early today and he needed to squint for a while.

The car drove smoothly because he avoided the morning rush hour. After more than an hour, Wang Yi came to the Palace Museum and checked the time. At 8:15, Wang Yi is now an acquaintance of the Palace Museum. Even the guards knew him. , Gave Xu Lao a call, and Wang Yi took Nie Wei in.

All the way to the Cultural Relics Hospital, Mr. Xu Lao had put on his work clothes and was ready to start.

"Old Xu, I am late." Wang Yi quickly apologized.

"It's okay, it's because I came early, I am old, and wake up early, thinking about this painting, so I came directly." Xu Lao said with a smile.

"I'm sorry to delay your rest..."

"What's the delay, let's take a look at the painting first." Seeing that Wang Yi was about to say, Old Xu waved his hand to stop him, and then took Wang Yi to see the defaced painting.

On the workbench, Wang Yi's painting was placed on it.

"Your painting is pretty good. The painting you restored last time was broken into pieces of paper. That's difficult. Not only does it need to clean up the stains, but also stitch it together."

"The last time Xiao Xu repaired the broken paintings of "Four Friends", it took four or five days to put together a rough idea. After receiving it, he found that the plum blossom branch next to him did not match. He worked hard for a week. , I’m busy."

"Your pair is simple, there is no damage, no need to fight, as long as it is decontaminated." Xu Lao explained to Wang Yi over and over while processing the picture.

"Old Xu, are the teachers who restore the paintings old now?" Wang Yi asked curiously.

"Almost, there are not many young people in this industry." Old Xu helped his glasses and said, "Doing this requires patience, care, perseverance, high work intensity, and high technical requirements. Most people really don't have this patience. Now basically relying on us old men and old ladies to resist, I am worried that one day this craft will be broken."

"Or else, I will help you record your work and post it on the Internet to see if there are anyone interested in learning." Wang Yi said after thinking about it.

"It's okay to record a video, but it's just boring, and others may not like it." Old Xu nodded.

Wang Yi asked Nie Wei to register an account, then took out her mobile phone and started recording video.

"This painting of yours is an ink and color painting on silk. After hundreds of years, the texture has turned yellow and black. Later, due to improper preservation, mildew appeared."

"The yellow part is easy to deal with. When the color of the picture is stable, soak the picture with clean water, board for a period of time, and suck the water out with a clean towel. Repeat this several times until the water sucked out by the towel becomes clear. ."

"But you must be careful and gentle when handling them. Old paintings have been stored for a long time, and the textures will become brittle, and the paintings will be damaged if you are not careful."

Wang Yi was filming the video. Xu Lao was processing the painting and explaining it over and over again. The original stained old painting gradually became clean. Some light stains have been washed away, but the dark spots are still stubbornly attached. On the scroll.

"After the simple stains are removed, these dark spots are left. Dark spots are difficult to clean off with water. They are actually mold spots and need to be changed."

"Actually, there were repairing techniques for removing mildew from ancient paintings in ancient times, and there was more than one. The method we use today is actually an ancient repair method called burn mold. As the name implies, it is to burn the mildew with fire. ."

"Lao Xu, this scroll is usually paper or silk, which is flammable. Doesn't it burn out in one shot?" Wang Yi asked curiously.

"Of course you can't use fire directly. When you were in elementary school, you had a nature lesson called box boiling water, remember?" Old Xu said with a smile.

"Remember, did I experiment when I was a child?" Wang Yi heard Xu Lao's words and immediately reacted: "You mean the painting is watered and then burned?"

Old Xu nodded and continued: "In ancient times, most of the colors used by people were mineral colors. Red is cinnabar, blue is azurite, green is stone green, and white is lead powder. These are all minerals. Material grinding knows that the color of the prepared pigment will not fade for thousands of years."

"But these mineral pigments also have their own problems, that is, they will react with oxygen in the air over time, and gradually darken and blacken. Lead powder pigment is the most serious, and the fire method is specifically to remove the ancient paintings. This kind of mildew is also called lead back."

Xu Lao first took a towel, dampened it heavily with water, and then circled the darkened part of the picture, then took out a bottle of alcohol, poured some on the dark spots, and then took out a box of matches, lightly Lightly swipe to light the alcohol.

The alcohol burned a cluster of flames and burned on the picture scroll. The picture scroll below the flame showed no signs of being burned. On the contrary, the black mold spots began to disappear gradually.

When the alcohol burns out and the flame is extinguished, Zhihu, the mold on the scroll has completely disappeared, revealing the original appearance of the scroll.

The next step is to clean up the mildew bit by bit. Although Xu Lao is not young, he is skilled in handling this. It seems to be smooth and flowing, without the slightest pause. Not long after, the mildew on this painting The spots are removed.

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