He sent Xu Yong away and agreed to go to the racecourse when he had time. Wang Yi greeted the two flight attendants who had been conquered by Chitu and Taxue into the house. These two flight attendants really regarded Chitu and Taxue as toys. , Jiang Jing also took out a rubber band and tied the red rabbit's mane into a string of pigtails.

It was also Wang Yi who gave the order, otherwise Chitu would have ran away. Looking at the poor Chitu and Taxue who were being bullied, Wang Yi finally rescued them with compassion.

Pulling away Jiang Jing and Shang Yuanyuan who were playing, let the two horses play by themselves, and they were pulled apart by NetEase. Although they were a little regretful, they soon picked up their phones and went to see the photos they just took.

Pick out the best dozen photos, then refine the photos and send them to their circle of friends. As beautiful women, their circle of friends has long been followed by countless men, but just after they were posted, a bunch of them appeared. People commented like it.

Knowing that Wang Yi was back, Fu Yue called Wang Yi a long time ago and said he was going to come. He was very dissatisfied with Wang Yi's behavior when he ate and ran. Wang Yi agreed to reassure her and asked her bodyguard. Drive to pick her up.

After a while, Jiang Lai drove over. Now she is the assistant to the general manager of Xanadu Biotech Co., Ltd. She knows Wang Yi's itinerary. She didn't come to work yesterday, but she drove over when she took a break today.

Her car had been recorded by the doorman a long time ago, and it was unimpeded.

After seeing the two flight attendants in the room, he looked at Wang Yi with a grimace. Wang Yi could only pretend to introduce nonchalantly. This is the flight attendant on his private jet and lives here temporarily.Then he introduced Chitu and Taxue to her, and sure enough, the two horses immediately attracted her attention.

When it was time for dinner, Nie Wei and Fu Yue came back together. They met at the gate of the community. They didn't know each other, but Nie Wei knew Wang Yi's bodyguard.After seeing the bodyguard greet Nie Wei respectfully, Fu Yue already had a guess in her heart.In fact, when she gave Wang Yi a note, she was mentally prepared, but when she saw Nie Wei, she suddenly felt a little lack of confidence.

It was also the necklace that Wang Yi gave to them had a powerful effect, otherwise the family would become a Shura field.Seeing the scene is not harmonious, but there is no problem, Wang Yi is also very happy, and then let the chef serve directly.

The dinner was very rich, and this evening was also drunk, singing and dancing.

Before he woke up the next day, he heard the constant neighing of two horses outside the villa. Last night, Wang Yi asked the bodyguards to free up a storage room for them to live in. They were used to living in comfortable stables. This kind of storage room was naturally I was not used to living, so I ran out early in the morning to get Wang Yi up.

After fighting all night, Wang Yi rubbed his sore old waist, got up and washed with a yawn. Today, he will send the little guys to the racecourse and also hire a manager to help him manage the racecourse.

Fu Yue and Jiang Lai were still sleeping. After all, they were tired last night. The two flight attendants were also resting upstairs. Wang Yi had breakfast, then opened the system mall, hired a manager, and chose to inject him with horse breeding Knowledge, the purchase of identity certificates, a set of tens of thousands of manor coins were spent.

I brought a phone call to the racecourse and asked them to send a horse-carrying car to transport Chitu and Taxue. Although the road outside is also called a road, they can no longer go up.

The first time the new boss ordered, the staff at the racecourse were naturally very positive. They immediately let the best car and the driver of the racecourse pass by, called the guard, and informed them to let the racecourse carriage in. Wang Yi began to give the two The little guy prepares breakfast.

These two horses can now be called big stomach kings. They have to eat at least 8 kilograms of grains, 18 kilograms of hay, and 90 liters of water for a day’s food intake. They bought them from the system mall for two hundred manor coins. Feed them two portions of forage.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the carriages of the racecourse came to the outside of the villa. At this time, Chitu and Taxue were also full of food and drink. Wang Yi rubbed their heads and then led them to the carriage outside the villa.In addition to the driver, there were also two staff members who were responsible for transporting horses. After seeing the two horses behind Wang Yi, they exclaimed.

"This horse is too good!"

"What a beautiful horse!"

"This horse is so tall, it's two meters away. The best thoroughbred horses in our racecourse are not as tall and beautiful as they are. What kind of horse is this?" The three were very curious. They are also old employees of the racecourse. I am very familiar with the types of horses. I have seen Sanhe horses, Ili horses, and Mongolian horses in China. I have also seen a lot of quarter horses and thoroughbred Arabian horses abroad. Even the famous Chinese BMWs I have seen it, but neither of these two horses are.

"They have the blood of sweaty horses." Wang Yi said with a smile.

"Boss, your two horses are so handsome. I think training to participate in dressage and other equestrian competitions will definitely win the championship. Look at this satin-like fur, it's so beautiful and its eyes are smart, which means they are very smart. The most important thing is the appearance of this horse. It is definitely second to none in China. Even if it is internationally, few can compare it.” One of them said excitedly.

Wang Yi smiled and did not speak. I don’t know if the dressage can get the first place, but the race will definitely get the first place. He soothed the two horses and let them get on the carriage obediently. Rabbit and Taxue didn't like it very much. Wang Yi calmed down for a while before they stopped making noise. Only when they calmed down did the two staff lock the car.

"You drive in front, and I will follow behind." Wang Yi calmed the horse and said to the driver.

After checking, the driver and two staff members got in the car, followed by Wang Yi and Nie Wei, as well as the manager he just hired.

The carriage was unhappy along the way. When the carriage came to the racecourse, the staff unlocked the lock. As soon as the gate was opened, Chitu and Taxue jumped off impatiently.

As if dissatisfied with being locked up in the cage just now, the red rabbit stood up as soon as he came.

"Herod!" With a long hiss, the people in the racecourse looked over, and they firmly caught their eyes when they saw such a beautiful horse.

After a neigh, Chitu snorted and shook his head triumphantly.

"Good horse!"

"This is the horse from our racecourse?"

"These are the horses of the new owner. I heard that the new owner bought our racecourse just to raise them. Otherwise, who would take over our racecourse, which damages tens of millions every year."

"Sure enough, Shenjun, look at its eyes, don't you think it looks like a king!"

"Pull it down, you just want to flatter the boss!"

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