I have a paradise

Chapter 380 Flying Knife

After screaming for a while, Paul finally reacted, opened his eyes, and saw Wang Yi look at him jokingly, the knife in his hand was still in his hand, and there was a burst of laughter around him.

"Mr. Paul, I haven't thrown a flying knife yet." Wang Yi said, spreading his hands.

Realizing that he was being tricked, Paul's face flushed.

"Nie Wei, helped Mr. Paul pick up the apple, and it was all shaken off the ground!"

"Mr. Paul, please calm down. If you are injured because of your trembling, although I will compensate you, it is not a pleasant experience!"

After Nie Wei put the apple in place, Wang Yi took out the flying knife again and gestured to Paul. After seeing the shimmering flying knife, Paul, who had just recovered his composure, felt that his legs were weak again.

Wang Yi deliberately slowed down in order to keep Paul in such a state of fright. But as Wang Yi showed his flying knife, the originally noisy scene became quiet, and the air became a little depressed and solemn.

Although Paul seemed extremely calm on the surface, a drop of sweat on his temples has quietly explained everything.

Feeling that it was almost done, Wang Yi's wrist was hard, only a cold light flashed away, and it didn't enter the apple on Paul's head in an instant. After the flying knife stabbed into the apple, the remaining force remained undiminished, and he was nailed to the target behind.

After realizing that he was not injured, Paul breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could speak, he saw Wang Yi who was opposite suddenly took out a throwing knife again, and then threw it over.The whole person screamed with fright, then fell directly to the ground.

Wang Yi waved his wrist quickly, just listening to'dong dong dong', a series of sounds sounded, and one after another flying knives flew out of Wang Yi's hand, and the flying knives seemed to be connected in the air.

After more than ten seconds finally passed, Wang Yi stopped, and Mr. Paul was already on the ground in fright. Wang Yi walked over to help him up, but after passing by, he found that there were some yellow spots on the floor of the stage. Water stains, the air also brought some unpredictable smell.

"Mr. Paul, are you okay." Wang Yi quickly helped him up, and Paul, who was scared to pee his pants, was reluctant to get up.But how could he compare to Wang Yi's strength, so it didn't take much effort that Wang Yi pulled him up.

After getting up, the water stains were directly exposed in front of the audience, and Paul hurriedly tried to avoid it. Wang Yi sneered in his heart as he watched Paul hurriedly running backstage.

"It seems that our host was too nervous just now and needs to go back to the backstage to make up some makeup, so let's take a look at the work just now." Wang Yi spread his hands and moved the target with Nie Wei.

I saw on this target, more than 20 paper-thin flying knives surrounded a'picture'.More than 20 flying knives were put together to form a portrait of a clown, with exaggerated expressions and funny smiling faces, and the red apple pierced by the flying knife on the target happened to be the clown’s red nose. The entire drawing of the flying knife looked vivid. .

"Oh, God!"

"Oh my god, is this painting with a flying knife?"


After seeing this'painting', the audience shouted in exclamation. They couldn't imagine that Wang Yi could actually use a flying knife to pierce a painting.

"Okay, I think the show will be recorded here, goodbye!" After showing the target, Wang Yi greeted Nie Wei, then took the bodyguard and left the TV station directly.

He should have imagined that today's show will definitely be a hit, and I believe there will be various videos or news on the Internet soon.

"The rich man of China shows the Chinese kung fu, the host is scared!", "The rich man of China is a flying knife man", "The rich man of China is painting with a flying knife!" Target!" Various titles will appear.

"Nie Wei, you can find someone to promote it. The hotter the topic, the better, pay attention to it, and don't let people take the rhythm." Today's actions on the TV station have punished Paul, but there is never lack of malice in this country. , Especially for Chinese and Chinese people, this maliciousness never even conceals it.

Wang Yi needs to be the first to occupy the high point of public opinion, otherwise he is likely to be led by others. He did force Paul today, and in order to teach him, Wang Yi also used other things.

Reached out from his pocket and took out a small and exquisite red sandalwood statue. This statue has a fox body and nine tails. Although it is not large, it is lifelike and extremely vivid.

[Nine-tailed fox woodcarving: carefully carved with red sandalwood wood, with incredible power, lifelike +25, clever tongue like spring +25, bewitching +25, intimidating +28]

After taking out this wood carving again, the exquisite wood carving suddenly became dry and cracked at this moment. In just a few seconds, the wood carving turned into a pile of small wood chips, and then a gust of wind blew it and disappeared completely.

Wang Yi was not surprised to see the wood carvings disappear. Although these wood carvings use many magical abilities, they have a time limit for use. After this time, the wood carvings will disappear into small wood chips.

Before, Wang Yi asked carvers to carve many of these wood carvings and stored them in the storage compartment. This time, in order to clean up Paul, Wang Yi took them out and used them. Otherwise, how could Paul be so easy to be played with by Wang Yi? Even the last peeing was because of his intimidation.

After Wang Yi's operation, Paul is dead this time. This show is likely to be the last episode he hosted. No TV station will use a host who was scared to wet his pants during the recording of the show. People, it can be said that his career has ended early.

After the program was recorded, the TV station did not delay, and edited this episode of the program at the fastest speed for broadcasting. The name was "Paul Interviews the Chinese Rich Man to Show Kung Fu Stunts!" This program still has some popularity in the Beacon Country.

As for some of the pictures in the show, they will definitely be edited, but there are so many people on the scene, and there are still non-cut versions, and the TV stations will not care about Paul’s life or death. Compared with China, the TV stations of the Lighthouse Country compete for ratings. The more intense.

Wang Yi’s flying knife stunt on the show instantly detonated the entire network. This skill of drawing with a flying knife made people amazed. As for the target Mr. Paul, no one cared at all.

Nie Wei also hired a lot of people to guide public opinion, and even the Las Vegas government secretly cooperated. After all, it is a good thing to have such a hot news to help them share their attention.

Similarly, as expected by Wang Yi, there were voices on the Internet that Wang Yi forced others to act, but Wang Yi had been prepared and guided in advance.

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