I have a paradise

Chapter 386 Winery

Turning off the video with a dark face, Nie Wei suddenly found that the publisher’s account was a bit familiar. Wasn't this the company registered for the promotion of the web drama?Wang Yi reacted immediately, and then grabbed Nie Wei who was about to escape.

The people in the company didn't have the guts to tease the boss. Only Nie Wei had the guts. Nie Wei smiled like a little fox who stole a chicken.

"Pharaoh's unicorn arm?" Wang Yi grabbed her, thumped Nie Wei to the wall, and said viciously: "It seems that I have taken too little care of you in the past two days. Today, I will let you taste my painstaking practice. The unicorn arm made!"

Just as Nie Wei exclaimed, he picked him up, and Duang kicked open the bedroom door and rushed in.

The rumble of gunfire soon sounded in the villa.


On the second day of Wang Yi’s return, Rasfa contacted Wang Yi. Before Wang Yi was planning to buy a manor in California, Rasfa said at the time that he had a manor he wanted to sell.

In the past few years, California vineyards have become so famous that many people have followed the trend to buy them, and the prices have been quarreled. For example, Yao Ming, a retired NBA star, bought a vineyard and winery in Napa Valley, California in 2009. The price is several million dollars.

Yao Ming’s wines have been on the market for several years now. A bottle of 2009 cost hundreds of dollars. Such sky-high wines are still in short supply. Because of the production volume, many people simply cannot buy them.Of course, this is also a star effect on him, after all, Jack Ma and Stone Giant bought it.

After receiving a call from Rasfa, Wang Yi took a car to Napa Valley, California. Yao Ming’s winery in Napa Valley is only 43 acres, and he bought it for two million US dollars. The vineyard + winery to be sold totals 130 acres.

Speaking of California, the land here is barren, drought and water shortage, and is suitable for growing crops, so the estates here are basically wine. The climate here is dry and the land is poor, although it is not suitable for crop growth, but it is a good place to grow grapes.

When Wang Yi and his party arrived here, Rasfa, the owner, had already greeted him at the door.

"Welcome, my dear friend Wang!" As soon as he got out of the car, Rasfa gave Wang Yi a hug.Although he didn't like being hugged with a man, Wang Yi resisted it.

"Hello Rasfa, you seem to be in good spirits!" Wang Yi said hello.

"Of course, there are no piles of work reports here. The work plan is bothering me! Of course my spirit is better." Rasfa led Wang Yi into the winery.

"Actually, I didn’t come to this winery very often. It was mortgaged to me after a guy went bankrupt a few years ago. But his luck was not good. Last year, because of the trade war, he got into trouble again. Sell ​​this winery to me." Rasfa said with a shrug.

Wang Yi followed Rasfa to enter the winery. The person in charge of the winery was an old white man named Johnson. There are more than a dozen workers in this winery who basically pick grape hoops and barrels to make wine.

According to this old man, about 300,000 bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon can be produced every year.This quantity is already very good. In the Beacon Country, Cabernet Sauvignon wines of good quality can be sold for 80-100 US dollars. The annual profit of this winery is about 1.5 million yuan. Of course, the premise is that the quality of the wine is good. No, let alone making money, it’s hard enough to keep the capital, you know, California is notoriously high taxes.

In fact, if you can't produce good wine, the winery might as well produce grape juice and pre-dinner wine. Although these are not high in price, they remain stable. Don't worry about not being sold, and the income is very stable.

The villas in the vineyards are quite beautiful. Unlike domestic ones, most of the villas in Lighthouse Country are made of wood. The same is true of the one in front of you. It has two floors and covers an area of ​​more than 600 square meters. It has six bathrooms and a kitchen. There are five guest bedrooms outside the master bedroom. The rooms are good, but the decoration is a bit old.There is a swimming pool of several hundred square meters outside the villa. This is bigger than the one in China. California is very hot in summer. Basically all villas have swimming pools.

Although I haven't lived in for several years, Rasfa has always hired people to clean the room and the swimming pool regularly, so I don't have the feeling of being in dust for a long time.

"Wang, come to the lighthouse country to develop, social relations are very important, and the best social platform here is the party. Do you know why many rich people buy wineries?" Rasfa and Wang Yi visited the manor at will.

"Why?" Wang Yi was really curious about this.

"Because of the wine, it is a tacit understanding to give the host a bottle of wine at the party, and the best wine is the one made by my own winery."

"When you and your friends taste the wine made in your winery together at a party, isn't this feeling great?" Rasfa said with a boastful expression, and Wang Yi smiled and nodded.

"Let’s take a look at the wine cellar of this winery." Johnson, who has been accompanying him, said: "If you want to make good enough wine, in addition to high-quality raw materials, a good wine cellar and oak barrels are also necessary. Less."

"The wine cellar of our estate is ranked among the top five in the entire Napa Valley." Johnson said with a proud face, but his expression was completely shown to the blind, and Wang Yi didn't understand the quality of the wine cellar.

A group of people came to the wine cellar. This is a semi-underground building. The outside was repaired with stone. The wine cellar has three floors, including the wine cellar and the storage cellar. Johnson introduced Wang Yi to the temperature, People who are not professionals really don't understand many data such as humidity and heat preservation.

"The wine cellar has been empty for four years. During these four years, the winery has not brewed any new wine. Otherwise, the husband can taste the wine from our winery." Seeing the empty wine cellar, Wang Yi was somewhat unresponsive. There isn't a bottle of wine here...

"Red wine is not stored for as long as possible. In fact, most red wines will be consumed by people within 2-3 years after bottling. Only a very small number of red wines will be stored for 5-10 years. Wine is alive. Once it enters the aging period, this bottle of wine will lose its original elegance and become a mediocre liquid, and few people are willing to drink it again."

"In other words, the best red wines on the market that are Lafite in 1982 and 8000 are all fools?" Wang Yi heard Johnson's sudden comment.

"Sir, this statement is right or wrong. The so-called Lafite quality in 1982 is not the top quality. At least the quality of the 1986 batch is better."

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