Foreign institutions have ranked the hottest peppers in the world, and established a level of spiciness level 1 0-500, level 2 500-1000, level 3 1,000-1,500, and level 4 1,500- Two thousand five, five levels two thousand five-five thousand, six levels five thousand-fifteen thousand, seven levels fifteen thousand-thirty thousand, eight levels three thousand-fifty thousand, nine levels five thousand-ten thousand, ten Level one hundred thousand.

The Shancheng hot pot we usually eat is between Grade 2 and Grade 3. How spicy is the hottest chili in the world?Included in the Guinness Book of World Records, the hotness is 2 million Scoville index.This kind of pepper is called Carolina Reaper, and it is produced in South Carolina, USA.

Because it is too spicy, the storage of this pepper has strict requirements. For example, it must be sealed and stored, because its smell may cause human shock. Of course, this pepper is not eaten as food, but for medical purposes.

The second place is Trinidad Scorpion Unusual T Chili, whose name is a bit confusing. It was cultivated in Australia and has a spiciness index of 1.46 million.The third place is the Naga Viper. This pepper has a spiciness of 1.38 million. It is produced in the United Kingdom. Someone has tried to challenge this pepper once, but after only one bite, the whole person was stunned. Fortunately, he was found early, and his friend rushed him to the hospital for rescue.

As for the famous Indian devil pepper, it can only be ranked fourth. The hotness of this pepper is more than one million. The locals will plant this pepper in the fields and on the outer walls of fences. This practice is to prevent elephants from entering. At home, this kind of pepper is also made into food such as chili sauce, but the proportion of devil pepper is very low.In addition, Indians also use this kind of chili to make bombs. If they accidentally inhale a few mouthfuls, they will have to go to the hospital.

The hot sauce in the pasta that Wang Yi ate is Mexican hot sauce. This hot sauce contains Mexican ghost pepper, which is three times as hot as Hainan yellow lantern and twenty times as hot as Chaotian pepper. Of course, these Mexican hot sauces contain ghosts. There are very few peppers. Although there are only a few, the hot sauce is still very spicy. Wang Yi sticks his tongue out, but people are cheap. The more spicy the more you want to eat it, the more spicy you eat.

While eating pasta, I poured some mouthfuls of seafood soup to dilute the spiciness in my mouth. Although I didn’t like other foods in this restaurant very much, this spicy sauce was very good. After eating, Wang Yi gave it back Purchasing a bottle of hot sauce here.

Speaking of eating in Meidi, a tip is required to eat in such a restaurant. The tip is basically calculated according to the price of the meal. Under normal circumstances, it is one-tenth of the price of the meal. Of course, if you are very satisfied with the service here You can give more.

As for how much to give, there is no upper limit, but very few people give tips over 15%.A few people and bodyguards spent more than one thousand three hundred dollars for this meal, which is a little over two hundred dollars per person on average. Of course, there are extra tips.

After eating, Wang Yi took a few women and two bodyguards to go shopping in Los Angeles. Although Nie Wei, Jenny, Jiang Jing and Shang Yuanyuan had been shopping a few days ago, who made new products available here again.

Shopping with a few beauties of different styles is indeed very eye-catching. After halfway through the shopping, Wang Yi also received a call from Ao Mei. She left with Wang Yi’s cosmetics, and invited Wang Yi’s spokesperson. I agreed, but she needs to verify the effect of the sapphire cosmetics.

Wang Yi brought a group of beauties to sweeping goods from street to street. Sometimes spending money was addictive. In one afternoon, his credit card was at least six hundred thousand dollars off, and the two bodyguards couldn’t hold them. I loaded things into the car several times.After checking the time, it was getting late, and Wang Yi greeted him and prepared to go home.

Although Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States, the night security here is not very good. You must know that Los Angeles not only has the title of the city of angels, but also the name of the city of evil. The crime rate here can be in the top ten. .

The parking place is a bit far away. Wang Yi and the others are going to take a short cut. To be honest, they only found out that the urban infrastructure here lags far behind in the country after they came to the US, not to mention the comparison with the four first-tier cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. , Even the next-level cities are not comparable.

It can be said that except for places where the wealthy gather, ordinary urban development has stalled, crossing the road to a somewhat outdated street, and after crossing this street, we reached the parking place after passing two intersections.

But before they passed, a roar of engines suddenly sounded, and then a convoy came from the other side of the street. To be precise, it was a few modified motorcycles. The roar of exhaust pipes was far away. can hear.Wang Yi frowned and watched the roar of the speeding party wearing very post-modern art.

Wang Yi stepped aside blankly and let this group of people pass first. One by one, the speeding party monsters passed by whistling, but to his a little surprise, these speeding parties returned soon after passing. .Looking at the coming motorcade, Wang Yi frowned slightly, and the man's sixth sense told him that these people were looking for trouble.

Sure enough, Wang Yi's hunch was soon fulfilled.I saw a beautiful flick of the speeding party and parked the car in front of Wang Yi. The cars formed a semicircle and surrounded Wang Yi and the others.Seeing that the situation was a little uncomfortable, Wang Yi calmly asked the women to stand behind, and then looked at these people in front of him with his bodyguards.

"Chinese? Do you know this is my William's site?"

"Yes, yellow-skinned monkey, you dare to come to the site of our speed car help!"

The person in the lead should be a small boss said, and those behind them clamored.

"I heard that China is very rich, my brothers are short of money recently!"

"Leave those chicks for a few drinks with us, and we will let you go."

Wang Yi's brow furrowed deeper. He obviously noticed that some of these people shook their heads and their noses kept twitching. This reminded him of the word "addicts." These people are all at home. I'm high, and the one who ran out of the drag racing is now in a state of excitement and can do everything.

"You apologize now, and then get out of the way, I can treat the incident as never happened, or I will let you guys who are suspected of racial discrimination and suck D fans and go to the police station to calm down." Wang Yi said blankly. Said, and the two bodyguards next to them had already put things on the ground, ready for battle.

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