I have a paradise

Chapter 397: Yacht

It is convenient to have an airplane, especially in a well-built place like the lighthouse country. The flying is almost comparable to a bus. The main transportation in the lighthouse country is airplanes and cars.

The Beacon Country also has railways, but few people are willing to take trains. The main function of trains here is to transport goods. Because the airport is well-built, you can travel by plane for long distances and drive by yourself if you are close. The lighthouse is popular among people because the train tickets are expensive and slow.

Take a direct flight to San Diego, and then drive to the port area of ​​San Diego. San Diego is a naval base of the US military. There are naturally a lot of warships. Wang Yi saw a huge shadow on the sea from a long distance.It was a battleship, once the overlord of the sea and the backbone of the country. However, with the development of the times, this huge ship artillery has withdrawn from the stage of history. Now this Iowa-class battleship is an open museum.

Next to it is the San Diego Shipping Company. This battleship is at least eighty years old. This museum is free and open, and its main purpose is to cultivate the patriotism of the children of the United States.

Wang Yi is very interested in this big guy. He has also been to the amusement park where the aircraft carrier was transformed before. To be honest, although the aircraft carrier is also very large, the closer look shows that the battleship is more deterrent. After all, those with a diameter that can penetrate a person. The barrel is too oppressive, thick and long.

Although he is very interested in this battleship, Wang Yi still has things to do.

Following the personal assistant photographed by American Express, Wang Yi came to a shipyard, which is said to be one of the oldest shipyards in San Diego, and one of the few shipyards still in operation.

When Wang Yi and several people came to the shipyard, they just saw a fishing boat launching. The whole body of the 20-meter-long boat was painted white. It was a large fishing trawler.The owner of the boat is a big white man with a height of 1.9 meters, thick hands and feet, some brownish red skin, and a strong body. At first glance, he is a person who often goes out to sea. At this time, the owner is holding a bottle of champagne with ribbons. It was a bottle throw ceremony to celebrate the launch of the ship.

I saw the captain in his forties and fifties lifting up the bottle of champagne and smashing it directly on the bow, the glass shattered, the rich liquor splashed all over, and the fireworks that had been prepared nearby were also launched at this moment. The whole scene is very lively.

"Old Matt, goodbye next time I go to my house, I will treat you to the best fish."

"Get out of the way, old Green, you miser, I never want to see you again." A big man with a hard hat on the shore cursed.

Old Green didn't care, laughed a few times, and left in the boat.

"Hello, Director Matt." After seeing the launching ceremony, Wang Yi's personal assistant Edward stepped forward to say hello.

"Little Edward, it's you, what good news did you bring to me today." The old Matt changed his face after seeing Edward, and immediately gave him a hug with a big smile.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my employer, Wang Yi, Mr. Wang." After Edward finished hugging, he gave up and introduced Wang Yi.

"Hello, I'm Matt, the owner of this shipyard, you can call me old Matt." Old Matt said to Wang Yi.

"Are you Chinese?"

"Yes, I am Chinese, and hello Mr. Matt." Wang Yi shook hands with old Matt, and he clearly felt the thick layer of callus on Matt's hand.

"I came here this time to buy a yacht."

"Yachts, no problem, please go inside and discuss it with me." Old Matt heard that Wang Yi was about to buy a yacht, with a smile on his face like a blooming chrysanthemum.

Following the old Matt into the shipyard, he smelled a strong smell of engine oil as soon as he entered. Wang Yi frowned. Although it smelled bad, he could bear it.

"Our company originally specialized in manufacturing warships. Of course, that has passed. Now we only have the qualifications to manufacture fishing boats and yachts. But please rest assured that the quality of our yachts here is absolutely great. As long as you request, we can even make yachts like warships. Generally sturdy and safe, it can be said that it is a battleship with a cannon. Haha, what kind of yacht do you need?" Old Matt joked while visiting the shipbuilding workshop with Wang Yi.Wang Yi looked back and forth here curiously.

Noting Wang Yi’s gaze, Edward stepped forward and introduced: “Mr. Wang Yi, there are many types of yachts, including small yachts and medium-sized yachts. The materials are also different, from wood, steel, fiberglass, aluminum alloy, etc. .. The driving method is different, there are maneuvering, sailing, manual; it can be said that each has its own characteristics...

"I need a luxury yacht that can take ten or twenty people to sea at a time. In addition, the safety of the yacht is absolutely high. The price is not a problem, and the safety must be the best." Wang Yi did not understand. These, but Edward can understand, otherwise, why should he come?

When he heard that Wang Yi wanted a luxury yacht, the old Matt next to him was so smiled that the corners of his mouth almost reached the back of his head. As a shipyard, their life was not so easy. After all, there are not many shipbuilding orders. Their shipbuilder The factory produces small and medium-sized ships, most of which are fishing boats, but with the deterioration of the marine environment over the years, the fishing industry has continued to shrink.

There are no fish in the ocean, so naturally there are fewer fishing boats, and fewer orders they can receive. Now I heard that Wang Yi is going to build luxury yachts. This makes old Matt overjoyed. The profit of fishing boats is not high. It's a big head.

Hearing that Wang Yi wanted a luxury yacht, Old Matt took them to a room next to him. There were many models of yachts and fishing boats in the room. Each ship has detailed information. Wang Yi needs to choose the model here. , After letting it entrust the shipyard to manufacture, of course, if there is anything that needs to be modified, it needs to be explained in advance.

Wang Yi chose a medium-sized yacht with a length of 18 meters and a displacement of 600 tons. The power is a 350-horsepower diesel engine, and the maximum speed is 33 nautical miles. The full range of the yacht is 2,300 nautical miles. Large, you can sunbathe on it when you go out to sea. There are sea fishing equipment on the yacht, equipped with kitchen, bedroom, etc., radio, satellite phone, mobile network are all standard.

The rest of the luxury equipment can also be installed. As Wang Yi’s requirements are increasing, Matt’s smile is getting brighter and brighter. This kind of luxury yacht makes more than a dozen fishing boats. , Sure enough, the Chinese are all local tyrants. Now he is all about receiving this order from Wang Yi.

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