I have a paradise

Chapter 423 CCTV Interview

Wang Yi is very busy during this time, because of the rising popularity, a large group of program groups and reporters want to interview him.

For these program invitations, Wang Yi selectively accepted several, and let Nie Wei deal with the others. As for the sunken ship treasures, they are also being counted and registered. Some items need to be processed for anti-oxidation and desalination.Gold, as the most stable metal, naturally don't worry, but other bronze products and silver products need further processing.

Metal objects have been in the sea water for so long, once they are separated from the sea water, they will quickly oxidize, and without any treatment and protection, they will soon become a place of metal powder.

Wang Yi is going to ship these treasures back to China after the inventory is completed. He is a little worried about such a large amount of wealth. However, because Spain has already submitted an application to the court, this treasure needs to stay here for a while. .

Nie Wei brought news to Wang Yi.

China Central Television wanted to make a documentary about the sunken treasures. The ship that Wang Yi just salvaged was among the top ten in the world’s sunken treasures, so it was natural to come for an interview, and he salvaged it. For another shipwreck treasure, it can be said that he alone occupies two of the top ten shipwreck treasures, so Wang Yi will occupy a lot of space in this CCTV documentary on "The Shipwreck Treasure".

When CCTV came, Wang Yi naturally wanted to save face.


A few days later, the CCTV shooting team met Wang Yi in his villa in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. In the living room of the villa, the beauty reporter and Wang Yi conducted interview-style interviews. Not only will this interview be included in the documentary, At the same time, it will also be broadcast in the news. Simply put, Wang Yi will be on the news network this time.

The staff set up the camera in the living room, and Wang Yi and Zhang Lei sat on the sofa in the living room.

"Hello, Mr. Wang."

"Hello, Ms. Zhang."

"To be honest, the celebrities we interviewed before are not very old, but they are definitely over thirty-five years old. It was the first time that Mr. Wang was as young as he met. Mr. Wang has achieved the current achievements at such a young age. It's really rare." Zhang Lei said.

"Before the interview, we made a lot of preparations and learned about some of your information. You are a native of Central Plains and graduated from university. After graduation, you first went to work in two companies, but left after a short time. Started several companies."


"Can you tell me why you left those companies?" Zhang Lei asked.

"Of course I can. Actually, the combined time I spent with these two companies did not exceed three months. After working for a period of time, I found that this kind of nine-to-nine job was not suitable for me. The two companies gave me a sense of drowsiness. I don’t like it. My job can be described as a mixed-eating job. I can’t make money or starve. I think about it. This is not the life I want. "Wang Yi talked eloquently. In fact, he was completely bragging. The main reason for the two jobs was low wages. He didn't want to do it, and the other ones were completely bullshit.

"Can you tell me how you discovered the treasures of these two sunken ships?"

“The shipwreck treasure in the South China Sea was discovered by me during a dive. I went to Sanya for vacation and rented a yacht to go diving. I met a group of dolphins. I caught a lot of fish and fed the fish After they got acquainted with them, they went to the sea to play with them."

"Unknowingly, I came to the high seas with this group of dolphins. When I dived again, I found a huge shadow on the bottom of the sea. At first, I was shocked. I was surprised that there was a sea monster in this sea area. I was ready to escape on the spot, but the dolphins were not afraid at all, and even swam to the sea monster to play. I couldn’t help being curious, so I followed closely to observe. It surprised me that this shadow was actually one. A sunken ship." Wang Yi said with a smile.

"This discovery made me very curious. I wanted to take a look. It happened that there was deep diving equipment on the yacht, so I went underwater with the bodyguards to check it out."

"The result surprised me. There was a search for an ancient shipwreck. The shape of the shipwreck should look like an ancient Arab sailing ship. My bodyguards and I went to the shipwreck and found that it was loaded with various porcelains. There are some Arabic gold coins."

"This discovery made me overjoyed. When I returned to the shore, I found a salvage company to salvage it. Finally, this treasure that had sunk in the sea for hundreds of years was salvaged by me. It is now being restored and protected in the Palace Museum."

"The South China Sea Shipwreck Treasure was estimated to be 500 million yuan. Why did you choose to build a museum yourself instead of selling such a large fortune?"

"Actually, this treasure is not that much. After sorting out and re-estimating the Palace Museum, it is now less than one billion yuan of soft sister coins, which is really not much money. It will take a long time to auction it. I am not short of money, saying that they are the sunken treasures. In fact, they are not as much as my company can earn in a month." Wang Yi spread his hands and looked indifferent.

The corner of Zhang Lei's mouth twitched. Fortunately, the skill of an excellent host for many years was so deep that she almost couldn't hold it back.

"Of course, part of the reason is that the things on the shipwreck are all human artworks. If I sell them, these things will be scattered everywhere. It will be difficult to appreciate these artworks again. So I decided to myself Spend money to build a museum. In this way, this artwork can be better preserved, and it can also be appreciated by more people. Why not?"

"Mr. Wang is really proud and he spent his own money to build a museum. As far as I know, the museum is a non-profit public facility that is rarely built privately. Is the collection in the museum you built only sunken ships?"

"No, although the subject is a shipwreck, there will also be other collections I collected."

"What collections are there, can you give us a brief introduction?"

"Of course you can. Do you know the cultural relics exhibition held by the Forbidden City last year?"

"Of course I know that the cultural relics exhibition exhibited a lot of precious cultural relics that had never been exhibited before." Zhang Lei said.

"You must know the Hanshipost," Wang Yi said with a smile.

"Of course, this cold food post caused an uproar both at home and abroad. Its appearance made the one from the National Palace Museum in Taipei be recognized as a copy of future generations..." Zhang Lei said like a few treasures.

"That cold food post is also mine." Wang Yi said.

"Huh?" Zhang Lei stopped abruptly, looking at Wang Yi in surprise.

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