"It's so delicious, give me some!"

"George, you have already drunk it, get out of the way!"

"The boss gives me a bowl!"

A pot of stewed catfish soup in an iron pan was quickly divided by these people. Wang Yi carried a bowl of fish soup and savored it carefully. Paired with the ingredients of the Xanadu, it really was a delicacy.

He drank a bowl of fish soup, and then ate some roasted meat made by old John. After he was full and drunk, Wang Yi took his sister back to sleep. As for the workers, they gathered together to drink and play, Wang Yi thought. Only when there is a pit will I leave the girl to drink with a group of energetic people.

The next morning, Wang Yi got up full of energy, and then ran in the winery for exercise.

"Good morning, boss!" Just a few steps away, he ran into the blushing old John.

"Good morning, old John!"

After the exercise, Wang Yi returned to the villa for breakfast.Just after he finished eating, Rasfa's phone called and they had arrived.

After tidying up, Wang Yi asked Nie Wei to pick up people at the door of the winery. He went to the tavern first.

After a while, Nie Wei brought Rasfa’s people over. A total of five people came this time. In addition to Rasfa, there was also a senior Disney film company called Steve. It is said that they are fifty-seven years old. The others are Pat, Thomson, and Joyce. Pat is a producer, Thomson is an investor, and Joyce is a film company. boss.

"Hi, dear king, long time no see!"

"Rasfa, we just saw it last week." Wang Yi said, "Welcome to my winery to taste my wine."

Wang Yi invited them to come and sit down. These people looked puffy and swollen, and their feet were sloppy. Their physical condition did not have the spirit they showed.

Inviting a few people to do it, Wang Yi took out a crystal wine bottle and six small wine glasses, and poured them separately: "Try it, this is a rare wine." Wang Yi blinked at several people. blink.

Rasfa’s eyes showed a gleam. Before, Wang Yi gave him a bottle of tiger bone wine. He already knew the miraculous effects of this wine. During this time, he recovered the man’s glory, and the little fairies who killed kept begging for mercy.It's a pity that the bottle of wine was too small, and he drank it in just a few days.

This wine not only made him regain his glory, but also during this period of time he obviously felt that his health was much better. For many reasons, his health was already very bad. He relied on medicine to maintain it, but he drank what Wang Yi gave him. After drinking, my spirit is getting better day by day, but there is too little wine.

Seeing the energetic Rasfa, whether it is Steve or Pat, Thomson or Joyce, I feel a little envious. After all, they are all old friends. The changes in Rasfa are naturally seen by them. In the eyes.

Later, a few people approached Rasfa and asked why. After learning that Wang Yi had given him the effect of the wine, they all wanted to ask for some, but after they found Wang Yi for inquiries, Wang Yi did not sell it. Everyone was a little disappointed, but they also knew that this kind of wine must be precious, and prepared to spend some price in exchange.

The amber liquor was rippling in the white porcelain cup, and the rich aroma of wine wafted in the room. Rasfa couldn't wait to pick up the wine glass and take a sip, his eyes gleaming slightly: "Finally I tasted it again. "

The other people hesitated for a moment, and picked up the wine glasses, learning the way of Rasfa, and took a sip. The taste of Taoyuan wine obviously does not match the taste of these Westerners, but although they don't like it, they are still strong. Endured drinking.

"Huh... this wine is too spicy!"

"But I feel hot after drinking it!"

"Yes, I feel it too!"

Wang Yi took a sip from the wine glass, leaned back and looked at these foreigners with a smile on his face. Wang Yi spent four hundred manor dollars to appraise the four of them. These four people had similar problems with Rasfa. There is nothing wrong with the body but it is weak.

Taoyuan wine has a very good effect on them, and they have felt the changes in their bodies.The look in the eyes of the bottle of wine also became extremely hot.Just like Pate, he obviously felt low energy during this period. He was easily distracted and sleepy during work. Even on vacation and rest, nothing changed. The result of the examination at the hospital was that he was too tired and needed a rest, so he only used it to help sleep. medicine.

After seeing Rasfa as a different person at the last party, he was moved.

Pate took a sip. The smell of this wine made him frown slightly. Although it was a wine, it had an indescribable weirdness, and it was particularly spicy. After barely swallowing it, he soon felt his body start to heat up. The spirit is much better.

"Dear Wang, where can I buy this kind of wine? I want to buy a few bottles." Lasfax asked after putting down the glass.

"This kind of wine is brewed by my private winery. The quantity is scarce. The brewing requires a lot of precious Chinese medicinal materials." Wang Yi said with a smile.

"Chinese medicinal materials? Are they like the bark and grass roots sold in pharmacies in Chinatown?" asked Joyce next to him.

"That's not an ordinary bark grass root." In the lighthouse country, Chinese medicine is not recognized here, especially Chinese medicinal materials and proprietary Chinese medicines. They don't believe that it can cure diseases. Of course, it may be the large pharmaceutical companies in the lighthouse country. For this reason, the FDA in the Beacon Country is not so easy to pass, not to mention the Huaguo company, even their local small companies.

These large multinational pharmaceutical companies use this method to turn those small and medium-sized pharmaceutical companies into their own laboratories. Even if you develop a new drug in the Beacon Country, they also have a way to make you only have the patent for this drug. Sell ​​to them.Acupuncture and massage are one of the few treatments recognized by TCM in the lighthouse country. As for the grass roots and bark, they are completely regarded as witchcraft.

"Many medicinal materials must be grown for decades before they can be used, and my output here is also limited." Wang Yi continued.

"But since we are friends, I can give you a bottle alone." He waved to Nie Wei, and then Nie Wei delivered a few bottles of wine that had been placed on the counter.

"A bottle of wine is 500ml, and a glass of about 50ml is enough for each drink. If it is too much, it is a waste."

Rasfa took it carefully, and his heart suddenly hurt. The last time he had only drank a bottle of wine for five days, every day was a big glass, and now it seems that half of it was wasted.

"Dear Wang, thank you for your generosity, but we want to spend money to buy some?" Feeling the effect of this wine, Thomson next to him hesitated and said, after all, although the gift is good, it will be gone after drinking. .

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