I have a Qiankun Ring

Chapter 5 Alchemy Furnace

When Li Wen brought his wooden basin filled with peach blossom petals into the alchemy room, Shi Sheng had already opened the lid of the alchemy furnace.

After looking at the layout of the alchemy room, there were cabinets placed on every wall in the room. Inside the cabinets, there were medicine bottles of different sizes and some medicinal herbs.

In the middle of the room is an alchemy furnace that is as tall as a person and a half, and the water in the alchemy furnace is poured into it.

Then he turned back and motioned to Li Wen to hand him his basin of water.

"Junior brother, there is some firewood in the yard. Go and get some firewood. We will start soon."

Li Wen nodded. During the day, he had already seen a lot of dry firewood placed in the corner of the yard. Li Wen initially thought it was for cooking in the kitchen, but he did not expect that it was actually stored for the alchemy furnace.

Quickly carrying several large bundles of dry firewood in, Li Wen saw Shi Sheng take out a small medicine bottle from the cabinet and pour all the elixirs in the medicine bottle into the alchemy furnace.

"This is a blood-activating pill. After adding it, the brewed wine will still have the effect of promoting blood circulation after drinking it."

Shi Sheng said softly to Li Wen.

After putting the dry firewood into the small pit under the alchemy furnace, a flame came out of Shi Sheng's palm. The dry firewood was quickly ignited, and the hot flame ignited from the bottom of the furnace, and soon the alchemy room was illuminated red.

"Hey, if there is an underground fire, we can heat the alchemy furnace without using dry wood."

Shi Sheng added a bundle of dry firewood into the pit and said with some hope.

"Earth fire?"

Seeing Li Wen's somewhat puzzled expression, Shi Sheng explained: "Generally, the place where the alchemy furnace is set up has an underground fire. As the name suggests, the underground fire is the fire coming out of the ground. It can heat the alchemy furnace without using firewood.

The refining time of some elixirs is very long. The earth fire can provide a steady stream of heat, so people don't have to stay by the elixir furnace for a long time. But like we don't have the earth fire, we can only watch here. Once the flame becomes smaller, If so, firewood needs to be added in time. "

Listening to Shi Sheng's description, Li Wen felt that the underground fire was probably something like magma or natural gas emerging from the ground.

Just after Shi Sheng finished speaking, the dry firewood he had just added had almost burned, and the flame had become much weaker. When Li heard this, he immediately picked up a bundle of dry firewood and added it.

Waves of water vapor emitted from the alchemy furnace.

Seeing this, Shi Sheng walked to a cabinet, took out a medicine bottle, opened the lid of the alchemy furnace against the heat, and poured all the powder in the medicine bottle into the alchemy furnace.

Li Wen looked at Shi Sheng's movements curiously.

"Senior brother, what was poured in just now?"

After Shi Sheng put the bottle back in its place, he said with a smile: "This is an exclusive secret recipe. The wine we brew is different from the steps of ordinary people brewing under the mountain. This must be added to make it delicious."

After finishing speaking, he walked to the alchemy furnace, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Li Wen didn't dare to say anything when he saw this. He quietly watched the firewood under the alchemy stove to prevent the flame from weakening and add more firewood in time.

After a few breaths, Shi Sheng opened his eyes, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Junior brother, you will be fine soon."

Hearing what Shi Sheng said, Li Wen had a look of confusion on his face. He kept heating it without opening the lid of the alchemy furnace to check. How could he know if it was better?

"Just now I put my spiritual consciousness into the alchemy furnace and carefully observed the changes inside. You can also give it a try!"

After hearing this, Li Wen slowly closed his eyes and tried to draw out his consciousness towards the alchemy furnace.

After a period of clouds and mist, the situation inside the alchemy furnace was vaguely visible. The rolling water in the furnace was mixed with a large number of peach blossom petals. The color of the water in the alchemy furnace was a little yellow.

Seeing this situation, Li Wen withdrew his consciousness and slowly opened his eyes with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Normally when we are refining elixirs, we cannot grasp the situation inside just by looking at the heat. We need to put our spiritual consciousness into the furnace and carefully observe the inside to know which step of elixir refining is in progress."

"Alchemy is very particular about heat and progress. If the heat is too high or too weak, or the progress is too advanced or too late, it will affect the quality of the elixir."

Shi Sheng said to Li Wen while taking out all the unburned firewood from the alchemy furnace.

"After the alchemy furnace has completely cooled down, brew the peach blossom inside and ferment it until winter, then you can drink it."

After taking out all the firewood, Shi Sheng clapped his hands and said to Li Wen.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Wen's stomach made a sound.

Li Wen looked at Shi Sheng with some embarrassment, but Shi Sheng laughed.

"I've been busy all day and I forgot to eat. You take the unfinished firewood back to the yard and I'll go to the kitchen to make you something to eat."

After Shi Sheng finished speaking, he opened the door and left.

Li Wen carried out the remaining firewood despite his hunger. After waiting for everything to be moved, Li smelled a hint of fragrance.

Shi Sheng walked in carrying two pottery bowls. "Junior brother, come over and eat noodles!"

Li Wen was already ravenous at this moment, and when he saw the noodles in Shi Sheng's bowl, he drooled.

He took a big sip and found that what Shi held was just a bowl of water noodles.

"Brother, this fried egg!" Li Wen whispered to Shi Sheng.

"You are in good health and you have done so much work today. This omelette is specially made for you."

After Li Wen heard this, a warmth rose from the bottom of his heart.

Shi Sheng gulped down the noodles in the bowl, then stepped forward and touched the alchemy furnace.

"It will probably take until midnight when it cools down." Shi Sheng murmured to himself.

Li Wen was so hungry that he finished the noodles and the noodle soup, still looking at the ceramic bowl with a bit of unsatisfaction.

Shi Sheng noticed Li Wen's abnormality and took the ceramic bowl away. "Junior brother, wait here, I'll make you another bowl of noodles."

After saying that, he walked quickly towards the kitchen without waiting for Li Wen to speak.

"My senior brother is really good to me!"

Soon, Shi Sheng came in with another bowl of noodles, with a fried egg on top.

"Junior brother, we still have to practice hard. Master said that after we enter the Jindan stage, we won't feel hungry even if we don't eat."

Li Wen stopped eating noodles when he heard this, swallowed the noodles in his mouth, and looked at Shi Sheng with some excitement.

"Brother, after entering the Golden Core Stage, won't you be hungry?"

Shi Sheng smiled and nodded: "We are now in the Qi Refining Stage. As long as we successfully practice the Condensation Stage, we will be in the Golden Core Stage."

Li Wen thought about it in his mind. He only needed to practice two more realms to not need to eat. In fact, it was not very difficult.

"Brother, has Master already entered the Golden Core Stage? Does he not need to eat?"

Shi Sheng shook his head: "Master is only in the middle stage of Condensation. There is still a long way to go before the Golden Core Stage."

After hearing what Shi Sheng said, Li Wen felt very disappointed. It seemed that he wanted to enter the Golden Core Stage so easily, which was obviously too idealistic.

Shi Sheng's face changed at this time, as if he remembered something.

"Oh no, I forgot to cook for Master!"

On the other side, Qing Yanzi was sitting in the house, looking at the classics in his hand, and his stomach rumbled.

"Where did my disciple go with that bowl of noodles just now? Is he going to starve me to death?"

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