I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 379: Yun Duo acted like a baby

I used a basin to catch some water, then poured in half a bottle of spiritual water to increase the attractiveness, and poured three golden guardian potions into it.

Pass the basin to Zhuang Zhuang from under the railing. Without his urging, Zhuang Zhuang's eyes lit up, and his head was buried "Gudong Gudong" and started drinking.

Lingshui has an instinctive attraction to animals!

Long-term drinking also has the effect of inspiring wisdom.

Fang Ye smiled and touched Zhuangzhuang's head: "Well, I'm not afraid of getting sick now, I'm leaving!"

Zhuang Zhuang saw Fang Ye get up, his claws gripped the railing, his face pressed against the railing, and he looked reluctant to walk.

When Fang Ye's figure disappeared, staring at the direction he was leaving, he sat on the ground in a daze, walked slowly back to the edge of the bamboo, and continued to chew on a bamboo.

Fang Ye went to Yunduo's animal house again!

"President, you are here!"


At this time, Yun Duo was sitting against the wall with his paws on his belly, looking listless, and there was a pile of fresh bamboo next to him, and he was not interested in chewing.

Feeling anxious!

Originally in the panda base, there were familiar parents who called their names every day and gave them delicious bamboos.

The path from the animal shelter to the playground, when to draw blood, and when to weigh, are all very familiar.

Sometimes I don’t want to draw blood and act like a baby with my parents, and I can often eat an extra apple.

Just a few days ago, there was a huge change in life.

I was locked in a small cage and rushed all the way to a very strange place, where all the familiar smells disappeared.

At first, there was a nanny by his side, and my mood was still a little more settled. In the past two days, the nanny has disappeared, and the remaining spiritual support is gone.

Growing up in the panda base, I usually listen to Sichuan dialect. In the past two days, all the people who came and went were unknown breeders. Calling its name in Mandarin sounded a very strange accent.

Bamboo is not a familiar bamboo, and Wowotou is not a familiar taste.

A piece of braised pork, even if the ingredients are the same, there must be a difference in the taste between the one made by my mother and the one eaten outside the restaurant.

Just like college students who have just entered university and are away from home to study, the unfamiliar climate, roommates, and food in the cafeteria all take some time to adapt.

Zhuang Zhuang is a kind of rough-minded Ma Daha who adapts quickly. Well, although there is no hot pot, no spicy tofu, pot-packed meat and pig head stewed vermicelli are also good! Sleep when you are full.

So many changes are coming all at once, and for the sensitive cloud, it is simply broken, making it very uncomfortable and terrified.

Sitting by the wall, looking aggrieved at the window of the animal shelter in a daze, watching the sunshine outside, his thoughts floated back to the base.


Seeing Yun Duo's nervous and anxious look, Fang Ye was also a little distressed, and said to the breeder: "I will go in with Yun Duo for a while!"


After the door of the animal shelter was opened, Yun Duo's ears trembled suddenly, and he ran to the corner with some fear.


Fang Ye's voice was gentle, calling out softly.

Affinity and comfort skills are released together.

Yun Duo froze for a moment, and smelled a cordial and nice smell!

It is the fragrance of bamboo in the base, and the sweet pot of milk, mixed with the smell of sunlight and breeze.

Fang Ye sat down beside him, not afraid to avoid him, but leaned a little closer to him.

Yun Duo felt a little strange. He had only seen this two-legged beast a few times, but beside him, he felt very relieved and relaxed, as if he had been beside Ma Ma when he was a child.

The unfamiliar environment doesn't seem so terrible anymore.

The nervous mood relaxed a lot, and his chubby body dumped and lay directly on Fang Ye's lap.


Fang Ye patted the cloud on the back lovingly, and took out a long-handled comb from the system space.

Although the appearance looks ordinary, it seems to be used for shoeshine, but when the animal is groomed, the comfort can be increased by 20%!

He combed Yun Duo from his head to his back. Yun Duo's chubby body was lying on Fang Ye's legs, and his eyes narrowed comfortably.

When in the base, the nurse would also comb her hair like this!


Suddenly there was a loud hum.

"Hey, what else would you call?"

Fang Ye smiled in surprise.

When they were young, giant pandas were grotesque and proficient in multiple languages. When they grew up, they basically stopped crying except when they were in heat.

Hearing Fang Ye's question, Yun Duo gave another "um", arching in his arms!

This posture is obviously acting like a baby.

"Do you like combing your hair?"


Fang Yeqing couldn't help but rua the soft ears of the cloud, and smiled lovingly: "Oh, it's so cute!"

Brushing the clouds, I feel that there are still shortcomings.

By the way, it would be perfect if you sing a nursery rhyme at this time, sing nursery rhymes with food touch, coax children with three-piece suits, but unfortunately he can't sing.

Combing and combing, Yun Duo slowly closed his eyes, arched his head in his arms, and entered a sweet dreamland.

"Yun Duo, come over and comb your belly!"

There was no response after calling for two times, only to find that Yunduo was asleep!


Fang Ye couldn't laugh or cry, why fell asleep, the guardian medicine hadn't had time to feed it!

It seems that the child is really frightened and frightened these two days.

When Xiao Gu, the keeper, came back after a while, he saw the scene of Yun Duo lying on Fang Ye's lap and sleeping deeply, which looked very warm.

Fang Ye said helplessly: "You can come back in 20 minutes!"

"Okay!" Xiao Gu promised, surprised in his heart, and sighed secretly, "The director's ability to get close to animals is also amazing, why do all animals like him, is he really a great druid?"

They looked at Yun Duo's nervousness, but they couldn't do anything. They were even more scared when they called Yun Duo's name.

The head of the garden came to accompany him for a while, and Yunduo immediately relaxed and fell asleep.

"Clouds and clouds!"

Fang Ye poured the spirit water and the guardian potion into the basin~www.readwn.com~ and whispered.

Yun Duo felt an instinctive sense of longing, and slowly opened his eyes.

After drinking the spiritual water, the spirit is also refreshed a lot!

Suddenly I have an appetite to eat bamboo again.

Fang Ye played with Yun Duo for a while, guided Yun Duo to climb the perch, watched it gradually relax, smiled and said hello to say goodbye.

Yun Duo reluctantly gave up, holding Fang Ye's leg with two paws, and yelled twice, not wanting him to leave!

Xiao Gu looked envious at the door. When can he establish such a close relationship with the panda?

Fang Ye is a bit distressed and anxious. The panda is too clingy and can't walk with his legs. What should I do? Wait online!

Touching the cloud's head comfortingly said: "Next time, next time, next time I will come to see you again!"

After finally getting rid of Yun Duo's leg-holding offensive, after coming out of the animal shelter, he told the keeper to tell Xiao Gu to observe the state of Yun Duo carefully and report to him at any time.

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