I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 415: Cut leek

  Chapter 419 Cutting Leeks

On the left side of   Zoo Plaza, a small wooden house was built, and a green net was also supported on the lawn.

  Some employees operated in front of the wooden house for a while, and a group of white pigeons flew out of the cage with flapping wings.

  Approximately twenty or thirty, making a sound of "coococo".

   Seeing a piece of corn sprinkled on the grass, they fell to the ground one after another, and started pecking with their heads low.

   "Wow, up the main assembly site!"

   "A lot of pigeons!"

  The tourists watched curiously, and said hello to Fang Ye: "Oh, principal, are you raising pigeons?"

Fang Ye smiled and said, "Yes."

  Many zoos have pigeons. Raising pigeons simply enriches the scenery.

  But he also plans to set up a science exhibition about passenger pigeons here, and borrow pigeons to popularize extinct passenger pigeons.

Cover a piece of net to let these pigeons live in it for a while. They feed here every day. The pigeons can't find food when they fly to other places. They know they have stayed here all the time, and they can return to the loft in bad weather. inside.

  Someone joked: "Here, we will raise a pigeon. If we breed more in the future, we can use it to improve the food for the animals."

  Fang smiled wildly. Raising square pigeons was originally a pleasure for people to watch. If there are too many, **** everywhere, the chair is full of **** and you can’t sit on it, but it’s not beautiful.

  Moreover, the pigeons have to be vaccinated. The number is too large and the sky can't be caught. How can the pigeons that have not been quarantined be fed to the animals? What should I do if they get sick?

  Therefore, a little contraceptive pill is added to the feed they are fed, and it does not exist when they reproduce.


  Meng Shi watched Jiaojiao playing with sorbet in fascination in front of the glass curtain wall of the Tiger Hall.

  The tiger is so beautiful!

  Although he is on vacation today, he still stayed in the tiger pavilion to watch the tigers.

  Suddenly heard the sound of mobile phone messages.

  A glance, Fang Ye pulled him to a WeChat group.

  Fang Ye: "Everyone, come to Longwangju to have a barbecue party at night!"

  After several months of growth, the strawberries and leeks in the yard have matured, and it’s time for picking and harvesting.

  Although this strawberry is sweet, it cannot be stored for too long after it is ripe. After it is fully ripe, it will be rotten after two or three days.

  He and the blue carp can't finish eating, thinking about calling everyone to come and share it, but eating strawberries is a bit monotonous, so they simply have a barbecue party.

  In the evening, invite the chef from Lion Restaurant over to barbecue and grill some dishes by the way. Fresh leeks must be delicious when roasted.

  Meng Shi quickly replied with a silly smile: "Okay, okay!"

  Lü Ye asked, "Where is the Dragon King Residence?"

   Fang Ye: "It's my house on the mountain."

   Lin Ying vomited: "This name is a good second in the middle school!"

  Blue Carp: "I took it/laughing and crying..."

   Lin Ying: "Ahem! It sounds pretty good?"

  Meng Shi: "Ok! Director, I am taking a break today, what do you want me to do for help?"

  Fang Ye: "Hmm... Actually, it’s fine. Then you can come and help us with a leek if you want."

  Meng Shi: "Okay, then I will go over!"

  Lu Ye: "Karma Leek? Now when I see Leek, I feel agitated."

  He Yifei: "Surprised, did the principal grow leeks by himself?"

  Everyone suddenly remembered that the potatoes that Fang Ye planted in his yard were delicious!

  The potatoes in the cafeteria are long gone, and now they are planting leeks. I don’t know what it's like?

  Can't help but look forward to the dinner in the evening.


   "Ding Dong!"

  The doorbell is rang.

  Fang Ye poked his head out of the yard and saw Meng Shi standing at the door, shouting, "Go in!"

  Although the door was open, I pressed the doorbell and waited outside.

  Meng Shi said: "Would you like to change your shoes?"

   "Which shoes to change, there are not so many shoes to change, wait for you to go away tonight, and then pack them together."

  On the cat climbing frame in the corner of the living room, there is a fat tabby cat lying in the cat litter. Zhuang Xiaobai is carrying the cat, watching the tabby cat's expression very happy.

  Zhuang Xiaobai brought a bunch of schoolmates and schoolmates to paint a lot of beautiful wall paintings for the zoo. He got close to Fang Ye and was invited over.

  Meng Shi entered the backyard and immediately smelled a fresh fragrance!

   turned his head subconsciously and saw the strawberry towers stacked on the side of the wall.

  A slice of the surrounding area is filled with the fresh and sweet scent of strawberries, lingering around the tip of the nose.

  Fangye originally asked the buyer to pick the strawberry varieties from the countryside. It should be small and not very beautiful, but it is cultivated with spiritual soil and irrigated with spiritual water. It is completely changed.

  The diameter of one piece is about 3 or 4 centimeters. It has a full body and a bright red color. It is set off by the verdant green leaves and becomes more and more delicate. It is like a ruby ​​and emits a tangy strawberry aroma.

  Smell it and let the population flow.

  Meng Shi's eyes were firmly attracted by the crystal clear strawberries, and he couldn't move his eyes away: "Head of the garden, this is the strawberry you planted?"

   Fang Ye smiled at the corners of his mouth: "Yes, do you want to try one?"

  Meng Shi couldn’t help but swallowed, “Then I’ll try one!”

  Pick off a strawberry and hold it in my hand heavy, very full.

  Place a bite in the mouth, the sweet juice splashes in the mouth, and the thick flesh rubs against the lips and teeth.

  There is also a slight sour taste, because the strawberries are not fully ripe, and become soft when they are ripe.

  Meng Shi was so cool that he was trembling all over, and said vaguely: "Fuck, it's so sweet!"

  When he was young, he liked to eat strawberries.

  But the strawberries that I bought when I grew up, only looked beautiful on the outside, and the taste was light, with a hint of sweetness.

  So I am not interested in eating strawberries.

  But this strawberry is really delicious!

  The strawberry flavor is full, as if you can still feel a faint freshness in your mouth after eating, which is longer than the flavor of mints.

   was a little embarrassed and said, "The principal, can you have another one?"

   Fang Ye smiled and said, "Yes~www.readwn.com~ Please come here to help me eliminate strawberries."

  Lu Ye said hello and came in, smelling the fragrance, his eyes lighted: "This strawberry looks so beautiful! It smells so good."

   Fang Ye waved his hand boldly: "You are welcome, I have enough strawberries today! But don't eat too much, there will be barbecue in the evening."

  Lu Ye ate two, and he was hooked!

  After eating the strawberries, Fang Ye took the two to the edge of the leek field.

   "Have you ever cut leeks?"

  Meng Shi shook his head, and Lu Ye muttered: "I was cut off as a leek!"

  The leeks in the leeks field have grown very lush!

   looks very energetic, with his head held high, showing great vitality.

  Fang Ye handed a pair of big scissors to each of them, squatted down on the side of the field and instructed: "Leeks are perennial, and can be cut for several years at a time. This cutting of leeks is also very particular!

  A good crop is stronger than a crop. If the crop is not good, the leeks will become yellow and weak. "

  (End of this chapter)

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