I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 420: The story of the monarch butterfly

  Chapter 424 The story of the monarch butterfly

"It is almost impossible to push the government to establish laws on insecticides and herbicides, or to establish monarch butterfly protection areas in the wilderness. However, researchers have made some models and found that it may increase the food of monarch butterflies in the city. Can play a role in protecting the monarch butterfly.

The food of the monarch butterfly is milkweed, which is a succulent plant. People wonder if we can use much less money to send a pack of milkweed to the residents of this area. Seed, the residents are asked to sprinkle this seed in a small garden in the city, sprinkle it on their backyard or wild ground. The network of milkweed can reverse the fate of the monarch butterfly.

  This process has failed, and there have been many dramatic successes. People found that this idea was actually established. When the milkweed seeds were sent to the residents, milkweed gardens appeared one after another in the city.

  Some worthless wild land itself, because of the existence of these flowers, has become a more beautiful urban landscape, attracting more wild animals, improving the quality of residential areas, and even attracting commercial investment.

  So the city may not be a place with poor biodiversity. Perhaps in the future, the city can be used as a habitat for the protection of key species. Although the scale of urban green space is small, there are also many living creatures that are very small. "

Fang Ye wrote down the story in his heart: "I think this is a good example, thank you teacher."

  Wang Yan added: “The number of monarch butterflies has dropped a lot in the past two years, setting new lows repeatedly. The situation this year seems to be particularly bad, and it should be related to the wildfires in the United States.”

  Fang Ye is helpless. In recent years, global warming and the frequent occurrence of extreme climates have a fatal impact on butterflies. Coupled with the use of insecticides and herbicides, planting milkweed in cities may be a drop in the bucket.

  I will say how much effect it has, but this attempt is still very positive, allowing visitors to understand a way of getting along with animals and knowing that symbiosis is a friendly and mutually beneficial thing.

  In the future, an urban animal exhibition area will be built, where you can raise some monarch butterflies and get a garden view.

  The zoo not only displays star animals such as tigers and pandas, but also needs to guide visitors to pay attention to the humble animals such as insects. Their role is also very important, and it is not easy to count and study their population survival conditions.

   and Wang Yan talked about other things.

  Wang Yan is not only a researcher, but as a teacher at the school, he is still very eloquent.

  Speaking of one of the rough feelings of scientific workers who are engaged in conservation biology, they must see the changes in the world before others, and see the threats and dangers that may arise.

  One of the tasks in preparation for this semester is to conduct surveys to see the distribution and habits of raccoon dogs in Linhai City.

  When I saw the raccoon last night, I was not only shocked by the courage and exploration spirit it showed, but also vaguely foreseeing a kind of conflict that might be contained in the future behind it.

  Maybe in another ten or eight years, the raccoon will fully adapt to the city, and his habits will change accordingly. It may become the same as the North American raccoon.

  At that time, there may be some human-beast conflicts, such as raccoon dogs that bring parasites and germs, so some research in advance can also prepare for the future.

Fang Ye mentioned that because of the milk tea wild boar incident, some infrared cameras were placed around the village near Linhai City. The data collected by these infrared cameras can be handed over to Wang Yan for analysis and research.

  Not only scientific research cooperation, but also funding for Wang Yan’s team.

  Although he only talked for half a day, he felt that Wang Yan was worthy of being a researcher at Xinghe University, and the work of scientific research was still entrusted to professional people.

  Wang Yan is happy!

  Don’t you worry about funding when doing scientific research? I didn’t expect Fang Ye to be so bold, and he started talking about money shortly after they met.

Before I came here, I heard from a friend who was a matchmaker that Fang Ye is a rich second-generation rich man. He set up a zoo privately and he is very competent. He usually asks them questions humbly. It’s not like that. Unlearned dude.

   See you today, it really is.

  The impression of the other side is also good, and the two talked very happily.


  The zoo has become more lively recently.

  The imported Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkeys and Japanese macaques were transported to the zoo and entered the stage of isolation and quarantine.

  The exhibition hall is almost built, and the system construction team does not have a holiday or rest. The construction is still diligent during the New Year!

  After the quarantine is over, the exhibition can be carried out in about March.

  Two crawling halls have also introduced some new animals, such as king cobras.

  The new animal brought a large amount of green leaf coins into the account, which added a bite to the follow-up construction of the Elephant Pavilion in time.

  The area of ​​the elephant exhibition area is really large. It is estimated that it will be completed in April. This speed is already super fast.

  The exhibition hall of the Black Panther is under construction, and it was completed in April, and the Jaguar is on its way.

  There is already a black panther, so there is no intention to buy a black panther. The male introduced is of normal color.

  The area of ​​the Leopard's exhibition hall can be smaller, mainly to provide them with some trees that can be climbed.

In contrast, in order to save Luye coins, the hot spring hotel was built by a serious construction team at the expense of money. The speed is extremely slow. The construction is expected to be completed in May, and the decoration is estimated to take another month or so, in June. It will be officially opened at the time.

  In addition to patrolling the zoo every day, Fang Ye will go to the isolation field to see the new Sichuan golden monkey, contact the black panthers, go to the animal hospital to see the little lion, and go to Xiaoyu's delivery room to see a few little wolf cubs.


  Isolation field.

  Fang Ye chatted with the staff, asked about the animal's condition, and came to the cage of the Sichuan Golden Monkey. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

  Two Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkeys, sitting on the log in the middle of the cage, combing each other's fur, the other is sitting nearby, and one of them is small and walking around.

   Fang Ye watched with relish!

  Chuan's golden monkey's head and limbs are brownish-red, and the belly coat is snow-white, with a little gold on the outside.

The fur on   's back is golden yellow, with long strands, which looks a bit like the beggars in martial arts novels, wearing several layers of tattered clothes, and the clothes are torn into long strips.

   But compared to the Beggar Gang, the golden fur of the Sichuan Golden Monkey is undoubtedly much more gorgeous!

  Moreover, the members of the gang of beggars are all unshaven, with long hair, looking dirty and messy, and the golden monkey's head is round and plump.

  A total of 4 golden monkeys were introduced this time. The most burly and majestic in the cage is the leader Dabao, whose wife Yaya is combing Dabao, and the other Lili is Dabao’s wife.

  There is also a one-year-old little golden monkey, Little Treasure, walking around, looking quite lively.

  Golden monkeys are also quite rare animals. The introduction of 4 at a time is considered a big deal.

  (End of this chapter)

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