I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 424: Once miracle

  Chapter 428 Once a miracle

  Early the next morning!

  Liu Wei and the rest of the classmates had breakfast in the cafeteria and gathered at the school gate.

   Seeing Jiang Lan and Yang Yue, the boys smiled and said, "Our goddess is here!"

  "I don’t see you in a holiday, the goddess is still beautiful!"

  Jiang Lan didn’t respond, she was used to the exaggerated jokes of the boys, Yang Yue covered her mouth and snickered!

  As a girl in the software department, she is treated as a group favorite by the boys.

  The squad leader was tall and thin, wearing glasses, and asked: "Are everyone here? Let's go!"


  Get on the bus and come to the gate of the zoo.

  In fact, I don’t take a bus, it’s almost there after a ten-minute walk.

  Zoo and Galaxy University are still very close.

  When Liu Wei bought the ticket, he found that the ticket price was only 30, and there was a half-price discount for the student ID!

  15 yuan ticket, and the price of a cup of milk tea is about the same.

   could not help but exclaimed: "Wow, this zoo ticket is so cheap!"

  Wu Jiancong thinks it's normal: "The zoo ticket at my house is cheaper, 25 in peak season and 20 in off season!"

   Gao Kaijin seemed to be a little confused: "I remember that the tickets for the safari park are very expensive! It may start at one hundred yuan, or even two to three hundred."

   Liu Wei scratched his head: "What is the difference between a zoo and a safari park?"

  This question puzzled both roommates. I thought about it for a while but didn't understand it.

  In fact, safari parks are generally built in the outskirts, and the area can be larger, providing more space for animals.

  The disadvantage is that the transportation is not convenient, and the ticket price is more expensive, the commercial nature is more concentrated, and there may be animal performances.

Another meaning of   Wild Zoo is that the environment is closer to the wild environment, and the animal display is better.

  And city zoos generally have a charity nature, so the ticket price is tens of dollars.

  The dividing line between the two is actually not that clear. Like Linhai Zoo, although it is located in the suburbs and has a wild name, the area is not large and the ticket price is very cheap.

  Although some safari parks are large in size, the environment is actually terrible, not as good as the city zoo. Some city zoos also have animal shows.

  Anyway, this problem does not affect their visits to the zoo. If they don’t understand, the visit is over!


  When I came to the square, I first saw a group of white pigeons on the green grass next to it!

  A green net was built before, and the pigeons were kept in captivity, and they were sprinkled some feed on the grass every day.

  Now that the net is removed, the pigeons are also used to moving on this grass.

   "Wow, so many pigeons!"

  Many tourists are now in front of the grass fence, looking inside, curiously looking at them!

   Liu Wei said: "To be honest, this is the first time I have seen a living pigeon! I have only seen it in soup before!"

  Wu Jiancong nodded deeply: "Me too!"

  Yang Yue looked around, saw volunteers nearby, ran over and asked: "Hello, can I feed these pigeons? Is there a place to sell feed?"

  The volunteer explained: “These square pigeons have just settled in the zoo and they are not very familiar with the environment. They may fly far away when they are full, so there is no such service at present, and there may be in the future!”

  Yang Yue was a little disappointed: "Oh, okay!"

  The pigeons are pacing leisurely on the grass!

  As domesticated poultry, pigeons are not too afraid of people.

  A sparrow flew down from the treetops, jumping on the lawn looking for food!

  The pigeons have regarded this lawn as their own territory. Seeing a sparrow flying over, a few close ones flew toward the sparrow aggressively, flapping their wings, and driving away the sparrow.

  This is our site! Go! Go! Go!

  At the beginning, he ran at a fast pace, chased for a few meters and then flew at low altitude.

Although the pigeons behind    didn’t know what happened, seeing their companions flying up, they also quickly followed the footsteps of the large army. Suddenly, more than 30 pigeons all flew!

  Fly together, the flapping sound of "Papa Papa" became clear and audible. Dozens of pigeons flew in front of the tourists. It looked spectacular!

  The sights of the tourists moved along with the pigeons, and there was a cry of exclamation.


"so beautiful!"

   "Fly so neatly! Have they been trained?"

  Someone "Kaka" took the picture.

  The little sparrow being chased by the pigeons, if they could speak, would definitely complain: "Damn, what did I do to blame others, let you send a division's troops to chase me!"

  The pigeons drove the little sparrow away from this area, the leader in front turned a corner and flew back in a cool manner!

   hovering low on the lawn, swearing his sovereignty.

When    flew around, Wu Jiancong stretched out his hand and tried to give a high-five to the pigeon!

  Of course the pigeons don’t bird him anymore. The team split into two halves and flew over on both sides of his raised arms.

   circled twice in half and returned to the grass!

  The other half flew to the big tree next to it, or landed on the ground of the square.

  One fell down beside Yang Yue, stepping on her paws, peeking at her head, and looking left and right as she walked forward, she seemed a little nervous.

  Yang Yue squatted on the ground, and said with some excitement to Jiang Lan next to him: "Wow, this pigeon is so fun to walk!"

   Jiang Lan was also very interested, and pointed her finger at the pigeon: "Come here!"

  The pigeon glanced at her, and quickly got in through the wide gap of the fence!

   converged with the large group and came to the lawn. It seemed that he was relieved a lot, and his pace slowed down.

   Next to the lawn of the square, a new sign was erected, and a bronze statue of a pigeon was placed in front.

When Liu Wei passed by, he took a curious look. There were two pictures on the exhibition board. On the first picture, a large swarm of birds was flying over the sky, and the sky seemed to float over a large black cloud. The second picture was A pigeon standing alone on a branch.

  The contrast is very obvious.

  "There used to be a miraculous bird.

If you go back to the beginning of the 19th century ~www.readwn.com~ you might see this kind of scenery in the United States. A bird's circle of 1.6 kilometers wide and more than 500 kilometers long will cover the sky, and it will take several days to cross a farm. , This kind of flock of flying birds is the North American passenger pigeon.

  The famous ornithologist Audubon once predicted that this bird will never be extinct by humans.

  However, passenger pigeons, as a huge number of birds with delicious meat, ushered in large-scale commercial hunting in the 18th and 19th centuries.

  In the 1840s, the number of passenger pigeons has dropped significantly.

  In the 1870s, it was difficult to find flocks of passenger pigeons in the wild.

  In 1900, a boy shot and killed the last wild passenger pigeon with an air gun. Since then, no passenger pigeon has been found in the wild.

The attempt to artificially breed passenger pigeons also ended in failure. On September 1, 1914, the last artificially bred passenger pigeon "Martha" also left the world.

  Once a huge population of 5 billion animals, it was completely extinct in just a century and a half.

  Humanity has erected a monument for the passenger pigeon, saying, ‘this species was extinct due to human greed and selfishness. ’"

  (End of this chapter)

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