I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 437: Saida

  Chapter 441 Plowing the Field

  The weather outside is still very good, sunny.

  The little lions were put on the grass, gathered together subconsciously, leaned down, looked around, probed their heads.

   looks a little nervous!

  Although they are not out for the first time, they are still cautious every time they come out.

  The smell in the nursery room and the touch of the mat are all familiar. You can relax and play and go to sleep when you are tired. The outside environment does not have such a sense of security.

  For them, going out is like an unknown and exciting adventure.

   Fang Ye walked a few meters away, smiled and clapped his hands: "Come on!"

  Didi's eyes were tense, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  Don’t leave me!

   "Xiao Xiji's milky cries are so cute!"

   "Haha, why do I feel wronged! I don't seem to be happy to come out and bend."

   "Walking aggrievedly while walking."

  Meimei's buttocks were pressed tightly on the ground, unwilling to move forward, she looked at Didi hesitantly, and then turned to look at the blue carp.

  The blue carp gently pushed its butt, and said softly: "Go and go, go after your brother."

  Meimei yelled "Ah oh, oh," she turned her head around the blue carp and walked in the opposite direction.

  It’s terrible, people want to go back, don’t go forward! Let's go back!

  Bubu had followed Didi for two steps. Hearing Meimei's call, she stopped at a loss and turned her head around!

  The breeder picked up Meimei interceptor from behind, turned it 180 degrees, and put it back on the edge of the cloth.

  It’s impossible to go back, just run forward obediently!

  Didi has already ran to Fang Ye’s feet, Fang Ye squatted down, smiled and touched his head: "Yes! Very energetic!"

  Wait for Bubu and Meimei to run over, then ran a distance forward, clapping their hands and calling them over.

  After a while, the little lions gradually became less afraid!

  On the grass shining in the sun, running at a dangling pace.

  When I was tired from running, I stopped, hugged each other, wrestled and licked, and had a great time.

  Fang Ye sat on the ground, watching the little lions playing at their feet, smiling.

   did not disturb the little lions playing, and let the breeder watch them, and said to the camera: "Let’s go, let’s take a look at Tian!"

   "President, do you have any other cubs besides the little lion in your zoo?"

   "Yes, there are also little wolf pups. When I went to play last weekend, I happened to see mother wolf taking them out for activities! The little wolf pups are fun and look like puppies, so cute."

"Mother wolf also teaches the little wolf pups to behave! When I went back, a little wolf pup stayed behind playfully, and the mother wolf went straight away with the other pups. The little wolf pups were terrified that they could not find their mother. , Wailing."

   "Wow, it sounds interesting, I want to see it too!"

   Fang Ye saw the barrage and laughed: "It's not just the little lion and the wolf. Recently, we had a ring-tailed lemur that gave birth to twins."

   "Ah, when can I see it?"

   "I can see it next week!"

Ring-tailed lemurs are still very gentle. They usually have no natural enemies on the island. Except for two days of evasive behavior when they just give birth to cubs, they can't escape, and the breeder will be able to approach soon without feeling particularly nervous. .

  It doesn’t seem to be a problem, and I’m going to let it return to the ethnic group in these two days.

   "There is also a raccoon, who was also pregnant recently, and his temper became very grumpy! Chasing other raccoons to fight. We also brought it out alone and stayed in the delivery room."

   "Wow, go see the raccoons!"

   Fang Ye smiled and said, "I will show you when the little raccoon is born."

  While chatting, I came to the small ranch!

  In fact, this area of ​​small pasture can be changed to small small farm.

  The farmland is not far from the roadside, separated by a ditch, so that the changes in crop growth can be seen when visitors pass by.


  If you stay far away, you can hear a tractor-like roar, and the closer you get, the louder the noise.

  I can already see a piece of farmland mixed with soil and water. Some tens of meters away is pushing a machine or walking slowly in the ground.

   "Hey, what are you doing?"

   "I don't know! It's farming anyway!"

   Fang Ye smiled and asked, “Everyone eats fragrant rice every day, but how the rice is grown? I think few people know it? Does anyone know what this is doing?”

  "Where's the boss of Disarming and Returning to Tian? Come out and answer it!"

   "Calling for the big guy back home!"

   "Maybe this will go to the ground, right?"

  "I'm from an agricultural university! I should be plowing or harrowing the land!"

   "This is a plowing field, so miss the scene!"

  Fang Ye looked at the barrage. Most of them didn't know or said it was farming in general. Only a few people accurately said it.

   answered: "This will be plowing!

  When rice is planted, it has to go through a series of processes such as soaking seed, plowing, harrowing, sowing, raising seedlings, transplanting seedlings, harvesting, and drying the rice.

  Today’s solar terms are shocking, when spring thunder begins, temperature rises, insects sprout, and everything is resurrected.

  After the general shock, spring plowing will begin.

  This piece of land needs to grow rice, so first store water in the field, and then turn the land over.

  In the past, plowing mainly relied on human and animal power, that is, water buffalo, but now it is mainly plowing with machines.

Plowing has two purposes. One is to turn the roots and weeds of the previously planted crops under the topsoil, so that they can be soaked and decomposed, and naturally fermented into green organic fertilizer, and the other is to make the air permeability and water permeability of the soil change. Better.

  Wait for three to five days after the plowing is finished, you can harrow the field, turn up the soil that was not turned up during the plowing, level the land, and apply fertilizer by the way. "

   "Wow! Director 666."

   "Finally know how the rice I ate was grown!"

   "I learned it! I learned it this time!"

  "I also want to sign up for your farming activities~www.readwn.com~ I feel it will be very rewarding."

  "In the past, there were only two cows in the village, and the busy farming season could not be used. It had to rely on manpower. The four people dragged and raked away like cows. It felt really tired!

  In the muddy water, after walking for a while, there is no energy. The mud is like a long hand, dragging people's feet, and is very tired. "

   "I have done this kind of farm work too! People are tired and cows are tired, thinking about it, it is all tears of sorrow and sorrow!"

   "Haha, my memory of raking the field is rather happy! The water buffalo is pulling the plow, and I am holding the rope in front, yelling the old water buffalo, and my brother is stepping on the rake and holding the water buffalo's butt, like surfing.

  After raking the fields, the body was soaked with sweat, cement and water, and his feet were covered with yellow mud. "

   "My father is a veteran of farming, but I went out to work as soon as I learned to farm. Last time I went back, the old house had become a vicissitudes of life, and the fields were full of weeds."

  The plowing scene evoked some hard or good memories of netizens and shared the past.

  Most of the netizens who grew up in the city and have never experienced farming, looking at their descriptions, can't help but imagine the scene of stepping on the mud and riding a buffalo, yearning for it.

  (End of this chapter)

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