I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 443: Little lion confessed

  Chapter 447 The little lion recognizes his relatives

  Qiuqiu took the cubs nearby and put them down and stopped moving forward.

  The two cubs also found a few lions here, their eyes were curious and confused!

  There is a sense of intimacy in the subconscious, and we look a lot like our mother, should we be the same kind?

  The sun shines on the grass and also shines on Kaka’s belly!

  Kaka will lie on the ground side by side, sleeping very comfortably.

  The smooth belly buckled with the breath, reflecting the sunlight very conspicuously, attracting the eyes of the little boys.

  Two little lions walked slowly towards the sun.

   "Oh oh, I'm going to recognize you!"

  Some tourists are curious: "How do lions recognize their children?"

  Xiao Li said: "A male lion can distinguish whether it is its own cub, and it can only be indirectly identified through the cub's mother.

  Smell the smell and think about whether the lioness has mated with herself.

  Look at the size of the lion cub again, calculate the time, if it can match, then it should be your own baby.

  It seems that there is a situation where the old lion king and the lioness are mated, and the lioness is fertilized. The new lion king entered the lion group at this time and mates with the lioness.

  After the cubs are born, the cubs may have children of the old lion king, but the new lion king will infer that they are all their own. "

   "Surprised! Will the lion still count the time of pregnancy?"

  Zaza stopped in the distance, staring at Kaka blankly, squatting down, not knowing what to do next.

   Baba frowned, his body slightly lowered, and he walked cautiously like hunting, and approached Kaka slowly from the side.

  Zaza also followed, head down, and the two little lions approached Kaka’s face.

  The sleeping Kaka seemed to be smelling something. He opened his eyes in a daze, shocked the little lions, and quickly shrank back for a while.

  Kaka saw the little lion, blinked his eyes twice, and slowly turned his sleepy head, oh, it turned out to be the little lion...

  It doesn’t seem to be too much trouble.

  Suddenly reacted, eh, little lion?

   Turned over, licked his tongue happily in sleep, his head stretched slightly and sniffed.

  The tourists saw Kaka and the little lion looking at each other, and their nervous mood relaxed, and they were moved: "I seem to see tenderness in the eyes of the big lion!"

   "The lion did not attack, this is the success of confession!"

   "What a warm scene!"

  Little Li couldn't laugh or cry: "This is Kaka, not the little lion dad! It has a short mane. The little lion dad has a long black mane on the side, and he hasn't recognized his relatives yet."

   "Fuck me!"

  The hearts of the tourists are raised again.

  Kaka didn't even sniff it carefully. Smell the smell, it should be Qiuqiu's cub, of course not its child.

   lay down, but still looked at the little lion with interest.

  The male lion does not kill himself and his brother’s cubs, otherwise a lion group will not be able to accommodate two male lions.

  Of course, some are more brutal and murderous, and conflicts may cause the cubs to be killed.

  In this case, other lions and lionesses will be very angry!

   Beat it violently and drive out the lion group, this kind of lion can only wander.

  The little lions flicked their tails, nervously not daring to look at Kaka, and passed between Qiqi and Kaka.

  Qiqi also smelled the smell, woke up from her sleep, opened her eyes!

   Seeing the little lion, stood up and walked towards them.

  Two little lions, seeing the burly and sturdy, strange big lion with scattered manes, walking towards them at a majestic pace, feeling that they are of the same kind, and there is still a trace of fear in my heart!

  Baba stepped back and sat on the ground somewhat timidly. Zaza also raised his paw and put it down again.

  Qiqi lowered his head and sniffed at the little lion carefully. The little lion didn't know the risk at this time. Seeing that the big lion was not doing well, he soon recovered to be lively again and quarreled with each other.

   Yueyue put down the little lions just now, and has been paying attention to them. At this time, she also subconsciously took a step forward, her neck stretched slightly, her eyes were staring at Qiqi and the little lions without blinking, her ears trembling from time to time.

  In his behavior, he was worried about the cub!

  Fang Ye is also carefully observing Qiqi's actions, and at the same time, he opened his eyes of observation, paying attention to its mood and aggressiveness.

  If there is any accident, quickly use a soothing skill.

  【African Lion: Kiki

  Mood: doubt/thinking/irritable

  Aggressive: Medium


  Qiqi’s imperial engine started with a muffled sound, pushing Baba to the ground and biting his neck!

  Baba "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"!

   Lying on the ground, raising his paw, feeling that the big lion is playing with it.

  This should be the right cub.

   Zaza ran to the side, Qiqi walked over in two steps, her eyes a little irritable, and slapped Zaza roughly on the ground.

  How comfortable it is to sleep in the sun, why suddenly there are more children?

   Biting and sniffing again, I'm sure that this one is also the right cub.

   Lifted his head and stopped sniffing, returned to the place where he slept, and continued to lie down.

  However, when he came back, there were two more pitiful little lions behind him.

  Qiuqiu watched Qiqi accept the little lion, and with a sigh of relief, he slowly walked over and lay next to Qiqi.

  Two little lions, play happily around this piece of land!

  Baba pulled Qiqi's tail behind, Qiqi suddenly sat upright, turned his head back, roared, and drove him away.

  Zaza walked past Qiqi's face and rubbed its face, making Qiqi uncomfortably open his blood basin, exposing sharp and thick canines, and roaring loudly at the little lion!

  Annoying, really annoying!

  Qiuqiu came in at this moment, squeezing Qiqi and Zaza away with his head, blocking Qiqi's fierce vision, rubbing his cheeks on Qiqi's lips, as if to appease him.

  The newborn lion only feels kind to the same kind, Qiqi stares at his eyes and wrinkles his nose. He can't scare them by roaring ferociously, and he plays with him happily.

  Qiqi has a child about her ~www.readwn.com~ Her emotions are very complicated, she roared for a while, and gradually accepted their existence.

   But still very unhappy.

  Kaka was in a happy mood. He liked to play with the little lion. When he saw the little lion running past, he stretched out his paws and pulled it from time to time.

  At first, the tourists watched Qiqi yelling at the children, and they were frightened.

   But thinking about it again, Archdruid Fang is on the side, what's to be afraid of.

  Looking at the little lions playing around, happily discussing: "Wow, the little lions are so courageous! You are not afraid of fangs."

  "The little lion is so fun, and he pulls his tail!"

   "It's annoying to the big lion."

  Yueyue looked at the little lions playing, she seemed to be in a much more cheerful mood, her eyes were bright, and her tail flicked slightly.

   Fang Ye touched Yueyue’s head: "Look at how Qiuqiu took the child, learn about it, and let you meet your child in a while."

  It's the first time to give birth to a baby, and it's hard to avoid lack of experience. Qiuqiu is relatively quiet and stable.

  (End of this chapter)

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