I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 448: Hard work and harvest

  Chapter 452 Hardship and Harvest

  The three red, blue and green girls are walking in different directions tacitly!

  Ran Qingqing turned his head and saw the other two teams disappeared from his field of vision. He trot up and greeted his teammates: "Go and go, let's run quickly and run far."


  "You think, the bamboo shoots around this river beach must be the first to be removed. It's not easy to find! No one in the distance, it's better to find a little bit."

  The teammate admired: "Wow, Sister Qingqing deserves to be our IQ!"

   ran a little farther, the two slowly slowed down and began to look down.

  Bamboo Forest There are quite a lot of bamboo shoots!

  Sprouts have sprung up after the rain.

   lowered his head, Ran Qingqing looked around, and soon found out: "Hey, there is one here! Oh, there is more than one! And this one too!"

  On the side of a bunch of bamboo, there is a bamboo shoot with a dark brown skin and the thickness of a thumb!

  Although the bamboo is emerald green, the roots are stained with dirt and dust, and there is less sunlight to the bottom, and the color is a little dark.

   is mixed with bamboo shoots with brown skin, and the width is similar. If you don’t look carefully, it’s easy to overlook the past.

  But if you look closely, you can find a lot.

   Crouched down, took off the branches and leaves on the side, held the bamboo shoots with his hands, and tried to gently tug.

   didn't pull it down!

   I added a bit more strength, but still didn’t pull it down.

  The teammate tried to pull another one, wondering: "Isn’t it said that you can easily pull it down without tools?"

  Ran Qingqing frowned, thought about the method taught by the staff, and tried to pull up while gently twisting her wrist.

  There was joy in his eyes, and the bamboo shoots seemed to be loose!

  With a faint and crisp sound of "pop", the bamboo shoots were broken off.

  Exchanging experience with his teammates happily: "Hey, I found out that this bamboo shoot picking is really skillful! You need to have a clever effort to do it, you can't pull it hard."

   "Oh, Cunjin!"

  The teammate showed the color of enlightenment, grasped his fist, and suddenly stretched forward: "Pop! Is that like this?"

   Ran Qingqing smiled and said, "Um, it's almost like this!"

  After some attempts, teammates also took off the bamboo shoots!

  However, Ran Qingqing soon discovered that picking bamboo shoots is actually not that easy.

  If you want to find more bamboo shoots, you have to walk into the relatively dense bamboo forest, bend your waist and hunch back, and poke out the branches and leaves!

  When picking bamboo shoots, you should also bow your head and bend over.

  Skilled people may take it off with a twist. They are not very skilled at breaking bamboo shoots. They have been bent over for longer, their heads are sweaty, and the back of their necks gradually become sore.

  And some bamboo shoots do grow stronger and very resilient.

  I had to hold it for a while, and twisted some for a long time. I couldn't take it off when I saw it loose, so I had no choice but to give up.

  However, the comrades found the screams of the bamboo shoots, the unique soft and crisp sound of the bamboo shoots, the sweet bird song, and the gurgling sound of water. These sounds are mixed together to form a wonderful and fresh bamboo music!

  Although picking is very hard, but seeing more and more bamboo shoots in the back basket, it is quite a sense of accomplishment.

  Ran Qingqing took off the larger heads and watched the small back basket half full. When he was happy, he suddenly heard the filming staff next to him say: "Remind you, pay attention to the time! Don't overtime."


   Ran Qingqing looked at the phone and found that there were only 5 minutes left.

   greeted his teammates quickly: "Hey, let's go back quickly!"

  Soon return to the bank of the river when I came just now!

  After they came back, Shi Xi group also came back.

  There are about one-third of the bamboo shoots in the back basket!

  Looking at Ran Qingqing’s back basket, there are more than half of the bamboo shoots in it, and his eyes widened: "Wow, you guys have picked so many!"

   is depressed, it seems that his team is probably the countdown.

  Ran Qingqing smiled triumphantly: "Hey! We went to a farther, denser forest at the beginning, and there were more bamboo shoots over there."

   "That's it! Yang Xiaochao and the others are not coming back? It's about to time out, right?"

  The staff looked at the watch: "The time is coming soon!"

  Yang Xiaochao's figure appeared from a distance, and he and his teammates ran over here in a panic, shouting, "Here comes!"

  She found two more bamboo shoots on the way back, thinking about picking them easily to increase the winning rate, but the time was delayed.

  Shi Xi and Ran Qingqing moved: "Quickly, quickly! It's time out, come on!"

   "Ah ah ah ah! Coming!"

  Yang Xiaochao ran over quickly, bent over with exhaustion, panting!

  The bamboo shoots on the back basket look similar to those of Ran Qingqing and the others!

  The staff announced: “Yang Xiaochao’s team has timed out for one minute! When the bamboo shoots are counted, 5 will be deducted.”

  Yang Xiaochao broke down and shouted: "Ahhhhhhhhh! I am so mad, I knew I would not be greedy for the last two!"

   Picked two more and buckled 5! Blood loss.

  Next, the staff at Panda Restaurant handles the bamboo shoots.

One person uses a small machete to cut the bamboo shoots down from the head a few times, and cut a mouth. The next person bends the skin of the bamboo shoots and rolls them around their fingers twice. The shell is easily peeled off, revealing the fresh and tender bamboo shoots inside. Heart.

  The section by section becomes more and more tapered as it goes up, and there is a verdant light green in the whiteness!

  Shi Xi, a child who grew up in the city, couldn’t help but widen his eyes in surprise: “It turns out that bamboo shoots were peeled like this! I thought it was peeling the skin layer by layer.”

  The staff listened and couldn’t help laughing: “How is it possible, how slow it is to peel it, it’s until the evening until you can eat it.”

   "It's amazing, it's peeled off like this! The speed is so fast."

  Yang Xiaochao said: "When I was young, my grandma taught me this method of peeling bamboo shoots!"

  "The bamboo shoots were originally quite thin, but they shrunk even after peeling, and there is nothing left!"

"Yeah, I thought it was quite a lot of picking half of the basket. It seemed that it wasn't enough for us to eat~www.readwn.com~ After peeling the bamboo shoots, a bunch of green bamboo shoots were placed next to them, and the staff put them on the electronic scale. For a moment.

  Everyone held their breath and watched nervously at the number displayed on the scale!

The Shixi group picked 330g, which is more than 6 taels, the Yang Xiaochao group picked 540g, and the Ran Qingqing group 560g!

  The staff announced: "The red group is first, the blue group is second, and the green group is third!"

  Ran Qingqing raised his hand, slapped his teammate, and cheered: "Yeah~~~~"

  I felt a little fortunate, the first one was still a bit of luck.

  Yang Xiaochao shook his fist unwillingly, gritted his teeth: "Damn it, it's obviously my good project, I can get the first place if I miss a few!"

  Shi Xi said: "You are at least second, no matter whether it is overtime or not, we are properly placed at the bottom!"

  After weighing, the staff took the bamboo shoots in their hands, washed them in the clear and flowing stream, and put them back in the basket.

  The bamboo shoots that have been stained with water are cleaned, and they look more and more verdant.

  (End of this chapter)

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