I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 466: Busy rescue

  Chapter 470 Busy Relief

  Fang Ye knelt on the grass, smiling and rubbing Jiaojiao, rubbing her belly and her face again, massaging Jiaojiao very comfortably, his eyes half-closed, and a continuous engine sound in his chest.


  Big mouth swallowed Fang Ye's hand and bit it. The tiger's palm was slightly shrunk, pressed against his chest, and stretched out again.

   He was obviously a big tiger, but he played with him like a little milk tiger.

   "Jiaojiao, good girl~"

  Netizens watched this interesting scene, and couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to change to being so coquettish by a big tiger!

But think about it, I really can't bear this kind of coquetry. Just biting my hand in my mouth and looking at the tiger's sharp and thick canines, I probably frightened and didn't dare to move, let alone a smile on his face, and rubbed his face spoilingly. The tiger's face is gone.

  Even if you know that the tiger is playing around, but if you bite harder, your hand will be gone without a click.

  Jiaojiao trusts and loves Fang Ye, and Fang Ye absolutely trusts Jiaojiao! I believe she will not hurt herself.

  "Ye Luo Xing Fao" rewarded a rocket!

  "Silent Bun" rewarded an airplane!

  "Being a salted fish with all my heart" rewarded 20 dumplings!

  Fang Ye touched the tiger for a while, and smiled to the netizens: “Today I saw the new member of the zoo and gave Jiaojiao another birthday. Let’s broadcast it here, bye!”


  Back in the office, Fang Ye read a book about birds.

  At this time, the phone rang, and it was the veterinarian Lin Ying.

Fang Ye answered the phone: "Hey, Lin Ying, what's the matter?"

  Lin Ying said: "The director, the forest police contacted us just now and said that a batch of red ducks had been rescued from the farm. I hope we can take it."

  Red hemp ducks are three animals, which are prohibited from breeding.

  It may have been legal for farming, but now the regulations are changed and it is illegal.

  This aspect is also a confused account. Some animals that were allowed to be "specialized farming" in the past, the breeding technology is actually not mature, or because of the cost of breeding, because special breeding is allowed, wild populations are facing serious poaching.

  For example, mallard ducks are bought and sold by a large number of poaching, and there is no difference between farmed and wild ones. Those caught by illegal poaching can be sophisified as "special poultry in captivity."

   is not ideal. Breeding or open breeding is allowed as pets, and businesses will breed them for profit, and the wild populations are therefore protected.

   Merchants are profitable, laboriously breeding, and selling at a high price. How can it be cheap and convenient to catch in the wild?

  In more cases, once an opening was opened, the wild population was wiped out, and fewer and fewer.

  Before, there was a boss who set up a waterfowl domestication and breeding farm. After obtaining the license, he hunted wild ducks. Later, he was arrested on suspicion of illegal hunting and forged documents. However, he decided not to prosecute because of insufficient evidence.

  The local forestry bureau imposed administrative penalties, including confiscating wild ducks, confiscating illegal gains and imposing fines. As a result, the boss also took the State Forestry Administration and the local forestry bureau to court and demanded that the punishment be revoked. As a result, he won the case because of insufficient evidence.

  Of course, the Forestry Bureau refused to accept it, filed an appeal, and has been in a lawsuit for several years. During the lawsuit, the boss still hides behind the scenes and buys and sells. I don’t know how many wild ducks have caused trouble.

  In fact, the most important thing is that the laws on wildlife are not perfect, and people's general awareness of protection is not in place. Such cases are generally not taken seriously.

  Similarly, there is the flower and bird market. Only a few kinds of birds are allowed to be kept legally. Generally, go for a stroll. Needless to say, three species such as sparrows, white-headed bulbuls, and even protected animals such as owls dare to blatantly sell them.

  Ordinary animal rescue, the rescue center will accept it by itself, so there is no need to report to Fang Ye.

  Fang Ye thought about the number of rescuers from the farm, which might be relatively large, and asked, "How many?"


   "Oh, good fellow! This is quite a lot, is there enough for our rescue center?"


   "Then bring it here."

  In the afternoon, a box of ducks in the back of the pickup truck of the Forest Police came over.

   Fang Ye followed and joined in the fun.



  The ducks are in a plastic box, panicking and making a loud noise!

  The red hemp duck has a white head and chestnut feathers. It looks a bit like a roasted duck (it is not).

  There are so many ducks, one can’t fit, so they are put in two cages.

  Opened the box, suddenly "quack", flapping wings rushed in.

  The rescued group of red ducks were not injured after a simple inspection, but they looked malnourished, were very thin, and had poor flying ability.

  Many ducks can’t fly. The ones that can fly are flapping wings, which can only fly a short distance.

  Fang Ye and Lin Ying had a discussion. They raised the ducks in the rescue center for a while to replenish their nutrition and recover some before they were released.

  While discussing, Lin Ying's mobile phone rang.

   answered the phone: "Hello?...um, um. Okay, I get it."

  Hung up the phone, and while busy operating on his mobile phone, he said to Fang Ye: "Just now the public security sent a message to our rescue center, saying that someone had picked up a little owl that fell into the nest."

  Fang Ye sighed, “It’s pretty busy today, I guess it will be busier in the next period of time!”

  The breeding period of the birds begins in spring. The world outside the nest is very tempting for the newly born chicks. It is estimated that there will be a lot of nestling chicks picked up.

The contact information of the rescuer was turned over by the police. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Lin Ying called back and asked some questions: "Hello, hello, I am the Linhai Wildlife Rescue and Breeding Center... "

The   rescue center does not accept chicks casually, and only those who are clearly not eligible for returning to the nest will accept them.

  For example, the nest location is in a noisy crowded community, a construction site, or the location of the nest can not be found after being taken away from the site by the public for several days.

   asked the rescuer, what is the status of the little owl, where is the place where the little owl was picked up, and whether there is a big owl nearby or whether there is any sign of a nest.

Rescuer: "My home is in the **** community. This little owl was found on the lawn of the community. It looks gray. It's going to make a mouth... It takes it away, come and take it away."

  Obviously, what the rescuer said about tapping the beak is to tap the beak, which is a demonstration of demonstration. It seems that the state of mind is OK.

   "Okay! I understand, I will send someone there later, will you be free?"

   "Hmm, I'm free!"

   "Okay, keep in touch at any time. We will call you later."

  (End of this chapter)

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