I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 475: Handstand peeing

By the time the park opened, Zhuang Zhuang had already watched seven or eight films.


   When I first saw it, I was a little confused!


   At the end, he screamed, "Hmm~! Hmm~!"


   The breeders were quite surprised.


  Pandas are usually very silent, and they don’t speak much!


   This will um yelling, could it be the beginning of love?


   The idea of ​​the director of the park showing a panda film seems to be fantastic, but it seems to be really effective!




   Tourists who visited the Panda Pavilion today also noticed the unusualness of the two pandas.


   Generally, when the garden just opened in the morning, Zhuang Zhuang came out for outfield activities and was very active!


   Between 8 and 9 o'clock, I would climb up and down, feed on the bamboo that the breeder had inserted everywhere in the field, and bite the sack containing the bamboo leaves to play for a while.


   I will find a place to rest quietly until it's almost half past nine.


   But today, Zhuang Zhuang doesn't know why, he has been sitting on the edge of the perch in a daze, seeming to be a little lost, not eating bamboo or playing.


   Even the crow landed on the treetop, yelling "quack", showing off his unpleasant singing voice, and ignored it.


   The panda movie released today has a great impact on Zhuang Zhuang's mind!


Inside my head, there was a replay of the middle of the jungle in the wild, the roar of a few senior pandas, and the scene of fierce fighting, and the replay of the male panda lying on the female panda, the female panda humming and rolling on the ground. Scenes.


   was dumbfounded, and stood up from the ground.


   ran to the place where the sack was hung, and launched a fierce attack on the sack!


  'S head swayed from left to right, and the two bear paws "slapped" against the sacks, and their mouths bite together.


   His eyes were much more serious than usual, and the scene of competing with other pandas in the wild was substituted in his mind!


   The tourists thought that Zhuang Zhuang’s state was not right, but they were still a little worried, thinking about whether to inform the staff.


   Seeing Zhuang Zhuang's spirit hitting the sacks, he breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.


   This is the Zhuang Zhuang they know!


   Liu Xueqing also brought Yingying to see the panda today.


   Seeing Yun Duo in the venue, she seemed to be a little thin, walking around anxiously, thinking in surprise: "Why does Yun Duo look thin? Are you sick?"


   While thinking like this, Yunduo walked straight towards them!


   turned around, put one hind foot on the glass curtain wall, one foot hanging down, two fore palms supporting the ground, and came into an inverted posture.


   Yingying widened his eyes: "Ma Ma! Look at the panda! What is it doing?"


   Liu Xueqing looked dazed: "I don't know..."


   Some tourists speculated: "What kind of kung fu is this?"


Suddenly, the clouds began to pee, and the transparent water jets continuously sprayed onto the glass curtain wall, pedaling on the back foot, as if dancing, sprinkling the water jets in a swinging arc, covering a large area of ​​the glass. On the curtain wall.


   The tourists were stunned!


   Many tourists, including Liu Xueqing, subconsciously stepped back with their arms around Yingying, and some burst into laughter after being surprised.


   "Hahahaha, my god!"


   "What kind of strange peeing position is this?"


"so fun!"


   Yingying's father held the camera in his hand, reacted quickly, and hurriedly started shooting.


   This scene of a panda peeing upside down is rare!


The    commentator also showed a hint of surprise and playfulness, but he smiled quickly and explained to the tourists: “Many animals use urine to convey information, and pandas usually use urine to mark their territory.


   But they don’t urinate upside down all the time!


Only pandas in estrus will urinate upside down, which can make the urine higher and spread farther, telling the pandas of the opposite **** that they are deliberately looking for a baby. "


   "It turned out to be like this!"




   After visiting the pandas, Fang Ye went to visit Heitan Xiaoyu and their children.


   The little wolf pups are now one and a half months old!


   When I went to the wolf hall, I happened to hear the wolves performing an early morning chorus.






   Deep or clear wolf howls one after another, the wolves participate in the chorus in their own different tones, and everyone stands up from the ground at this time.


   Among them, the powerful howl of black charcoal is the most recognizable, like Pavarotti in a wolf.


   A few little wolf pups also learned from their parents to sing, and their voices seemed sharp and tender.


   The howl became louder and louder, resounding through the sky, reflecting the bright sunshine, and drifting away with the wind.


   Hearing this song blowing on her body, she felt that her pores were opened, and she felt refreshed.


   When the parents finished singing, the little wolf pups still howled intently.


   Fang Ye entered from the back room and greeted with a smile: "Heitan, Xiaoyu!"


   Hei Tan grinned, sticking his tongue out, and ran over happily!


   plunged directly into Fang Ye's arms, wagging his tail enthusiastically, and licked Fang Ye's face with his long tongue, licking his face wet.


   The little wolf pups now seem to have grown up a circle again, beginning to stretch from the state of chubby little meatballs.


   Little wolf pups of this age grow up very fast, it can be said that they are the same every day.


The lactation period of   wolves is usually about 5 weeks!


   Now the little wolf pups basically eat meat, and they grow faster after eating meat.


  'S activity ability is also much stronger, there is a little black wolf, following Hei Tan, running around.


   came to Fang Ye and looked at him curiously.


   Fang Ye took the little wolf cub in his arms, smiled and kissed "mua"!


   Hei Tan doesn't know why, his tail is wagging happily, and he looks happier!


   Maybe you think that after being kissed and blessed by the Archdruid, you can grow up healthy and healthy in the future?


   This little black wolf has a very lively attitude, I don't know if he inherited more of Hei Tan's character.


In Fang Ye’s arms ~www.readwn.com~ With paws on his hands, his little tail swayed playfully, twisting unfaithfully, twisting left and right like a fish jumping out of the water and falling to the shore, pedaling Holding his stomach and legs.


   raised his head and looked back, his shiny black eyes staring at him, very happy.


   Fang Ye smiled and said: "Choo chu chu chu~ I scratch~"


   scratched his hands on the soft belly of the little wolf cub!


   There are a few little wolf pups left, all following Xiao Yu, looking at Fang Ye, some dare not come over!


   Xiaoyu simply picked up a timid cub who had been hiding behind him, and brought it to Fang Ye!


   "Wow" gave a gentle cry, encouraging the little wolf cubs.


   seems to be saying, okay, this two-legged beast is the head of the garden! He is our best friend!


   Fang Ye touched Xiao Yu's head, and smiled: "Trust me so much, so touched!"


He held the timid little wolf pup in his arms, gently stroked it a few times, and said lovingly: "Remember me, I am your Uncle Fang Ye! Your eyes are still open. I am still breastfeeding. I just hugged you!"


   Of course this is a joke, and the little wolf cub can't understand it either.


   quickly got out of Fang Ye's arms and ran back to hide behind Xiao Yu.


After the    chorus, the little wolf cubs then played with their parents and brothers!


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