Antonia Island is located at the southern tip of the Cypresso and covers an area of 5,020 ordinary kilometers.

After countless years of development, it has absorbed refugees from all over the world from the war years, of all races, and eventually there are about half a million people living here.

The island is ruled by one of the world’s top families, the House of York.

However, half a year ago, for some reason, family members suffered various accidents, drowning, air crashes, shootings, etc., and family members almost died.

Only one person survived.

That was the young master of the York family, Karen.

Fortunately, the York family is not bad, the York family originated in the early nineteenth century, the earliest ancestors were even called the world ship king, and now has a history of two hundred years, the new world-class rich man Karen and the old butler John helped, stabilized the situation.

But even so, it took half a year.

On the barren affiliated islands that were originally connected to Antonia Island, I don’t know when a huge city with the style of ancient Xi Yue was built.

The architectural style of the Temple of the Goddess and the Zodiac is a European classical style, and the golden splendor is extremely noble and gorgeous.

And this city, by the York family of the eldest and youngest Karen is called… Sanctuary.

“Grandpa John, young master…

On the top floor of the Sacred Domain Female Shrine, the pretty face of a young girl dressed in a simple but obviously expensive maid costume was also full of worry and looked at the young man tens of meters away.

“Louise, believe the young master, he is the heir of the House of York.” The old man, known as John, smiled and spoke gently.


Louise said on her lips, but her look was still full of worry, and her little hand helped the blond hair that was blowing in the breeze.

The two of them looked at the man on the edge of the high platform of a gorgeous goddess temple, and saw that this man was probably in his early twenties, wearing a luxurious white suit, and his handsome face and temperament made him look like some noble prince, standing in front of the high sky with turquoise eyes looking at the familiar holy land, and he could not erase the excitement on his face with a hint of childishness.

“It’s been a year, and the plan can finally begin.”

He did Karen, his own in the past life as an ordinary Heavenly Dynasty ass, inexplicably slept and came to this world, possessed by this originally dying guy, said good luck, once crossed to become a world-class rich, the only heir of the York family.

To know how many assets the York family has accumulated over the past two hundred years, I don’t know how much.

It can be said that this life has stood at the top of the world.

Unfortunately, this is the Marvel world, and yes, when he took over the chaotic family business a year ago, he actually found that the York family had a stake in a familiar company called Stark Industries.

After a little investigation, he confirmed that the Stark industry was the largest arms company in the United States, and that it was Tony Stark and Obadia Stein who controlled the behemoth.

At that time, he was blindfolded, originally thought that he could live the life of a top billionaire, all kinds of luxury cars and beauties, and the cruel reality directly gave a punch.

Marvel World What ordinary people can live in?

Not to mention the various stirring up storms of villains like Hydra on Earth, and a lot of supercriminals or something, and a little farther away is the purple potato essence that will come to the earth in a few years and like family planning, and the dark lord Dormammu who wants to devour the earth.

This is the rhythm of destroying the world at every turn.

And the most crucial thing is that this time the York family was almost exterminated by the regiment Karren’s investigation this year actually did not find any news, he even suspected that the Hydra had made the ghost.

Fortunately, Karen is not without goldfinger.

When he first crossed over, a huge memory was instilled into his mind, and it turned out that he carried a dimensional space with him, and there was nothing else in the dimensional space, only a broken sacred realm.

Yes, it is the Holy Land of Saint Seiya.

When Karen entered it and got a legacy that would allow him to survive in the Marvel world, it was the legacy of the generations of Saint Seiya…

It is precisely because of this that he will establish a new sanctuary in reality in this year.

It’s just that although he got the inheritance memory, he didn’t become a Saint Seiya, and because he needed to stabilize the Family Sacred Cloak for a year, he didn’t have time to train, let alone awaken the small universe.

And his talent is insufficient.

However, there is no way to the heavens, and the divine power contained in this goddess’s broken divine personality is enough to recast his qualifications, but the divine power in the divine personality is not enough, and through the accumulation of this year, the divine power that has reshaped his qualifications has also been accumulated.

Just today…

Thoughts were only a moment, and Karen spoke.

“John, how many orphans have we absorbed…

“Young master, we have beckoned about 5,000 orphans who have lost their loved ones in various war-torn countries and cities around the world and placed them in the orphanages we have established, and these children are very grateful to you.” John, an old butler in a tuxedo with white hair but good spirits, replied.

Although he didn’t know why the young master suddenly began to beckon a large number of orphans, he was very appreciative of this kind of kindness.

Besides, it only costs a little money to place these children, and it is only a dime for the York family.

Suddenly, the old butler suddenly shook his body and seemed to think of something.

“Young master, is this sacred realm …

“Yes, this sanctuary was built for these children, John, in a few years, the whole world will be in a great catastrophe, and I will not allow this tragic lesson of the family to happen again…

“The Sanctuary can start running, and in the last few years I need to make those children warriors guarding Antonia, John, the family’s business is entrusted to you.”

“I understand the young master.”

The old housekeeper John and Louise were more and more shocked when they heard the young master’s words, no wonder, since the young master was rescued, the whole person has undergone tremendous changes, becoming more mature and more confident, but there is also a trace of concern in the self-confidence, it turns out…

Although the two did not know what happened to the young master after that, they preferred to believe it.

“Well, go ahead, from today onwards, this sacred land will become the largest defense line on earth…”

Karen smiled lightly, finished, and as soon as his thoughts moved, the space around him began to blur, and the figure disappeared into the air in an instant.

Leaving a look of shock on the faces of John and Louise.


In the Sacred Space sits countless buildings with the style of the Western Moon and the Past, one after another, as if the edges and corners of history are endless.

Above the dimension, looking down at the clouds, it is a huge divine kingdom with a very imaginative color, as if it is a futuristic city.

The architectural style of the Temple of the Goddess Temple and the Zodiac is the European classical style, the golden splendor is extremely noble and gorgeous, and the general architecture is different from the general building is that they float on top of the general building, that is to say, the Sanctuary itself is a space country, the Temple of the Goddess and the Zodiac are the Kingdom of the Gods, and the relationship between the palaces is not obvious, and they are connected by arched bridges.

Countless rock pillar statues nearby are guarded like a proud giant.

However, all this was just imagination, and now the sanctuary in front of Karen was shattered, and the bluestone ground, stairs, and buildings seemed to have suffered a terrible force, making it almost a pile of ruins.

Huge towering rock columns were also cut off, and the statues were even more shattered.

Everything is decay.

Such a tragic situation had made Karen enough to imagine what level of war this sacred land had suffered.

This is the war between God and God above mortals.

A gentle breeze swept by, as if it were the unwilling cry of the loyal warriors.

Pedal ~


In the calm Sacred Realm, only Karen’s gentle footsteps walked step by step towards the highest building in the center of the Sacred Realm, the Female Temple.

Eventually, Cullen stood on a hundred-meter-wide ground covered with all sorts of rubble, but he didn’t care about them at all, but looked at the eighty-eight metal chests in front of him, forty-eight bronze, twenty-four white and silver, twelve gold, and three red, green and black-white.

In the center of these metal chests, there is a sphere that emits a pale golden glow, as if it were a goddess being guarded.


Each box seemed to have life, surrounded by a faint brilliance, especially the twelve gold-colored boxes, which exuded matchless power and dignity, as if sensing his arrival, and at the same time slightly shaking.

Karen had seen it many times this year, from the excitement and joy of the beginning to the calm of the present.

His target was the golden radiance of the divine personality floating in mid-air at the front of the Sacred Cloak.

Stepping through the box and coming to the ball of light, suppressing the excitement in his heart, Karen held out his right hand.

“It’s finally time to start…


When the right hand touches the ball of light, the terrifying image bursts out in an instant, and the ball of light suddenly blooms with a brilliant golden brilliance, spreading in all directions, and the wisps of light form a series of stars, lions, centaurs, twins and so on.

Karen, who was illuminated by countless stars, flashed a shocking cry in his mind.

Warriors who fought against the gods and demons at the expense of their own lives, even if they were stained with blood, were fearless, constantly burning their own small universes, and firing a brilliant fist at the enemy who made them despair.

Every cry, every picture represents a moment of glory for a Saint Seiya.


In an instant, a vast divine force frantically poured into Karen’s body, constantly transforming the body, cells, bones, and blood, and at this moment a huge transformation began to occur.

The stars that bloomed around them shone brighter and brighter.

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