“Both launch missiles. Fast.. ”

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

In a short time, a terrifying storm of bullets and countless missiles were launched, and such a dense firepower had to be exploded even by aircraft carriers.

However, the golden figure simply ignored it, shuttled through the bullet storm and missiles, and bombarded towards the battleship group.

The group of fighters and the inverted golden figure met in an instant, just a shock, all the planes exploded in an instant, more than a dozen fireworks bloomed in the sky, and the explosion sounded throughout the sky.

And the inverted golden figure stood above the firmament, and with more than a dozen explosions of huge fire, it looked like a god descending on the earth.

Looking at the debris of the explosion, the people who could not see clearly under the golden light snorted disdainfully: “Those who offend the Sacred Realm, all must die.” ”

“Is this still human?”

Natasha and Barton can’t see very carefully with the naked eye, but they can also see the explosion of fire and the faint visible small golden figure, the battle between technology and humans, actually the latter crushing victory??

The two men froze in place, their faces full of shock.


S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident Base.

Is this still human??

Fury also let out a soul-like question, looking at the picture from the military satellite in front of him and the figure standing upside down, and taking a deep breath.

On this figure, without knowing why, Fury thought of the equally invincible shadow he had once had.

“Sir, what now???”

Hill was also smiling bitterly, she had realized that the situation seemed to have become serious.

Regardless of the fact that the F-22 squad that should have been retired appeared over Antonia, but it was indeed prepared by S.H.I.E.L.D., not to mention whether it would cause international disputes, just from the intelligence transmitted by Natasha in real time, as well as the incredible images from military satellites, there were indeed supernatural beings in this mysterious Sacred Domain.

The opponent’s ability can not only physically cross the sky, completely ignore the F-22 squad coverage bombing firepower, a single face can easily destroy the squad, flying ability and even break through the sound barrier.

Judging from the limited analysis of these points, this is no longer an ordinary capable person.

The most crucial thing is that there seem to be more than a dozen in this holy realm.

If the other party forcibly opposes S.H.I.E.L.D., even if the situation of S.H.I.E.L.D. is huge, behind it is the behemoth of the United States, it is estimated that it will not work.

Even if there is a real fight, the top level of the United States considers the horrors of the other side, and if it is not good, it will directly abandon S.H.I.E.L.D.

These high-level discipline hills are not at all suspicious.

Fury obviously understood the seriousness of the matter, and ignored the inexplicable appearance of the originally retired fighter: “Contact the other side, I have to talk to him well… ”




The golden figure instantly fell from the sky on the top platform of the temple, kneeling on one knee on the ground and respectfully saluting Karen: “Your Highness, all the intruders have been eliminated, and thirty kilometers away, there is a fighter plane that seems to be invisible. ”

Looking up, I saw only the young man with black hair, a strong body, and a gorgeous gold armor, different from other formats, and a lion’s head shoulder armor on his shoulders.

The uniform scales of the golden armor are layered on top of each other, which is extremely gorgeous.

The overall pattern of the armor is exquisite.

Six-petaled lotus-shaped skirt armor with combat boots at the feet.

Cloaked in a uniform white jade cloak.

The whole set of armor with the lion as the core, and the strong teenager and its conformity, perfect integration, it seems more noble and domineering.

“Well, Mr. Karen, that’s the Kun fighter we brought, not the enemy.”

Hearing the stealth fighter, the sluggish Barton struck a clever blow and hurriedly opened his mouth.

“Hmm, you S.H.I.E.L.D. are simply too blind to anyone in sight, and have been targeting the Holy Domain for the past few years, and this time they have even directly dispatched fighters, which is really arrogant enough, obviously desecrating the majesty of the Holy Domain, Your Highness, allow me to eliminate this so-called S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“That’s right, our group of younger brothers and sisters have been monitoring other worlds to practice, and there have always been people monitoring them, including the figure of S.H.I.E.L.D., which has destroyed batch after batch, or is still not dead.”

“Your Highness, go to war, S.H.I.E.L.D. is just that, it can be destroyed.”

The other Golden Saints were also furious.

He has been practicing since the people stood out and became honored Golden Saints by Karen to become the Golden Saints, but this does not mean that the people are completely indifferent to the Sacred Domain, and since they came to the Sacred Domain, they have taken pride in it and sworn to protect the Sacred Domain.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has repeatedly offended the Holy Land, especially this blatant act that has clearly killed the gold.

(Thank you for the flowers, thank you ~ ~ ~ ~ )

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