“Very young little ones…

In the face of this group of brilliant teenagers who looked at everything, even if they were surrounded, he still couldn’t help but sigh.

As the Lord of Hell, how could he not perceive the age of these little guys.

As for the mere teenagers.

What about him? How old is it? He couldn’t even remember himself, ten thousand, or one hundred thousand? Or millions?

However, this is a mere teenager, there is such strength, especially the potential contained in the body, it is almost endless, it is a power he has never seen before, and the gorgeous and beautiful armor he wears, which also contains amazing mysteries.

Originally, even the combat strength that was comparable to the Ya Heavenly Father level was at best, and the momentum of wearing armor had actually surpassed the Asian Heavenly Father level.

It’s just an artifact.

What made him even more jealous was that behind these people stood a being who was not inferior to himself.

He now regretted coming to this place with some regrets.

And the eyes of the gold flashed with surprise, and the faint invisible evil aura that had just leaked out was pure, huge, and dark, but now there was not a single manifestation of the old man’s body.


A few golds glanced at each other.

Only Zhuo Lu, who turned off the vision of one of the five senses, surpassed the other golds in his perceptual ability, and said in a deep voice: “Be careful, he is not an ordinary person, he is very strong, and the person who comes is not good.” ”

“The world is muddy and needs some change, what do you think?”

Zhuo Lu did not listen to the old man’s seductive words, and calmly said: “There is some darkness and light in this world, it may not be so perfect, but it does not allow outsiders to destroy it… ”

“For a strong person like you, it is the weak human beings who rule this planet, and life is only a few years at most, from the level of life, you should be the ruler of this planet, let those mortals stand on top of your heads, willingly?”

“The only one who can rule us is Your Highness, don’t try to deceive us, our faith as evil you can’t break.”

“Well, snooping into the Holy Land, demagoguery, is Karen. York’s will was pronounced, capital offense! ”

It is like the voice of the supreme deity, the pronouncement of the sinner.


The terrifying momentum bloomed on everyone, the vast boundless momentum led to the heavens, and the dark clouds gathered in the vast starry sky, accompanied by the majestic thunder in the clouds.

The waves were pulled by this force, triggering monstrous waves.

Within a few miles, it was as if the end had come, and natural disasters were about to destroy everything.

All the gold was burning with terrible war will and strength, and they did not come close, but the direction seemed to be inexplicably connected.

The original high momentum is even more exuberant.

“A set of tactics, the combat strength increases several times… There is this undertone, Karen. About, what the hell is going on. The pupils turned black in an instant, and the old man who originally looked gentle and kind looked so gloomy and terrible at the moment.

Marvel at the strength of these teenagers, but also more marvel at this heritage.

But more than that, it is in irritation…

“Your tone and that breath reminds me of some damn bastard, and what exurinates me even more is, do you think of me, the Hell Lord Mephisto, as some unknown smash?” Anger and suppressed emotions erupted in this instant, and a terrible dark aura instantly erupted from the old man’s body.

“You all have to be my slaves!!!”

The roar of anger was deafening and transmitted to the Eight Wildernesses, and the thick dark aura was like the boundless Wang Yang sweeping through everything nearby, and the trees, flowers, plants, and animals were all swallowed up in the Dark King Yang, drowned and withered.

The terrifying aura made this hell demon king reveal a vicious scene.

In the boundless Dark King Sun, there were more than a dozen golden holy radiances standing tall, making it impossible for the evil dark power to invade.


Feeling the sheer power of evil, all the golds changed their looks, their fighting postures were posed, and the terrible little cosmic energy in their bodies gushed out.

Zhuo Lu’s one-handed posture was like a lotus flower waiting to be released, just like offering flowers to the Buddha and Bodhisattva, full of respect and peace, but in the face of this terrible and vicious demon king, he showed an angry look of King Kong.

“Golden Saints, destroy evil…”

“Drink ~~~~~~”

(Thanks to the flowers of the big guys, the second more offered, how to have five more to show the recovery of the update, the first few days of the mentality of the little jump, first LPL No. 5 seed is gone, in the Tao Bo nothing, and then it is the review of what, hey, pay attention to it ~ ~ later).

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