
The supreme power contained in his hands, and the dark shadows that were constantly struggling were crushed in an instant.

The corners of Karen’s mouth brushed a trace of indifference.

“But war is war, and in the fight between life and death, whatever means are used, it is the right thing to do, and this is your first lesson.”

“Yes, Your Highness!!!”

The other golds nodded, they knew that this was a lesson, the shadow in His Highness’s hand was not only strange but also powerful, without the slightest breath they did not notice at all, they were completely focused on each other’s bodies during the battle, but they did not notice the crisis around them at all.

If there is no shot from His Highness, they will be seriously injured, or even killed!!

“Well, then Mr. Mephisto, how do you want to die?”

“Hum ~ ~ ~ little devil, want to kill me, you can’t do it yet, the next time you see you will come hell, you can’t stop it, either settle down on your island, or watch this week be destroyed, and you can’t

stop it.”

The huge demonic body disappeared with the flames of hell, only the rampant laughter drifted.

The wave slapped at his feet, and Karen put his hands behind his back, did not stop the demon from leaving, and smiled softly: “Hell is coming? ”

“Your Highness, is it really good to just let the other party go?”

The golds came to Karen’s side, and Benson urned the airway.

Zhuo Lu stood in front of the Hun with one hand and shook his head: “Can’t fight, with the power of Mephisto and His Highness is too strong, the aftermath of the battle is enough to destroy the planet.” ”

“This is also true, but the gates of hell are about to open, and when the catastrophe is coming, the human world will usher in disaster.”

“Your Highness, what shall we do?”

“Supreme Mage Koichi is held back by the Dark Lord Dormammu and cannot strike, because of my presence, Mephisto will not risk going to war with me directly, so it is up to you, there are fourteen sinkholes in the world, and immediately, you will go to the town to guard it, and once the gates of hell are opened, destroy the demons that come to attack.”

Karen glanced at a strange light and said softly.

“Your Highness, can’t we just stop the gates of hell from opening?”

Benson and others were puzzled.

Why does the gates of hell have to be opened? Even if there are them at that time, once there is a fish that has slipped through the net, it is still a threat to the planet.

“The crack between the two dimensions must be exploded at the same time, if you all reach the seventh sense, it is not enough!!”

Karen shook his head in denial, this idea was not something he had never imagined, but after perceiving the sinkhole, he knew it would not work.

Moreover, if it is directly blocked, the next step plan may not be expanded.

“Go, guard the sinkhole, block the invasion of hell, Mephisto because I can’t shoot, the rest is up to you…

“Obey the will of Your Highness.”


A stream of golden streams of light sped toward the dark night sky, accompanied by a dull sonic boom, disappearing into the sky.

“Don’t let me down…

Karen flashed a trace of anticipation in his eyes, smiled lightly, glanced around, and waved his hand gently, the golden ripples rippled in all directions, and the waves that had been rolling violently began to slowly calm down.

The dark clouds slowly dissipated, revealing the stars in the sky.

The gods are like hell, calming the waves between the hands.

The gods are no different.

Antonia Island.

Warren’s voice, who was standing guard in mid-air, heard Karen’s voice: “Warren, you go to the western town to guard the sinkhole, and in a day’s time, the gates of hell will open and any demons that dare to step into the human world will be destroyed.” ”

Warren threw off his white jade cloak and said, “Warren obeys the orders of His Highness and guards the gates of hell.” ”


Without the slightest hesitation, as the firm words fell, Warren turned into a golden beam of light and tore the air apart and disappeared into the sky.

And Warren’s words were also heard by the people below who had been paying attention.

There was an uproar.

“Gates of Hell?? Are the gates of hell really open? The devil is coming to earth? ”

“Sure enough, what happened before was not ordinary, and the demons were about to invade the human world.”

“NONONO, damn, my mother is still traveling in Europe, she won’t run into this, yes, I’m going to call and get her to Antonia overnight.”

“Right, right, yes, only Antonia can protect us.”

“The boy is gone, who else can protect us?”

“Are you stupid? According to the legend that has come out, there are many saints in the Sacred Domain, and the one wearing the golden armor is one of the twelve constellations, and there are more than a dozen, not to mention other saints. ”

“Yes, Antonia is guarded by the Holy Land, demons or something, there is no need to worry at all, just now this kind of huge wave that is enough to destroy a city can be calmed, what demons can resist?”

Everyone was talking about it, they were not fools, with that enough to talk about the billions of waves of the upside-down sky, with the existence of calming natural disasters, they even had to guard the gates of hell, thinking of the legend of the sinkhole circulating on the Internet before, basically guessed eight or nine out of ten.

Some clever people began to contact their family and friends.

After all, the existence of legendary demons, especially after seeing the scene that had just been shocked, they instinctively began to believe that only Antonia was the safest.

In order to convince his family, he even sent out the scene he had just taken.

For this reason, videos from various angles have been circulated on the Internet, completely detonating the entire world.

(Thank you for the support of the big guys, thank you for the monthly pass of flowers, you can comment more on the wrong place, I feel that the popularity is a little poor… )

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