With the help of various countries, the legend of the Sacred Realm spread all over the world.

In desperation, subconsciously trying to grasp this last straw.

Everyone is crazy and wants to find news about the Holy Land, and they want the Holy Land to be as powerful as the legend, because only then will they think that the world is still saved.

“According to the legend that has come out, the Sanctuary is the Yorkist Karen. Founded five years ago, the Yorkist Institute seems to have been inherited by Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, and trained a group of gifted children to protect the goddess Athena. ”

“These children were selected from among the orphans they had absorbed, and after undergoing brutal training, they had a power beyond mortals.”

“These children awaken to their guardian constellations, get the holy garments that guard the constellations, and get the approval of the holy garments, and only then will they truly become holy seiya.”

“In the Sacred Realm, the goddess Athena left the Sacred Cloak, but many of the news is not bad, only that there are thirteen combat forces standing at the top of the sequence in the Sacred Domain, and the Golden Sacred Cloak named after the twelve constellations has become a noble Golden Saint Seiya.”

“And these Golden Saint Seiya generally sit in the Zodiac and sit in the Sacred Realm, and this high-end combat power should not be easily mobilized.”

“Every Saint Seiya’s fist can cut through the sky, and his foot can kick the earth.”

“Once it is dispatched, it will definitely be a big event.”

“That’s the way it is, but you can really check it out.”

“These things are no secret, there are legends on Antonia, and the parents of the island tell their children about these warriors.”

“Great, so to speak, the gates of hell are these golden saints at work, and with their guards, those demons will certainly not be able to invade the human world.”

“Before that, there were some news circulating on the Internet in the Holy Domain, and I thought it was a false rumor.”

“Yes, yes, I didn’t expect this to be true, this world is really a god, there are demons, is this really the world of ordinary human beings?”

“Hey, I must find an opportunity to settle in Antonia, and then I must enter the Holy Land and become a noble Saint Seiya.”

“But don’t you think, every child or warrior who is selected is talented, maybe only one out of a million people, do you think you can?”


S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident Headquarters Base.

Fury put his hands behind his back and looked at the frame-by-frame picture in front of him, silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

“Sir, according to the surveillance, there are thirteen UFOs flying at high speed in Mach 5,000 to the west, east and thirteen other directions, and the picture we analyzed frame by frame shows that it should be the thirteen Golden Saints.”

Coulson didn’t know when he walked up to Fury and handed over a tablet.

The picture is fixed on a blurry golden yellow figure.

“Thirteen? Doesn’t it mean that the Golden Saint has only twelve constellations? Fury sensed something was wrong, Difference asked.

“Oh, it’s not particularly clear, but one of the pictures is wearing white and silver.”

“Silver comparable to the Golden Saint Seiya?”

“Perhaps, according to the news from our latent agent, at 8:13 p.m. last night, there was a terrifying battle at coordinates xx and xx, and the agents used high-precision telescopes to see all but this golden Saint named Warren on the battlefield and encircle and suppress an unknown enemy, the battlefield covered tens of kilometers, and the waves destroyed all the islands except Antonia.”

“And the center of the battlefield was originally a desert island, and it has disappeared.”

“In addition, the one who appeared at the end seemed to scare the enemy away and calm the tide of tens of kilometers.”

“All the Golden Saint Fighters who mobilized so many golden Saint Fighters of the peak battle power sequence, and even forced the one to appear to scare away the other party, it seems that this enemy is not simple, have you found it?”

“Because the magnetic field of the battlefield is too large, there is no picture, only the agent sees something with his eyes, it seems to be a very large demon, can release a mysterious flame.”

“It’s already nice to let him continue to lurk and monitor.”

“Oh, sir, the agent has since fainted, the internal organs have been damaged, the nerves have been damaged, and it is no longer possible to continue the work.”

“Walter? His position should be very far from the battlefield. Fury’s look changed.

“Yes, but that’s the way it is, he may not be able to continue working in the future.”

“It seems that the world is more complicated than I thought… Colson!! ”


“Let the big guys act, and all the other agents will go out and use the weapons created by the 431 laboratory to go to the destination, unconditionally cooperate with the actions of those guys in all directions, and destroy any enemy who comes to the scene.”

“Got it, sir.”

With the order of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the huge machine of S.H.I.E.L.D. also began to operate, and transport planes, fighter jets, tanks, and sky carriers went to the target point.


In the New York Seaview Villa, Tony rarely leaves his laboratory.

“Although you are a proud and arrogant person, a poisonous snake, and like to show off your ridiculous humor, you are indeed not bad, and you are indeed a genius, and the mech you have made is not bad, but you have to pay attention to the fact that you Hun mouth that thing will kill you.” 」

Dressed in ordinary casual clothes, Luo said goodbye to Tony and Ethan without a full face, as if remembering something, hesitated for a moment and continued: “In addition, help me and Ms. Pepper to say that I am very grateful for her care in the past few days, and I will come to see her later.” ”

“Walter? You just sprayed me with Barabala, and then said that there would be a chance to see Pepper later?? ”

Tony covered his head in disbelief.

(Thank you for the flowers, Momoda ~


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