That kind of despair that life is better than death is enough to make people crazy.

Zhuo Lu and the sky above, indifferently looking at the demons emitting thick anger and despair and fear, the vast small universe was like a volcanic eruption, endless golden light emerged, and the next second, hundreds of millions of beams of light poured down like a torrential rain.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The terrifying shaking tore the earth apart and completely submerged the huge demon.

Pieces of cherry blossoms do not know when they drifted from the sky, and the figure that stood upside down in the void, the picture was beautiful but seemed to announce the arrival of death.



Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

“Diamond Stardust Fist!”

The cold is like a cold winter sound that resounds through the sky, gracefully flying like snowflakes, and as beautiful as the dust of the stars, freezing everything with white ice and snow.

The boundless crystalline ice and snow turned into a storm and swept in, and the terrible power froze everything, as if time was also frozen.

Endless snowflake storms overwhelmed kilometers of earth.

In the huge sinkhole, countless undead and demons were mercilessly frozen just after breaking through the seal.

“It’s cold, it’s cold.”

“What is this power?”

At one end of the gate of hell, which is tens of thousands of meters in diameter, is a feminine. The female demon with the female eyebrow was in good shape, and every word and deed or even a look could surrender a man to the end, and even willingly become a slave, but now she was trembling, and her face looked at the opposite side of the gates of hell with fear.

What kind of person are you?

Dressed in ornate and golden armor, with a face more handsome than any demon she had ever seen, she was arrogant, dignified, and ruthless.

Strong, the man in her eyes was a glacier, just by looking at it, she felt as if her soul was going to be frozen

However, the next second, she was really frozen, and finally there was only one thought: “You should not listen to the words of that old guy and come to the world… ”

The terrifying ice storm was still going on at the gates of hell, no one, no demon could survive this endless ice and snow storm, and no demon could resist the cold and arrogant teenager who looked like the emperor of ice.


Giant Model Corner !!!

“Lightning Ion Fist!!”

“Atomic Lightning Lightspeed Fist!!”

“Galactic Starburst!!!”

Not only Siberia, but all the sinkhole wars in the world broke out, and countless terrible and powerful demons broke through the gates of hell, but they were suppressed by all the Golden Saints.

In this way, the whole world has truly seen the power of the gods in this short period of war.

I finally understood the legend of the saints’ so-called feet can shatter the earth, and fists can cut through the sky.

The ice and snow storm that can freeze the world, if it is like a meteorite explosion, the lightning that tears everything apart with endless fists, etc., dazzling, powerful, and beautiful, it is simply indescribable in words.

In the face of this disaster, the powerful strength of this group of teenagers is displayed to the fullest, and in a desperate situation, this is the hope that this group of teenagers brings to mankind.

Blocked the invasion of demons and blocked the fate of human beings being destroyed.

Because of this, everyone looked at the group of teenagers and couldn’t help but worship in their hearts.

“Mommy, I’m going to be a Saint Seiya in the future.”

“Daddy, I’m going to marry those teenagers, they’re so handsome.”

“God, it’s really cool!!!”

Sir, I don’t think we can get in at all… Moreover, those demons should be suppressed. Coulson glanced at the gates of hell that no demon dared to rush out of the distance, and after glancing at the figure in the sky, he couldn’t help but shrug his shoulders, indicating that this time the action hit a soy sauce.

However, he didn’t care, after all, as long as there were no dead people in this level of fighting, he already felt lucky.

“Coulson, don’t be careless, look at the bastard in the sky…”

“Got the sir…

Almost everyone thought that the big picture was decided, with the suppression of the Golden Saints, even the powerful demons could not break through the gates of hell, but all the gold did not have to be.

“Is it wrong, such a large-scale invasion, thunder and rain are small?”

The golds frowned and skimmed the huge figure of the planet in the sky, and a trace of doubt arose in their hearts, the Demon King, the Hell Lord Mephisto, just so?

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning seemed to cross the minds of all the gold.

At the same time, he looked up at a place in the distant sky, and his face suddenly changed dramatically: “That is, the last gate of hell, can it be moved??” ”

Rumble ~~~

“Hahahahaha, I have to admit that you are strong, but you miscalculate…

A low, hoarse, deafening voice resounded in the ears of the whole world, and all but the gold, the faces of all the people were full of doubt.

“Even buy karma… Sir, New York’s Manhatson Square energy fluctuations are rising, and according to data analysis, this fluctuation is similar to other hells. ”

In the White House, Fury’s voice came back to the middle of the hill, and suddenly his face changed dramatically, and despite the displeasure and doubts of these high-level people, he pushed the group of people to the window, opened the window, looked at the sky in the distance, and turned his head in shock to a group of people and muttered to himself: “Gentlemen, I think we are in trouble!!!” ”

“What… The president said doubtfully.


But the words were not finished, and the terrible shaking made New York feel as if it had been subjected to a terrible earthquake.

(The jet lag is really uncomfortable, the headache is not OK, adjust it as soon as possible… Thank you very much for the tip of the “Chaos Demon King” and “**” big guy, thank you very much, adjust as soon as possible and then stabilize in a time update. )

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