“It’s a demon who wants to destroy his father…” Luo sneered dismissively.

“In hell, there are only the strong and the weak, without your so-called ridiculous affection, love, as long as you can become the new lord of hell, even my father, you have to die…”

The witch demon did not care about the laughter, but instead laughed wildly, and his father had always been the strongest being in hell.

His goal is also the position of the Demon King, so Mephisto, who sits on the top, he must be destroyed.

Whoever dares to stand in the way will die.

Obviously, this time was the best time, he did not expect that the earth actually had a stronger person than the demon king Mephisto, the witch heart demon was arrogant and knew the terrible and powerful of his father, and Rao was such an unknown being that even the strongest person in hell did not dare to appear when he really came.

Moreover, there are so many terrible powerful men under that being.

Those strong people wearing golden armor, Rao did not dare to approach easily, he felt that in the face of those teenagers, he would really die.

Even the younger teenager in front of him exuded an air of terror that made him afraid.

However, even if he couldn’t beat him, he could escape, and it was precisely because of this that he dared to risk his appearance.

As long as the cooperation is completed, once his father is destroyed, his plan can be unfolded, and then the contract will be reversed, and he can become the new generation of demon kings in hell.

Thinking of this, the witch heart demon trembled with excitement.

Only suddenly, the Wu Xin Demon noticed that the face of the teenager on the other side suddenly changed, and even the power erupted like a volcanic eruption, and he immediately became confused.

“My lovely son, are you so trying to kill me?”

A familiar and muffled voice sounded behind him.


This familiar voice made the witch heart cold, and he turned his head like a robot and slowly looked behind him, his eyes widened, and the familiar body turned out to be his father Mephisto.


Dressed in a red cloak and covered with hellish flames, the body of the red demon showed a terrible momentum, and the monstrous breath filled the whole of New York, and a demonic hand slammed through the fog around it, clamping down on the neck of the witch heart demon and lifting it up.

“Do you really think that guy can kill me?” You also underestimate your father, no one can kill me, no one can stop me from conquering this planet, and !!! ”

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

A low hoarse laughter spread throughout the sky, and the terrible hellish flames extinguished all the houses in the vicinity, and the furious momentum rolled back into the sky, setting off a terrifying vision, and even the sky that was covered by black pressure and enveloping dark clouds collapsed.

The whole of New York seemed to be in a state of extinction.

The heavens began to crack, a crack that cut through the sky for tens of millions of meters appeared, the sky collapsed, and the endless flames of hell fell like a sea of fire.

Lightning flashed and thundered, the sky collapsed, and countless houses collapsed.

The fierce wind set off a fierce weather wave, countless vehicles debris, flowers and trees were thrown away.

Shocked by this scene, a sense of horror arose in everyone’s hearts, filled with despair as they watched this apocalyptic scene.

New York, it’s going to be ruined.

“Lord Demon King…”

“Lord Demon King, Lord Demon has come, and everything must be submitted to his feet.”

Tens of thousands of undead and demons lowered their heads and surrendered to their king, excited and screaming.

The other Saint Fighters who were still fighting looked up in horror at the same time, and their faces became extremely ugly.


Under this terrifying pressure, Luo constantly burned his own small universe and constantly resisted, and Tony fell directly on one knee on the roof of the church that had not yet collapsed, his face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were spilling blood.

“Sir, the temperature in the vicinity is continuing, the energy is soaring at an incalculable degree, your physical condition is not good, the density of the air is constantly increasing, forming a gravitational type, and according to the calculation, in thirty seconds, your body will be crushed.”

“Jarvis, I know without counting…”

“Yes, he is indeed powerful, but he is incredibly stupid, just a projection distraction can deceive his attention, how can that stupid guy think that those dimensional cracks are just a cover, my real purpose is here, the dimensional cracks continue to expand, will completely open the door to hell, here will also become a new hell, the hell will be…” Mephisto’s vicious face with a terrible smile laughed recklessly at the man who made him jealous.

Proud, incomparably proud.

The demon king is not only powerful, but also has wisdom that transcends everything.

This planet was about to be his, which made him not excited.

“Don’t be delusional, Your Highness will not allow you this evil guy to exist in the world… Luo gritted his teeth, his eyes burning with terrible war intent, the small universe continued to erupt, and the dots of stars shone into a soaring sky.


The terrifying little universe was constantly burning, and the emerald green and majestic dragon was constantly soaring around him, and from time to time it emitted earth-shaking dragon groans.

This terrible power even made the demon king Mephisto look different.

“Such a powerful force, this level of power, that you are actually burning your own life?” You are crazy? ”

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The terrifying momentum repelled the nearby air alive, and Tony Stark on the side was thrown away without any ability to resist, Luo forehead green tendons burst out, gritting his teeth and roaring: “Even if you die, you absolutely can’t let you destroy the world, it’s not enough, it’s not enough, it’s not enough, keep burning, my little universe… ”

Gravel, broken pieces of wood, and smoke and dust slowly floated in mid-air under the tug of this terrifying momentum.

The soaring dragon roared incessantly.

The momentum is getting more and more explosive.

Snap ~~~

Just when the teenager was about to use his life to make this move, an inexplicable and vast small universe suddenly appeared out of thin air, and actually suppressed Luo’s move alive, and the emerald green dragon that showed its majesty and domineering spirit immediately disappeared.

Majestic, cold as if the supreme god whispered across the sky: “Is this your means?” Mephisto? ”

Your Highness ~~~

“Is that you??”

(The fourth more, originally wanted to update in the daytime, turned out to have been sleeping during the day, hey hey… )

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