“Here is from the live report, you can see that the whole of New York has been completely in ruins, the terrible winter has made New York and even the nearby areas have been frozen, and it is precisely because of this that the ground troops cannot enter the frozen New York, except for the group of teenagers who are not afraid of life and death, as well as our Tony Stark, Night Devil and other local superheroes to resist the invasion of demons for three days, obviously the superheroes have been tired, but they have not given up.”

“Also, it’s puzzling why Karen, the world’s strongest ruler of the Holy Land, disappeared…

In the distance of the helicopter, a blonde beauty host wearing a down jacket began to report on the spot, while a fat white man in a down jacket also carried a camera to look down on New York.

Tony, known as a superhero, is also bitter.

Stark Industries is headquartered in New York, and the battle is straightforward, with his bodyguard Happie injured to protect both Pepper and Ethan, plus a loss of tens of billions of dollars, and there’s no doubt that he has hated these damn bastards.

To this end, he also stepped up the upgrade of Mark’s armor on the first day.

A large number of weapon systems were replaced by light energy shock pulses that were restrained against the Dark System, and even the Ark reactor was stepped up to create several, but Rao was so, after so many days of fighting, both Mark and himself had almost reached the limit.

And he and other inexplicable superheroes deal with relatively weak demons and undead.


A figure fell from the sky, a teenager with blue hair dressed in a silver holy coat, his beautiful face hung with the same tiredness as the others, looked at the media helicopter in the distant sky that was not afraid of death, shook his head, and then looked at Tony’s superheroes and asked: “Do you still hold on?” ”

The Night Devil shook his head, “It’s okay, but thanks to Joyson’s freezing of the Gates of Hell to give him time to rest.” ”

“It can’t go on like this, the gates of hell must be closed, or sooner or later New York will fall.” Night’s teammate, tall black-haired Jessica. Jones sat paralyzed next to everyone helplessly, with her strength and physical strength that surpassed ordinary people by tens of times and hundreds of times, she could not hold on, her muscles were sore, and her arms could not even use her strength.

In the fight, tiredness can exhaust her.

“You guys are really strong enough to fight for three days and you’re not injured.” Another strong man, Luke Cage, was bare-chested, his upper body was scarred, and exhaled a long cold breath of admiration.

Luke was truly convinced of these teenagers, the slightly stronger demons that rushed out of the gates of hell were extremely difficult for him and a group of friends, and the seemingly countless gentle teenagers in front of him could easily be killed with one punch.

Simply amazing.

No, no.

If it weren’t for this group of teenagers resisting the main force of those demons, New York would have fallen long ago.

What impressed him most was that he was obviously just a teenager, but he did not care about life and death to protect the safety of the earth, especially the sense of mission engraved in his bones, which made Luke ashamed of himself.

“The gates of hell can’t even be blown up by nuclear weapons, is there anything you can do?”

Tony said helplessly.

The magnetic field and its disorder near the Gate of Hell cannot be scanned by the instrument, but scientists from all over the world have also come to a general conclusion through analysis, giving the most reasonable answer, the Gate of Hell should be the use of some force to forcibly tear open a crack, connecting two dimensions, forming a channel, and also tried to use the launch of nuclear weapons to try to blow up the Gate of Hell.

Unfortunately, after the nuclear weapons were launched into the gates of hell, they directly seemed to be in contact, and even the flames did not come out.

This caused the nations to completely extinguish other ideas, and they could only hope that the Holy Land could do it.

The only hope was that Karen had suddenly disappeared three days earlier.

Because of this, Tony’s group of superheroes persevered.

“To destroy the gates of hell, you must be accurate enough to destroy them at the same time, otherwise, the rift will be restored automatically, and there is only one chance to explode this power.” Lyra Ofi shook his head.

“Lord Zhuolu, they guard the thirteen gates of hell and have the power to destroy them with one blow, but we don’t have such power in this hell gate in New York, so…

“That’s the way it is!!!”

Tony and a few people knew instantly.

No wonder that when the gates of hell were opened, the guards with the Golden Saints did not choose to destroy them directly.

Tony then complained, “Did Karen go on vacation?” It’s gone too long. ”

“Your Highness must have his reasons…”

Before Orphe’s voice could speak, a magnetic and majestic voice came from the ears of the crowd: “It seems that I am not too late.” ”

At the same time, the golds guarding the gates of hell around the world looked up violently, and everyone became excited: “Your Highness has appeared?” ”

Some of the generals who cooperated with the operation were shocked and did not know why they were so excited.

The people of New York were shocked, and turned their heads to look at it at the same time, and their pupils shrank and their looks became shocked.

Here comes Karen, who mysteriously disappeared for three days.

It was just that the situation did not look too second, the original gorgeous and noble Phoenix Divine Cloak was shattered in some places, constantly burning golden flames to repair, the corners of the mouth overflowed with blood, the body also flowed with blood, and the breath was weak.

It was as if it had experienced a fierce fight.

“Your Highness… Orphie knelt on the ground and looked at Karen worriedly.

Karen waved his hand, although his body was scarred, but the jewel-like eyes were so bright, after scanning the four directions, he said, “The forgiveness of the goddess of dawn, what about Joyson?” ”

(The jet lag is back, the update is going to be stabilized, after five changes today, tomorrow will start to slowly make up for the chapters owed before… )

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