“Hello, dear Strongman, I am Ronan of the Klee Empire, and I have come this time to apologize for Lothar’s offense against you.”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ronan resolutely agreed.

Anyway, this is not the first time, decades ago he did not admit it.

Can the accuser be called an acknowledgement?

That’s called knowing the times.

“You’re smart, you’re smarter than that guy… Godanwe looked at Ronan with a really clever expression and waved.

At this moment, the shining holy and radiant points of light thousands of meters away from the fleet also turned into beautiful meteors and disappeared into the dark void.


Yu Guang glanced at the data scanned by the holographic projection big data panel, especially when he saw the speed data, Ronan inhaled a cool breath again.

o o(╥_╥)Fortunately there was no provocation.

Those young boys had such a terrible speed, if the flesh was stronger, I was afraid that like the woman at the beginning, he could smash his battleship to pieces.

“Forget it, I won’t bother to kill you if you admit it.”

Godanwe looked bored.

The other party’s attitude of confessing to Chen, at least he didn’t bother to start, he was very sure, this blue-skinned guy who looked like I had a very cowhide face was a sincere confession.

“Well, don’t look for something to know in the future.”

“Got it, by the way, I would like to ask, you just said that with Karen’s will, who is this?” Seeing that Godanwe seemed to be about to leave, Ronan was slightly relieved, and the other party’s kind attitude made him a little emboldened and asked.

Godan Wei suddenly turned his head sharply, and his cold eyes emitted a terrible breath of death.

The low, oppressive breath soaked Ronan’s back in cold sweat.


The heart also began to beat wildly, and Ronan realized that he seemed to have a lot of mouth.

“Karen. York, the God who rules over the Holy Land, is supreme and noble, and cannot look at it directly, cannot call him by name. ”

It’s like the sound of winter passing by.

The terrible wailing and the black boundless breath of the Yellow Spring’s netherworld spread like tentacles throughout the cockpit, and everything became so dark.

Only that pair of cold eyes went straight to his mind.

It made Ronan feel cold in his heart, and he quickly nodded his head and looked at Chen Chen.

My heart was getting more and more shocked.

A strong person of this level must be called a god, so what kind of being is the god who rules the Sacred Realm?

That planet must not be gone.

There is a suspected existence of God, and whoever provokes it will die.

The dark and boundless Yellow Spring’s nether aura slowly dissipated, and by this time Godanwei’s figure had disappeared into the cab of the Dark Star.

Only two words floated in the ears of the crowd.

“Come on~~”


With the disappearance of Godanwei, the rest of the deputies seemed to be able to control their bodies, but the panic made the blood flow a little uncirculated, and they all fell to their knees.

It’s just that the expression is already a little relaxed.

Ronan didn’t blame him, because he was also fiercely relieved, this heavy mercury-like pressure, even if he was tyrannical and crazy, he did not have the slightest heart to resist.

Even the overlord who claimed to be Thanos did not make him feel this emotion.

Because, everything about him was seen through, and in front of the teenager, there was no secret, which was the most terrible.

Thinking of Thanos, Ronan narrowed his eyes and secretly roared madly: “I don’t want to have such a humble emotion, Cosmic Spirit Ball ~~Hum ~~”


“Yes, Lord Ronan.”


The engine exploded, and the originally menacing fleet returned to the same way.

At this moment, a burst of blue-white beam of light tore through the void, stopping at the location where Ronan’s fleet had just been, the red-blue uniform, the golden hair, and it was Carol who had come to join in the fun.

Carol looked at the vanished Ronan fleet in amazement and muttered, “Just go?” ”

Suddenly, as if sensing something, one turned around and slammed his fist into the back.

The terrifying power exploded into the void, but it was momentarily struck by a hand with a metal fist.


With a terrible air wave exploding, the rolling ripples of the air wave raged in all directions.

And Carol frowned, which was enough to explode a meteorite fist of hundreds of thousands of meters, which actually stopped her, making her feel a tingle.

Raising his head and looking at the owner of this fist, his pupils shrank suddenly.

It was Godanwi.

But there was no doubt that Carol did not know, sensing that the other party was not malicious, and exclaimed: “Cool armor, you are also very strong.” ”

The clear eyes and Godanway’s cute and beautiful face made Carol, the big sister, very fond of her.

“Are you a ground./ball man?”

“You too?” Godanwei looked curiously at the heroic woman in front of him, and he actually felt a hint of danger in this woman.

And there is some huge source of energy in the body.

If they all burst out, I am afraid that they can easily destroy a planet.

“Oh, yes…

“Then you’re a little far off the ground./ball.”

“There were some interesting stories that made me unable to go back for a while.” Carol smiled and explained, but then nodded, “I now know why Ronan hurried back.” ”

“You should be able to kill Ronan easily, right?” He is… ”

“I know that his heart is tyrannical, and I have seen countless dead souls in him.” Interrupting Carol’s words, Godanway frowned.

“Then you.”

Carol was puzzled.

“I’ve seen some interesting things in his future and he can’t die yet.”

(Thank you very much for the tip of the big guy of “Night ~ ~ ~ Dream is not cold”, “c1966” big guys, but also thank you very much for the flowers and monthly passes, immediately on the shelves to explode and walk up… )

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