Carol shook her head, “Originally I wasn’t interested in that thing, but I had to stop someone from getting it.” ”

“What exactly that thing is, the three empires and the marauder bosses are all fighting for it, it must not be simple.”

“I advise you not to get involved in it, this stuff involves too much and you may die in your strength.”

“Look at it.” Shrugging, the rocket couldn’t be denied.

“They don’t know what they’re fighting for, the real game involves two cosmic overlords.”

“Cosmic Overlord?”

During the conversation, a low voice suddenly came from everyone’s ears: “I swear by the will of the supreme accuser that if I do not leave, all will die.” ”

“Less scare, Ronan, I am bound to get the Cosmic Spirit Ball.”

Then a hoarse voice came again.

“Zefan, you’re looking for death…”

“Haha, Ronan, Zefan might as well fight with you, whoever wins is entitled to take away the Cosmic Spirit Ball.”

“Aust, you’re looking for death.”

“Anyway, the Cosmic Spirit Ball I want the Shea Empire, and I won’t be able to fight.”

“I’m a predator who wants a piece of the pie.”

The three empires began to shout wildly, and the Marauder Organization boss Vaughn interjected from time to time.

But no one dared to actually go to war

Even if crazy as Ronan is jealous, after all, the Skrus Zefan and the general of the Shea Empire are all high-ranking people in their own empire, and with the hatred between the three empires, once the war begins, there will be a full-scale war between the three empires.

Both Ronan and the other two dared to give orders.

But it backfired.


Whether intentionally or unintentionally, a battleship in the south of Luo Nan fired a brilliant star destroyer cannon at Skrull’s fleet.


Seeing the huge beam of light, Ronan roared angrily.

Accompanied by a terrible roar.


The dazzling blue beam tore through the air, and even exploded a large warship of the Skrull Empire, and the brilliant explosion of fire bloomed like fireworks in the dark void.

And it’s not over.

“Ronan, you look for death, fire!!” Ze Fan looked at the flames of the explosion of the large frigate in front of him on the left, his teeth were cracking, and almost the Star Destroyer Cannon hit his mothership.

Even if there is an energy barrier on the mothership, it will be blown through if you are not careful.

In anger, Zefan no longer hesitated, his personality was fiery, and the hatred between the two empires themselves made him order to fire.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

For a moment, countless battleships shone with dense beams of light, roaring and bombarding Ronan’s fleet.

In just a short time, Ronan’s hundreds of warships were destroyed by powerful artillery fire.

“Fire.” The Dark Star that was hit by the blast shook violently, Ronan calmed his face, at this time he had no time to think about who had just fired the Star Destroyer Cannon, since the war had begun, then let’s come.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

To everyone’s surprise, the war between the two great empires had begun, the terrible beams of light were densely intertwined and bombarded, and countless warships were destroyed under terrible fire and turned into a ball of fire.

Even the bounty hunter spaceships near the two empires were affected by countless casualties.

“What’s going on here? Is this actually a war? Ronan is a lunatic. ”

“Run, this war, if you are not careful, you will be affected, do not want to die and run.”

“Evacuate and withdraw. . . . .

With a roar, the ship’s engines of countless bounty hunters began to flee the battlefield.

“Huh? What’s going on here? ”

The Ausker in blue armor on the Sia Empire mothership blinked and looked puzzled.

He hasn’t provoked anything to start a war?

Is Ronan so brave?

“General, what do we do now?”

Australasia smiled horribly and sinisterly: “What to do?” Just look at it, all the opportunities are extinguished, and not a single living mouth is left. ”

“Yes, General.”

The war that stirs up the universe begins.

The galaxy near Morage turned into a battlefield, and the war between the two empires was enough to move all the powers.

Everything nearby was destroyed.

As long as people close to the battlefield, ships, or planets are all ruthlessly destroyed.

Gunfire, fighting and roaring became the subject on this day.

The two sides added up to nearly 20,000 warships, including two interstellar class motherships, and the terrible firepower and the fierceness of the war even shocked the Sia Empire and the Marauder Boss.

Everyone thought that the fight would be fierce, but they didn’t expect it to be so fierce.

I didn’t even care at all that there was the Shea Empire and the Marauders on the sidelines, a posture of either you dying or I dying.

A barren planet not far away.

The Milan spaceship, Starlord Quil, Rocket, and Treeman piloted the spaceship to constantly dodge the dense artillery fire that sprinkled in the sky.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Not far away, a bounty hunter’s ship turned into a ball of fire and crashed into the ground and exploded.

Quill looked ugly and scolded, “Fark, these damn guys, they are planning not to leave a living mouth.” ”

In the sky, all kinds of dense spaceships roared by, and all the time there were spaceships crashing, like a rainstorm.

“The people of Hia, and the people of the Marauders, are planning to clear the scene.”

Carol, who was sitting in the cab, observed a little and could not help but admire the indifference of these two forces.

Even if it was more than halfway through, there were still nearly tens of thousands of bounty hunters who did not leave.

This is all intended to be extinguished, and this fierceness is also worthy of being the leader of the two major forces.


A spaceship crashed in front of the eyes of everyone on the Milan, a bang, countless fires splashed, fortunately, Quail’s skills are good, can accurately dodge the dense artillery fire and the spacecraft that crashes from time to time.

“When exactly did those people you were talking about arrive?” I see they like to be late!! ”

Quill yelled at the co-pilot’s Carol.

“No, here they are!!”

Carol red./ Lips outline a perfect curve.



In the boundless and vast starry sky, terrible images suddenly erupted, and a terrible monstrous momentum swept through all galaxies in an instant, and all those who were fighting or watching the drama felt a terrible pressure on their hearts.

Many couldn’t resist falling to their knees.

The vast golden pillars of light connected countless galaxies and stars, and the sacred, vast, and noble breath moved everyone.

Even the Skrulls and Krees, who were overwhelmed by the fury, woke up.

Sluggishly looking at the vast golden pillar of light that stood in the universe.

(Please subscribe to the monthly flower pass, thank you for the tip of the big guys, transition a wave, and return to the ground immediately./ball plot.) )

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