With this monster in place, who can compete for this gem?

Ronan laughed bitterly.

The same is true of the leaders of the other two empires.

Vaughn, the boss of the Marauder Organization, shook his head even more, “Everything ends here, I didn’t expect such a group of monsters to appear, and I don’t know who cultivated them.” ”

“It’s just that I’m really not willing.”

Vaughn sighed, how could he not see the terrible power lurking in the jewel in the young man’s hand.

If he could get this gem, it would definitely greatly enhance his strength.

And it is obviously not so simple to make those terrible monsters fight for them.

At this time, Charlotte’s eyes coldly glanced at the dense spaceship battleship, and his good-looking brow frowned, and he said coldly: “Since you don’t roll, you will die.” ”


The terrible momentum suddenly exploded in his body, and the vast rolling and rolling momentum swept through the entire galaxy, only to see Charlotte’s beautiful left hand pointed forward, shaking it fiercely.

Click, click, click

Along with the gushing small universe, endless snowflakes are falling densely, and the terrible cold ice is constantly frozen in all directions around him.

Even the void was frozen.

Meteorites, planets, ships, battleships, everything is frozen in this cold frost and snowflake.

The freeze that wiped everything out instantly froze thousands of ships and warships.

Like a doomsday disaster, it makes people despair.

“Damn… Quick withdrawal. ”

“Hurry up, quickly withdraw, if you don’t go any further, you will die at the hands of those monsters.”

This sudden disaster woke everyone up, seeing that the terrible snowflakes and ice cracks representing death and extinction were spreading and approaching, whether it was Ronan, Zefan or Oak, or other bounty hunters of the three empires.

Hurriedly operate the spaceship to leave this cold area of death.

Under the trend of death, everyone’s desire to survive has reached its peak.


Finally, I don’t know how long it lasted, but only half of the tens of thousands of battleships survived when they frantically fled the galaxy of Morag.

That is to say, in a short period of time, tens of thousands of warships were completely left in the Mogra galaxy.

Outside the Mogra galaxy, Ronan in the Dark Star was pale, his forehead sweating cold to make sure that the terrible death freeze was not spreading, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“Lord Ronan, Dark Star One, Number Three, and Engine Seven were destroyed by frost gas, and three Star Destroyer guns were destroyed.”

“Three-tenths of the overall system is no longer functioning.”

“In addition, the Zilana fleet has been completely killed, with losses of two thousand ships.”

“Damn… Those monsters!! ”

Hearing the report, Ronan couldn’t help but feel sad, and the Dark Star was good enough to say that Zila’s fleet was the strongest under his command, and it was really unjust enough to die in the battle with the smashing gang of Scrooes, and it turned out that he died at the hands of those monsters.

“Oh, Lord Ronan, the Skrull Empire and the Shea Empire don’t seem to have lost much.”

“That’s right, haha, deserved ~~”

Hearing this, Ronan was much more balanced in his heart, and his unhappy mood was much better.

However, then he frowned and said with some trepidation, “It’s really terrible enough, go back immediately, and immediately start investigating about the Twelve Temples, you must know what these people are really from.” ”

As for the war with the Skrulls, what was that, and Skrull was nothing in his eyes now.

“Investigate immediately, we in the Sia Empire can’t suffer this loss.”

“Go. Remove! ”

The other two great empires were not thinking about anything else, they all had only one idea.

The origin of such a monster must be found.

Now that such a terrible force has appeared in the galaxy, if you don’t find out, one day you will be inexplicably offended.

Obviously, compared with other imperial forces, this mysterious force is the greatest threat.

Without hesitation, the three imperial fleets opened the wormhole jump and left directly.

And the other bounty hunters who escaped by chance were also sweating profusely and almost collapsed.

“Damn, damn… It’s terrible, just one shot, it covers the frozen gas of the entire galaxy, what is the difference between it and the gods? ”

“The most important thing is that it seems to be just a person shooting.”

“Yeah, go, absolutely can’t get involved in anything about the Twelve Temples.”

“I think this time it is going to cause a new storm, the three great empires have lost here, even the warships of the Marauder Organization have been destroyed in half, and this strong style will definitely arouse vigilance.”

“Anyway, this time I’m going to take a year off, it’s so terrible, I’m going back to have nightmares.”

“Lao Tzu will not do the task of this galaxy in the future, and what if Lao Tzu can’t even give birth to offspring?”

Sou! Sou! Sou!

Ships fled in a panicked hustle of discussion.

Apparently, the Morage galaxy has become a new forbidden place among the population.

The Gamora galaxy is covered in a terrible frost frost, as if it has fallen into a terrible ice age.

But the strange thing is that many living planets are not covered by frozen gas.

Apparently on purpose.

“Haha, Charlotte, you’ve actually broken through to the middle of the seventh sense, great.” Benson laughed and was pleasantly surprised.

The red mole of Zhuo Lu’s eyebrows moved, and a gentle smile appeared on his handsome face: “Yes, you have not disobeyed Your Highness’s orders, and you have experienced an ascetic cultivation in the past six months.” ”

But only one person was depressed.

That is Godanwei, scanning a group of friends, suddenly found that Nyima has broken through to the middle of the seventh sense, especially Zoru and Warren of Libra are even more unable to see through, I am afraid that they will step into the later stage.

The original half a month broke through the plan to show off in front of a group of friends.

Now, those who were weaker than themselves have caught up.

This also shows off a ball.


In the depression, I suddenly saw a bird-like spaceship flying over, felt the familiar breath in it, and suddenly my eyes lit up and said to my friends: “By the way, I will introduce you to a very interesting little sister.” ”

“Little sister?”

The other golds knew who Godanway was talking about with a little bit of a wave, and their eyes flashed a ripple and smiled lightly.

(Thank you very much for the tip of the big guy of “zg” and “KDA are my wife”, love you guys Mo Da, today’s goal is ten more, and the daily basic five is more done.) )

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