Charlotte stretched out the ice box of the Frozen Power Gem in her hand.

Actually handing Quill and the Rocket?

This fascinates one man and one raccoon.

“This is for me?” Quill pointed to himself uncertainly.

Zhuo Lu said with a hint of an unpredictable smile, “That’s right, for you.” ”

Carol frowned at the side, not squeaking.

Quill tentatively stretched out her hand, but Charlotte suddenly withdrew her hand and said coldly, “Since you have taken it, you must have the consciousness of death at any time.” ”

“Sure enough, say, what exactly do you want to do, just say you won’t explain that much to me.”

Quill rolled his eyes like this.

“Don’t want to do anything, but the news that you have the power gem we will walk the universe, you will be hunted down by endless forces, even peers, do you have that realization?”



In other galaxies, a bird-like spaceship is flying.

On the Milano, Quayle and Rocket Groot looked at the ice box on the table in the rest cabin, silent.

“Dead, huh?”

“It’s going to die.”

“I regret it, shall Quill return it?”

“Do you dare to pay it back?”

“Oh… Then let’s die, I’m going to get a good night’s sleep, and when I wake up, I’m afraid that all the people of the universe will hunt us down. ”





In the manor house on Antonia, Karen, who has not been seen for a long time, sits in a chair in a delicate casual suit and slouchs in the sun.

“Young master, our assets are increasing every year, and the chairman of Stark Group is planning to sell us three percent of the original shares.”

“As for the Middle East, the west, the southern company development is also very good, military aspect, we have customized an aircraft carrier, eighteen destroyers in the eastern powers, and intend to form an aircraft carrier formation.”

“We are cooperating with several countries such as the United States, the Eastern Powers, and the original transaction of transporting land, trees, etc. to build the Twelve Temples of the Galactic Galaxy, has stopped, and now it is turned to…

The old butler, John, who had not only not appeared old but had become younger and younger in the years after his death, respectfully stood behind Karen and reported.

“You’ve worked hard, done great, John!”

“That’s what it should be, young master!”

Hearing the praise of his young master, old John was suddenly full of energy and humble, he had dedicated himself to the York family for decades, and now the York family was growing stronger, and even the young master was standing on the planet like a god at this time.

Even he was getting younger, his hair was much darker, and he felt the youthful and exuberant vitality in his old and decaying body, and John’s mood became more and more excited.

“Well, don’t worry too much about your old age, you should have a good rest, but don’t be so tired that you have to let me use your divine power.”

“Haha, young master, rest assured, I am already cultivating new people, and it is very good to have a child.”

“That’s fine.”

As we talked, Karen was shining in the warm sunlight, her eyes closed, almost drowsy.

Suddenly, Zhuo Lu’s voice came from his ear: “Your Highness, everything is done.” ”

“It’s a crazy plan, go as you think.”

Karen smiled softly.

“It’s Your Highness.”

The sound then faded.

Thinking about the plan that Zhuo Lu had reported to him, Karen couldn’t help but laugh, these boys were really bold enough.

Shaking his head, suddenly the huge perception saw something like that, and he couldn’t help but smile softly.

“It looks like the innings that were laid out at the beginning have worked.”


Ever since the Sacred Realm suddenly disappeared, everything had lost its message.

The young girls in the magnificent holy garments could not be seen.

But it also caused more people to yearn for the Holy Land, whether it was to obtain the noble and beautiful Holy Cloak or to have the power of God.

As a result, many fanatical people continue to dig up news about the Holy Land.

Even those who have faith have about gods.

The legend of Athena, the legend of the Sacred Realm, there are more people who wish to find everything in the true myth than the mythological stories that have been praised.

This group of people firmly believes that there must be a God in this world.

There must also be a mythical heritage, at least Karen. Is there still a precedent for York?

As a result, large numbers of people embarked on the search for myths.

The king of the Pirates of the Caribbean, the sun god Apollo, oriental mythology, etc., historical documents, ancient monuments, gold coins, etc. The value of the crazy soaring,

So many people have been deceived about this.

But the so-called myth was not found at all.

Many people have lost confidence and feel that the so-called myth is only the case of Athena, but on this day, someone saw a magical scene in a mountain range in Europe.

In one night.

When a tourist drives a car past a mountain range, he suddenly finds that there is a dazzling golden glow in that mountain range.

With the ripples of gold, the trance visitor seems to have seen a huge and mysterious giant snake swimming in the golden light.

Even accompanied by inexplicable whispers.

To this end, tourists filmed it with their mobile phones and posted it online, and in just one day, the world network was almost completely detonated by this one-minute video.

“Pyrenees Discover Strange Scenes, Suspected to Come from Mythology”

“Myth Reappears, Giant Serpent Detonates the World”

“Suspected Lineage of a Somebody Found in the Pyrenees”

The major media have also reported it, and people around the world have begun to get excited.

“God, it must be the inheritance of God’s arrival, haha, the ticket has been bought, I am one step ahead.”

“I’m so close, I’m certainly not as fast as me.”

“Shet, Lao Tzu is in the other hemisphere.”

“Is the Divine Inheritance that good?” Really, only qualified inheritors can get it. ”

“Lao Tzu is the proud son of heaven, with an IQ of five hundred, and must be the true inheritor.”

“Five hundred, you damn Bichi how come I don’t go to heaven, where there are five hundred IQs, I am only four hundred.”

“You roll, too, a bunch of idiots.”

(Thank you very much for the tip of “zg” and “KDA are my wife”, love you guys, today’s goal is ten more, the seventh is more, please a wave of support thank you.) )

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