It’s just that when Karen said this, she was really surprised.

Although the strength of the group of teenagers was not intuitive, it could be seen from that battle, and it was not inferior to some of the old strongmen.

It can be seen from the fact that Thanos was suppressed from beginning to end.

Although a large part of it is because of the divine holy garment.

But strength is strength.

And it is really shocking that someone can leave in front of this group of powerful teenagers.

At least Koichi didn’t think he could do it, even with the Eye of Agomoto.

“Ancient First Mage, do you know about death?”

Gu Yi took a hand on the teacup, and the originally gentle face changed suddenly, looking at the man in front of him in shock.

Facing Gu Yi’s expression, Karen nodded, an expression that you guessed correctly.


“Mr. Karen, do you know what you’re talking about?” The corners of Gu Yi’s mouth twitched unnaturally.

“Of course, according to the gold under his command, he sensed a hint of breath, pure, vast, definitely not possessed by ordinary dark demons, and not my boasting, the Heavenly Father level that can save Thanos in their hands so far cannot exist, even if it is at the high-level level.”

“If it’s really her, you might be in trouble, and she may have noticed you.”

“But supposedly, although she will pay attention, she will not easily shoot at you, so you have enough time.”

“Maybe… Karen was not disappointed.

Because this is indeed the case, his strength can now be called a god, but for death, he is indeed far from enough, but when it comes to fear of that point, it is not enough.

“Anyway, since she made a move, for the time being, Thanos, you’d better stop moving.”

“I know.”


A little time has passed, and the news of Thanos’s death has been terrifying in the universe.

Who is Thanos?

The overlord who dominates billions of lives, brutal and cunning, vicious, it can be said that in the universe, almost no one dares to really face him.

He brought only death, despair and fear.

However, this kind of existence actually fell into the sky.

It’s just unbelievable.

When the supporting evidence learned some details, it caused a shock to everyone, and what the teenagers said was verified one by one, saying that the trial would be judged.

I also learned about the twelve golden temples in the Milky Way.

The major forces also probably knew that the group of young girls who were mysteriously suspected to be descendants of a certain god should be from the galaxy.

The establishment of the Twelve Golden Temples is estimated to be guarding the galaxy.

What the teenagers are doing is telling everyone something.

They only kill the forces or people themselves who have provoked Him, the living tyrannical forces.

The latter does not say, that is to say, as long as it is not good to provoke the other party, it is basically fine.

A galaxy, an unknown spaceship.

The Aries Scorpio Leon siblings and Sagittarius Gomez, who have not appeared for a long time, and four other Silver Jean Ye and others.

“According to recent news, the cosmic overlord Thanos was recently surrounded by all the twelve temples near Qaida Star in the galaxy,”

“Thanos has been confirmed to have fallen, and the Dark Order and tens of millions of Thanos soldiers have been wiped out.”

“According to the analysis, the fall of Thanos, the entrenched forces will lead to a scramble, and it is known that there are more than a dozen forces that are ready to move, and a huge scramble is about to begin.”

“Based on some analysis from the details, the Golden Saints of the Twelve Golden Temples first snatched something called the Power Gem and handed it to several bounty hunters to lead to the arrival of Thanos, and finally the Twelve Golden Temples attacked Thanos.”

“According to the report ahead, no fluctuations were detected on the battlefield, and it is reported that one of the Golden Saints fought with Thanos to destroy a planet, and when he finally tried to escape, all the gold shot him to kill.”

Jiao, the beautiful girl Li Yingna did not know when to dye her black hair burgundy.

The curls of her forehead were soft as velvet against her fair forehead, and the burgundy hair that spread out on either side hung long down to her waist, curved with beautiful wavy lines, and a blue band tied around her head.

A white cap on the top of his head is more lively.

The black and white casual clothes set her off as mysterious as purity, except that the holy girl sat bored on the sofa, and the slender jade legs were resting on the table in front.

Looking at the brother in the cab, and the younger brothers and sisters practicing meditation in the lounge, bored can’t do it.

But hear the information reported in the interstellar radio.

The girl rolled her eyes in disgust: “These idiots, and the earth’s media have a virtue, and they report everything without finding anything.” ”

If it hadn’t been for the news from Zoro before, she really thought that Thanos had been killed.

Sagittarius Gomez was half lying on the couch, listening to the girl’s complaint and smiling softly: “Don’t blame them, after all, that thing is really outrageous.” ”

“Sigh, I really didn’t expect that snatching people away in front of Zhuo Lu was really a big mess, go back and taunt them.”

As if thinking of the picture, the girl smiled happily.

Li Ang, who was sitting in the cab in front of him, first began to taunt: “You are still mocking people, look at the stupid things you have done, what kind of hair it looks like, and what kind of black hair you use to dye it.” ”

“What a u-huh, that’s the purification of the U-hu, very beautiful and even able to smell the fragrance makes people can’t help but fall into fantasy, think brother you kind of old antique can’t understand.” 」

The girl’s face turned red and she roared.

At the end, the girl who was still exposed on the side made Ye shout, “Let Ye say yes or no, how beautiful the red hair is.” ”


Let Ye San laugh, after all, the two big guys quarreled so she didn’t interject.

“People make Ye redhead natural, what about you?”

“Brother, you hurry up and give me death, old antique, hum ~~”

“You brothers and sisters still like to quarrel, from the beginning to the end, it is really happy to be a wrongdoer.” Gomez laughed.


The girl skimmed her lips disdainfully.

“However, the news from Zoru is indeed eye-catching, and after that time, we also hid our identities to collect cosmic secret information, but we never heard of it.” Gomez smiled and pondered for a moment.

(Please subscribe to the brothers, the seventh is more, and the ten changes that Mader said have not been able to get up… It’s a little uncomfortable, take your time. )

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