Woof! Woof!

Looking at the two women on the glass counter, the golden retriever barked excitedly.

“Oh, Cosmo was abandoned, and I saw it as funny to collect.”

Suddenly, a slightly old voice came.

Li Ang and the others were not surprised, and when they turned their heads, they saw a white-haired man wearing a large jacket and sunglasses walking over, and behind him was a pink female alien servant standing respectfully to the side.

“Welcome to the Collection Museum!!”

“Cosmic collector?” Li Ang stepped forward, although he was asking but his tone was affirmative, pausing for a moment to continue with a little deep meaning: “It is really not a loss to be a person who has lived for countless years.” ”

“Haha, welcome to you, mighty human warrior!”

The collector laughed.

“Humans? It looks like you know who we are! ”

“Of course, you are now the center of the cosmic storm, and even the Thanos guy was almost killed!”


The pink-skinned maid with low eyebrows and smooth ears on the side looked moved, slightly glanced up at these guys wearing black trench coats and hoods, and her heart was full of shock and curiosity, and a message crossed her mind.

It turned out to be them.

However, it seems to be very thin, why can it kill the cosmic overlord Thanos?

Wait, almost?

“Looks like you know a lot.” Leon and Gomez glanced at each other.

Even the news that Thanos was not dead was known, and the collector was indeed mysterious.

The key is that his own ability has no effect on the guy in front of him, and his strength is obviously not weak.

“Of course, I have lived for billions of years, but I have never seen the infinite potential of power, and the people behind you are really admired and admired.” Li Ang and others marveled at the mystery of collectors, but collectors were not shocked by the potential of these people in front of them.

His own race was incomparably weak, but it was able to cultivate to such strength in a short period of time.

Especially this system, he could feel that the endless potential was too terrible.

“Thank you, we came here hoping to buy some metal.”

“What do you want to buy?”

“The hardest metal in the universe, a metal that can repair itself and even evolve.”

“The hardest metal in the Orricarcos universe, the sword made, the body of the knife is harder than any metal in the world, the blade is sharper than any blade, produced from the Scorpion Galaxy, Gamanian is produced from the Muma Galaxy and the hardness density will increase itself after self-repair and even destruction.”

The collector nodded, and without even thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said two kinds of metals.

“Good value for money”

“These two metals are too rare, I did have them here before, but some time ago they were traded away by a buyer with something else worth collecting.”

Leon and Gomez glanced at each other, and Leon said, “Who?” ”

“Ayesha, High Priest of Sovereign.”

“Sovereign? Is that arrogant race? ”

“Yes, it is said that she wants to use these metals as if she wants to build something, and if you really want it, you can only look for her, but Soveline is arrogant, especially Ayesha, who thinks that Soveline is above all living things and has no good reputation in the universe.”

“We know, thanks for informing!!”

Without any more hesitation, Li Ang and the others turned to leave, and Li Yingna, as if remembering something, stopped and said to the collector: “Can we buy this space dog?” ”

Woof! Woof!

The golden retriever seemed to understand the general, and the little tail shook excitedly like an electric fan.

“Cosmo? Yes, as long as you can give me something worth collecting in exchange. ”

The collector did not refuse.

For these little guys with unlimited potential, as long as they don’t violate his trading rules, he doesn’t mind making friends.

Li Yingna was slightly brooding.

The jade hand stretched forward, and with the fluctuations of space, a black skull with an unknown creature with a diameter of four or five meters smashed into the ground, as if it was too heavy, causing the ground to sink a little.

The black skull emitted a thick ferocity, although it was only a skull, but the terrible power was enough to remind people of how powerful the owner of this skull really was.

“This is a creature I met before, but it took a little bit of my strength to kill it.”

“Wow, this is Mossari, a starry beast from the Mossari galaxy, who eats the dark matter energy of the universe for a living, and the adult Mossari even feeds on some planets, this should only be a puppy, you are lucky, you have been slaughtered by many races, and there are not many creatures left.”

The collector’s eyes lit up.

“The deal is made, Cosmo, you can take it away.”

The young girl didn’t care about any starry sky beast, anyway, it had no value at all for her, and it would be destroyed at will, even if it was an adult.

Anyway, she had no resistance to the cute furry creatures at all.

“Let’s go, haha, it’s so itchy.” Opening the display case and holding the golden retriever, the excited golden retriever kept licking/licking the girl’s delicate face, making the girl giggle.

Looking at the departure of this group of young girls, the collector changed the joy of harvesting, his face became unpredictable, and he murmured in a low voice: “Change the future, the one behind you is not simple.” ”

The pink-skinned maid on the side lowered her head in shock and shock.

After coming to the planet supply station and replenishing some necessary things, he steered the spaceship out of this void.

“Let’s go, let’s see what arrogance that so-called Sovereign really is.”

“Your Highness’s task must be completed conscientiously, and after completing the task, we can go back.”

“To be honest, I still miss Antonia a little bit of a sanctuary.”

“Yes, these foods are not used to eating at all, and I still miss Uncle Sam and Lin’s cooking.”

“Hua./Summer Food Race High!!”



Soveline Star.

The entire planetary kingdom is like a golden world, rendered in gold, in the most sacred high priest temple of Soveline Star.

A man covered in golden skin walked into the temple and knelt on one knee on the ground and reported respectfully to Ayesha, the High Priest of Sovereign, on the throne: “High Priest, its construction can begin at any time.” ”

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the “Jingjin” big guys, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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