“Get up, it looks like you’re getting good.”

Karen smiled.

At the same time, the golden retriever in Li Yingna’s arms did not know why it began to squirm, and the man who looked at this very warm smile in his two eyes seemed to see something terrible.

“Huh? Cosmo are you so much? ”

Finding the space dog in her arms began to tremble, Li Yingna was a little strange.

“Interesting~~~” Taking a deep look at the trembling golden retriever, Karen didn’t say much.

After thinking for a moment, he then said to Li Ang, “Your mission has been completed greatly, the Aries Palace built in the Milky Way, the Scorpion Palace and the Archer Palace, you should know the location, the position of the Zodiac is somewhat distance, so I set up a teleportation array.” ”

“When you’re okay, you can sit back and cultivate, and by the way, teach your younger siblings.”

Basically no tasks, very relaxed.

Li Ang nodded respectfully.

With a wave of their hands, several people turned away, raised their heads slightly, and looked slightly in the direction of Mexico without paying attention.


A suburb of a town in Mexico.

In the interrogation room of the newly established camp, Coulson looked helplessly at the strong and rude man in front of him: “Sir, I can’t help you if you don’t tell the truth.” ”

“I said, I’m Odin’s son, Thor.”

“Yes yes yes, you have been stripped of your divine powers by angering Odin, the king of the gods.”

“You know you don’t let go of me?”

“According to the test, you are indeed not lying, but there is no substantial evidence of what you say, and you say that your father is the king of the gods, Thor, right?”

“That’s right.”

“Well… Do you know Athena? ”

“Who is Athena?” Thor sat in the interrogation chair with a confused face.


With a casual snort, Coulson placed the tablet in his hand in front of the man who called himself Thor.

Above the screen, a group of people wearing gorgeous and beautiful armor are displayed fighting against the enemy.

Every punch and every kick contained the power to destroy the world, that speed, that kind of power, all made Thor’s blood boil, and the majestic battle spirit continued to rise.

“Such powerful warriors, they are really strong, I didn’t expect Midgard to have such a strong person, but why are you so weak?”

The excited Thor even stood up unconsciously, inadvertently suffering contempt that made Coulson’s eyes narrow.

Reaching out to stop the two agents behind him who were ready to strike, he said, “Thor, are you sure you don’t know them?” ”

“Who are they? The power they displayed was peculiar, somewhat similar to divine power, but quite different. ”

“These people believe in a god in mythology, she is called the god of war and wisdom, Athena, and their strength also comes from this, in mythology, Odin is the king of the gods, is the father of Athena, you as the son of Odin do not know?” 」

Coulson questioned.


Thor was dumbfounded, how come he hadn’t heard that his father and king had a daughter? Could it be the illegitimate daughter of the Father?

But the problem is that if it is really the daughter of the father and the king, but the power should be of the same root, but this is not at all good to see a little relationship, always feel that the source of the other party’s strength is a little higher than the divine power??

It should be an illusion.

Coulson frowned and stared dead at Thor.

As a high-ranking agent, he not only mastered the means of interrogation, but was extremely proficient in psychology and micro-expression analysis, but he did not see that he was lying at all from this man.

Unless his psychology and micro-expression analysis are far superior to his.

But the problem is that according to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s network data, the identity of the other party has not been found at all.

Think of a hammer that can’t be pulled out outside the camp.

Most likely, the man was indeed alien and was not lying.

But he didn’t know Athena at all, which made Coulson wonder.

Is it not true that two gods are not a myth at all?

It doesn’t matter at all?

“Sir, there are three people out there clamoring to bail him out, it’s an astrophysicist.” An agent came in and whispered to Coulson.


Thor a delight.

Coulson thought for a moment, nodded at Thor, and said, “You can leave~~”

After saying that, he turned and left.

Thor left the camp under the bail of Jane’s men, and in the camp, looking at the back of the Saul and his men leaving, Coulson said, “Keep a close eye on these people, I want to know their every move.” ”


At this point, Coulson continued, “Barton, what have you observed?” ”

Behind him, Hawkeye Patton shook his head: “There is nothing unusual, and there are no suspects approaching nearby.” ”

“How? Is he special? ”

“Maybe, maybe we can uncover that mysterious corner of the myth.” Coulson smiled mysteriously.

After the bail, it was already dark, and Jane drove several people to town in a car.

“Didn’t you say you could pull up that hammer?” What about Thor? Jane kept rolling her eyes at the co-pilot’s Saul.

This guy had said before that he was Thor, that he could pull out the hammer that no one could pull.

She believed it.

Even helped him get into the camp that didn’t know what department had set up, and that was it?

10% off water bottles?

She is still needed to be released on bail.

“Haha, I don’t know why, the Father deprived me of my divine power… Dry laughing, to the back of the mood is a little low.

“Forget it… So what are you going to do? Or get a job. ”

Jane looked at the man’s frustrated look and didn’t know why she was a little distressed, and quickly changed the subject.

The old man in the back seat of the car and the female assistant looked at each other, and always felt a sour smell.


The car was driving, and suddenly, not directly to why the ground suddenly shook, and a brilliant light of heaven and earth shone on the wasteland not far from the highway.

The streams of light almost shone on the dark night sky.

“That’s it, Rainbow Bridge?”

When Thor saw this light, he was surprised and confused.

But when he saw the huge figure in the pillar of light, his face suddenly changed.

“Damn, Destroyer?”

(Dinner and friends drank a little wine in the evening, a little dizzy, five more today, tomorrow in the continuation, sorry sorry sorry.) )

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