Somewhere in London, a remote gloomy forest protrudes through the dense branches of trees, and under the many thorns and roses you can see an ancient manor house that is very old, and the gray walls are crawling with vines, and the dense and almost enveloping the windows is almost completely enclosed, revealing a bit of eerie atmosphere.

The castle at night, as if everything had been revived from silence.

Gorgeous candlesticks, swaying candle fires, warm fireplaces, silver glittering cutlery.

The dark clouds of the gloomy night were oppressive, the torrential rain was pouring, and from time to time there was a dull roar, which showed the terrible darkness and gloom of the manor.

Inside the manor castle, a group of handsome men and women dressed in exquisite and noble costumes seem to be partying.

However, a blonde girl in the same costume sat in front of the window in the hall, holding a wine glass that seemed out of place with the atmosphere of the scene.

She was only seventeen years old, and her beautiful face, which was originally young and lively, was full of darkness, and her beautiful eyes looked at the rainstorm raining outside the window and was sluggish, as if she was thinking and fearing.

At this moment, a handsome man with black hair and a hint of gloom sat down opposite the girl with a wine glass.

Glancing lightly at the girl’s wine glass, she took a sip of wine gracefully, and said with a smile on her lips: “Why don’t you enjoy this party?” ”

“If you can spare me, maybe I’ll enjoy it.”

The girl looked with a little fear at the few people with cold looks not far away.

“No, no, no, today is your greatest day, and you will make the greatest contribution to the resurrection of the great Lord Marcus, and you will be honored for it.”

“You evil bastards will be punished sooner or later.”

The man’s face was fanatical: “No one can punish the great blood race, especially when the ancestor Marcus is reborn, we will become the greatest race on the planet, and human domination will become slaves and blood food.” ”

“You’re just a bunch of arrogant monsters.”

The girl knew that her end was a foregone conclusion, but she was not afraid, sarcastically.

The man didn’t think anything of it, and suddenly a woman dressed in a delicate dress came over and whispered something into his ear.

After saying that, the man’s eyes lit up.


The crowd turned their heads to look, and the door was suddenly opened, and with a fierce wind came, several men dressed in black leather with a terrible temper walked in, led by a cold, beautiful black-haired woman.

The beautiful and cold woman was full of indifference, but there was a hint of anxiety in her eyes.

Several people seemed to have some injuries on their bodies, which made the man a little confused, and he quickly stood up and said to the woman who came over, “Selena, don’t you lead the Deathwalker to guard Victor Manor?” How. ”

Before he could finish speaking, Selena said anxiously, “Klein, the Deathwalkers on the periphery are all dead, hurry up and let everyone prepare, the enemy is very strong.” ”


All those who were concerned were frightened by this shocking news.

Klein was even more suspicious that something was wrong with his ears, when would anyone dare to invade Victor Manor?

You must know that although they have nothing to do with the outside world, they have controlled several consortiums in the Eagle Country, and even sent tens of thousands of human soldiers to guard this grand plan, not to mention gathering all the more powerful Death Walkers.

“What’s going on?”

Selena said in a quick tone: “Originally ten kilometers away we were patrolling with the group of human soldiers, the strange smell of Clecia flying aircraft when patrolling, the enemy was riding on a fighter plane that could be invisible, the two sides exchanged fire, the other side was very strong, and the death walkers on the periphery were basically dead.” ”

“They fired electromagnetic pulses, the helicopter tanks brought by the group of human soldiers all failed, the guns did nothing to each other, the guy was too fast.”

“It’s too late to say, let’s sum.”


But before she could finish speaking, a terrible jolt resounded throughout the Victor Manor, accompanied by a terrible scream.


“There is an enemy invading.”

“It’s too fast.”

Even if the torrential rain can cover up a huge part of the sound, they can still hear the terrible movement clearly if their hearing is far beyond that of humans.

“Damn, Snavey them? Everyone was on alert at once, the plan could never be interrupted, and the plan began. ”

Klein’s face changed suddenly, and he roared angrily.

Hearing Klein’s roar, everyone immediately began to move and change into the exquisite dress, while the girl who had been slightly surprised was grabbed by a man and came to the center of the hall.

Only to see that with the murmur that seemed to come from ancient times, the floor of the hall was engraved with a huge mysterious and evil pattern.

The whole manor did not know when, a blood-colored fog rose inexplicably out of thin air.

And the girl who lost control of her body must not be able to move to stand in the center of the pattern, as the bloody blood-colored fog continued to converge, and finally, in front of her, a huge blood coffin wrapped in countless chains and nailed to the cross slowly rose.

The rest of the people in the distance, including Klein, looked frantic and agitated.

Only Selena, with a cold face, looked at the innocent girl with a hint of complexity.

The screams outside continued.

The beautiful girl looked uneasy, shrouded in a terrible blood-colored fog, and suddenly, she was horrified to find that her blood seemed to be sputtering out of her pores uncontrollably, and the blood from the splash was absorbed by the huge blood coffin.

As this blood was absorbed, the chains wrapped around the blood coffin and the crucifixion seemed to begin to corrode.

A terrible and oppressive breath continued to spread from the blood coffin.

The girl’s face also became more and more pale.

When the girl was desperate, when Klein and the others were in that frenzy of surprise, an earth-shattering roar accompanied by a huge roar exploded in everyone’s ears.


The gate was suddenly blasted by a terrifying force, and the debris poured out of the sky like bullets, and countless people were penetrated by the debris, and with a scream, blood was splashed.

A figure accompanied by the explosion of the air wave at a terrible speed came to the center of the hall.

Black hair, childish and delicate face, burning with thick and terrible wisps of killing.

Eyes fixed on the pale and desperate girl.

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the “Bookworm” big guy, thank you very much Mo Da, thank you very much )

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